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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

   SELECT ihp.oi_govt_institution_cd govt_institution_cd
   FROM   igs_pe_hz_parties  ihp,
          igs_or_inst_stat st
   WHERE  ihp.oi_institution_status = st.institution_status AND
          st.s_institution_status= 'ACTIVE' AND
          ihp.oi_local_institution_ind = 'Y' AND
          ihp.inst_org_ind = 'I' AND
          ihp.oi_govt_institution_cd IS NOT NULL;
Line: 120

     sjlaport     31-Jan-05    Modified cursor c_api for HE358 to ignore logically deleted records
   -- smaddali modified this cursor to get records which are effective in the HESA submission period, bug#3235753
   CURSOR c_api IS
   SELECT api_person_id
   FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
   WHERE  pe_person_id   = p_person_id
   AND    person_id_type = p_id_type
   AND    Start_Dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    ( End_Dt IS NULL OR End_Dt >= p_enrl_start_dt )
   AND    (End_Dt IS NULL OR Start_Dt <> End_Dt)
   ORDER BY Start_Dt DESC;
Line: 172

                           to ignore logically deleted records

   CURSOR c_comdt  IS
   SELECT to_char(MIN(commencement_dt),'YY')
   FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 181

   SELECT igs_he_stdnt_id_s.nextval
   FROM   dual;
Line: 188

   SELECT api_person_id
   FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
   WHERE  pe_person_id   = p_person_id
   AND    person_id_type IN ('UCASID','NMASID','SWASID','GTTRID')
   AND    Start_Dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    ( End_Dt IS NULL OR End_Dt >= p_enrl_start_dt )
   AND    (End_Dt IS NULL OR Start_Dt <> End_Dt);
Line: 199

   SELECT api_person_id, start_dt, end_dt
   FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
   WHERE  pe_person_id   = p_person_id
   AND    person_id_type = 'HUSID'
   AND    (end_dt IS NULL OR start_dt <> end_dt)
   ORDER BY start_dt DESC;
Line: 209

   SELECT start_dt
   FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
   WHERE  pe_person_id   = p_person_id
   AND    person_id_type = 'HUSID'
   AND    start_dt > p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    (end_dt IS NULL OR start_Dt <> end_Dt)
   ORDER BY start_dt ASC;
Line: 219

     SELECT api_person_id, start_dt, end_dt
     FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
     WHERE  pe_person_id   = p_person_id
     AND    person_id_type = 'HUSID'
     AND    start_dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
     AND    (end_dt IS NULL OR end_dt >= p_enrl_start_dt)
     AND    (end_dt IS NULL OR start_dt <> end_dt)
     ORDER BY start_dt DESC;
Line: 230

   CURSOR c_deleted_husid(cp_person_id igs_pe_alt_pers_id.pe_person_id%TYPE,
                          cp_api_person_id igs_pe_alt_pers_id.api_person_id%TYPE,
                          cp_start_dt igs_pe_alt_pers_id.start_dt%TYPE)  IS
      SELECT 'X'
      FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
      WHERE  pe_person_id   = cp_person_id
      AND    api_person_id   = cp_api_person_id
      AND    start_dt = TRUNC(cp_start_dt)
      AND    person_id_type = 'HUSID'
      AND    start_dt = end_dt;
Line: 241

   c_deleted_husid_rec c_deleted_husid%ROWTYPE ;
Line: 493

              OPEN c_deleted_husid(p_person_id,l_stdnt_id,l_start_dt);
Line: 494

              FETCH c_deleted_husid INTO c_deleted_husid_rec;
Line: 496

              IF c_deleted_husid%FOUND THEN

                  CLOSE c_deleted_husid;
Line: 501

                  UPDATE igs_pe_alt_pers_id
                  SET    end_dt = l_end_dt,
                         last_updated_by = Fnd_Global.user_id,
                         last_update_date = Sysdate,
                         last_update_login = Fnd_Global.login_id
                  WHERE  pe_person_id = p_person_id
                  AND    api_person_id = l_stdnt_id
                  AND    person_id_type = 'HUSID'
                  AND    start_dt = l_start_dt;
Line: 520

                  CLOSE c_deleted_husid;
Line: 522

                  INSERT INTO igs_pe_alt_pers_id
                      l_start_dt ,
                      l_end_dt ,
Line: 550

                  OPEN c_deleted_husid(p_person_id,l_stdnt_id,c_husid_rec.end_dt + 1);
Line: 551

                  FETCH c_deleted_husid INTO c_deleted_husid_rec;
Line: 553

                  IF c_deleted_husid%FOUND THEN

                      CLOSE c_deleted_husid;
Line: 558

                      UPDATE igs_pe_alt_pers_id
                      SET    end_dt = NULL,
                             last_updated_by = Fnd_Global.user_id,
                             last_update_date = Sysdate,
                             last_update_login = Fnd_Global.login_id
                      WHERE  pe_person_id = p_person_id
                      AND    api_person_id = l_stdnt_id
                      AND    person_id_type = 'HUSID'
                      AND    start_dt = c_husid_rec.end_dt + 1;
Line: 577

                      CLOSE c_deleted_husid;
Line: 579

                      INSERT INTO igs_pe_alt_pers_id
                              c_husid_rec.end_dt + 1 ,
                              NULL ,
Line: 621

          IF c_deleted_husid%ISOPEN
              CLOSE c_deleted_husid;
Line: 728

   SELECT b.govt_funding_source,
   FROM   igs_fi_fnd_src_rstn a,
          igs_fi_fund_src     b
   WHERE  a.course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    a.version_number = p_version_number
   AND    a.dflt_ind       = 'Y'
   AND    a.funding_source = b.funding_source;
Line: 740

   SELECT govt_funding_source,
   FROM   igs_fi_fund_src
   WHERE  funding_source = cp_fund_src ;
Line: 834

     anwest   09-Dec-04   Modified for HE356 - updated to accommodate
                          Term/Load calendar associated with residency
     jtmathew 23-May-06   Modified c_res_sts for bug 5210481

