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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

                SELECT  payload
                INTO    l_clob
                FROM    m4u_dmd_payloads
                WHERE   payload_id = l_payload_id;
Line: 122

   FUNCTION update_collab
        p_subscription_guid     IN RAW,
        p_event                 IN OUT NOCOPY wf_event_t
        l_params         wf_parameter_list_t;
Line: 172

        m4u_dmd_utils.log('Entering m4u_cln_pkg.update_collab',6);
Line: 209

        SELECT  *
        INTO    l_m4u_doc_rec
        FROM    m4u_dmd_documents
        WHERE   doc_id = l_doc_id;
Line: 216

        SELECT  *
        INTO    l_m4u_msg_rec
        FROM    m4u_dmd_messages
        WHERE   msg_id = l_m4u_doc_rec.msg_id;
Line: 653

        SELECT  collaboration_id
        INTO    l_cln_id
        FROM    cln_coll_hist_hdr
        WHERE       application_reference_id = l_cln_ref_id
                AND collaboration_type       = l_cln_type
                AND rownum < 2;
Line: 662

        m4u_dmd_utils.log('Call cln.update_collaboration',6);
Line: 663

                x_return_status             => l_ret_sts,
                x_msg_data                  => l_ret_msg,
                p_coll_id                   => l_cln_id,
                p_app_id                    => m4u_dmd_utils.c_app_id,
                p_ref_id                    => l_cln_ref_id,
                p_rel_no                    => NULL,
                p_doc_no                    => l_cln_doc_id,
                p_doc_rev_no                => NULL,
                p_xmlg_transaction_type     => l_xmlg_type,
                p_xmlg_transaction_subtype  => l_xmlg_styp,
                p_xmlg_document_id          => l_xmlg_doc_id,
                p_resend_flag               => NULL,
                p_resend_count              => NULL,
                p_disposition               => l_cln_disp,
                p_coll_status               => l_cln_sts,
                p_doc_type                  => l_cln_doc_type,
                p_doc_dir                   => l_payload_dir,
                p_coll_pt                   => l_cln_pt,
                p_org_ref                   => NULL,
                p_doc_status                => l_cln_doc_sts,
                p_notification_id           => NULL,
                p_msg_text                  => l_cln_msg,
                p_tr_partner_type           => m4u_cln_pkg.c_party_type,
                p_tr_partner_id             => m4u_cln_pkg.g_party_id,
                p_tr_partner_site           => m4u_cln_pkg.g_party_site_id,
                p_sender_component          => NULL,
                p_rosettanet_check_required => false,
                p_xmlg_msg_id               => null,
                p_attribute1                => l_m4u_doc_rec.msg_id,
                p_attribute2                => l_m4u_doc_rec.doc_id,
                p_attribute3                => l_m4u_doc_rec.ref_doc_id,
                p_attribute4                => l_m4u_doc_rec.orig_doc_id,
                p_attribute5                => l_m4u_doc_rec.type,
                p_attribute6                => l_m4u_doc_rec.action,
                p_attribute7                => l_m4u_doc_rec.top_gtin,
                p_attribute8                => l_m4u_doc_rec.info_provider_gln,
                p_attribute9                => l_m4u_doc_rec.data_recepient_gln,
                p_attribute10               => l_m4u_doc_rec.target_market_country,
                p_attribute11               => l_m4u_doc_rec.target_market_sub_div,
                p_attribute12               => l_m4u_doc_rec.parameter1,
                p_attribute13               => l_m4u_doc_rec.parameter2,
                p_attribute14               => l_m4u_doc_rec.parameter3,
                p_attribute15               => l_m4u_doc_rec.lparameter1,
                p_dattribute1               => l_m4u_doc_rec.doc_timestamp,
                x_dtl_coll_id               => l_cln_dtl_id,
                p_xml_event_key             => null
Line: 739

        m4u_dmd_utils.log('Exiting m4u_cln_pkg.update_collab - Success' ,6);
Line: 745

Line: 749

   END update_collab;
Line: 759

        PROCEDURE update_tp_detail
                p_tp_hdr_id             IN              NUMBER,
                p_direction             IN              VARCHAR2,
                x_ret_sts               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
                x_ret_msg               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
                l_ret_msg       VARCHAR2(4000);
Line: 793

                m4u_dmd_utils.log('Entering m4u_cln_pkg.add_or_update_tp_detail',2);
Line: 834

                        SELECT tp_detail_id
                        INTO   l_tp_dtl_id
                                ecx_tp_details    tpd,
                                ecx_tp_headers    tph,
                                ecx_ext_processes extp,
                                ecx_transactions  txn,
                                ecx_standards     svl
                        WHERE   1=1
                                AND tph.tp_header_id            = tpd.tp_header_id
                                AND tpd.ext_process_id          = extp.ext_process_id
                                AND extp.transaction_id         = txn.transaction_id
                                AND extp.standard_id            = svl.standard_id
                                AND svl.standard_code           = l_standard_code
                                AND extp.ext_type               = l_ext_type
                                AND extp.ext_subtype            = l_ext_subtype
                                AND extp.direction              = p_direction
                                AND txn.transaction_type        = l_txn_type
                                AND txn.transaction_subtype     = l_txn_subtype
                                AND tph.tp_header_id            = p_tp_hdr_id;
Line: 870

