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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 872

      update hr_api_hook_calls
         set pre_processor_date    = sysdate
           , encoded_error         = null
           , status                = 'V'
           , object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
       where api_hook_call_id      = p_api_hook_call_id
         and object_version_number = p_object_version_number;
Line: 899

    update hr_api_hook_calls
       set pre_processor_date    = sysdate
         , encoded_error         = l_encoded_err_text
         , status                = 'I'
         , object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
     where api_hook_call_id      = p_api_hook_call_id
       and object_version_number = p_object_version_number;
Line: 915

    add_to_source('--  select c.encoded_error' || c_new_line);
Line: 1485

    add_to_source('--  select h.encoded_error' || c_new_line);
Line: 1504

    update hr_api_hooks
       set encoded_error = l_encoded_err_text
     where api_hook_id   = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 1579

    select api_hook_call_id
         , object_version_number
         , legislation_code
         , call_package
         , call_procedure
      from hr_api_hook_calls
     where legislation_code is not null
       and enabled_flag     = 'Y'
       and api_hook_id      = p_api_hook_id
     order by legislation_code, sequence;
Line: 1741

    select ahc.api_hook_call_id
         , ahc.object_version_number
         , ahc.call_package
         , ahc.call_procedure
      from hr_api_hook_calls          ahc
         , fnd_product_installations  fpi
     where ahc.api_hook_id    = p_api_hook_id
       and ahc.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
       and ahc.application_id is not null
       and ahc.application_id = fpi.application_id
       and (   (    ahc.app_install_status IN ('I', 'S')
                and ahc.app_install_status = fpi.status)
            or (    ahc.app_install_status = 'I_OR_S'
                and fpi.status IN ('I', 'S')))
     order by ahc.sequence;
Line: 1863

  l_dynamic_sql := 'select api_hook_call_id'                           ||
                   '     , object_version_number'                      ||
                   '     , call_package'                               ||
                   '     , call_procedure'                             ||
                   '  from hr_api_hook_calls'                          ||
                   ' where legislation_code is null'                   ||
                   '   and application_id   is null'                   ||
                   '   and enabled_flag     = ' || '''' || 'Y' || '''' ||
                   '   and api_hook_id      = :p_api_hook_id '         ||
                   ' {sequence_range} '                                ||
                   ' order by legislation_code, sequence';
Line: 2014

procedure update_disabled_calls
  (p_api_hook_id                   in     number
  ) is
  -- Cursor to find all the disabled, hook calls for one hook.
  cursor csr_disabled is
    select api_hook_call_id
         , object_version_number
      from hr_api_hook_calls
     where enabled_flag = 'N'
       and api_hook_id  = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 2027

  l_proc                varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_disabled_calls';
Line: 2036

    update hr_api_hook_calls
       set pre_processor_date    = sysdate
         , encoded_error         = null
         , status                = 'V'
         , object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
     where api_hook_call_id      = l_disabled.api_hook_call_id
       and object_version_number = l_disabled.object_version_number;
Line: 2045

end update_disabled_calls;
Line: 2123

    select 1
      from hr_api_hook_calls
     where enabled_flag     = 'Y'
       and legislation_code is null
       and application_id   is null
       and api_hook_id      = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 2134

    select 1
      from hr_api_hook_calls
     where enabled_flag     = 'Y'
       and legislation_code is not null
       and api_hook_id      = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 2145

    select 1
      from hr_api_hook_calls          ahc
         , fnd_product_installations  fpi
     where ahc.api_hook_id    = p_api_hook_id
       and ahc.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
       and ahc.application_id is not null
       and ahc.application_id = fpi.application_id
       and (   (    ahc.app_install_status IN ('I', 'S')
                and ahc.app_install_status = fpi.status)
            or (    ahc.app_install_status = 'I_OR_S'
                and fpi.status IN ('I', 'S')));
Line: 2162

    select 1
      from hr_api_hook_calls  ahc
         , hr_api_hooks       ahk_ap
         , hr_api_modules     amk
         , hr_api_hooks       ahk_bp
     where    ahc.enabled_flag     = 'Y'
       and    ahc.legislation_code is not null
       and    ahc.api_hook_id      = ahk_ap.api_hook_id
       and ahk_ap.api_hook_type    = 'AP'
       and ahk_ap.api_module_id    =    amk.api_module_id
       and    amk.api_module_id    = ahk_bp.api_module_id
       and ahk_bp.api_hook_type    = 'BP'
       and ahk_bp.api_hook_id      = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 2410

    (p_api_hook_id => p_api_hook_id
Line: 2755

    update hr_api_hooks
       set encoded_error = null
     where api_hook_id   = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 2778

                    '--  select h.encoded_error' || c_new_line ||
                    '--    from hr_api_hooks h' || c_new_line ||
                    '--   where h.api_hook_id = ' || to_char(p_api_hook_id) ||
                    ';' || c_new_line ||
Line: 2796

    update hr_api_hooks
       set encoded_error = l_encoded_err_text
     where api_hook_id   = p_api_hook_id;
Line: 2981

    select ahk.hook_procedure
         , ahk.api_hook_type
         , ahk.api_hook_id
         , ahk.legislation_package
         , ahk.legislation_function
         , amd.module_name
         , amd.data_within_business_group
      from hr_api_modules  amd
         , hr_api_hooks    ahk
     where amd.api_module_id = ahk.api_module_id
       and ahk.hook_package  = p_hook_package;
Line: 3055

    select text
      from user_source
     where name = p_pkg_name
       and type = p_pkg_type
       and line = 2;