   -- smaddali modified this cursor for bug 2730388 to get only open code values
   -- smaddali modified this cursor for bug 2367167 to get records which are effective in the HESA submission period, bug#3235753
   -- anwest   modified this cursor for HE356 to get open and closed values and not restricted to OSS_RESIDENCY_OS
   -- jtmathew modified this cursor for bug 5210481 to remove igs_pe_res_dtls_v view
      CURSOR c_res_sts (cp_res_class_cd   VARCHAR2) IS
      SELECT peresdtls.residency_status_cd residency_status
        FROM igs_pe_res_dtls_all peresdtls,
             igs_lookup_values cc1,
             igs_lookup_values cc2,
             igs_ca_inst_all cainstall
       WHERE peresdtls.person_id = p_person_id
         AND peresdtls.residency_class_cd = cc1.lookup_code
         AND cc1.lookup_type = 'PE_RES_CLASS'
         AND peresdtls.residency_status_cd = cc2.lookup_code
         AND cc2.lookup_type = 'PE_RES_STATUS'
         AND peresdtls.residency_class_cd = cp_res_class_cd
         AND peresdtls.cal_type = cainstall.cal_type
         AND peresdtls.sequence_number = cainstall.sequence_number
         AND cainstall.start_dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
    ORDER BY cainstall.start_dt DESC;
Line: 863

        SELECT  'X'
        FROM    igs_he_code_values hecodeval
        WHERE   hecodeval.code_type = 'OSS_RESIDENCY_OS'
        AND     hecodeval.value = cp_res_stat_cd
        AND     NVL(hecodeval.closed_ind,'N')   = 'N' ;
Line: 993

   SELECT surname
   FROM   igs_pe_person_alias_v
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
   AND    alias_type = 'SNAME16'
   AND    ( Start_Dt IS NULL OR Start_Dt <= p_enrl_end_dt )
   AND    ( End_Dt IS NULL OR End_Dt >= p_enrl_start_dt )
   ORDER BY Start_Dt DESC;
Line: 1120

   SELECT b.map3
   FROM   igs_pe_citizenship_v a,
          igs_he_code_map_val b
   WHERE  a.party_id = p_person_id
   AND    Nvl(End_Date, p_enrl_start_dt) >= p_enrl_start_dt
   AND    b.map2     = a.country_code
   AND    b.map3     = Nvl(p_hesa_code, b.map3)
   AND    b.association_code = 'UC_OSS_HE_NAT_ASSOC'
   ORDER BY b.map3 DESC;
Line: 1274

   SELECT disability_type
   FROM   igs_pe_pers_disablty_v
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
   AND    ( Start_Date IS NULL OR Start_Date <= p_enrl_end_dt )
   AND    ( End_Date IS NULL OR End_Date >= p_enrl_start_dt )
   ORDER BY Start_Date DESC;
Line: 1397

   FROM   igs_ad_acad_history_v
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
   AND    end_date < p_com_dt;
Line: 1521

   SELECT sequence_no
   FROM   igs_ps_us_prenr_cfg
   WHERE  unit_set_cd = p_unit_set_cd;
Line: 1608

     smaddali             Added c_acad_cal and c_selection_dt cursors and modified cursor c_yos for HEFD209 build , bug#2717755
     smaddali  29-Oct-03  Modified procedure get_year_of_student to add 1 new parameter for bug#3224246
     jbaber    20-Sep-04  Changes for HEFD350 - Stat changes for 2004/05
                          Added new parameter p_yop_year_of_student. Use YoP year of student value if it exists.
     jbaber    04-Nov-04  Modified c_yos to discount future dated transfers as per HE354 - Program Transfer
     jbaber    15-Apr-05  Modified c_yos to include records where future_dated_trans_flag = N or S as per bug #4179106
     jchakrab  03-Feb-06  Modified c_yos to exclude academic calendar instances if its start date > the HESA reporting period end date.

   -- Get the academic calendar type and student instance number of the current program attempt.
   CURSOR c_acad_cal IS
   SELECT a.cal_type,b.student_inst_number
   FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all a , igs_he_st_spa_all b
   WHERE a.person_id = p_person_id AND
         a.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
         a.person_id = b.person_id AND
         a.course_cd = b.course_cd ;
Line: 1637

   SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT cir.sup_ci_sequence_number || cir.sup_cal_type)
   FROM igs_he_st_spa_all spa ,
        igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca,
        igs_en_su_attempt sua,
        igs_ca_inst_rel cir,
        igs_ca_inst_all ca
   WHERE  SPA.person_id                 = p_person_id and
       SPA.student_inst_number          = p_student_inst_number AND
       SCA.person_id                    = SPA.person_id AND
       SCA.course_cd                    = SPA.course_cd AND
       SCA.Cal_type                     = p_cal_type AND
       NVL(sca.future_dated_trans_flag,'N') IN ('N','S') AND
       SUA.person_id                    = SCA.person_id AND
       SUA.course_cd                    = SCA.course_cd AND
       SUA.unit_attempt_status          IN ('ENROLLED', 'COMPLETED', 'DISCONTIN') AND
       CIR.sub_cal_type                 = SUA.cal_type AND
       CIR.sub_ci_sequence_number       = SUA.ci_sequence_number AND
       CIR.sup_cal_type                 = SCA.cal_type  AND
       SUA.ci_start_dt                  <= p_enrl_end_dt AND
       CIR.sup_cal_type                 = CA.cal_type AND
       CIR.sup_ci_sequence_number       = CA.sequence_number AND
       CA.start_dt                      <= p_enrl_end_dt;
Line: 1759

     gmaheswa  14-Nov-03    Bug 3227107 , address changes. Modified c_address cursor to select active records.
     smaddali  11-dec-03    Modified for bug#3235753 , added 2 new parameters
     jtmathew  23-may-06    Modified c_addrus for bug 5210481

   -- smaddali modified this cursor for bug 2730388 to get only open code values
   -- smaddali modified this cursor for bug#2950834 to get only active partysiteuses
   -- smaddali modified this cursor to get records which are effective in the HESA submission period, bug#3235753
   -- jtmathew modified this cursor for bug 5210481 to remove igs_pe_addr_v view
   CURSOR c_addrus IS
   SELECT MAX( site_use_type)
     FROM igs_pe_partysiteuse_v a,
          hz_party_sites        b,
          igs_pe_hz_pty_sites   c,
          igs_he_code_values    d
    WHERE a.party_site_id  = b.party_site_id
      AND b.party_site_id = c.party_site_id(+)
      AND (b.status = 'A'
            AND ( c.Start_Date IS NULL OR c.Start_Date <= p_enrl_end_dt )
            AND ( c.End_Date IS NULL OR c.End_Date >= p_enrl_start_dt )
      AND b.party_id = p_person_id
      AND d.code_type = 'TERM_TIME_ADDR'
      AND d.value     = a.site_use_type
      AND NVL(d.closed_ind,'N') = 'N'
      AND a.active  = 'A'
   ORDER BY c.Start_Date DESC;
Line: 1964

