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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

     SELECT max(p2.cal_period_id)
       INTO l_max_period_id
       FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all p2,
       cn_srp_period_quotas_all cspq
       WHERE p2.interval_type_id = (select interval_type_id
                                    from cn_quotas_all
                                   where quota_id = p_quota_id)
       AND p2.interval_number = (select p1.interval_number
                                   from cn_cal_per_int_types_all p1
                                  where p1.cal_period_id = p_period_id
                                    and p1.org_id = g_org_id
                                    and p1.interval_type_id = (select interval_type_id
                                                                 from cn_quotas_all
                                                                where quota_id = p_quota_id))
       AND p2.org_id = g_org_id
       AND cspq.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
       AND cspq.quota_id = p_quota_id
       AND cspq.period_id = p2.cal_period_id;
Line: 59

  PROCEDURE update_srp_subledger
    ( p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
      p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
      p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
      p_validation_level      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,

      x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
      x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,

      p_srp_subledger         IN srp_subledger_rec_type
      ) IS

     l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_srp_subledger';
Line: 93

	    SELECT salesrep_id, start_date, end_date, period_id, end_period_id
	      FROM cn_process_batches_all
	      WHERE physical_batch_id = p_srp_subledger.physical_batch_id
		  ORDER BY process_batch_id;
Line: 103

           select 1
             from cn_process_batches_all
            where physical_batch_id = p_srp_subledger.physical_batch_id
              and trx_batch_id = physical_batch_id
              and rownum = 1;
Line: 110

           select sp.srp_period_id,
                  nvl(sum(cl.commission_amount),0) comm_earned_ptd
             from cn_srp_periods_all sp,
                  cn_srp_payee_assigns_all spa,
                  (select b.payee_id,
                          min(a.start_date) start_date,
                          max(a.end_date) end_date,
                          min(a.period_id) period_id,
                          max(a.end_period_id) end_period_id
                     from cn_process_batches_all a,
                          cn_srp_payee_assigns_all b
                    where a.logical_batch_id = (select logical_batch_id
                                                from cn_process_batches_all
                                               where physical_batch_id = p_srp_subledger.physical_batch_id
                                                 and rownum = 1)
                      and a.salesrep_id = b.salesrep_id
                      and a.org_id = b.org_id
                      and a.start_date <= nvl(b.end_date, a.end_date)
                      and a.end_date >= b.start_date
                      group by b.payee_id) pb,
                  cn_commission_lines_all cl
            where pb.payee_id = spa.payee_id
              and pb.start_date <= nvl(spa.end_date, pb.end_date)
              and pb.end_date >= spa.start_date
              and spa.org_id = g_org_id
              and sp.salesrep_id = spa.payee_id
              and sp.period_id between pb.period_id and pb.end_period_id
              and sp.quota_id = spa.quota_id
              and exists (select 1 from cn_quotas_all q
                           where q.quota_id = sp.quota_id
                             and q.incentive_type_code = l_calc_type)
              and cl.credited_salesrep_id(+) = spa.salesrep_id
              and cl.srp_payee_assign_id(+) = spa.srp_payee_assign_id
              and (cl.processed_period_id is null or cl.processed_period_id = sp.period_id)
              and (cl.quota_id is null or cl.quota_id = sp.quota_id)
              and cl.status(+) = 'CALC'
              and cl.pending_status(+) = 'N'
              and (cl.trx_type is null or cl.trx_type not in ('ADV', 'REC', 'CHG', 'FORECAST', 'BONUS'))
              and (cl.credit_type_id is null or cl.credit_type_id = sp.credit_type_id)
              and sp.role_id = g_payee_role
            group by sp.srp_period_id;
Line: 153

           select sp.salesrep_id, sp.credit_type_id, min(sp.period_id) period_id
             from cn_srp_periods_all sp,
                  cn_srp_payee_assigns_all spa,
                  cn_process_batches_all pb
            where pb.logical_batch_id = (select logical_batch_id
                                           from cn_process_batches_all
                                          where physical_batch_id = p_srp_subledger.physical_batch_id
                                            and rownum = 1)
              and pb.salesrep_id = spa.salesrep_id
              and spa.org_id = g_org_id
              and pb.start_date <= nvl(spa.end_date, pb.end_date)
              and pb.end_date >= spa.start_date
              and sp.salesrep_id = spa.payee_id
              and sp.period_id between pb.period_id and pb.end_period_id
              and sp.quota_id = spa.quota_id
              and exists (select 1 from cn_quotas_all q
                           where q.quota_id = sp.quota_id
                             and q.incentive_type_code = l_calc_type)
              and sp.role_id = g_payee_role
          group by sp.salesrep_id, sp.credit_type_id;
Line: 175

