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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

          SELECT 'Y'
          INTO   X_change_status
          WHERE (poh.po_header_id = X_po_header_id)
          AND   ( (poh.agent_id <> X_agent_id)
                  (poh.agent_id is NULL AND
                   X_agent_id is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.agent_id is NOT NULL AND
                     X_agent_id is  NULL)
                 OR (poh.vendor_site_id <> X_vendor_site_id)
                 OR (poh.vendor_site_id is NULL AND
                     X_vendor_site_id is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.vendor_site_id is NOT NULL AND
                     X_vendor_site_id is NULL)
                 OR (poh.vendor_contact_id <> X_vendor_contact_id )
                 OR (poh.vendor_contact_id is NULL AND
                     X_vendor_contact_id is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.vendor_contact_id is NOT NULL AND
                     X_vendor_contact_id is NULL)
                 OR (poh.confirming_order_flag <> X_confirming_order_flag)
                 OR (poh.confirming_order_flag is NULL AND
                     X_confirming_order_flag is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.confirming_order_flag is NOT NULL AND
                     X_confirming_order_flag is NULL)
                 OR (poh.ship_to_location_id <> X_ship_to_location_id)
                 OR (poh.ship_to_location_id is NULL AND
                     X_ship_to_location_id is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.ship_to_location_id is NOT NULL AND
                     X_ship_to_location_id is NULL)
                 OR (poh.bill_to_location_id <> X_bill_to_location_id)
                 OR (poh.bill_to_location_id is NULL AND
                     X_bill_to_location_id is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.bill_to_location_id is NOT NULL AND
                     X_bill_to_location_id is NULL)
                 OR (poh.terms_id <> X_terms_id )
                 OR (poh.terms_id is NULL AND
                     X_terms_id is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.terms_id is NOT NULL AND
                     X_terms_id is NULL)
                 OR ( poh.ship_via_lookup_code <> X_ship_via_lookup_code)
                 OR ( poh.ship_via_lookup_code is NOT NULL AND
                      X_ship_via_lookup_code is NULL)
                 OR ( poh.ship_via_lookup_code is NULL AND
                      X_ship_via_lookup_code is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.fob_lookup_code <> X_fob_lookup_code )
                 OR (poh.fob_lookup_code is NULL AND
                     X_fob_lookup_code is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.fob_lookup_code is NOT NULL AND
                     X_fob_lookup_code is NULL)
                 OR (poh.freight_terms_lookup_code <> X_freight_terms_lookup_code )
                 OR (poh.freight_terms_lookup_code is NULL AND
                     X_freight_terms_lookup_code is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.freight_terms_lookup_code is NOT NULL AND
                     X_freight_terms_lookup_code is  NULL)
                 OR (poh.note_to_vendor <> X_note_to_vendor )
                 OR (poh.note_to_vendor is NULL AND
                     X_note_to_vendor is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.note_to_vendor is NOT NULL AND
                     X_note_to_vendor is NULL)
                 OR (poh.acceptance_required_flag <> X_acceptance_required_flag)
                 OR (poh.acceptance_required_flag is NULL AND
                     X_acceptance_required_flag is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.acceptance_required_flag is NOT NULL AND
                     X_acceptance_required_flag is NULL)
                 OR (poh.acceptance_due_date <> X_acceptance_due_date )
                 OR (poh.acceptance_due_date is NULL AND
                     X_acceptance_due_date is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.acceptance_due_date is NOT NULL AND
                     X_acceptance_due_date is NULL)
                 OR (poh.blanket_total_amount <> X_blanket_total_amount)
                 OR (poh.blanket_total_amount is NULL AND
                     X_blanket_total_amount is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.blanket_total_amount is NOT NULL AND
                     X_blanket_total_amount is NULL)
                 OR (poh.start_date <> X_start_date)
                 OR (poh.start_date is NULL AND
                     X_start_date is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.start_date is NOT NULL AND
                     X_start_date is NULL)
                 OR (poh.end_date  <> X_end_date  )
                 OR (poh.end_date is NULL AND
                     X_end_date is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.end_date is NOT NULL AND
                     X_end_date is NULL)
                 OR (poh.amount_limit <> X_amount_limit)
                 OR (poh.amount_limit is NULL AND
                     X_amount_limit is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.amount_limit is NOT NULL AND
                     X_amount_limit is NULL)

