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2 /*$Header: amwpsecb.pls 120.2 2006/09/14 10:32:11 yreddy noship $*/
7   C_TYPE_SET       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SET';
12   C_NULL_STR       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := '*NULL*';
14   C_AMP_STR         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := '&';
19   c_pred_buf_size CONSTANT NUMBER := 32767;
20   /* This is the VPD size limit of predicates in the database.  */
21   /* In 8.1.7 databases the limit is 4k, and in 8.2 it will be 32k. */
22   /* Once we no longer support 8.1.7 then we can increase this to 32,000 */
23   c_vpd_buf_limit CONSTANT NUMBER := 32*1024;
25   /* One level cache for get_object_id() */
26   g_obj_id_cache     NUMBER := NULL;
27   g_obj_name_cache   VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
29   /* One level cache for get_function_id() */
30   g_func_id_cache    NUMBER := NULL;
31   g_func_name_cache  VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
33   /* One level cache for get_security_predicate */
34   g_gsp_function             VARCHAR2(30)  := '*EMPTY*';
35   g_gsp_object_name          VARCHAR2(30)  := '*EMPTY*';
36   g_gsp_grant_instance_type  VARCHAR2(30)  := '*EMPTY*';
37   g_gsp_user_name            VARCHAR2(255) := '*EMPTY*';
38   g_gsp_statement_type       VARCHAR2(30)  := '*EMPTY*';
39   g_gsp_predicate            VARCHAR2(32767):= '*EMPTY*';
40   g_gsp_return_status        VARCHAR2(30)  := '*EMPTY*';
41   g_gsp_table_alias          VARCHAR2(255) := '*EMPTY*';
42   g_gsp_bind_order           VARCHAR2(255) := '*EMPTY*';
43   g_gsp_with_binds           VARCHAR2(30)  := '*EMPTY*';
44   g_gsp_context_user_id      NUMBER := -11111;
45   g_gsp_context_secgrpid     NUMBER := -11111;
46   g_gsp_context_resp_id      NUMBER := -11111;
47   g_gsp_context_resp_appl_id NUMBER := -11111;
48   g_gsp_context_org_id       NUMBER := -11111;
49   g_gsp_object_id            NUMBER := -11111;
50   g_gsp_function_id          NUMBER := -11111;
52   /* One level cache for CHECK_USER_ROLE() */
53   g_ck_user_role_result    VARCHAR2(1)   := NULL;
54   g_ck_user_role_name      VARCHAR2(255) := NULL;
58   ------------------------------------
59 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
60   ------------------------------------
62 function replace_str(in_pred  in varchar2, /* must be uppercased */
63                       from_str in varchar2,
64                       to_str   in varchar2) return varchar2 is
65   punctuation varchar2(255);
66   justspaces  varchar2(255);
67   compare_pred varchar2(32767);
68   out_pred    varchar2(32767);
69   pred_frag   varchar2(32767);
70   out_offset  number; /* difference in sizes as we are replacing smaller */
71                       /* strings with bigger strings */
72   xoldlen     number;
73   xnewlen     number;
74   i           number;
75   j           number;
76   maxlen      number := 32767; /* maximum length of predicate */
77   before_char varchar2(30);
78   match       boolean;
79 begin
80   /* convert punctuation in predicate to spaces for comparison */
81   punctuation := fnd_global.newline||'`~!@#$%^*()-=+|][{}\";:,<>/?''.';
82   justspaces  := '                              ';
83   compare_pred := upper(in_pred);
84   out_pred := in_pred;
85   xoldlen  := LENGTH(from_str);
86   xnewlen  := LENGTH(to_str);
88   i:= 99999;
89   j:= 1;
90   out_offset := 0;
91   while (i<>0) loop
92     i := instr(compare_pred, from_str, 1, j);
93     if i=0 then
94        exit;
95     end if;
97     if i<>1 then
98       /* Make sure the character before the X isnt alphanumeric */
99       /* or underscore, which would mean this is not a match */
100       before_char := substr(compare_pred, i-1, 1);
101       before_char := translate(before_char, punctuation, justspaces);
102       if before_char = ' ' then
103         match := TRUE;
104       else
105         match := FALSE;
106       end if;
107     else
108       match := TRUE;
109     end if;
111     if (match) then
112       /* Replace the string in the output
113       ** predicate.  Clip the string to the max byte size allowed.
