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2 /* $Header: WSHBLPRS.pls 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/16 05:42:09 appldev ship $ */
5 TYPE additional_line_info_rec_type  IS RECORD (
6    Released_status WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_nested_tab_TYPE :=
7                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_nested_tab_TYPE(),
8    Source_code   varchar2(30),
9    inv_interfaced_flag WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type :=
10                                     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type(),
11    attribute_category     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
12                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
13    attribute1      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
14                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
15    attribute2      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
16                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
17    attribute3      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
18                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
19    attribute4      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
20                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
21    attribute5      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
22                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
23    attribute6      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
24                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
25    attribute7      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
26                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
27    attribute8      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
28                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
29    attribute9      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
30                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
31    attribute10      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
32                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
33    attribute11      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
34                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
35    attribute12     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
36                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
37    attribute13    WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
38                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
39    attribute14      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
40                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
41    attribute15     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type :=
42                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char150_Nested_Tab_Type(),
43    ignore_for_planning  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type :=
44                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type(),
45    earliest_pickup_date  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type :=
46                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
47    latest_pickup_date  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type :=
48                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
49    earliest_dropoff_date  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type :=
50                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
51    latest_dropoff_date  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type :=
52                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
53    service_level  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type :=
54                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type(),
55    mode_of_transport  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type :=
56                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type(),
57    cancelled_quantity2  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type :=
58                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
59    cancelled_quantity  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type :=
60                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
61    master_container_item_id  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type :=
62                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
63    detail_container_item_id  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type :=
64                                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
65    latest_pickup_tpdate_excep WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date,
66    latest_dropoff_tpdate_excep WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.tbl_date
67         );
71 --========================================================================
72 -- PROCEDURE : Create_delivery_details
73 --
74 -- PARAMETERS: p_action_prms           Additional attributes needed
75 --	       p_line_rec              Line record
76 --             x_return_status         return status
77 -- COMMENT   : This API is called from the wrapper API:
78 --             WSH_BULK_PROCESS_GRP.Create_update_delivery_details
79 --             It imports the order lines into Shipping tables
80 --========================================================================
81 -- Made the parameter p_action_prms IN OUT
82   PROCEDURE Create_delivery_details(
83                   p_action_prms      IN OUT NOCOPY
84                                 WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.action_parameters_rectype,
85                   p_line_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.Line_rec_type,
86                   x_return_status          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
87   );
90 --========================================================================
91 -- PROCEDURE : Extend_tables
92 --
93 -- PARAMETERS: p_line_rec              Line record
94 --             p_action_prms           Additional attributes needed
95 --             x_table_count           Size of each table
96 --             x_additional_line_info_rec Local record that is extended
97 --                                     and ready to use to store  additional
98 --                                     information for line record.
99 --             x_return_status         return status
100 -- COMMENT   : This procedure extends all the common table in p_line_rec
101 --             It also extends the local tables used during the import.
102 --========================================================================
105   PROCEDURE Extend_tables (
106            p_line_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
107            p_action_prms     IN WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.action_parameters_rectype ,
108            x_table_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
109            x_additional_line_info_rec    OUT NOCOPY
110                                            additional_line_info_rec_type ,
111            x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
112   );
117 --========================================================================
118 -- PROCEDURE : Validate_lines
119 --
120 -- PARAMETERS: p_line_rec              Line record
121 --             p_action_prms           Additional attributes needed
122 --             x_table_count           Size of each table
123 --             x_additional_line_info_rec Local record that is extended
124 --                                     and ready to use to store  additional
125 --                                     information for line record.
126 --             x_valid_rec_exist       set to 1, if any record was validated
127 --                                     successfully
128 --             x_eligible_rec_exist    set to 1, if any eligible record exists.
129 --             x_return_status         return status
130 -- COMMENT   : This procedure goes through the tables in p_line_rec and
131 --             validates them.  If the validation is successful, a 'Y' will
132 --             be set in the table p_line_rec.shipping_interfaced_flag
133 --========================================================================
136   PROCEDURE Validate_lines(
137            p_line_rec      IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
138            P_action_prms   IN OUT NOCOPY
139                            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.action_parameters_rectype,
140            p_additional_line_info_rec   IN  OUT NOCOPY
141                                            additional_line_info_rec_type ,
142 	   x_valid_rec_exist  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
143            x_eligible_rec_exist OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
144            X_return_status  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
145   );
148 --========================================================================
149 -- PROCEDURE : bulk_insert_details
150 --
151 -- PARAMETERS: p_line_rec              Line record
152 --             p_action_prms           Additional attributes needed
153 --             p_additional_line_info_rec Local record that is extended
154 --                                     and ready to use to store  additional
155 --                                     information for line record.