	   SELECT srp_period_id,
              Nvl(balance3_ctd,0) earnings_ptd,
              Nvl(balance2_dtd,0) earnings_due_ptd
	     FROM cn_srp_periods_all
	    WHERE salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
          AND org_id = g_org_id
	      AND period_id between p_start_period_id and p_end_period_id
	      AND start_date <= l_end_date
	      AND end_date >= l_start_date
              --clku , bug 2655685
              AND role_id <> G_PAYEE_ROLE
              AND quota_id <> -9999
	      ORDER BY period_id;
Line: 199

	    SELECT distinct role_id, credit_type_id
	      FROM cn_srp_periods_all
	      WHERE salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
          AND org_id = g_org_id
	      AND (((start_date <= l_start_date)
		    AND( end_date >= l_start_date))
		   OR ((start_date <= l_end_date)
		       AND (end_date >= l_end_date))
		   OR ((start_date >= l_start_date)
		       AND (end_date <= l_end_date)))
              --clku , bug 2655685
              AND quota_id <> -9999;
Line: 213

       SELECT SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', 0,
			 Decode(cl.trx_type, 'ADV', 0, 'REC', 0, 'CHG', 0,
				             'FORECAST', 0, 'BONUS', 0,
				Nvl(cl.commission_amount,0)))) comm_earned_ptd
	 FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
        WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
	  AND cl.pay_period_id = l_period_id
	  AND cl.role_id = l_role_id
	  AND cl.quota_id = l_quota_id
	  AND cl.status = 'CALC'
	  AND exists (select 1 from cn_quotas_all
		       where quota_id = cl.quota_id
		         and credit_type_id = l_credit_type_id)
	  AND cl.srp_payee_assign_id is NULL;-- only line added to the previously existing query for fixing bug#2495614
Line: 230

	    SELECT SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', 0,
			      cl.commission_amount))  bonus_earned_ptd
	      FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl,
	           cn_commission_headers_all ch,
	           cn_srp_plan_assigns_all cspa,
	           cn_role_plans_all crp,
	           cn_quotas_all cq
	      WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
          AND cl.org_id = g_org_id
	      AND ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
	      AND cl.pay_period_id = l_period_id
	      AND cl.quota_id = cq.quota_id
	      AND cq.credit_type_id = l_credit_type_id
	      AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = cspa.srp_plan_assign_id
	      AND cspa.role_plan_id = crp.role_plan_id
	      AND crp.role_id = l_role_id
	      AND cl.quota_id = l_quota_id
	      AND ch.trx_type = 'BONUS'
	      AND cl.status = 'CALC'
              -- only line added to the previously existing query for fixing bug#2495614
	      AND cl.srp_payee_assign_id is NULL;
Line: 270

     SAVEPOINT update_srp_subledger;
Line: 291

			    	'Beginning of update_srp_subledger ...');
Line: 298

     select org_id into g_org_id
       from cn_process_batches_all
      where physical_batch_id = p_srp_subledger.physical_batch_id
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 336

	   -- to handle the deleted PE
	   IF l_quota_id is not null THEN
	     select incentive_type_code
		   into l_int_type_code
		   from cn_quotas_all
		  where quota_id = l_quota_id;
Line: 348

		   -- call update API
		   if (l_delta_subledger.del_balance3_ctd <> 0 OR l_delta_subledger.del_balance2_dtd <> 0) then
		        (p_api_version          => 1.0,
		         x_return_status        => l_return_status,
		         x_msg_count            => l_msg_count,
		         x_msg_data             => l_msg_data,
		         p_del_srp_prd_rec      => l_delta_subledger,
		         x_loading_status       => l_loading_status
Line: 359

               cn_message_pkg.debug('Exception occurs in cn_srp_periods_pvt.update_delta_srp_periods:');
Line: 375

	  -- loop through all roles and credit types to be updated
	  for r in get_distinct_roles loop
	    if r.role_id <> G_PAYEE_ROLE then
	      cn_message_pkg.debug('Synchonizing balances for salesrep (salesrep_id='||l_salesrep_id ||
				   ' role_id=' || r.role_id || ' start_period_id=' || l_start_period_id||')');
Line: 402

      update cn_srp_periods_all
         set balance2_dtd = payee.comm_earned_ptd,
             balance3_ctd = payee.comm_earned_ptd
       where srp_period_id = payee.srp_period_id;
Line: 421

