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Line 43: --| which is used to update the gmd_spec_results table with proper values |

39: --| Chetan Nagar 08-Aug-2002 Created. |
40: --| |
41: --| Vipul Vaish 23-Jul-2003 Bug#3063671 |
42: --| Added a call to the Validate_Result procedure in calc_expression |
43: --| which is used to update the gmd_spec_results table with proper values |
44: --| for IN_SPEC_IND,ACTION_CODE and EVALUATION_IND columns when the test |
45: --| type is of Expression.
46: --| Rameshwar 13-APR-2004 Bug#3545701 |
47: --| Added test type 'U' in the get_rslt_and_spec_rslt procedure |

Line 136: , x_spec_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab

132: , p_migration IN VARCHAR2
135: , x_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_results_tab
136: , x_spec_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab
137: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
138: ) IS
140: -- Cursors

Line 206: l_spec_results gmd_spec_results%ROWTYPE;

202: l_sampling_event gmd_sampling_events%ROWTYPE;
203: l_event_spec_disp gmd_event_spec_disp%ROWTYPE;
204: l_sample_spec_disp gmd_sample_spec_disp%ROWTYPE;
205: l_results gmd_results%ROWTYPE;
206: l_spec_results gmd_spec_results%ROWTYPE;
208: l_in_sampling_event gmd_sampling_events%ROWTYPE;
209: l_in_event_spec_disp gmd_event_spec_disp%ROWTYPE;
210: l_out_event_spec_disp gmd_event_spec_disp%ROWTYPE;

Line 450: -- rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for all the tests

446: END IF; -- end if migration is calling this procedure
448: -- By now the Event Spec Disp record is either created or fetched.
449: -- Now if the Event Spec Disp record has Spec then create
450: -- rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for all the tests
453: -- Bug 2790099: Retained samples still need an entry in
454: -- GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP table.

Line 637: -- Now, Construct GMD_SPEC_RESULTS record

633: l_results.RESULT_ID := l_out_results.RESULT_ID;
635: x_results_tab(dummy) := l_results;
637: -- Now, Construct GMD_SPEC_RESULTS record
639: l_spec_results.event_spec_disp_id := l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id;
640: l_spec_results.result_id := l_results.result_id;
641: l_spec_results.delete_mark := 0;

Line 647: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.

643: l_spec_results.created_by := l_user_id;
644: l_spec_results.last_updated_by := l_user_id;
645: l_spec_results.last_update_date := l_date;
647: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.
648: IF NOT(gmd_spec_results_pvt.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_results))
649: THEN
650: -- Insert Error
651: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;

Line 648: IF NOT(gmd_spec_results_pvt.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_results))

644: l_spec_results.last_updated_by := l_user_id;
645: l_spec_results.last_update_date := l_date;
647: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.
648: IF NOT(gmd_spec_results_pvt.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_results))
649: THEN
650: -- Insert Error
651: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;
652: END IF;

Line 763: DELETE gmd_spec_results

760: -- Initialize API return status to success
761: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
763: DELETE gmd_spec_results
764: WHERE result_id IN (SELECT result_id
765: FROM gmd_results
766: WHERE sample_id = p_sample_id)
767: ;

Line 770: gmd_debug.put_line('Rows deleted from gmd_spec_results: '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT);

766: WHERE sample_id = p_sample_id)
767: ;
769: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
770: gmd_debug.put_line('Rows deleted from gmd_spec_results: '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT);
771: END IF;
773: DELETE gmd_results
774: WHERE sample_id = p_sample_id

Line 1291: --| GMD_SPEC_RESULTS. |

1287: --| Notes : This function received as input table of test IDs that |
1288: --| are to be added to a given sample. |
1289: --| |
1290: --| The function will insert rows into GMD_RESULTS and |
1291: --| GMD_SPEC_RESULTS. |
1292: --| |
1293: --| PARAMETERS : |
1294: --| |
1295: --| 1. p_sample - Sample record for which tests are added to results |

Line 1324: , x_spec_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab

1321: , p_test_ids IN GMD_API_PUB.number_tab
1322: , p_event_spec_disp_id IN NUMBER
1323: , x_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_results_tab
1324: , x_spec_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab
1325: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1326: , p_test_qty IN NUMBER default NULL
1327: , p_test_qty_uom IN VARCHAR2 default NULL
1328: )