      SELECT min(award_start_date)
      FROM igs_he_submsn_awd
      WHERE submission_name = p_submission_name;
Line: 1969

      SELECT max(award_end_date)
      FROM igs_he_submsn_awd
      WHERE submission_name = p_submission_name;
Line: 2028

      SELECT 'X'
      FROM igs_he_submsn_awd
      WHERE submission_name = p_submission_name
      AND type = cp_type;
Line: 2034

      SELECT type, key1, award_start_date, award_end_date
      FROM igs_he_submsn_awd
      WHERE submission_name = p_submission_name
      ORDER BY type;
Line: 2129

     SELECT  COUNT(a.person_id)
     WHERE   a.person_id = p_person_id
     AND     a.course_cd  = p_course_cd
     AND     a.conferral_date BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt and p_enrl_end_dt
     AND     a.complete_ind     = 'Y';
Line: 2203

     SELECT course_cd
     FROM   igs_ps_stdnt_trn
     WHERE  person_id       = p_person_id
     AND    transfer_course_cd = p_course_cd
     ORDER BY transfer_dt DESC ;
Line: 2211

     SELECT student_inst_number
     FROM igs_he_st_spa
     WHERE person_id = p_person_id
     AND course_cd = cp_course_cd ;
Line: 2372

   SELECT a.award_cd,
          a.award_grade ,
   FROM   igs_en_spa_awd_aim a  ,
          igs_he_code_map_val c
   WHERE  a.person_id           = p_person_id
   AND    a.course_cd           = p_course_cd
   AND    a.conferral_date BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt and p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    a.complete_ind        ='Y'
   AND    a.award_cd            = c.map2
   AND    c.association_code    = 'OSS_HESA_AWD_ASSOC'
   ORDER BY c.map1 ASC;
Line: 2494

     smvk     03-Jun-2003   Bug # 2858436. Modified the cursor c_get_feq to select open program awards only.
     smaddali 29-jan-04     Bug#3360646  modified cursor c_get_feq to remove condition default_ind=Y

   CURSOR c_get_feq IS
   SELECT map1
   FROM   igs_ps_award , igs_he_code_map_val
   WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    version_number = p_version_number
   AND    closed_ind     = 'N'
   AND    map2 = award_cd
   AND    association_code = 'OSS_HESA_FEQAIM_ASSOC'
   ORDER BY default_ind DESC , map1 ASC;
Line: 2624

   SELECT b.govt_field_of_study,
   FROM   igs_ps_field_study a,
          igs_ps_fld_of_study b
   WHERE  a.course_cd       = p_course_cd
   AND    a.version_number  = p_version_number
   AND    a.major_field_ind = 'Y'
   AND    a.field_of_study  = b.field_of_study;
Line: 2634

   SELECT b.govt_field_of_study,
   FROM   igs_ps_field_study a,
          igs_ps_fld_of_study b
   WHERE  a.course_cd       = p_course_cd
   AND    a.version_number  = p_version_number
   AND    a.major_field_ind = 'N'
   AND    a.field_of_study  = b.field_of_study
   ORDER BY percentage DESC ;
Line: 2875

     smvk     03-Jun-2003   Bug # 2858436. Modified the cursor c_prgawd to select open program awards only.
     smaddali 21-jan-04     Modified cursor c_prgawd and c_spawd for bug#3360646

   --smaddali modified this cursor for bug 2392702
   -- smaddali Modified for bug#3360646, to check for dates overlapping with submission period
   --     and to exclude awards which are conferred before the submission start_date
   CURSOR c_spawd IS
   SELECT map1
   FROM   igs_en_spa_awd_aim , igs_he_code_map_val
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
   AND    course_cd = p_course_cd
   AND    start_dt <= NVL(p_enrl_end_dt,start_dt)
   AND    ( end_dt IS NULL OR end_dt >= NVL(p_enrl_start_dt,end_dt) )
   AND    ( (complete_ind = 'Y' AND conferral_date >= NVL(p_awd_conf_start_dt,conferral_date) ) OR
              complete_ind = 'N'
   AND    map2 = award_cd
   AND    association_code = 'OSS_HESA_AWD_ASSOC'
   ORDER BY map1 ASC ;
Line: 2899

   SELECT map1
   FROM   igs_ps_award , igs_he_code_map_val
   WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    version_number = p_version_number
   AND    closed_ind     = 'N'
   AND    map2 = award_cd
   AND    association_code = 'OSS_HESA_AWD_ASSOC'
   ORDER BY default_ind DESC, map1 ASC ;
Line: 2991

   SELECT ihpinst.oi_govt_institution_cd govt_institution_cd
   FROM   igs_ps_awd_own a,
          igs_pe_hz_parties  ihpou,
          igs_pe_hz_parties  ihpinst
   WHERE  a.course_cd          = p_course_cd
   AND    a.version_number     = p_version_number
   AND    a.award_cd           = p_award_cd
   AND    a.org_unit_cd        = ihpou.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    ihpou.institution_cd = ihpinst.oss_org_unit_cd
   GROUP BY ihpinst.oi_govt_institution_cd
   ORDER BY SUM(a.percentage) DESC;
Line: 3335

     anwest   09-Dec-03   Modified for HE356 - updated to accommodate
                          Term/Load calendar associated with residency
     jtmathew 23-May-06   Modified c_res_sts for bug 5210481

   -- smaddali modified this cursor for bug 2367167 to get records which are effective in the HESA submission period, bug#3235753
   -- anwest   modified this cursor for HE356 to accommodate Term/Load Calendar for Residency Status
   -- jtmathew modified this cursor for bug 5210481 to remove igs_pe_res_dtls_v view
     CURSOR c_res_sts (cp_res_class_cd   VARCHAR2) IS
     SELECT peresdtls.residency_status_cd residency_status
       FROM igs_pe_res_dtls_all peresdtls,
            igs_lookup_values cc1,
            igs_lookup_values cc2,
            igs_ca_inst_all cainstall
      WHERE peresdtls.person_id = p_person_id
        AND peresdtls.residency_class_cd = cc1.lookup_code
        AND cc1.lookup_type = 'PE_RES_CLASS'
        AND peresdtls.residency_status_cd = cc2.lookup_code
        AND cc2.lookup_type = 'PE_RES_STATUS'
        AND peresdtls.residency_class_cd = cp_res_class_cd
        AND peresdtls.cal_type = cainstall.cal_type
        AND peresdtls.sequence_number = cainstall.sequence_number
        AND cainstall.start_dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
   ORDER BY cainstall.start_dt DESC;
Line: 3559