156 --             x_return_status         return status
157 -- COMMENT   : This procedure will bulk insert the records into tables
158 --              wsh_delivery_details and wsh_delivery_assignments_v
159 --========================================================================
162   PROCEDURE bulk_insert_details (
163            P_line_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
164 	   p_index     IN NUMBER,
165            p_action_prms     IN  WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.action_parameters_rectype,
166            p_additional_line_info_rec   IN  additional_line_info_rec_type ,
167            X_return_status  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
168   );
173 --========================================================================
174 -- PROCEDURE : Set_message
175 -- PARAMETERS: p_line_rec              Line record
176 --             p_index                 index for the line record
177 --             p_caller                caller OM, PO, OKE
178 --             p_first_call            pass 'T' to this API for the first time
179 --                                     this API is called.
180 --             X_stack_size_start      this will return the fnd message
181 --                                     stack size, if a 'T' is passed to
182 --                                     the parameter p_first_call
183 --             x_return_status         return status
184 -- COMMENT   : This API should be called twice, once at the begin of
185 --             the validation and once at the end.  If the caller is OM
186 --             this API will calculate the number of the messages that have
187 --             been added to the fnd_message stack and put this number into
188 --             table p_line_rec.error_message_count.
189 --             If the caller is not OM, then if any errors should be logged
190 --             for a certain line, this API would put one message at the begin
191 --             saying which line, header number is being processed and once
192 --             all the messages for this line has been put on the stack,
193 --             another message indicates that the validation has finished for
194 --             the line, header number.
195 --
196 --========================================================================
199   PROCEDURE Set_message(
200            p_line_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.Line_rec_type,
201            p_index            IN NUMBER,
202            p_caller           IN VARCHAR2,
203            P_first_call       IN VARCHAR2,
204            X_stack_size_start IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
205            X_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
206   );
211 --
208 -- Added for Inbound Logistics
209 --========================================================================
210 -- PROCEDURE : validate_mandatory_info
212 -- PARAMETERS:  p_line_rec      IN  OUT OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
213 --		p_index 	IN 	NUMBER
214 --		x_return_status         return status
215 --
216 -- COMMENT   : This API checks for the validity of mandatory fields like
217 --              1.ordered_quantity
218 --		2.order_quantity_uom
219 --		3.organization_id
220 --		4.po_shipment_line_id
221 --              5.header_id
222 --		6.line_id
223 --		7.source_header_number
224 --		8.source_line_number
225 --              9.po_shipment_line_number
226 --		10.source_header_type_id
227 --		11.source_blanket_reference_id
228 --		12.source_blanket_reference_num
229 --		13.source_line_type_code
230 --
231 --========================================================================
232 PROCEDURE  validate_mandatory_info(
233      p_line_rec      IN  OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
234      p_index 	     IN	 NUMBER,
235     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
237 --========================================================================
238 -- PROCEDURE : get_opm_quantity
239 --
240 -- PARAMETERS:  p_line_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
241 --		p_index     IN  NUMBER,
242 --	        x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
243 --
244 -- COMMENT   :
245 --========================================================================
246 /* HW OPMCONV. No need to use this routine
247 PROCEDURE get_opm_quantity(
248                   p_line_rec IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
249                   p_index    IN NUMBER,
250  		  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
251 */--========================================================================
252 -- PROCEDURE : calc_service_mode
253 --
254 -- PARAMETERS: p_line_rec
255 --             p_cache_tbl             used to store the cache info
256 --             p_cache_ext_tbl         used to store the cache info
257 --             p_index                 current index for tables in
258 --                                     p_additional_line_info_rec
259 --             p_additional_line_info_rec
260 --             x_return_status         return status
261 -- COMMENT   : The service_level and mode_of_transport is calculated and
262 --             populated to the p_additional_line_info_rec.mode_of_transport
263 --             and p_additional_line_info_rec.service_level tables.
264 --             The index of these tables are cached, so that the for the same
265 --             ship_method_code these information is reused.
266 --========================================================================
267   PROCEDURE calc_service_mode(
268                         p_line_rec      IN OUT NOCOPY OE_WSH_BULK_GRP.line_rec_type,
269                        p_cache_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY
270                                               wsh_util_core.char500_tab_type,
271                        p_cache_ext_tbl  IN OUT NOCOPY
272                                                wsh_util_core.char500_tab_type,
273                        p_index          IN NUMBER,
274                        p_additional_line_info_rec IN OUT NOCOPY
275                                                   additional_line_info_rec_type,                       x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);