Line 1374: l_spec_results GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;

1371: l_sample GMD_SAMPLES%ROWTYPE;
1372: l_sampling_event GMD_SAMPLING_EVENTS%ROWTYPE;
1373: l_results GMD_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;
1374: l_spec_results GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;
1375: l_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
1377: l_in_sampling_event GMD_SAMPLING_EVENTS%ROWTYPE;
1378: l_in_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;

Line 1626: -- Now, Construct GMD_SPEC_RESULTS record

1622: l_results.test_by_date := l_sample.date_drawn
1623: + l_viability_duration/(60*60*24);
1624: END IF;
1626: -- Now, Construct GMD_SPEC_RESULTS record
1627: l_spec_results.event_spec_disp_id := p_event_spec_disp_id;
1628: l_spec_results.additional_test_ind := l_additional_test_ind;
1629: l_spec_results.delete_mark := 0;
1630: l_spec_results.creation_date := l_date;

Line 1664: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.

1661: -- Assign the result_id to Spec Result record
1662: l_spec_results.RESULT_ID := l_results.RESULT_ID;
1664: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.
1665: IF NOT(GMD_SPEC_RESULTS_PVT.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_results))
1666: THEN
1667: -- Insert Error
1668: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;

Line 1665: IF NOT(GMD_SPEC_RESULTS_PVT.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_results))

1661: -- Assign the result_id to Spec Result record
1662: l_spec_results.RESULT_ID := l_results.RESULT_ID;
1664: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.
1665: IF NOT(GMD_SPEC_RESULTS_PVT.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_results))
1666: THEN
1667: -- Insert Error
1668: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;
1669: END IF;

Line 1888: --| GMD_SPEC_RESULTS with the specified test for each Sample.|

1884: --| Notes : This function received as input table of sample IDs to |
1885: --| which a given test is to be added. |
1886: --| |
1887: --| The function will insert rows into GMD_RESULTS and |
1888: --| GMD_SPEC_RESULTS with the specified test for each Sample.|
1889: --| |
1892: --| |

Line 1912: , x_spec_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab

1908: p_sample_ids IN GMD_API_PUB.number_tab
1909: , p_test_id IN NUMBER
1910: , p_event_spec_disp_id IN NUMBER
1911: , x_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_results_tab
1912: , x_spec_results_tab OUT NOCOPY GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab
1913: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1914: , p_test_qty IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
1915: , p_test_qty_uom IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
1916: )

Line 1923: l_spec_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab;

1919: -- Local Variables
1920: l_sample GMD_SAMPLES%ROWTYPE;
1921: l_test_ids GMD_API_PUB.number_tab;
1922: l_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_results_tab;
1923: l_spec_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab;
1925: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
1927: BEGIN

Line 2005: --| GMD_SPEC_RESULTS |

2001: --| This procedure will first create any missing replicate |
2002: --| of the tests for the target spec in gmd_results. Then |
2003: --| create a row in GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP and a row in |
2004: --| GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP and a set of rows in |
2005: --| GMD_SPEC_RESULTS |
2006: --| |
2007: --| |
2008: --| PARAMETERS : |
2009: --| |

Line 2077: SELECT evaluation_ind from gmd_spec_results gsr, gmd_event_spec_disp esd --, gmd_sample_spec_disp ssd

2073: l_test_id GMD_QC_TESTS.test_id%TYPE;
2074: l_spec_id gmd_spec_tests_b.spec_id%TYPE;
2076: CURSOR c_evaluation_ind (p_result_id NUMBER, p_event_spec_disp_id NUMBER) IS
2077: SELECT evaluation_ind from gmd_spec_results gsr, gmd_event_spec_disp esd --, gmd_sample_spec_disp ssd
2078: WHERE gsr.result_id=p_result_id
2079: AND esd.event_spec_disp_id=p_event_spec_disp_id
2080: AND gsr.event_spec_disp_id=esd.event_spec_disp_id;

Line 2156: l_spec_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab;

2152: l_message_data VARCHAR2(2000);
2154: l_test_ids GMD_API_PUB.number_tab;
2155: l_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_results_tab;
2156: l_spec_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab;
2158: l_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
2159: l_sample_spec_disp GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
2160: l_spec_result GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;

Line 2160: l_spec_result GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;