		    	'End of update_srp_subledger ...');
Line: 442

	ROLLBACK TO update_srp_subledger;
Line: 451

	ROLLBACK TO update_srp_subledger;
Line: 460

	ROLLBACK TO update_srp_subledger;
Line: 474

Line: 478

    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'EXCEPTION in update_srp_subledger: '||sqlerrm);
Line: 479

    cn_message_pkg.debug('Exception occurs in cn_calc_subledger_pvt.update_srp_subledger: ');
Line: 481

  END update_srp_subledger;
Line: 511

  PROCEDURE update_srp_pe_subledger
    ( p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
      p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
      p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
      p_validation_level      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,

      x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
      x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,

      p_srp_pe_subledger      IN srp_pe_subledger_rec_type,
      p_mode                  IN VARCHAR2 := 'A'
      ) IS

     l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_srp_pe_subledger';
Line: 532

	    SELECT SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', 0,
			      Decode(cl.trx_type, 'ADV', 0, 'REC', 0, 'CHG', 0, 'FORECAST', 0,
				     Nvl(cl.commission_amount,0)))) comm_earned_ptd,
	      SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', 0,
			 Decode(cl.trx_type, 'ADV', cl.commission_amount, 0))) adv_paid_ptd,
	      SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', 0,
			 Decode(cl.trx_type, 'REC', cl.commission_amount, 0))) adv_earned_ptd,
	      SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', 0,
			 Decode(cl.trx_type, 'CHG', cl.commission_amount, 0))) rec_amount_ptd,
  	      SUM(Decode(cl.pending_status, 'Y', cl.commission_amount, 0)) comm_pending_ptd,
            SUM(ch.transaction_amount) transaction_amount_ptd
  	      FROM cn_commission_lines cl, cn_commission_headers_all ch
	      cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	      --for payee enh. bug#2495614 above condition is replaced by the following code
	      --  (cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	      --  and
	      --  cl.srp_payee_assign_id IS NULL)
	      --  OR
	      --  (
	      --  	cl.srp_payee_assign_id IS NOT NULL
	      --  	AND EXISTS
	      --  	(
	      --  		Select 'X' from cn_srp_payee_assigns cspa
	      --  		where cspa.srp_payee_assign_id = cl.srp_payee_assign_id
	      --  		and cspa.payee_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	      --  	)
	      --  )
	      AND cl.processed_period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
	      AND cl.quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	      AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id
  	      AND cl.status = 'CALC'
          AND cl.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id;
Line: 569

	    SELECT f.calc_formula_id calc_formula_id,
               q.quota_type_code quota_type_code,
               q.package_name package_name,
	           f.trx_group_code trx_group_code,
	      FROM cn_calc_formulas_all f,
	           cn_quotas_all q
	      WHERE q.quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	      AND f.calc_formula_id(+) = q.calc_formula_id
          AND f.org_id(+) = q.org_id;
Line: 581

	    SELECT revenue_class_id
	      FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
	      WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	      AND period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
	      AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	      AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 589

	    SELECT spq.period_id period_id,
	      Nvl(spq.transaction_amount_ptd, 0) transaction_amount_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.commission_payed_ptd, 0) commission_payed_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.input_achieved_ptd,0) input_achieved_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.output_achieved_ptd,0) output_achieved_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.perf_achieved_ptd,0) perf_achieved_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.advance_recovered_ptd,0) advance_recovered_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.advance_to_rec_ptd,0) advance_to_rec_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.recovery_amount_ptd,0) recovery_amount_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.comm_pend_ptd,0) comm_pend_ptd,
	      Nvl(spq.transaction_amount_itd, 0) transaction_amount_itd,
	      Nvl(spq.commission_payed_itd,0) commission_payed_itd,
	      Nvl(spq.input_achieved_itd,0) input_achieved_itd,
	      Nvl(spq.output_achieved_itd,0) output_achieved_itd,
	      Nvl(spq.perf_achieved_itd,0) perf_achieved_itd,
	      Nvl(spq.advance_recovered_itd,0) advance_recovered_itd ,
	      Nvl(spq.advance_to_rec_itd,0) advance_to_rec_itd,
	      Nvl(spq.recovery_amount_itd,0) recovery_amount_itd,
	      FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all spq
	      WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	      AND period_id >=  p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
	      AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	      AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id
	      AND period_id <= l_max_period_id
	      ORDER BY spq.period_id ASC;
Line: 618