   SELECT SUM(chg.transaction_amount) tuition_fees
   FROM igs_fi_fee_type ft, igs_fi_fee_as chg
   WHERE ft.s_fee_type = 'TUTNFEE'
      AND chg.person_id = p_person_id
      AND (chg.course_cd IS NULL OR chg.course_cd = p_course_cd)
      AND chg.fee_type = ft.fee_type
      AND (chg.effective_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt);
Line: 3643

     sjlaport  31-Jan-05    Modified cursor cur_slc_lea_cd for HE358 to ignore logically deleted records
     jchakrab  02-Feb-06    Modified logic such that a value 98 is derived when tution fee amount=0

   --Query to get all Sponsor records for student within the given HESA reporting period.
   CURSOR cur_spnsr IS
     SELECT SUM (a.disb_net_amt) sponsor_amount,
            d.map1 sponsor
     FROM   igf_aw_awd_disb a,
            igf_aw_award b,
            igf_aw_fund_mast fmast,
            igf_ap_fa_base_rec c,
            igs_he_code_map_val d,
            igs_ca_inst ca
     WHERE  a.award_id = b.award_id
     AND    b.fund_id = fmast.fund_id
     AND    b.base_id = c.base_id
     AND    a.ld_cal_type = ca.cal_type
     AND    a.ld_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number
     AND    d.association_code = 'OSS_SPONSOR_MSTUFEE_ASSOC'
     AND    d.map2 = fmast.fund_code
     AND    c.person_id = p_person_id
     AND    a.fee_class = 'TUITION'
     AND    a.trans_type IN ('A' , 'P')
     AND    b.award_status IN ('ACCEPTED','OFFERED')
     AND    ca.start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
     GROUP BY d.map1
     ORDER BY sponsor_amount DESC, sponsor ASC;
Line: 3676

     SELECT SUM (a.disb_net_amt) sponsor_amount,
     FROM   igf_aw_awd_disb a,
            igf_aw_award b,
            igf_aw_fund_mast fmast,
            igf_ap_fa_base_rec c,
            igs_he_code_values d,
            igs_ca_inst ca
     WHERE  a.award_id         = b.award_id
     AND    b.fund_id          = fmast.fund_id
     AND    b.base_id          = c.base_id
     AND    a.ld_cal_type      = ca.cal_type
     AND    a.ld_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number
     AND    d.code_type = 'OSS_SLC_SPONSOR'
     AND    d.value = fmast.fund_code
     AND    NVL(d.closed_ind, 'N') = 'N'
     AND    c.person_id        = p_person_id
     AND    a.fee_class        = 'TUITION'
     AND    a.trans_type IN ('A' , 'P')
     AND    ca.start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
     GROUP BY fmast.fund_code;
Line: 3703

       SELECT SUBSTR (api.api_person_id,1,4)
       FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id_v api,
              igs_pe_person_id_typ pit
       WHERE  api.person_id_type = pit.Person_id_type
       AND    pit.s_person_id_type = 'SLC'
       AND    api.pe_person_id = p_person_id
       AND    NVL (api.start_dt, p_enrl_end_dt ) <= p_enrl_end_dt
       AND    NVL (api.end_dt, p_enrl_start_dt )   >= p_enrl_start_dt
       AND    (api.end_dt IS NULL OR api.start_dt <> api.end_dt)
       ORDER BY api.start_dt DESC;
Line: 3716

       SELECT DISTINCT a.ld_cal_type, a.ld_sequence_number
       FROM   igf_aw_awd_disb a,
              igf_aw_award b,
              igf_aw_fund_mast fmast,
              igf_ap_fa_base_rec c,
              igs_he_code_values d,
              igs_ca_inst ca
       WHERE  a.award_id         = b.award_id
       AND    b.fund_id          = fmast.fund_id
       AND    b.base_id          = c.base_id
       AND    a.ld_cal_type      = ca.cal_type
       AND    a.ld_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number
       AND    d.code_type = 'OSS_SLC_SPONSOR'
       AND    d.value = fmast.fund_code
       AND    NVL(d.closed_ind, 'N') = 'N'
       AND    c.person_id        = p_person_id
       AND    a.fee_class        = 'TUITION'
       AND    a.trans_type IN ('A' , 'P')
       AND    ca.start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt;
Line: 3740

       SELECT NVL(SUM(inv.invoice_amount),0) invoice_amount
       FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv,
              igs_fi_fee_type ft
       WHERE  inv.fee_type = ft.fee_type
       AND    person_id = p_person_id
       AND    inv.fee_cal_type = cp_fee_cal_type
       AND    inv.fee_ci_sequence_number =  cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
       AND    ft.s_fee_type = 'TUTNFEE';
Line: 4062

   SELECT ihp.oi_govt_institution_cd govt_institution_cd
   FROM   igs_pe_hz_parties  ihp
   WHERE  ihp.oss_org_unit_cd = p_inst_cd;
Line: 4067

   SELECT  ihpinst.oi_govt_institution_cd govt_institution_cd
   FROM   igs_en_su_attempt  a,
          igs_ps_tch_resp    b,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpou,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpinst,
          igs_he_st_unt_vs_all hunt
   WHERE  a.course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    a.person_id      = p_person_id
   AND    b.unit_cd        = a.unit_cd
   AND    b.version_number = a.version_number
   AND    a.unit_cd        = hunt.unit_cd (+)
   AND    a.version_number = hunt.version_number (+)
   AND    NVL(hunt.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
   AND    a.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
   AND    a.ci_start_dt  BETWEEN  p_enrl_start_dt  AND p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    b.org_unit_cd    = ihpou.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    ihpou.institution_cd = ihpinst.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    NVL(ihpinst.oi_local_institution_ind,'N') = 'N'
   ORDER BY b.percentage DESC;
Line: 4179