2156: l_spec_results_tab GMD_API_PUB.gmd_spec_results_tab;
2158: l_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
2159: l_sample_spec_disp GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
2160: l_spec_result GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;
2161: l_sample GMD_SAMPLES%ROWTYPE;
2163: l_in_sample GMD_SAMPLES%ROWTYPE;
2164: l_out_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;

Line 2319: gmd_debug.put_line(' Now duplicate all current GMD_SPEC_RESULTS under new Spec.');

2315: END IF;
2317: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
2318: gmd_debug.put_line(' A new record is created in GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP.');
2319: gmd_debug.put_line(' Now duplicate all current GMD_SPEC_RESULTS under new Spec.');
2320: END IF;
2322: -- Create a set of records in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for the target Spec
2323: -- In this run we are just creating records for all the results

Line 2322: -- Create a set of records in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for the target Spec

2318: gmd_debug.put_line(' A new record is created in GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP.');
2319: gmd_debug.put_line(' Now duplicate all current GMD_SPEC_RESULTS under new Spec.');
2320: END IF;
2322: -- Create a set of records in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for the target Spec
2323: -- In this run we are just creating records for all the results
2324: -- that are there in GMD_RESULTS
2325: FOR l_res IN c_gmd_results(l_sample.sample_id)
2326: LOOP

Line 2328: -- Construct GMD_SPEC_RESULTS Record

2324: -- that are there in GMD_RESULTS
2325: FOR l_res IN c_gmd_results(l_sample.sample_id)
2326: LOOP
2328: -- Construct GMD_SPEC_RESULTS Record
2329: l_spec_result.EVENT_SPEC_DISP_ID := l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id;
2330: l_spec_result.RESULT_ID := l_res.result_id;
2332: --Bug#5220513

Line 2491: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.

2487: l_spec_result.CREATED_BY := l_user_id;
2488: l_spec_result.LAST_UPDATED_BY := l_user_id;
2489: l_spec_result.LAST_UPDATE_DATE := l_date;
2491: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.
2492: IF NOT(GMD_SPEC_RESULTS_PVT.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_result))
2493: THEN
2494: -- Insert Error
2495: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;

Line 2492: IF NOT(GMD_SPEC_RESULTS_PVT.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_result))

2488: l_spec_result.LAST_UPDATED_BY := l_user_id;
2489: l_spec_result.LAST_UPDATE_DATE := l_date;
2491: -- We are ready for insert in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS, so then lets do it.
2492: IF NOT(GMD_SPEC_RESULTS_PVT.Insert_Row(p_spec_results => l_spec_result))
2493: THEN
2494: -- Insert Error
2495: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;
2496: END IF;

Line 2499: gmd_debug.put_line(' A duplicate record is created in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for Result ID - ' || l_res.result_id);

2495: RAISE e_spec_results_insert_error;
2496: END IF;
2498: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
2499: gmd_debug.put_line(' A duplicate record is created in GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for Result ID - ' || l_res.result_id);
2500: END IF;
2502: END LOOP; -- For all the existing results

Line 2504: -- Now create rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for

2500: END IF;
2502: END LOOP; -- For all the existing results
2504: -- Now create rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for
2505: -- the tests that are missing and are part of the Target Spec
2507: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
2508: gmd_debug.put_line(' Now create rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for the tests that are missing and are part of the Target Spec');

Line 2508: gmd_debug.put_line(' Now create rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for the tests that are missing and are part of the Target Spec');

2504: -- Now create rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for
2505: -- the tests that are missing and are part of the Target Spec
2507: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
2508: gmd_debug.put_line(' Now create rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for the tests that are missing and are part of the Target Spec');
2509: END IF;
2511: -- Go throug all the tests that are part of the Spec
2512: FOR l_spec_test IN c_spec_tests(p_target_spec_id)

Line 2571: gmd_debug.put_line(' Test template record added to both GMD_RESULTD and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS.');

2568: END IF;
2570: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
2571: gmd_debug.put_line(' Test template record added to both GMD_RESULTD and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS.');
2572: END IF;
2574: -- We ignore other out parameters

Line 2855: X_additional_test gmd_spec_results.additional_test_ind%TYPE;

2851: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
2852: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
2853: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;
2855: X_additional_test gmd_spec_results.additional_test_ind%TYPE;
2856: X_display_precision gmd_qc_tests_b.display_precision%TYPE;
2857: --END BUG#2871126.
2859: LocalNumRec c_get_spec_test_num%ROWTYPE;