                 OR (poh.conterms_articles_upd_date <> p_kterms_art_upd_date)
                 OR (poh.conterms_articles_upd_date is NULL AND
                     p_kterms_art_upd_date is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.conterms_articles_upd_date is NOT NULL AND
                     p_kterms_art_upd_date is NULL)

                 OR (poh.conterms_deliv_upd_date <> p_kterms_deliv_upd_date)
                 OR (poh.conterms_deliv_upd_date is NULL AND
                     p_kterms_deliv_upd_date is NOT NULL)
                 OR (poh.conterms_deliv_upd_date is NOT NULL AND
                     p_kterms_deliv_upd_date is NULL)


                 OR (POH.shipping_control <> p_shipping_control)
                 OR (POH.shipping_control IS NULL AND
                     p_shipping_control IS NOT NULL)
                 OR ( POH.shipping_control IS NOT NULL AND
                     p_shipping_control IS NULL)
Line: 182

  PROCEDURE NAME:	update_children()

PROCEDURE update_children() IS

x_progress VARCHAR2(3) := NULL;
Line: 195

      po_message_s.sql_error('update_children', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 198

END update_children;   */
Line: 272

            SELECT 'release exist prior to the effective date'
            FROM   po_releases
            WHERE  release_date < X_start_date
            AND    po_header_id = X_po_header_id;
Line: 322

            SELECT 'release exist after the expiration  date'
            FROM   po_releases
            WHERE  TRUNC(release_date) > X_end_date
            AND    po_header_id = X_po_header_id;
Line: 364

  PROCEDURE NAME : update_req_link()


 PROCEDURE   update_req_link(X_po_header_id IN number) is

             X_progress  varchar2(3) := '';
Line: 375

         /*  Update po_requisition_lines to remove the link to
 	     the shipment if you are deleting a standard or planned PO */

	 -- : added update of reqs_in_pool_flag and of
	 -- WHO columns.

          UPDATE po_requisition_lines_all
   	  SET    line_location_id       = NULL
               , reqs_in_pool_flag      = 'Y'
	       , last_update_date       = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by        = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
               , last_update_login      = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
  	  WHERE  line_location_id in (SELECT line_location_id
                                      FROM   po_line_locations
                                      WHERE  po_header_id = X_po_header_id);
Line: 401

           po_message_s.sql_error('update_req_link', X_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 404

 END update_req_link;
Line: 420

         SELECT POH.currency_code,
	 WHERE  POH.po_header_id = X_po_header_id;
Line: 538

           select polc.displayed_field
           into   X_document_status
           from   po_lookup_codes polc
           where  polc.lookup_type = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
           and    polc.lookup_code = X_lookup_code ;
Line: 548

	  select polc.displayed_field
	  into   X_document_status
	  from   po_lookup_codes polc
	  where  lookup_type = 'RFQ/QUOTE STATUS'
	  and    lookup_code = X_lookup_code;
Line: 600

        SELECT 'Y'
        INTO   l_invalid
        FROM   po_headers_all POH,
               po_lines_all   POL
        WHERE  POL.contract_id = p_po_header_id
        AND    POL.po_header_id = POH.po_header_id
        AND    TRUNC(POL.creation_date) NOT BETWEEN
                    NVL(TRUNC(p_start_date), POL.creation_date - 1)
               AND  NVL(TRUNC(p_end_date), POL.creation_date + 1)
        AND    POH.approved_date IS NOT NULL
        AND    NVL(POH.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
        AND    NVL(POH.cancel_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';