   SELECT SUM( NVL(override_enrolled_cp,NVL(cps.enrolled_credit_points,e.enrolled_credit_points)) * b.percentage / 100 )  other_inst_cp
   FROM   igs_en_su_attempt  a,
          igs_ps_tch_resp    b,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpou,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpinst,
          igs_ps_unit_ver e,
          igs_ps_usec_cps cps,
          igs_he_st_unt_vs_all hunt
   WHERE  a.course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    a.person_id      = p_person_id
   AND    b.unit_cd        = a.unit_cd
   AND    b.version_number = a.version_number
   AND    b.org_unit_cd    = ihpou.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    a.unit_cd        = hunt.unit_cd (+)
   AND    a.version_number = hunt.version_number (+)
   AND    NVL(hunt.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
   AND    ihpou.institution_cd = ihpinst.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    NVL(ihpinst.oi_local_institution_ind,'N') = 'N'
   AND    e.unit_cd = a.unit_cd
   AND    e.version_number = a.version_number
   AND    a.uoo_id = cps.uoo_id(+)
   AND    a.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
   AND    a.ci_start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt ;
Line: 4204

   SELECT   SUM( NVL(override_enrolled_cp,NVL(cps.enrolled_credit_points,e.enrolled_credit_points))) Total_credit_points
   FROM   igs_en_su_attempt  a,
          igs_ps_unit_ver e,
          igs_ps_usec_cps cps,
          igs_he_st_unt_vs_all hunt
   WHERE  a.course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    a.person_id      = p_person_id
   AND    a.unit_cd        = hunt.unit_cd (+)
   AND    a.version_number = hunt.version_number (+)
   AND    NVL(hunt.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
   AND    e.unit_cd = a.unit_cd
   AND    e.version_number = a.version_number
   AND    a.uoo_id = cps.uoo_id(+)
   AND    a.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
   AND    a.ci_start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt ;
Line: 4397

   SELECT  SUM( NVL(override_enrolled_cp,NVL(cps.enrolled_credit_points,b.enrolled_credit_points)) ) credit_points, b.unit_level
   FROM   igs_en_su_attempt a ,
          igs_ps_unit_ver   b,
          igs_ps_usec_cps cps,
          igs_he_st_unt_vs_all hunt
   WHERE  a.course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    a.person_id      = p_person_id
   AND    a.unit_cd        = b.unit_cd
   AND    a.version_number = b.version_number
   AND    a.unit_cd        = hunt.unit_cd (+)
   AND    a.version_number = hunt.version_number (+)
   AND    NVL(hunt.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
   AND    a.uoo_id = cps.uoo_id(+)
   AND    a.unit_attempt_status = 'COMPLETED'
   AND    a.ci_start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
   GROUP BY b.unit_level
   ORDER BY credit_points DESC;
Line: 4556

   SELECT govt_field_of_study
   WHERE  field_of_study = p_subject;
Line: 4565

      SELECT 'X'
      WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
        AND course_cd = cp_course_cd
        AND unit_set_cd = cp_unit_set_cd
        AND sequence_number = cp_sequence_number;
Line: 4575

      SELECT 'X'
      WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
        AND course_cd = cp_course_cd;
Line: 4589

      SELECT 'X'
           IGS_HE_POOUS_OU_ALL poou
      WHERE poou.hesa_poous_ou_id = pocc.hesa_poous_ou_id
        AND poou.course_cd = cp_course_cd
        AND poou.crv_version_number = cp_crv_version_number
        AND poou.unit_set_cd       = cp_unit_set_cd
        AND poou.us_version_number = cp_us_version_number
        AND poou.cal_type  = cp_cal_type
        AND poou.attendance_mode  = cp_attendance_mode
        AND poou.attendance_type  = cp_attendance_type
        AND poou.location_cd      = cp_location_cd;
Line: 4604

      SELECT 'X'
          igs_he_ou_cc org,
          igs_he_poous_ou_all poo
          org.org_unit_cd = poo.organization_unit
      AND poo.course_cd = p_course_cd
      AND poo.crv_version_number = p_version_number
      AND poo.unit_set_cd        = p_unit_set_cd
      AND poo.us_version_number  = p_us_version_number
      AND poo.cal_type           = p_cal_type
      AND poo.attendance_mode    = p_attendance_mode
      AND poo.attendance_type    = p_attendance_type
      AND poo.location_cd        = p_location_cd;
Line: 4623

      SELECT 'X'
          IGS_HE_PROG_OU_CC pcc,
          IGS_PS_OWN pown
          pcc.course_cd = p_course_cd
      AND pcc.version_number = p_version_number
      AND pcc.course_cd = pown.course_cd
      AND pcc.version_number = pown.version_number
      AND pcc.org_unit_cd = pown.org_unit_cd;
Line: 4637

      SELECT 'X'
          igs_he_ou_cc org,
          igs_ps_own ps
          org.org_unit_cd = ps.org_unit_cd
      AND ps.course_cd = p_course_cd
      AND ps.version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 4649

      SELECT 'X'
      FROM   igs_he_unt_ou_cc   a,
             igs_en_su_attempt_all b,
             igs_ps_tch_resp c,
             igs_he_st_unt_vs_all hunt
      WHERE  b.course_cd      = p_course_cd
      AND    b.person_id      = p_person_id
      AND    a.unit_cd        = b.unit_cd
      AND    a.version_number = b.version_number
      AND    b.unit_cd        = hunt.unit_cd (+)
      AND    b.version_number = hunt.version_number (+)
      AND    NVL(hunt.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
      AND    b.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
      AND    c.unit_cd = a.unit_cd
      AND    c.version_number = a.version_number
      AND    c.org_unit_cd = a.org_unit_cd
      AND    b.ci_start_dt BETWEEN  p_enrl_start_dt  AND  p_enrl_end_dt;
Line: 4669

      SELECT 'X'
          igs_he_ou_cc org,
          igs_ps_tch_resp ps,
          igs_en_su_attempt_all su
          org.org_unit_cd = ps.org_unit_cd
      AND ps.unit_cd = su.unit_cd
      AND ps.version_number = su.version_number
      AND su.person_id = p_person_id
      AND su.course_cd = p_course_cd
      AND su.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
      AND su.ci_start_dt BETWEEN  p_enrl_start_dt  AND  p_enrl_end_dt;
Line: 4685

