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Line 159: from gme_batch_steps gbs, gme_batch_step_items gbsi, gmd_operations go

155: bl.dtl_um item_uom,
156: bl.actual_qty actual_quantity,
158: (select batchstep_no || '-' || go.oprn_no
159: from gme_batch_steps gbs, gme_batch_step_items gbsi, gmd_operations go
160: where gbs.batch_id = bh.batch_id
161: and gbsi.batchstep_id = gbs.batchstep_id
162: and gbsi.material_detail_id = bl.material_detail_id
163: and go.oprn_id = gbs.oprn_id) batch_line

Line 215: from gme_batch_steps gbs, gme_batch_step_items gbsi, gmd_operations go

211: bl.actual_qty actual_quantity ,
212: hzc.hazard_class hazard_class,
213: mtln.lot_number,
214: (select batchstep_no || '-' || go.oprn_no
215: from gme_batch_steps gbs, gme_batch_step_items gbsi, gmd_operations go
216: where gbs.batch_id = bh.batch_id
217: and gbsi.batchstep_id = gbs.batchstep_id
218: and gbsi.material_detail_id = bl.material_detail_id
219: and go.oprn_id = gbs.oprn_id) batch_line

Line 281: from gme_batch_steps gbs, gme_batch_step_items gbsi, gmd_operations go

277: bl.actual_qty actual_quantity ,
278: hzc.hazard_class hazard_class,
279: gppl.lot_number,
280: (select batchstep_no || '-' || go.oprn_no
281: from gme_batch_steps gbs, gme_batch_step_items gbsi, gmd_operations go
282: where gbs.batch_id = bh.batch_id
283: and gbsi.batchstep_id = gbs.batchstep_id
284: and gbsi.material_detail_id = bl.material_detail_id
285: and go.oprn_id = gbs.oprn_id) batch_line