114       */
115       out_pred := substrb(   substr(out_pred, 1, i  + out_offset - 1)
116                            || to_str
117                            || substr(out_pred, i  + out_offset + xoldlen),
118                         1, maxlen);
119       out_offset := out_offset + xnewlen - xoldlen ;
120     end if;
122     j := j + 1;
123   end loop;
125   return out_pred;
126 end;
129   ------------------------------------
130 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
131   ------------------------------------
133 function get_to_char(x_column_name in varchar2,
134                              x_column_type in varchar2) return varchar2 is
135   retval varchar2(255);
136 begin
137   /* INTEGER type... no format mask needed.  NUMBER is an obsolete type */
138   /* that we support like INTEGER for backward compatibility. */
139   if (x_column_type = 'INTEGER') or (x_column_type = 'NUMBER') then
140     retval := 'TO_CHAR('||x_column_name||')';
141   elsif (x_column_type = 'FLOAT') then
142     retval := 'TO_CHAR('||x_column_name||
143               ', ''FM999999999999999999999.99999999999999999999'')';
144   elsif (x_column_type = 'DATE') then
145     retval := 'TO_CHAR('||x_column_name||', ''YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'')';
146   else
147     retval := '/* ERROR_UNK_TYPE:'||x_column_type
148               ||' */ TO_CHAR('||x_column_name||')';
149   end if;
150   return retval;
151 end;
154   ------------------------------------
155 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
156   ------------------------------------
158 Function get_object_id(p_object_name in varchar2
159                        ) return number is
160 v_object_id number;
161 l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'GET_OBJECT_ID';
162 Begin
163    if (p_object_name = g_obj_name_cache) then
164       v_object_id := g_obj_id_cache; /* If we have it cached, use value */
165    else    /* not cached, hit db */
166       select object_id
167       into v_object_id
168       from fnd_objects
169       where obj_name=p_object_name;
171       /* Store in cache */
172       g_obj_id_cache := v_object_id;
173       g_obj_name_cache := p_object_name;
174    end if;
176    return v_object_id;
177 exception
178    when no_data_found then
179      return null;
180 end;
183   ------------------------------------
184 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
185   ------------------------------------
187 Function get_function_id(p_function_name in varchar2
188                        ) return number is
189 v_function_id number;
190 l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'GET_FUNCTION_ID';
191 Begin
192    if (p_function_name = g_func_name_cache) then
193       v_function_id := g_func_id_cache; /* If we have it cached, use value */
194    else    /* not cached, hit db */
195       select function_id
196       into v_function_id
197       from fnd_form_functions
198       where function_name=p_function_name;
200       /* Store in cache */
201       g_func_id_cache := v_function_id;
202       g_func_name_cache := p_function_name;
203    end if;
205    return v_function_id;
206 exception
207    when no_data_found then
208      return null;
209 end;
212   ------------------------------------
213 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
214   ------------------------------------
216 function CHECK_USER_ROLE(P_USER_NAME      in         varchar2)
217                        return  varchar2 /* T/F */
218 is
219  l_dummy number := 0;
220  colon pls_integer;
222 begin
224   if(   (g_ck_user_role_name is not NULL)
225      and (g_ck_user_role_name = p_user_name)) then
226     return g_ck_user_role_result;
227   end if;
229          select 1
230          into l_dummy
231          from wf_user_roles
232          where user_name = p_user_name
233          and rownum = 1;
235       g_ck_user_role_result := 'T';
236       g_ck_user_role_name := p_user_name;
237       return g_ck_user_role_result;
239   exception when no_data_found then
240     g_ck_user_role_result := 'F';
241     g_ck_user_role_name := p_user_name;
242     return g_ck_user_role_result;
247   ------------------------------------
248 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
249   ------------------------------------
252 procedure get_name_bind(p_user_name in VARCHAR2,
253                       x_user_name_bind      out NOCOPY varchar2) is
254    l_api_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'GET_NAME_BIND';
255    colon pls_integer;
256    l_unfound BOOLEAN;
257    x_user_id number;
258    x_is_per_person number;
259 begin
261    if ((p_user_name is NULL) or (p_user_name = 'GLOBAL')) then
262      x_user_name_bind := ''''|| replace(p_user_name, '''','''''')||'''';
263      return;
264    end if;
266    if (p_user_name =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','USER_NAME')) then
267      x_user_name_bind := 'SYS_CONTEXT(''FND'',''USER_NAME'')';
268      return;