      SELECT 'X'
      FROM   igs_he_unt_ou_cc ucc,
             igs_ps_tch_resp ptr
      WHERE  ucc.unit_cd = p_unit_cd
      AND    ucc.version_number = p_uv_version_number
      AND    ucc.unit_cd = ptr.unit_cd
      AND    ucc.version_number = ptr.version_number
      AND    ucc.org_unit_cd = ptr.org_unit_cd;
Line: 4696

     SELECT 'X'
     FROM   igs_he_ou_cc org,
            igs_ps_tch_resp ptr
     WHERE  ptr.unit_cd = p_unit_cd
     AND    ptr.version_number = p_uv_version_number
     AND    ptr.org_unit_cd = org.org_unit_cd;
Line: 4726

            SELECT cost_centre, subject, proportion
            FROM igs_he_en_susa_cc
            WHERE person_id = p_person_id
               AND course_cd = p_course_cd
               AND unit_set_cd = p_unit_set_cd
               AND sequence_number = p_sequence_number
            ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4745

              SELECT cost_centre, subject, proportion
              FROM igs_he_st_spa_cc
              WHERE person_id = p_person_id
              AND course_cd = p_course_cd
              ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4763

                SELECT cost_centre, subject, SUM (pocc.proportion*NVL(poou.proportion,0)/100) proportion
                FROM igs_he_poous_ou_cc pocc,
                     igs_he_poous_ou_all poou
                WHERE poou.hesa_poous_ou_id = pocc.hesa_poous_ou_id
                      AND poou.course_cd = p_course_cd
                      AND poou.crv_version_number = p_version_number
                      AND poou.unit_set_cd = p_unit_set_cd
                      AND poou.us_version_number = p_us_version_number
                      AND poou.cal_type = p_cal_type
                      AND poou.attendance_mode = p_attendance_mode
                      AND poou.attendance_type = p_attendance_type
                      AND poou.location_cd = p_location_cd
                GROUP BY cost_centre, subject
                ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4790

                  SELECT org.cost_centre,
                         SUM((NVL(poo.proportion,0) * org.proportion / 100)) proportion
                  FROM igs_he_ou_cc org,
                       igs_he_poous_ou_all poo
                  WHERE org.org_unit_cd = poo.organization_unit
                        AND poo.course_cd = p_course_cd
                        AND poo.crv_version_number = p_version_number
                        AND poo.unit_set_cd = p_unit_set_cd
                        AND poo.us_version_number  = p_us_version_number
                        AND poo.cal_type = p_cal_type
                        AND poo.attendance_mode = p_attendance_mode
                        AND poo.attendance_type = p_attendance_type
                        AND poo.location_cd = p_location_cd
                  GROUP BY org.cost_centre, org.subject
                  ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4818

                    SELECT cost_centre, subject, SUM(proportion*percentage/100) proportion
                    FROM igs_he_prog_ou_cc pcc,
                         igs_ps_own pown
                    WHERE pcc.course_cd = p_course_cd
                          AND pcc.version_number = p_version_number
                          AND pcc.course_cd = pown.course_cd
                          AND pcc.version_number = pown.version_number
                          AND pcc.org_unit_cd = pown.org_unit_cd
                    GROUP BY cost_centre, subject
                    ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4839

                        SELECT org.cost_centre,
                               SUM(ps.percentage * org.proportion / 100) proportion
                        FROM igs_he_ou_cc org,
                             igs_ps_own ps
                        WHERE org.org_unit_cd = ps.org_unit_cd
                              AND ps.course_cd = p_course_cd
                              AND ps.version_number = p_version_number
                        GROUP BY org.cost_centre, org.subject
                        ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4876

            SELECT a.cost_centre,
                   SUM(proportion*percentage/100) proportion
            FROM   igs_he_unt_ou_cc   a,
                   igs_en_su_attempt_all b,
                   igs_ps_tch_resp c,
                   igs_he_st_unt_vs_all hunt
            WHERE  b.course_cd = p_course_cd
                   AND    b.person_id = p_person_id
                   AND    a.unit_cd = b.unit_cd
                   AND    a.version_number = b.version_number
                   AND    c.unit_cd = a.unit_cd
                   AND    c.version_number = a.version_number
                   AND    c.org_unit_cd = a.org_unit_cd
                   AND    b.unit_cd = hunt.unit_cd(+)
                   AND    b.version_number = hunt.version_number(+)
                   AND    NVL(hunt.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
                   AND    b.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
                   AND    b.ci_start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
            GROUP BY a.cost_centre, a.subject
            ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4908

              SELECT org.cost_centre,
                     SUM(ps.percentage * org.proportion / 100) proportion
              FROM igs_he_ou_cc org,
                   igs_ps_tch_resp ps,
                   igs_en_su_attempt_all su
              WHERE org.org_unit_cd = ps.org_unit_cd
                    AND ps.unit_cd = su.unit_cd
                    AND ps.version_number = su.version_number
                    AND su.person_id = p_person_id
                    AND su.course_cd = p_course_cd
                    AND su.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
                    AND su.ci_start_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
              GROUP BY org.cost_centre, org.subject
              ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4949

              SELECT cost_centre,
                     SUM(proportion*percentage/100) proportion
              FROM   igs_he_unt_ou_cc ucc,
                     igs_ps_tch_resp ptr
              WHERE  ucc.unit_cd = p_unit_cd
                     AND ucc.version_number = p_uv_version_number
                     AND ucc.unit_cd = ptr.unit_cd
                     AND ucc.version_number = ptr.version_number
                     AND ucc.org_unit_cd = ptr.org_unit_cd
              GROUP BY cost_centre, subject
              ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 4971

                  SELECT cost_centre,
                         SUM(proportion*percentage/100) proportion
                  FROM   igs_he_ou_cc org,
                         igs_ps_tch_resp ptr
                  WHERE  ptr.unit_cd = p_unit_cd
                         AND ptr.version_number = p_uv_version_number
                         AND ptr.org_unit_cd = org.org_unit_cd
                  GROUP BY cost_centre, subject
                  ORDER BY proportion DESC;
Line: 5064

     rnirwani  13-09-04    Changed the cursor, c_susp to exclude logically deleted intermission
                           records as per Bug# 3885804
     jbaber    30-11-04    Consider mutiple intermission records for bug# 4037237
                           Now calls isDormant function