                SELECT  extp.ext_process_id
                INTO    l_ext_process_id
                FROM    ecx_ext_processes extp,
                        ecx_transactions  txn,
                        ecx_standards     svl
                WHERE   1=1
                        AND extp.transaction_id         = txn.transaction_id
                        AND extp.standard_id            = svl.standard_id
                        AND svl.standard_code           = l_standard_code
                        AND extp.ext_type               = l_ext_type
                        AND extp.ext_subtype            = l_ext_subtype
                        AND extp.direction              = p_direction
                        AND txn.party_type              = l_party_type
                        AND txn.transaction_type        = l_txn_type
                        AND txn.transaction_subtype     = l_txn_subtype;
Line: 922

                             m4u_dmd_utils.log('Exiting add_or_update_tp_detail - Failure',6);
Line: 927

                        m4u_dmd_utils.log('Call ecx_tp_api.update_tp_detail',1);
Line: 928

                        l_progress := 'Call ecx_tp_api.update_tp_detail';
Line: 930

                                x_return_status                 => l_ret_sts,
                                x_msg                           => l_ret_msg,
                                p_tp_detail_id                  => l_tp_dtl_id,
                                p_map_code                      => l_map,
                                p_ext_process_id                => l_ext_process_id,
                                p_connection_type               => l_conn_type,
                                p_hub_user_id                   => null,
                                p_protocol_type                 => l_protocol,
                                p_protocol_address              => l_protocol_addr,
                                p_username                      => l_user,
                                p_password                      => l_passwd,
                                p_routing_id                    => null,
                                p_source_tp_location_code       => l_src_loc,
                                p_external_tp_location_code     => null,
                                p_confirmation                  => l_doc_conf,
                                p_passupd_flag                  => 'Y'
Line: 956

                             m4u_dmd_utils.log('Exiting add_or_update_tp_detail - Failure',6);
Line: 964

                m4u_dmd_utils.log('Exiting add_or_update_tp_detail - Success',2);
Line: 970

        END update_tp_detail;
Line: 1023

                        SELECT location_id, object_version_number
                        INTO   l_location_id, l_obj_ver_num
                        FROM   hr_locations_all
                        WHERE  location_code = l_location_code
                                AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 1062

                        m4u_dmd_utils.log('Call HR_LOCATION_API.update_location', 2);
Line: 1063

                        l_progress      := 'Call HR_LOCATION_API.update_location';
Line: 1065

                                p_effective_date          => sysdate,
                                p_language_code           => userenv('LANG'),
                                p_location_code           => l_location_code,
                                p_description             => l_description,
                                p_address_line_1          => l_addr_line_1,
                                p_country                 => l_country,
                                p_style                   => l_style,
                                p_location_id             => l_location_id,
                                p_object_version_number   => l_obj_ver_num
Line: 1089

                        SELECT  tp_header_id
                        INTO    l_tp_hdr_id
                        FROM    ecx_tp_headers
                        WHERE       party_type          = 'I'
                                AND party_id            = l_location_id
                                AND party_site_id       = l_location_id;
Line: 1131

                        m4u_dmd_utils.log('Call ecx_tp_api.update_trading_partner', 2);
Line: 1132

                        l_progress      := 'Call ecx_tp_api.update_trading_partner';
Line: 1134

                                x_return_status         => l_ret_sts,
                                x_msg                   => l_ret_msg,
                                p_tp_header_id          => l_tp_hdr_id,
                                p_company_admin_email   => m4u_cln_pkg.c_tp_email
Line: 1153

                l_progress      := 'Call update_tp_detail - OUT';
Line: 1154

Line: 1160

                l_progress      := 'Call update_tp_detail - IN';
Line: 1161

                update_tp_detail(l_tp_hdr_id,m4u_dmd_utils.c_dir_in ,l_ret_sts,l_ret_msg);
Line: 1185

        SELECT to_char(e.party_id), to_char(e.party_site_id)
        INTO   g_party_id,          g_party_site_id
        FROM   hr_locations_all h,
               ecx_tp_headers   e
        WHERE  h.location_id   = e.party_id
        AND    e.party_type    = m4u_cln_pkg.c_party_type
        AND    h.location_code = m4u_cln_pkg.c_party_site;