Line 2946: --retrieve rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for all the tests

2942: gmd_debug.put_line('We have the source spec, fetch data using POPULATE_RESULT_DATA_POINTS');
2943: END IF;
2945: --Since we have a specification
2946: --retrieve rows in GMD_RESULTS and GMD_SPEC_RESULTS for all the tests
2947: l_results_rec_tbl.DELETE;
2948: i := 0;
2950: -- Added Sep24 for getting tests without results

Line 3016: FROM gmd_spec_results sr

3013: --BEGIN BUG#2871126 Rameshwar
3014: SELECT sr.additional_test_ind
3015: INTO X_additional_test
3016: FROM gmd_spec_results sr
3017: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = p_event_spec_disp_id
3018: AND sr.result_id = LocalResRec.result_id
3019: ;

Line 3640: ||' FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr, gmd_samples s'

3636: ||' last_value(r.result_id)'
3637: ||' over (partition by r.test_id order by NVL(r.result_date, :l_start_date),'
3638: ||' r.test_replicate_cnt'
3639: ||' range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) rmax_id'
3640: ||' FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr, gmd_samples s'
3641: ||' WHERE r.result_id = sr.result_id'
3642: ||' AND r.sample_id = :l_sample_id'
3643: ||' AND sr.event_spec_disp_id = :l_event_spec_disp_id'
3644: ||' AND nvl(sr.evaluation_ind, ' || '''' || 'XX' || '''' || ') not in ('

Line 3656: --||' FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr, gmd_qc_tests_b t'

3652: ||')'
3653: ;
3655: -- The code below is now removed/changed from the SQL Above
3656: --||' FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr, gmd_qc_tests_b t'
3657: --||' AND r.test_id = t.test_id'
3658: --||' AND t.test_type <> ' || '''' || 'U' || ''''
3660: -- GO through all the sample_ids and populate _GTMP table

Line 5748: --| to update the gmd_spec_results table with proper values when the |

5744: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
5745: --| |
5746: --| Vipul Vaish 23-Jul-2003 Bug#3063671 |
5747: --| Added a call to the Validate_Result procedure which is used |
5748: --| to update the gmd_spec_results table with proper values when the |
5749: --| test type is of Expression. |
5750: --| RajaSekhar 12-Nov-2003 BUG#3243631 Frontport for 3199585 |
5751: --| Removed checking for the NULL results since expression can be |
5752: --| calculated without Test Result if the expression is written with |

Line 5791: gmd_spec_results sr,

5787: SELECT t.test_id, t.test_code, t.expression, t.display_precision,
5788: t.report_precision, r.result_id, r.result_value_num
5789: FROM gmd_samples s,
5790: gmd_results r,
5791: gmd_spec_results sr,
5792: gmd_qc_tests_b t
5793: WHERE s.sample_id = r.sample_id
5794: AND s.sample_id = p_sample_id
5795: AND s.retain_as IS NULL

Line 5817: FROM gmd_spec_results

5813: ;
5815: CURSOR c_add_test_id (p_event_spec_id NUMBER, p_result_id NUMBER) IS
5817: FROM gmd_spec_results
5818: WHERE event_spec_disp_id = p_event_spec_id
5819: AND result_id = p_result_id
5820: ;

Line 6046: --Updating the gmd_spec_results table, with proper values

6042: GMD_RESULTS_GRP.validate_result(x_rec,l_return_status);
6043: IF (l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
6045: END IF;
6046: --Updating the gmd_spec_results table, with proper values
6047: --which returned during the above call.
6048: UPDATE gmd_spec_results
6049: SET value_in_report_precision = l_report_value,
6050: in_spec_ind = x_rec.in_spec,

Line 6048: UPDATE gmd_spec_results

6045: END IF;
6046: --Updating the gmd_spec_results table, with proper values
6047: --which returned during the above call.
6048: UPDATE gmd_spec_results
6049: SET value_in_report_precision = l_report_value,
6050: in_spec_ind = x_rec.in_spec,
6051: action_code = x_rec.result_action_code,
6052: evaluation_ind = x_rec.evaluation_ind

