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Line 14621: l_label_format_name wms_label_formats.label_format_name%TYPE;

14617: l_count NUMBER;
14618: l_return_status NUMBER;
14619: l_label_format_id NUMBER;
14620: l_document_id NUMBER;
14621: l_label_format_name wms_label_formats.label_format_name%TYPE;
14622: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
14623: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ApplyLabel';
14624: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
14625: l_strategy_id NUMBER := NULL;

Line 14639: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr

14635: , rules.rule_weight
14636: , rules.type_hdr_id
14637: , wl.label_format_name
14638: , wl.document_id
14639: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr
14640: WHERE rules.type_code = 4
14641: AND rules.type_hdr_id = wl.label_format_id
14642: AND wl.label_format_id = NVL(wlr.label_format_id, wl.label_format_id)
14643: AND NVL(format_disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE --Bug #3452076

Line 14661: FROM wms_label_formats

14658: CURSOR l_default_label_curs IS
14659: SELECT label_format_id
14660: , label_format_name
14661: FROM wms_label_formats
14662: WHERE document_id = l_document_id
14663: AND default_format_flag IN ('Y', 'y');
14665: CURSOR l_label_requests_curs IS

Line 14678: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr

14674: BEGIN
14675: SAVEPOINT assignlabelsp;
14676: ----
14677: SELECT count(rules.rule_id ) into ll_ctr
14678: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr
14679: WHERE rules.type_code = 4
14680: AND rules.type_hdr_id = wl.label_format_id
14681: AND wl.label_format_id = NVL(wlr.label_format_id, wl.label_format_id)
14682: AND NVL(format_disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE --Bug # 3452076