	    SELECT nvl(input_achieved_ptd, 0) input_achieved_ptd,
	      nvl(input_achieved_itd, 0) input_achieved_itd,
	      FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
	      WHERE srp_period_quota_id = p_srp_period_quota_id
	      ORDER BY input_sequence;
Line: 648

     SAVEPOINT	update_srp_pe_subledger;
Line: 670

			    	'Beginning of update_srp_pe_subledger (srp_plan_assign_id='
					 ||p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id|| ' and quota_id='||p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id);
Line: 675

     select org_id into g_org_id
       from cn_srp_plan_assigns_all
      where srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 702

	-- All Columns need to be updated
	UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	  SET input_achieved_ptd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.input_ptd(1) ,
	  input_achieved_itd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.input_itd(1) ,

	  output_achieved_ptd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.output_ptd ,
	  output_achieved_itd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.output_itd ,

	  perf_achieved_ptd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.perf_ptd ,
	  perf_achieved_itd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.perf_itd ,

	  transaction_amount_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.transaction_amount_ptd,0),
	  transaction_amount_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.transaction_amount_ptd, 0),
					Nvl(transaction_amount_itd,0) -  Nvl(transaction_amount_ptd ,0)
					+ Nvl(comm_bonus.transaction_amount_ptd, 0)),

	  commission_payed_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_earned_ptd,0),
	  commission_payed_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_earned_ptd, 0),
					Nvl(commission_payed_itd,0) -  Nvl(commission_payed_ptd ,0)
					+ Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_earned_ptd, 0)),

	  advance_recovered_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_earned_ptd,0),
	  advance_recovered_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_earned_ptd, 0),
					 Nvl(advance_recovered_itd,0) -  Nvl(advance_recovered_ptd,0)
					 + Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_earned_ptd, 0)),

	  advance_to_rec_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_paid_ptd,0),
	  advance_to_rec_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_paid_ptd, 0),
				      Nvl(advance_to_rec_itd,0) -  Nvl(advance_to_rec_ptd,0)
				      + Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_paid_ptd, 0)),

	  recovery_amount_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.rec_amount_ptd,0),
	  recovery_amount_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.rec_amount_ptd, 0),
				       Nvl(recovery_amount_itd,0) -  Nvl(recovery_amount_ptd,0)
				       + Nvl(comm_bonus.rec_amount_ptd, 0)),

	  comm_pend_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_pending_ptd, 0),
	  comm_pend_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_pending_ptd, 0),
				 Nvl(comm_pend_itd,0) -  Nvl(comm_pend_ptd,0)
				 + Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_pending_ptd, 0)),

	  rollover = Decode(period_id, l_max_period_id, p_srp_pe_subledger.rollover, NULL),
	  LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
	  LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
	  LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id

	  WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	  AND period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
	  AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	  AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id
	  returning srp_period_quota_id INTO l_srp_period_quota_id;
Line: 755

	   UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
	     SET input_achieved_ptd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.input_ptd(i) ,
	     input_achieved_itd  = p_srp_pe_subledger.input_itd(i) ,
	     last_update_date = Sysdate,
	     last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
	     last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
	     WHERE srp_period_quota_id = l_srp_period_quota_id
	     AND input_sequence = i;
Line: 767

	-- Update only commission related columns

	UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	  transaction_amount_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.transaction_amount_ptd,0),
	  transaction_amount_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.transaction_amount_ptd, 0),
					Nvl(transaction_amount_itd,0) -  Nvl(transaction_amount_ptd ,0)
					+ Nvl(comm_bonus.transaction_amount_ptd, 0)),

	  commission_payed_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_earned_ptd,0),
	  commission_payed_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_earned_ptd, 0),
					Nvl(commission_payed_itd,0) -  Nvl(commission_payed_ptd ,0)
					+ Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_earned_ptd, 0)),

	  advance_recovered_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_earned_ptd,0),
	  advance_recovered_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_earned_ptd, 0),
					 Nvl(advance_recovered_itd,0) -  Nvl(advance_recovered_ptd,0)
					 + Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_earned_ptd, 0)),

