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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

|               last_reservation_deleted - inform the order line workflow that|
|               the last reservation has been deleted for this sales order    |
|               line.                                                         |
|               workflow_build_status - to determine if a particular          |
|               sales order line is at the released phase of the workflow.    |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
| HISTORY     :                                                               |
|               July 22, 99  James Chiu   Initial version                     |
|               12/18/2000   Renga Kannan                                     |
|                            Added one utility procedure CTO_DEBUG which      |
|                            will write the CTO debug messages                |
|                                                                             |
|               01/11/2001   Renga Kannan                                     |
|                            The exception handling in CTO_DEBUG is added     |
|                            so that the cto_debug will not fail in the case  |
|                            of invalid directry specified. This fix is part  |
|                            of bug # 1577006                                 |
|              08/16/2001    Kiran Konada, fix for bug#1874380                |
|                            to support ATO item under a PTO                  |
|                             item_type_code for an ato item under PTO        |
|			     is 'OPTION' and top_model_line_id will NOT be    |
|                             null, UNLIKE an ato item order, where           |
|			     item_type_code = 'Standard' and                  |
|                             top_model_lined_id is null                      |
|                             This fix has actually been provided in          |
|                              branched code                     |
|                                                                             |
|               06/01/2005   Renga Kannan
|                            Added NoCopy Hint				      |

Line: 91

 *    select ltrim(rtrim(substr(value, instr(value,',',-1,1)+1)))
 *       into   file_dir
 *          from   v$parameter
 *             where  name= 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 101

   select ltrim(rtrim(value))
   into   file_dir
   from   (select value from v$parameter2
           where name='utl_file_dir'
           order by rownum desc)
   where rownum <2;
Line: 167

    select item_type_code, ato_line_id
    into  v_item_type_code, v_ato_line_id
    from oe_order_lines_all
    where line_id = order_line_id;
Line: 265

   Procedure:   last_wo_reservation_deleted
   Parameters:  order_line_id           - order_line_id
                x_return_status         - standard API output parameter
                x_msg_count             -           "
                x_msg_data              -           "
   Description: This callback is used to inform the order line workflow that
                the last reservation has been deleted for this sales order


PROCEDURE last_wo_reservation_deleted(
        order_line_id   IN          NUMBER,
        x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
        x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2

  l_api_name CONSTANT 		VARCHAR2(40)   := 'last_wo_reservation_deleted';
Line: 300

    select item_type_code, ato_line_id
    into  v_item_type_code, v_ato_line_id
    from oe_order_lines_all
    where line_id = order_line_id;
Line: 324

		select count(*) into v_counter
		from mtl_reservations
		--where demand_source_type_id = 2
                where demand_source_type_id  =
                                   decode (l_source_document_type_id, 10, inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_internal_ord,
					   inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe )	-- bugfix 1799874
		and   demand_source_line_id = order_line_id
		and   primary_reservation_quantity > 0;
Line: 344

                   select 1
                   into   v_counter2
                   from   dual
                   where exists(select 'x'
                                from   wip_flow_schedules
                                where  demand_source_type = 2
                                and    demand_source_line = to_char(order_line_id));  --Bugfix 6330114
Line: 371

                 'Calling Display_wf_status procedure for order_line_id='||to_char(order_line_id));
Line: 392

    	oe_debug_pub.add ('last_wo_reservation_deleted: ' || 'last_wo_reservation_deleted raised expected error.',1);
Line: 403

    	oe_debug_pub.add ('last_wo_reservation_deleted: ' || 'last_wo_reservation_deleted raised unexpected error.',1);
Line: 413

    	oe_debug_pub.add ('last_wo_reservation_deleted: ' || 'last_wo_reservation_deleted raised others exception: '||sqlerrm,1);
Line: 425

END last_wo_reservation_deleted;
Line: 462

    select item_type_code, ato_line_id
    into  v_item_type_code, v_ato_line_id
    from oe_order_lines_all
    where line_id = order_line_id;
Line: 559

                the last flow schedule has been deleted for this sales order


PROCEDURE flow_deletion(
        order_line_id   IN         NUMBER,
        x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
        x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

  l_api_name CONSTANT 		VARCHAR2(40)   := 'flow_deletion';
Line: 588

    select item_type_code, ato_line_id
    into  v_item_type_code, v_ato_line_id
    from oe_order_lines_all
    where line_id = order_line_id;
Line: 611

		select count(*) into v_counter
		from mtl_reservations
		-- where demand_source_type_id = 2
                where demand_source_type_id  =
                                   decode (l_source_document_type_id, 10, inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_internal_ord,
					   inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe )	-- bugfix 1799874
		and   demand_source_line_id = order_line_id
		and   primary_reservation_quantity > 0;
Line: 628

                   select 1
                   into   v_counter2
                   from   dual
                   where exists(select 'x'
                                from   wip_flow_schedules
                                where  demand_source_type = 2
                                and    demand_source_line = to_char(order_line_id));  --Bugfix 6330114
Line: 735

    select activity_status
    into   p_activity_status
    from   wf_item_activity_statuses was
    where  was.item_type      = p_itemtype
    and    was.item_key       = p_itemkey
    and    was.process_activity in
	(SELECT wpa.instance_id
	FROM  wf_process_activities wpa
	 WHERE wpa.activity_name = p_activity_name);