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1 PACKAGE igs_uc_mv_imp_degsubj AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: IGSUC36S.pls 115.2 2002/12/01 12:43:33 nsidana noship $ */
4 /*===============================================================================+
5  |  Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 Oracle Corp. Redwood Shores, California, USA        |
6  |                            All rights reserved.                               |
7  +===============================================================================+
8  |                                                                               |
9  | DESCRIPTION                                                                   |
10  |      PL/SQL spec for package: IGS_UC_MV_IMP_DEGSUBJ                           |
11  |                                                                               |
12  | NOTES                                                                         |
13  |     This is a part of Concurrent Requeset Set which updates the main table    |
14  |     with the Degree Subjects data for GTTR uploaded into the temporary table  |
15  |      from flat file by the (SQL Loader 1st part of this concurrent request set|
16  |                                                                               |
17  | HISTORY                                                                       |
18  | Who             When            What                                          |
19  | rgangara        05-Nov-2002    Create Version as part of Small systems support|
20  |                                Enhancement. Bug 2643048                       |
21  *==============================================================================*/
23   PROCEDURE Imp_Degsubject_codes  (
24                                     errbuf        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
25                                     retcode       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
26                                     ) ;
28 END igs_uc_mv_imp_degsubj;