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1 PACKAGE BODY fnd_timezones_pvt as
2 /* $Header: AFTZPVTB.pls 120.1 2005/07/02 04:20:13 appldev ship $ */
4 -- this package body should only be installed in a 9i db.  It will not compile
5 -- or run in any db prior to 9i.
6   function adjust_datetime(date_time date
7                           ,from_tz varchar2
8                           ,to_tz varchar2) return date is
9     return_date date;
10     add_hour number := 0;
11     t_date date;
12   begin
13     t_date := date_time;
14     if date_time is not null
15      and from_tz is not null
16      and to_tz is not null then
17       <<try_again>>
18       begin
19         return_date :=  to_timestamp_tz(to_char(t_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ' ' || from_tz,
20                                         'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR') at time zone to_tz;
21         -- exceptions handler to handle case where 'from' timezone datetime
22         -- does not exist.  This will try to add one hour to the from time
23         -- until 3 hours are reached or it no longer raises the error.
24         -- also catches bug 2276107
25         exception when others then
26           if sqlcode in (-1878,-1891) then
27            add_hour := add_hour +1;
28            if add_hour > 3 then
29              raise;
30            else
31              t_date := t_date + add_hour/24;
32              goto try_again;
33            end if;
34          else
35            raise;
36          end if;
37       end;
38     else
39       return_date := date_time;
40     end if;
41     return return_date;
42   end adjust_datetime;
44 end fnd_timezones_pvt;