Line 6198: FROM gmd_spec_results sr, gmd_results r

6195: -- Select COUNT of tests that have result with valid evaluation
6196: SELECT count(1)
6197: INTO l_count
6198: FROM gmd_spec_results sr, gmd_results r
6199: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6200: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6201: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6202: AND (((r.result_value_num IS NOT NULL OR r.result_value_char IS NOT NULL) AND

Line 6251: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr

6248: -- Select COUNT of Incomplete Tests in Sample WITH Spec
6249: SELECT count(1)
6250: INTO l_incomplete_count_from_spec
6251: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr
6252: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6253: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6254: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6255: AND st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id

Line 6271: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc

6267: ;
6268: ELSE --IF the process parameters for the sample org is defined then consider the tests based on the vlaue of include_optional_test_rslt_ind checkbox
6269: SELECT count(1)
6270: INTO l_incomplete_count_from_spec
6271: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc
6272: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6273: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6274: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6275: AND st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id

Line 6301: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr

6297: IF l_incomplete_count_from_spec = 0 THEN
6298: -- Try to select COUNT of Incomplete Tests in Sample WITHOUT Spec
6299: SELECT count(1)
6300: INTO l_incomplete_count_additional
6301: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr
6302: WHERE sr.result_id = r.result_id
6303: AND sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6304: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6305: AND sr.additional_test_ind = 'Y'

Line 6546: -- FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr

6544: -- SELECT count(1)
6545: -- INTO l_count
6546: -- FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr
6547: -- WHERE sr.result_id = r.result_id
6548: -- AND sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6549: -- AND r.sample_id = p_sample_id
6550: -- AND (sr.evaluation_ind IS NULL OR

Line 6568: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,

6565: -- Select COUNT of Tests with Evaluation other then ACCEPT
6566: SELECT count(1)
6567: INTO l_count_with_spec
6568: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,
6569: gmd_spec_tests_b st
6570: WHERE esd.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6571: AND esd.event_spec_disp_id = sr.event_spec_disp_id
6572: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id

Line 6595: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr

6592: -- Select COUNT of Tests with Evaluation other then ACCEPT or ACCEPT W/ VAR
6593: SELECT count(1)
6594: INTO l_count_wo_spec
6595: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr
6596: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6597: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6598: AND r.sample_id = p_sample_id
6599: AND sr.additional_test_ind = 'Y'

Line 6635: -- FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr

6632: -- B2820787 REPLACED QUERY WITH
6633: -- SELECT COUNT(1)
6634: -- INTO l_count
6635: -- FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr
6636: -- WHERE sr.result_id = r.result_id
6637: -- AND sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6638: -- AND r.sample_id = p_sample_id
6639: -- AND (sr.evaluation_ind IS NULL OR

Line 6657: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,

6654: -- Select COUNT of Tests with Evaluation other then ACCEPT
6655: SELECT count(1)
6656: INTO l_count_with_spec
6657: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,
6658: gmd_spec_tests_b st
6659: WHERE esd.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6660: AND esd.event_spec_disp_id = sr.event_spec_disp_id
6661: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id

Line 6685: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr

6681: -- Select COUNT of Tests with Evaluation other then ACCEPT or ACCEPT W/ VAR
6682: -- Bug 3763419 - Added Guaranteed by Manufacturer - 1Z
6683: SELECT count(1)
6684: INTO l_count_wo_spec
6685: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr
6686: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6687: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6688: AND r.sample_id = p_sample_id
6689: AND sr.additional_test_ind = 'Y'

Line 6907: l_spec_results GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;

6903: /*
6904: l_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
6905: l_sample_spec_disp GMD_SAMPLE_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
6906: l_results GMD_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;
6907: l_spec_results GMD_SPEC_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;
6909: l_in_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
6910: l_out_event_spec_disp GMD_EVENT_SPEC_DISP%ROWTYPE;
6911: l_out_results GMD_RESULTS%ROWTYPE;

Line 7232: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr

7228: l_test_id gmd_qc_tests_b.test_id%TYPE,
7229: l_event_spec_disp_id gmd_sample_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id%TYPE)
7230: IS
7231: SELECT r.result_id
7232: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr
7233: WHERE r.result_id = sr.result_id
7234: AND r.sample_id = l_sample_id
7235: AND sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp_id
7236: AND NVL(sr.evaluation_ind, 'XX') NOT IN ('50' ,'4C')