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1 package body pay_kr_paykryts_pkg as
2 /* $Header: paykryts.pkb 115.5 2003/08/26 02:32:58 viagarwa ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Global Variables
5 --
6 g_taxable_id		number;
7 g_non_taxable_id	number;
8 g_med_exp_tax_exem_id	number;
9 g_donation_tax_exem_id	number;
10 g_annual_itax_id	number;
11 g_prev_itax_id		number;
12 g_cur_itax_id		number;
13 g_itax_adj_id		number;
14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 procedure data(
16 	p_tax_unit_id			in number,
17 	p_target_year			in number,
18 	p_count				out nocopy number,
19 	p_earnings			out nocopy number,
20 	p_non_taxable_count		out nocopy number,
21 	p_non_taxable			out nocopy number,
22 	p_med_exp_tax_exem_count	out nocopy number,
23 	p_med_exp_tax_exem		out nocopy number,
24 	p_donation_tax_exem_count	out nocopy number,
25 	p_donation_tax_exem		out nocopy number,
26 	p_annual_itax			out nocopy number,
27 	p_prev_itax			out nocopy number,
28 	p_cur_itax			out nocopy number,
29 	p_itax_adj_pay			out nocopy number,
30 	p_itax_adj_refund		out nocopy number,
31 	p_itax_adj			out nocopy number)
32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 is
34 	cursor csr is
35 		select
36 			count(paa.assignment_action_id)								COUNT,
37 			nvl(sum(to_number(i1.value) + to_number(i2.value)), 0)					EARNINGS,
38 			count(decode(to_number(i2.value), 0, null, 1))						NON_TAXABLE_COUNT,
39 			nvl(sum(to_number(i2.value)), 0)							NON_TAXABLE,
40 			count(decode(to_number(i3.value), 0, null, 1))						MED_EXP_TAX_EXEM_COUNT,
41 			nvl(sum(to_number(i3.value)), 0)							MED_EXP_TAX_EXEM,
42 			count(decode(to_number(i4.value), 0, null, 1))						DONATION_TAX_EXEM_COUNT,
43 			nvl(sum(to_number(i4.value)), 0)							DONATION_TAX_EXEM,
44 			nvl(sum(to_number(i5.value)), 0)							ANNUAL_ITAX,
45 			nvl(sum(to_number(i6.value)), 0)							PREV_ITAX,
46 			nvl(sum(to_number(i7.value)), 0)							CUR_ITAX,
47 			nvl(sum(decode(sign(to_number(i8.value)), 1, to_number(i8.value),null)), 0)		ITAX_ADJ_PAY,
48 			abs(nvl(sum(decode(sign(to_number(i8.value)), -1, to_number(i8.value),null)), 0))	ITAX_ADJ_REFUND
49 		from	ff_archive_items		i8,	/* X_YEA_ITAX_ADJ          */
50 			ff_archive_items		i7,	/* X_YEA_CUR_ITAX          */
51 			ff_archive_items		i6,	/* X_YEA_PREV_ITAX         */
52 			ff_archive_items		i5,	/* X_YEA_ANNUAL_ITAX       */
53 			ff_archive_items		i4,	/* X_YEA_DONATION_TAX_EXEM */
54 			ff_archive_items		i3,	/* X_YEA_MED_EXP_TAX_EXEM  */
55 			ff_archive_items		i2,	/* X_YEA_NON_TAXABLE       */
56 			ff_archive_items		i1,	/* X_YEA_TAXABLE           */
57 			pay_assignment_actions		paa,
58 			pay_payroll_actions		ppa,
59 			hr_organization_units	        hou
60 		where	hou.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id
61 		and	ppa.report_type = 'YEA'
62 		and	ppa.report_qualifier = 'KR'
63 		and	ppa.report_category in ('N', 'I')
64 		and	ppa.business_group_id + 0 = hou.business_group_id
65 		and	to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY')) = p_target_year
66 		and	ppa.action_type in ('B','X')
67 		and	paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
68 		and	paa.tax_unit_id = hou.organization_id
69 		and	paa.action_status = 'C'
70 		and	i1.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
71 		and	i1.user_entity_id = nvl(g_taxable_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
72 		and	i2.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
73 		and	i2.user_entity_id = nvl(g_non_taxable_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
74 		and	i3.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
75 		and	i3.user_entity_id = nvl(g_med_exp_tax_exem_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
76 		and	i4.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
77 		and	i4.user_entity_id = nvl(g_donation_tax_exem_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
78 		and	i5.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
79 		and	i5.user_entity_id = nvl(g_annual_itax_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
80 		and	i6.context1(+) = paa.assignment_action_id
81 		and	i6.user_entity_id(+) = nvl(g_prev_itax_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
82 		and	i7.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
83 		and	i7.user_entity_id = nvl(g_cur_itax_id, paa.assignment_action_id)
84 		and	i8.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
85 		and	i8.user_entity_id = nvl(g_itax_adj_id, paa.assignment_action_id);
86 begin
87 	open csr;
88 	fetch csr into
89 		p_count,
90 		p_earnings,
91 		p_non_taxable_count,
92 		p_non_taxable,
93 		p_med_exp_tax_exem_count,
94 		p_med_exp_tax_exem,
95 		p_donation_tax_exem_count,
96 		p_donation_tax_exem,
97 		p_annual_itax,
98 		p_prev_itax,
99 		p_cur_itax,
100 		p_itax_adj_pay,
101 		p_itax_adj_refund;
102 	close csr;
103 	--
104 	p_itax_adj := p_itax_adj_pay - p_itax_adj_refund;
105 end data;
106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 function user_entity_id(p_user_entity_name in varchar2) return number
108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 is
110 	l_user_entity_id	number;
111 begin
112 	select	user_entity_id
113 	into	l_user_entity_id
114 	from	ff_user_entities
115 	where	user_entity_name = p_user_entity_name
116 	and	legislation_code = 'KR'
117 	and	creator_type = 'X';
118 	--
119 	return l_user_entity_id;
120 end user_entity_id;
121 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 begin
124 	--
125 	-- Derive user_entity_id for YEA archive items.
126 	--
127 	g_taxable_id		:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_TAXABLE');
128 	g_non_taxable_id	:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_NON_TAXABLE');
129 	g_med_exp_tax_exem_id	:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_MED_EXP_TAX_EXEM');
130 	g_donation_tax_exem_id	:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_DONATION_TAX_EXEM');
131 	g_annual_itax_id	:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_ANNUAL_ITAX');
132 	g_prev_itax_id		:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_PREV_ITAX');
133 	g_cur_itax_id		:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_CUR_ITAX');
134 	g_itax_adj_id		:= user_entity_id('X_YEA_ITAX_ADJ');
135 end pay_kr_paykryts_pkg;