   CURSOR c_susp IS
   SELECT start_dt,
   FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_intm spi
   WHERE  spi.person_id  =  p_person_id
   AND    spi.course_cd  =  p_course_cd
   AND    spi.start_dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    spi.end_dt  >= p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    spi.logical_delete_date = TO_DATE('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
   AND    (spi.approved = 'Y' OR
          EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM igs_en_intm_types
                  WHERE intermission_type = spi.intermission_type AND
                  appr_reqd_ind = 'N' ));
Line: 5085

   SELECT commencement_dt,
   FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
   AND    course_cd = p_course_cd
   AND    version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 5292

    SELECT progression_outcome_type,ca.start_dt , spo.decision_dt, spo.applied_dt
         IGS_CA_INST ca
    WHERE spo.person_id = cp_person_id  AND
          spo.course_cd = cp_course_cd  AND
          -- Select Approved Progression Outcomes
          spo.decision_status = 'APPROVED' AND
          -- Select Progression Outcome records that overlap the HESA reporting period
          spo.prg_cal_type = ca. cal_type                 AND
          spo.prg_ci_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number AND
          ca.start_dt  <= cp_enrl_end_dt                  AND
          ca.end_dt    >= cp_enrl_start_dt
    -- If multiple outcome types records exist overlapping the HESA reporting period then use the progression
    -- record with latest progression calendar.
    -- If there are multiple approved outcome types for the same Period that have been applied then
    -- use the one with the latest Applied date and
    -- If multiple approved outcome types exist for the same Period that have been applied and
    -- have the same applied Applied date use the one with the latest Decision Date
    ORDER BY ca.start_dt DESC, spo.applied_dt DESC, spo.decision_dt DESC;
Line: 5787

   SELECT institution_code,
          NVL(end_date, TO_DATE('01-01-1500', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) end_date_al,
   FROM   igs_ad_acad_history_v
   WHERE  person_id    = p_person_id
   AND    (end_date IS NULL OR end_date < p_com_date)
   ORDER BY end_date_al DESC, creation_date DESC;
Line: 5797

   SELECT org_alternate_id
   FROM   igs_or_org_alt_ids oai,igs_or_org_alt_idtyp oait
   WHERE oai.org_structure_id = p_inst_cd
   AND    oai.org_structure_type = 'INSTITUTE'
   AND    oai.org_alternate_id_type = oait.org_alternate_id_type
   AND    oait.system_id_type = 'HESA_INST'
   AND    (       oai.start_date <= p_enrl_end_dt
            (oai.end_date IS NULL OR oai.end_date >=p_enrl_start_dt)
  ORDER BY oai.start_date DESC;
Line: 5812

   SELECT ihp.oi_govt_institution_cd govt_institution_cd
   FROM   igs_pe_hz_parties  ihp
   WHERE  ihp.oss_org_unit_cd = p_inst_cd;
Line: 5916

   SELECT reference_cd
   FROM   igs_ps_ref_cd
   WHERE  reference_cd_type = 'REGBODY'
   AND    course_cd         = p_course_cd
   AND    version_number    = p_version_number;
Line: 6055

   SELECT SUM(number_of_qual),
   FROM   igs_he_st_spa_ut a,
          igs_he_ut_lvl_award b,
          igs_he_ut_calc_type c
   WHERE  a.person_id            = p_person_id
   AND    a.course_cd            = p_course_cd
   AND    b.Tariff_calc_type_cd  = c.Tariff_calc_type_cd
   AND    a.qualification_level  = b.award_cd
   AND    b.tariff_level_cd      = p_hesa_qual
   AND    b.closed_ind           = 'N'
   AND    c.External_calc_ind    = 'Y'
   And    c.closed_ind           = 'N';
Line: 6128

   SELECT DISTINCT a.unit_cd,
          NVL(cps.enrolled_credit_points,b.enrolled_credit_points) enrolled_credit_point
    FROM  igs_en_su_attempt_all a,
          igs_ps_unit_ver_all   b,
          igs_he_st_spa_all     c,
          igs_he_st_unt_vs_all  d,
          igs_ps_usec_cps cps
    WHERE  a.unit_cd           = b.unit_cd
           AND    a.version_number    = b.version_number
           AND    c.person_id         = a.person_id
           AND    c.course_cd         = a.course_cd
           AND    c.student_inst_number = p_student_inst_number
           AND    b.unit_cd           = d.unit_cd
           AND    b.version_number    = d.version_number
           AND    a.person_id         = p_person_id
           AND    a.uoo_id = cps.uoo_id(+)
           AND    NVL(d.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
           AND    a.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
           AND    a.ci_start_dt BETWEEN  p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
    SELECT DISTINCT a.unit_cd,
          NVL(cps.enrolled_credit_points,b.enrolled_credit_points) enrolled_credit_point
    FROM  igs_en_su_attempt_all a,
          igs_ps_unit_ver_all   b,
          igs_he_st_spa_all     c,
          igs_he_st_unt_vs_all  d,
          igs_as_su_stmptout e,
          igs_ps_usec_cps cps
    WHERE  a.unit_cd           = b.unit_cd
           AND    a.version_number    = b.version_number
           AND    c.person_id         = a.person_id
           AND    c.course_cd         = a.course_cd
           AND    c.student_inst_number = p_student_inst_number
           AND    b.unit_cd           = d.unit_cd
           AND    b.version_number    = d.version_number
           AND    a.person_id         = p_person_id
           AND    e.person_id          = a.person_id
           AND    e.course_cd          = a.course_cd
           AND    e.uoo_id            = a.uoo_id
           AND    a.uoo_id = cps.uoo_id(+)
           AND    e.outcome_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
           AND    e.finalised_outcome_ind  = 'Y'
           AND    NVL(d.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
           AND    a.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
   ORDER BY  enrolled_credit_point  DESC;
Line: 6180

