128: pov.vendor_name supplier_name, pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id,
129: pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site, ppf.full_name requestor,
130: hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location,
131: hrl2.location_code location, pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
132: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti, po_headers_all pha,
133: -- MOAC : po_line_locations changed to po_line_locations_all
134: po_lines_all pol, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_line_locations_all pll,
135: po_vendors pov, hr_locations_all hrl1, hr_locations_all hrl2,
136: -- MOAC : po_vendor_sites changed to po_vendor_sites_all
160: pov.vendor_name supplier_name, pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id,
161: pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site, ppf.full_name requestor,
162: hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location,
163: hrl2.location_code location, pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
164: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti, po_headers_all pha,
165: -- MOAC : po_line_locations changed to po_line_locations_all
166: po_lines_all pol, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_line_locations_all pll,
167: po_vendors pov, hr_locations_all hrl1, hr_locations_all hrl2,
168: -- MOAC : po_vendor_sites changed to po_vendor_sites_all
218: , vendor_id, vendor_site_id
219: , deliver_to_person_id, deliver_to_location_id
220: , location_id
221: , rt.quantity
222: from rcv_transactions rt
223: where rt.lpn_id is not null
224: and rt.group_id = p_transaction_id
225: AND ((rt.transaction_type IN ('ACCEPT', 'REJECT')
226: AND p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 2)
241: , rt.deliver_to_person_id, rt.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
242: , rt.location_id location_id
243: , rt.quantity
244: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn,
245: rcv_transactions rt
246: where lpn.lpn_id = rt.lpn_id
247: and lpn.parent_lpn_id <> rt.lpn_id
248: and rt.group_id = p_transaction_id
249: and lpn.parent_lpn_id is not null -- parentLPN could be null for single-level LPN
265: , rt.vendor_id, rt.vendor_site_id
266: , rt.deliver_to_person_id, rt.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
267: , rt.location_id location_id
268: , rt.quantity
269: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, rcv_transactions rt
270: where lpn.lpn_id = rt.lpn_id
271: and lpn.outermost_lpn_id <> lpn.lpn_id
272: and lpn.outermost_lpn_id <> lpn.parent_lpn_id
273: and rt.group_id = p_transaction_id
289: , vendor_id, vendor_site_id
290: , deliver_to_person_id, deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
291: , location_id location_id
292: , rt.quantity
293: from rcv_transactions rt
294: where
295: nvl(transfer_lpn_id,-999) <> nvl(lpn_id,-999) AND
296: group_id = p_transaction_id
297: AND ((rt.transaction_type IN ('ACCEPT', 'REJECT')
312: , rt.vendor_id, rt.vendor_site_id
313: , rt.deliver_to_person_id, rt.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
314: , rt.location_id location_id
315: , rt.quantity
316: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, rcv_transactions rt
317: where lpn.lpn_id = rt.transfer_lpn_id
318: and rt.transfer_lpn_id <> rt.lpn_id
319: and lpn.parent_lpn_id <> lpn.lpn_id
320: and lpn.parent_lpn_id is not null -- parentLPN could be null for single-level LPN
337: , rt.vendor_id, rt.vendor_site_id
338: , rt.deliver_to_person_id, rt.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
339: , rt.location_id location_id
340: , rt.quantity
341: from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, rcv_transactions rt
342: where lpn.lpn_id = rt.transfer_lpn_id
343: and rt.transfer_lpn_id <> rt.lpn_id
344: and lpn.outermost_lpn_id <> lpn.lpn_id
345: and lpn.outermost_lpn_id <> lpn.parent_lpn_id