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Line 29: ff_archive_items

25: dzshanno 06-AUG-1998 Fixed typo in arch_db_items_loop
26: nbristow 08-MAR-1999 Added remove_report_actions.
27: nbristow 17-SEP-1999 Added archive_aa.
28: mreid 01-OCT-1999 Added explicit column list to insert on
29: ff_archive_items
30: nbristow 09-NOV-1999 Changes to the ff_archive_item table made for
31: the new Archive Item API.
32: alogue 15-FEB-2000 Utf8 support : ff_database_items user_name and
33: ff_user_entities item_name lengthened to 240.

Line 36: ff_archive_items.archive_type as column doesn't

32: alogue 15-FEB-2000 Utf8 support : ff_database_items user_name and
33: ff_user_entities item_name lengthened to 240.
34: Use of varchar_240_tbl.
35: Remove insert of 'AAP' into
36: ff_archive_items.archive_type as column doesn't
37: exist in 11i.
38: nbristow 19-MAY-2000 Added the deinitialize section.
39: ssarma 03-AUG-2000 Added US specific code for EOY related issue.
40: It starts as -- if g_leg_code = US then ....

Line 639: p_user_entity_id in ff_archive_items.user_entity_id%TYPE,

635: --
636: -- Store the data to the archive tables
637: --
638: PROCEDURE arch_store (p_item_name in varchar2,
639: p_user_entity_id in ff_archive_items.user_entity_id%TYPE,
640: p_context1 in ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE,
641: p_value in ff_archive_items.value%TYPE
642: ) IS
643: begin

Line 640: p_context1 in ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE,

636: -- Store the data to the archive tables
637: --
638: PROCEDURE arch_store (p_item_name in varchar2,
639: p_user_entity_id in ff_archive_items.user_entity_id%TYPE,
640: p_context1 in ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE,
641: p_value in ff_archive_items.value%TYPE
642: ) IS
643: begin
644: hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',121);

Line 641: p_value in ff_archive_items.value%TYPE

637: --
638: PROCEDURE arch_store (p_item_name in varchar2,
639: p_user_entity_id in ff_archive_items.user_entity_id%TYPE,
640: p_context1 in ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE,
641: p_value in ff_archive_items.value%TYPE
642: ) IS
643: begin
644: hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',121);
645: --

Line 646: INSERT INTO ff_archive_items

642: ) IS
643: begin
644: hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',121);
645: --
646: INSERT INTO ff_archive_items
649: ( ff_archive_items_s.nextval,p_user_entity_id,p_context1,p_value);
650: --

Line 649: ( ff_archive_items_s.nextval,p_user_entity_id,p_context1,p_value);

645: --
646: INSERT INTO ff_archive_items
649: ( ff_archive_items_s.nextval,p_user_entity_id,p_context1,p_value);
650: --
651: hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',122);
652: END arch_store;
653: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 669: result ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;

665: context_ptr number;
666: l_level number;
667: v_context_value ff_archive_item_contexts.context%TYPE;
668: v_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%TYPE;
669: result ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
670: begin
671: --
672: hr_utility.set_location ('archive_dbi',1);
673: --

Line 819: (ff_archive_items_s.currval,

815: --
816: insert into ff_archive_item_contexts
817: (archive_item_id,sequence_no,context,context_id)
819: (ff_archive_items_s.currval,
820: 1,v_context_value,v_context_id);
821: -- if were setting the jur code add to l_jur_set table
822: if l_contexts_dbi.name(i) = 'JURISDICTION_CODE' then
823: hr_utility.set_location ('archive_dbi',811);

Line 877: result ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;

873: context_ptr number;
874: l_level number;
875: v_context_value ff_archive_item_contexts.context%TYPE;
876: v_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%TYPE;
877: result ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
878: --
879: begin
880: --
881: hr_utility.set_location ('archive_ass',1);

Line 1014: (ff_archive_items_s.currval,1,

1010: --
1011: insert into ff_archive_item_contexts
1012: (archive_item_id,sequence_no,context,context_id)
1013: VALUES
1014: (ff_archive_items_s.currval,1,
1015: v_context_value,v_context_id);
1017: -- if were setting the jur code add to l_jur1_set table
1018: if l_contexts_dbi.name(i) = 'JURISDICTION_CODE' then

Line 1134: result ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;

1130: -- This is called from the C calling program for each employee
1131: -- within a loop
1132: --==================================================================
1133: PROCEDURE process_employee(p_assact_id in number) IS
1134: result ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
1135: aactid pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
1136: i INTEGER;
1137: pactid NUMBER;
1138: l_flag BOOLEAN;