   SELECT sua.course_cd,
   FROM   igs_as_su_stmptout suo,
          igs_en_su_attempt_all sua,
          igs_he_st_spa_all   spa
   WHERE  suo.person_id          = sua.person_id
   AND    suo.course_cd          = sua.course_cd
   AND    suo.uoo_id             = sua.uoo_id
   AND    sua.person_id          = spa.person_id
   AND    sua.course_cd          = spa.course_cd
   AND    spa.student_inst_number = p_student_inst_number
   AND    suo.outcome_dt BETWEEN p_enrl_start_dt AND p_enrl_end_dt
   AND    suo.unit_cd            = p_unit_cd
   AND    suo.person_id          = p_person_id
   AND    suo.finalised_outcome_ind  = 'Y'
   AND    sua.unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED','DISCONTIN','COMPLETED')
   ORDER BY suo.outcome_dt DESC ;
Line: 6337

     rnirwani  13-09-04    Changed the cursor, c_drm to exclude logically deleted intermission
                           records as per Bug# 3885804
     jbaber    30-11-04    Consider mutiple intermission records for bug# 4037237
                           Now calls isDormant function
     jbaber    26-01-06    Check if student is dormant even if source is susa or poous

   l_he_code_map_val        igs_he_code_map_val%ROWTYPE := NULL;
Line: 6428

   SELECT commencement_dt,
   FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
     AND  course_cd = p_course_cd
     AND  version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 6437

   SELECT start_dt,
   FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_intm spi
   WHERE  spi.person_id = p_person_id
     AND  spi.course_cd = p_course_cd
     AND  spi.logical_delete_date = TO_DATE('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
     AND  spi.start_dt<= cp_end_dt
     AND  NVL(spi.end_dt,cp_end_dt) >=  cp_start_dt
     AND  (spi.approved = 'Y' OR
          EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM igs_en_intm_types
                  WHERE intermission_type = spi.intermission_type AND
                  appr_reqd_ind = 'N' ))
   ORDER BY start_dt;
Line: 6597

   SELECT SUM(percentage)
   FROM   igs_ps_tch_resp    a,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpou,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpinst
   WHERE  a.unit_cd        = p_unit_cd
   AND    a.version_number = p_version_number
   AND    a.org_unit_cd    = ihpou.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    ihpou.institution_cd = ihpinst.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    NVL(ihpinst.oi_local_institution_ind,'N') = 'N' ;
Line: 6650

   SELECT SUM(percentage) percentage,
          ihpinst.oi_govt_institution_cd govt_institution_cd
   FROM   igs_ps_tch_resp    a,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpou,
          igs_pe_hz_parties ihpinst
   WHERE  a.unit_cd        = p_unit_cd
   AND    a.version_number = p_version_number
   AND    a.org_unit_cd    = ihpou.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    ihpou.institution_cd = ihpinst.oss_org_unit_cd
   AND    NVL(ihpinst.oi_local_institution_ind,'N') = 'N'
   GROUP BY ihpinst.oi_govt_institution_cd
   ORDER BY percentage DESC;
Line: 6706

   SELECT a.approved_result, a.grading_schema_cd
   FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets a
   WHERE  a.person_id = p_person_id
                  FROM   igs_he_code_values b
                  WHERE  b.value = a.exam_level
                  AND    b.code_type = 'OSS_QUAL_1ST_DEGREE'
                  AND    NVL(b.closed_ind,'N') = 'N' )
   ORDER BY a.year DESC;
Line: 6783

  SELECT  MIN(sca.commencement_dt) commencement_dt
  FROM    igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca,
          igs_he_st_spa_all    hspa
  WHERE   hspa.person_id             = p_person_id
   AND  hspa.student_inst_number   = p_student_inst_number
   AND  sca.person_id              = hspa.person_id
   AND  sca.course_cd              = hspa.course_cd;
Line: 7428

    SELECT map1
    FROM igs_he_code_map_val a, igs_pe_pers_disablty b
    WHERE a.map2 = b.disability_type
    AND a.association_code = 'OSS_HESA_LEARNDIF_ASSOC'
    AND NOT NVL(b.start_date,  p_enrl_end_dt) >   p_enrl_end_dt
    AND NOT NVL(b.end_date,  p_enrl_start_dt) <   p_enrl_start_dt
    AND b.person_id = p_person_id
    GROUP BY map1;
Line: 7533

SELECT count(*)
       igs_en_su_attempt_all su, igs_as_su_stmptout_all suo1,
       igs_he_st_spa spa1, igs_he_st_spa spa2, igs_as_grd_sch_grade gsg
WHERE  su.person_id = suo1.person_id
AND    su.course_cd = suo1.course_cd
AND    su.unit_cd = suo1.unit_cd
AND    su.unit_attempt_status = 'COMPLETED'
AND    su.person_id = spa2.person_id
AND    su.course_cd = spa2.course_cd
AND    suo1.outcome_dt <= p_enrl_end_dt
AND    spa1.person_id = spa2.person_id
AND    spa1.student_inst_number = spa2.student_inst_number
AND    spa1.person_id = p_person_id
AND    spa1.course_cd = p_course_cd
AND    gsg.s_result_type = 'PASS'
AND    gsg.grading_schema_cd = suo1.grading_schema_cd
AND    gsg.grade = suo1.grade
AND    gsg.version_number = suo1.version_number
AND    suo1.outcome_dt IN
      (SELECT MAX(suo2.outcome_dt)
       FROM   igs_as_su_stmptout_all suo2
       WHERE  suo2.person_id = suo1.person_id
       AND    suo2.course_cd = suo1.course_cd
       AND    suo2.finalised_outcome_ind = 'Y'
       AND    suo2.unit_cd = suo1.unit_cd);
Line: 7757

SELECT  speaks_level
FROM    igs_pe_languages_v
WHERE   party_id = p_person_id
AND     language_name = 'WS';
Line: 7811

SELECT  race_cd
FROM    igs_pe_race
WHERE   person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 7872

  FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets iuqd,
         igs_he_code_map_val ihcmv
  WHERE  iuqd.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ihcmv.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_ASSOC'
  AND    ihcmv.map1  = 'WB'
  AND    ihcmv.map2 = iuqd.exam_level;
Line: 7881

  FROM    igs_uc_qual_dets iuqd,
          igs_he_code_map_val ihcmv,
          igs_as_grd_sch_grade iagsg
  WHERE   iuqd.person_id = p_person_id
  AND     iuqd.exam_level = ihcmv.map2
  AND     iuqd.grading_schema_cd = iagsg.grading_schema_cd
  AND     iuqd.version_number = iagsg.version_number
  AND     iuqd.approved_result = iagsg.grade
  AND     iagsg.s_result_type = 'PASS'
  AND     ihcmv.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_ASSOC'
  AND     ihcmv.map1  = 'WB';