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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 316

	select meaning into l_group_desc
	from qpr_lookups
	where lookup_type = 'QPR_OAD_GROUPS'
	and lookup_code = p_code;
Line: 327

	select meaning into l_type_desc
	from qpr_lookups
	where lookup_type = 'QPR_TERM_TYPE'
	and lookup_code = p_code;
Line: 341

select meaning from fnd_lookup_values
where lookup_type = l_type
and language = userenv('LANG')
and lookup_code = l_code;
Line: 382

select  decode( decode(nvl(lower(fnd_profile.value('QPR_CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTE')), '1'), '1', '1',
                           'attribute1', cust.attribute1,
                           'attribute2', cust.attribute2,
                           'attribute3', cust.attribute3,
                           'attribute4', cust.attribute4,
                           'attribute5', cust.attribute5,
                           'attribute6', cust.attribute6,
                           'attribute7', cust.attribute7,
                           'attribute8', cust.attribute8,
                           'attribute9', cust.attribute9,
                           'attribute10', cust.attribute10,
                           'attribute11', cust.attribute11,
                           'attribute12', cust.attribute12,
                           'attribute14', cust.attribute14,
                           'attribute15', cust.attribute15, '2')
                         ,  '1',  nvl(cust.cust_account_id,
hz_cust_accounts cust
where cust.party_id = p_party_id
order by cust.cust_account_id ASC;
Line: 454

      SELECT nvl(primary_uom_code,   'Ea')
      INTO s_master_uom
      FROM mtl_system_items
      WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND organization_id = l_master_org;
Line: 461

      l_sql := 'SELECT nvl(primary_uom_code,  ''Ea'') from ' || s_tbl_name;
Line: 611

    select decode(DBLINK,null, '','@'||DBLINK) into db_link
    where instance_id= p_instance_id;
Line: 657

        select conv_rate into l_conv_rate
        from (
        select 1/(nvl(conversion_rate, 1) ) conv_rate
        from qpr_uom_conversions
        where from_uom_code = p_from_uom_code
        and to_uom_code = p_to_uom_code
        and instance_id = p_instance_id
        and item_key in (to_char(p_item_id), '0')
        order by item_key desc)
        where rownum < 2;
Line: 670

          select conv_rate into l_conv_rate
          select (nvl(conversion_rate, 1) ) conv_rate
          from qpr_uom_conversions
          where from_uom_code = p_to_uom_code
          and to_uom_code = p_from_uom_code
          and instance_id = p_instance_id
          and item_key in (to_char(p_item_id), '0')
          order by item_key desc)
          where rownum < 2;
Line: 810

  select decode( derive_type,
                'EURO', 'EURO',
                'EMU', decode( sign(trunc(p_eff_date) - trunc(derive_effective)),
                              -1, 'OTHER','EMU'),
         decode( derive_type,
                  'EURO', 1,
		  'EMU', derive_factor,
		  'OTHER', -1 ),
         nvl( minimum_accountable_unit, power( 10, (-1 * precision)))
  into   p_currency_type, p_conversion_rate,  p_mau
  where  currency_code = p_currency;
Line: 832

  select currency_code into s_euro_code
  where derive_type = 'EURO';
Line: 851

       select from_currency,
       from qpr_currency_rates
       where from_currency in (p_from_currency, p_to_currency)
       and  conversion_date <= p_conversion_date
       and conversion_class = 'FIXED'
       and instance_id = p_instance_id;
Line: 943

    select conversion_rate into l_rate
    from  qpr_currency_rates
    where instance_id = p_instance_id
    and conversion_class = 'DAILY'
    and from_currency = s_from_currency
    and to_currency = s_to_currency
    and conversion_date = p_conversion_date
    and rownum < 2;
Line: 1066

	delete from QPR_MEASURE_GROUPS where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1067

	delete from QPR_LVL_ATTRIBUTES where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1068

	delete from QPR_HIER_LEVELS where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1069

	delete from QPR_HIERARCHIES where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1070

	delete from QPR_DIM_ATTRIBUTES where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1071

	delete from QPR_SET_LEVELS where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1072

	delete from QPR_MEAS_AGGRS where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1073

	delete from QPR_MEASURES where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1074

	delete from QPR_CUBE_DIMS where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1075

	delete from QPR_CUBES where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1076

	delete from QPR_DIMENSIONS where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1077

	delete from QPR_PRICE_PLANS_TL where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;
Line: 1078

	delete from QPR_PRICE_PLANS_B where price_plan_id = p_price_plan_id;