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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_016 dependencies on IGS_EN_ENROLL_WLST

Line 32: Added error message logging for igs_en_enroll_wlst.validate_uinit_steps and igs_ss_en_wrappers.validate_enroll_validate

28: ckasu 14-SEP-2004 Added Holds,person step validations as a part of Bug# 3823810
29: stutta 11-Feb-2004 Passing new parameter p_enrolled_dt as SYSDATE in
30: call to validate_enroll_validate.
31: rvivekan 3-Aug-2003 Bulk unit upload TD #3049009. Added 'Enrolled' status to the get_prgrm_dtls curosr definition.
32: Added error message logging for igs_en_enroll_wlst.validate_uinit_steps and igs_ss_en_wrappers.validate_enroll_validate
33: svenkata 15-Jan-2003 Bug# 2740746 - The message name IGS_PS_INVALID_PRG_CD was invalid.Changed the message to IGS_PR_INVALID_PRG_CD.
34: svenkata 31-DEC-2002 Bug# 2724288 - added values for WHO columns in the UPDATE stmnts for the interface table.
35: sgurusam 17-Jun-2005 Modified to pass aditional parameter p_calling_obj = 'JOB' p_create_warning='N' in the calls to
36: igs_en_elgbl_person.eval_person_steps

Line 38: Igs_En_Enroll_Wlst.Validate_unit_steps

34: svenkata 31-DEC-2002 Bug# 2724288 - added values for WHO columns in the UPDATE stmnts for the interface table.
35: sgurusam 17-Jun-2005 Modified to pass aditional parameter p_calling_obj = 'JOB' p_create_warning='N' in the calls to
36: igs_en_elgbl_person.eval_person_steps
37: Modified to pass aditional parameter p_calling_obj='JOB' in the calls to
38: Igs_En_Enroll_Wlst.Validate_unit_steps
40: ******************************************************************/
42: --cursor to fetch records from interface table

Line 569: l_boolean := igs_en_enroll_wlst.validate_unit_steps (p_person_id => l_person_id ,

565: LOOP
567: l_message_name:=NULL;
568: -- Call the Unit validation steps for each of the unit records that has been fetched.
569: l_boolean := igs_en_enroll_wlst.validate_unit_steps (p_person_id => l_person_id ,
570: p_cal_type => l_get_load_cal_inst_rec.cal_type,
571: p_ci_sequence_number => l_get_load_cal_inst_rec.sequence_number,
572: p_uoo_id => l_get_sua_rec.uoo_id ,
573: p_course_cd => l_prgm_dtls_rec.course_cd ,