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Line 1055: -- ridas 07-Feb-2006 Bug #5021084. Added new parameter 'lv_group_type' in call to igf_ap_ss_pkg.get_pid

1051: --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
1052: --
1053: --Change History:
1054: -- Who When What
1055: -- ridas 07-Feb-2006 Bug #5021084. Added new parameter 'lv_group_type' in call to igf_ap_ss_pkg.get_pid
1056: -- tsailaja 13/Jan/2006 Bug 4947880 Added invocation of igf_aw_gen.set_org_id(NULL);
1057: -------------------------------------------------------------------
1058: lv_status VARCHAR2(1);
1059: l_list VARCHAR2(32767);

Line 1160: l_list := igf_ap_ss_pkg.get_pid(p_persid_grp,lv_status,lv_group_type);

1156: --person_id_group specified. So, calculate EFC for all PROFILEs of all persons in the group
1157: --get the list of persons in the person id group
1159: --Bug #5021084. Added new parameter 'lv_group_type'
1160: l_list := igf_ap_ss_pkg.get_pid(p_persid_grp,lv_status,lv_group_type);
1162: --Bug #5021084. Passing Group ID if the group type is STATIC.
1163: IF lv_group_type = 'STATIC' THEN
1164: OPEN lc_base_id FOR ' SELECT base_id FROM igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all WHERE ci_cal_type = :p_ci_cal_type AND ci_sequence_number = :p_ci_sequence_number AND person_id IN (' || l_list || ') ' USING l_cal_type, l_seq_number, p_persid_grp;