	  advance_to_rec_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_paid_ptd,0),
	  advance_to_rec_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_paid_ptd, 0),
				      Nvl(advance_to_rec_itd,0) -  Nvl(advance_to_rec_ptd,0)
				      + Nvl(comm_bonus.adv_paid_ptd, 0)),

	  recovery_amount_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.rec_amount_ptd,0),
	  recovery_amount_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.rec_amount_ptd, 0),
				       Nvl(recovery_amount_itd,0) -  Nvl(recovery_amount_ptd,0)
				       + Nvl(comm_bonus.rec_amount_ptd, 0)),

	  comm_pend_ptd = Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_pending_ptd, 0),
	  comm_pend_itd = Decode(period_id, l_start_period_id, Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_pending_ptd, 0),
				 Nvl(comm_pend_itd,0) -  Nvl(comm_pend_ptd,0)
				 + Nvl(comm_bonus.comm_pending_ptd, 0)),

	  LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
	  LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
	  LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id

	  WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	  AND period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
	  AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	  AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 829

           l_sql_stmt := ' Begin ' || quota_type.package_name ||'.update_revclass_perf ( :salesrep_id, :period_id, :quota_id, :srp_plan_assign_id ); End; ';
Line: 838

	           UPDATE cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all rc
		       SET period_to_date =
		             (SELECT nvl(sum(cl.perf_achieved), 0)
		              FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl,
		                   cn_quota_rules_all qr
		              WHERE cl.credited_Salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
		              AND cl.quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
		              AND cl.processed_period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
		              AND cl.status = 'CALC'
		              AND cl.trx_type NOT IN ( 'FORECAST', 'BONUS')
		              AND cl.quota_rule_id = qr.quota_rule_id
		              AND qr.revenue_class_id = class.revenue_class_id
		              AND qr.quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
		              AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id)
	           WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
		       AND period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
		       AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
		       AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id
		       AND revenue_class_id = class.revenue_class_id;
Line: 867

	             ||'_pkg.update_revclass_perf ( :salesrep_id, :period_id, :quota_id, '||
	             ':srp_plan_assign_id ); End; ';
Line: 877

	       UPDATE cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all rc
		   SET period_to_date =
		         (SELECT nvl(sum(cl.perf_achieved), 0)
		          FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl,
		               cn_quota_rules_all qr
		          WHERE cl.credited_Salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
		          AND cl.quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
		          AND cl.processed_period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
		          AND cl.status = 'CALC'
		          AND cl.trx_type NOT IN ( 'FORECAST', 'BONUS')
		          AND cl.quota_rule_id = qr.quota_rule_id
		          AND qr.revenue_class_id = class.revenue_class_id
		          AND qr.quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
		          AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id)
	       WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
		   AND period_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.accu_period_id
		   AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
		   AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id
		   AND revenue_class_id = class.revenue_class_id;
Line: 933

	   UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	     transaction_amount_itd = l_transaction_amount_itd,
	     commission_payed_itd = l_commission_payed_itd,
	     input_achieved_itd = l_input_achieved_itd,
	     output_achieved_itd = l_output_achieved_itd,
	     perf_achieved_itd = l_perf_achieved_itd,
	     advance_recovered_itd = l_advance_recovered_itd,
	     advance_to_rec_itd = l_advance_to_rec_itd,
	     recovery_amount_itd = l_recovery_amount_itd,
	     comm_pend_itd = l_comm_pend_itd,
	     LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
	     LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
	     LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id
	     WHERE salesrep_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.salesrep_id
	     AND period_id = period.period_id
	     AND quota_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.quota_id
	     AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_pe_subledger.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 956

	      UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
		SET input_achieved_itd = l_input_achieved_itd_tbl(period_ext.input_sequence),
		LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
		LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
		LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id
		WHERE srp_period_quota_id = period.srp_period_quota_id
		AND input_sequence = period_ext.input_sequence;
Line: 969

			    	'End of update_srp_pe_subledger ...');
Line: 989

	ROLLBACK TO update_srp_pe_subledger;
Line: 998

	ROLLBACK TO update_srp_pe_subledger;
Line: 1007

	ROLLBACK TO update_srp_pe_subledger;
Line: 1021

Line: 1025

    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'EXCEPTION in update_srp_pe_subledger: '||sqlerrm);
Line: 1027

	cn_message_pkg.debug('Exception occurs in update_srp_pe_subledger: ');
Line: 1030

  END update_srp_pe_subledger;