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APPS.IGS_AS_GEN_005 dependencies on IGS_GE_INS_SLE

Line 826: -- Also, use IGS_GE_INS_SLE.genp_set_log_cntr to initialise the logging structure

822: rec_as_prg_type cur_as_prg_type%ROWTYPE;
823: BEGIN
824: -- For unit testing, it will be necessary to set p_s_log_type = 'ASS3213',
825: -- other parameters can be whatever.
826: -- Also, use IGS_GE_INS_SLE.genp_set_log_cntr to initialise the logging structure
827: -- at the start of the module, otherwise you may get a value or numeric error
828: -- when attempting to test this module.
829: -- If wanting to view log entries, at the end of the module will need to call
830: -- IGS_GE_INS_SLE.genp_ins_sle(SYSDATE) to insert into IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY table any

Line 830: -- IGS_GE_INS_SLE.genp_ins_sle(SYSDATE) to insert into IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY table any

826: -- Also, use IGS_GE_INS_SLE.genp_set_log_cntr to initialise the logging structure
827: -- at the start of the module, otherwise you may get a value or numeric error
828: -- when attempting to test this module.
829: -- If wanting to view log entries, at the end of the module will need to call
830: -- IGS_GE_INS_SLE.genp_ins_sle(SYSDATE) to insert into IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY table any
831: -- exceptions raised by the modules called. (NOTE: Not necessary to test for
832: -- logged records as this will be tested in the unit test of the called
833: -- module.)
834: -- Set the default message number

Line 892: igs_ge_ins_sle.genp_set_log_entry (

888: AND act.ass_id = suaai.ass_id
889: ));
890: p_warning_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
891: IF (p_warning_count > 0) THEN
892: igs_ge_ins_sle.genp_set_log_entry (
893: p_s_log_type,
894: p_key,
895: p_sle_key,
896: v_message_name,