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Line 2744: -- Function : Archive and Purge data for table PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL

2740: -- Start of comments
2741: -- API name : PA_DraftRevenues
2742: -- Type : Private
2743: -- Pre-reqs : None
2744: -- Function : Archive and Purge data for table PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL
2745: -- Parameters : See common list above
2746: -- End of comments
2747: procedure PA_DraftRevenues
2748: ( p_purge_batch_id IN NUMBER,

Line 2882: from pa_draft_revenues_all

2882: from pa_draft_revenues_all
2883: where (
2884: project_id = p_project_id
2885: and rownum <= l_commit_size
2886: ) ;

Line 2909: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;

2905: x_err_stack => x_err_stack,
2906: x_err_stage => x_err_stage
2907: ) ;
2909: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;
2910: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
2911: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2912: where (dr.rowid)
2913: in

Line 2911: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr

2907: ) ;
2909: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;
2910: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
2911: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2912: where (dr.rowid)
2913: in
2914: ( select dr1.rowid
2915: from pa_draft_revenues_all dr1,

Line 2915: from pa_draft_revenues_all dr1,

2911: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2912: where (dr.rowid)
2913: in
2914: ( select dr1.rowid
2915: from pa_draft_revenues_all dr1,
2916: pa_draft_revenues_ar dr2
2917: where dr2.draft_revenue_num = dr1.draft_revenue_num
2918: and dr1.project_id = dr2.project_id
2919: and dr2.purge_project_id = p_project_id

Line 2922: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr

2918: and dr1.project_id = dr2.project_id
2919: and dr2.purge_project_id = p_project_id
2920: ) ;
2921: */
2922: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2923: where (dr.project_id, dr.draft_revenue_num) in
2924: ( select dr2.project_id, dr2.draft_revenue_num
2925: from pa_draft_revenues_ar dr2
2926: where dr2.purge_project_id = p_project_id

Line 2933: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;

2929: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */
2930: l_NoOfRecordsDel := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
2931: l_MC_NoOfRecordsDel := PA_UTILS2.mrc_row_count;
2932: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 end */
2933: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;
2935: end if ;
2936: else

Line 2943: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;

2940: -- If the archive option is not selected then the delete will
2941: -- be based on the commit size.
2943: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;
2944: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
2945: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2946: where (dr.rowid)
2947: in

Line 2945: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr

2941: -- be based on the commit size.
2943: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;
2944: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
2945: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2946: where (dr.rowid)
2947: in
2948: ( select dr1.rowid
2949: from pa_draft_revenues_all dr1

Line 2949: from pa_draft_revenues_all dr1

2945: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2946: where (dr.rowid)
2947: in
2948: ( select dr1.rowid
2949: from pa_draft_revenues_all dr1
2950: where dr1.project_id = p_project_id
2951: and rownum <= l_commit_size
2952: ) ;
2953: */

Line 2955: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr

2951: and rownum <= l_commit_size
2952: ) ;
2953: */
2955: delete from pa_draft_revenues_all dr
2956: where dr.project_id = p_project_id
2957: and rownum <= l_commit_size;
2959: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */

Line 2963: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;

2959: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */
2960: l_NoOfRecordsDel := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
2961: l_MC_NoOfRecordsDel := PA_UTILS2.mrc_row_count;
2962: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 end */
2963: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_draft_revenues_all ') ;
2964: end if ;
2966: if l_NoOfRecordsDel = 0 then
2967: -- Once the SqlCount becomes 0, which means that there are

Line 2982: p_table_name => 'PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL',

2978: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Calling pa_purge.CommitProcess ') ;
2979: pa_purge.CommitProcess
2980: (p_purge_batch_id => p_purge_batch_id,
2981: p_project_id => p_project_id,
2982: p_table_name => 'PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL',
2983: p_NoOfRecordsIns => l_NoOfRecordsIns,
2984: p_NoOfRecordsDel => l_NoOfRecordsDel,
2985: x_err_code => x_err_code,
2986: x_err_stack => x_err_stack,