269    else
270      x_user_name_bind := ''''||replace(p_user_name, '''', '''''')||'''';
271      return;
272    end if;
274    /* This line should never be reached. */
275    x_user_name_bind := 'ERROR_IN_GET_NAME_BIND';
276    return;
278 end;
281   ------------------------------------
282 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
283   ------------------------------------
285 function get_pk_information(p_object_name in VARCHAR2,
286                              x_pk1_column_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
287                              x_pk2_column_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
288                              x_pk3_column_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
289                              x_pk4_column_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
290                              x_pk5_column_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
291                              x_pk_column out NOCOPY varchar2,
292                              x_ik_clause out NOCOPY varchar2,
293                              x_exact_clause out NOCOPY varchar2,
294                              x_orig_pk_column    out NOCOPY varchar2,
295                              x_database_object_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
296                              x_table_alias     in varchar2,
297                              x_grant_alias     in varchar2)
298 return VARCHAR2 IS
299 l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'GET_PK_INFORMATION';
300 x_pk1_column_type varchar2(8);
301 x_pk2_column_type varchar2(8);
302 x_pk3_column_type varchar2(8);
303 x_pk4_column_type varchar2(8);
304 x_pk5_column_type varchar2(8);
305 l_table_alias     varchar2(255);
306 l_grant_alias     varchar2(255);
307 cursor c_pk is
308     SELECT pk1_column_name
309             ,pk2_column_name
310            ,pk3_column_name
311            ,pk4_column_name
312            ,pk5_column_name
313            ,pk1_column_type
314            ,pk2_column_type
315            ,pk3_column_type
316            ,pk4_column_type
317            ,pk5_column_type
318            , database_object_name
319     FROM fnd_objects
320     WHERE obj_name=p_object_name  ;
321 begin
323    if(x_table_alias is NULL) then
324      l_table_alias := NULL;
325    else
326      l_table_alias := x_table_alias || '.';
327    end if;
329    if(x_grant_alias is NULL) then
330      l_grant_alias := NULL;
331    else
332      l_grant_alias := x_grant_alias || '.';
333    end if;
335    open c_pk;
336    fetch c_pk into
337    x_pk1_column_name ,
338    x_pk2_column_name ,
339    x_pk3_column_name ,
340    x_pk4_column_name ,
341    x_pk5_column_name ,
342    x_pk1_column_type ,
343    x_pk2_column_type ,
344    x_pk3_column_type ,
345    x_pk4_column_type ,
346    x_pk5_column_type ,
347    x_database_object_name;
349    IF(c_pk%NOTFOUND) THEN
350        return 'U';
351    end if;
353    CLOSE c_pk;
355    -- Build up the list of column names without 'X.' (table alias)
356    x_orig_pk_column := NULL;
357    if(    (x_pk1_column_name is not NULL)
358       AND (x_pk1_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
359       x_orig_pk_column := x_orig_pk_column ||x_pk1_column_name;
360    end if;
361    if(    (x_pk2_column_name is not NULL)
362       AND (x_pk2_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
363       x_orig_pk_column := x_orig_pk_column || ', ' || x_pk2_column_name;
364    end if;
365    if(    (x_pk3_column_name is not NULL)
366       AND (x_pk3_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
367       x_orig_pk_column := x_orig_pk_column || ', ' || x_pk3_column_name;
368    end if;
369    if(    (x_pk4_column_name is not NULL)
370       AND (x_pk4_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
371       x_orig_pk_column := x_orig_pk_column || ', ' || x_pk4_column_name;
372    end if;
373    if(    (x_pk5_column_name is not NULL)
374       AND (x_pk5_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
375       x_orig_pk_column := x_orig_pk_column || ', ' || x_pk5_column_name;
376    end if;
380    -- Build up the x_pk_column and x_ik_clause lists
381    -- by adding values for each column name.
382    x_ik_clause :=  '(('||l_grant_alias||'INSTANCE_TYPE = ''INSTANCE'')';
383    x_exact_clause :=  '(';
385    if (   (x_pk1_column_name is not null)
386       AND (x_pk1_column_name <> C_NULL_STR))then
387        x_pk_column := x_pk_column||l_table_alias||x_pk1_column_name;
388        x_ik_clause := x_ik_clause||' AND ('||l_grant_alias
389                        ||'INSTANCE_PK1_VALUE' ||
390                        ' = '||get_to_char(l_table_alias|| x_pk1_column_name,
391                                            x_pk1_column_type)
392                        || ')';
393        x_exact_clause :=  x_exact_clause||
394                       ' ( :pk1 = '||l_table_alias|| x_pk1_column_name || ')';
395     if (     (x_pk2_COLUMN_name is not null)
396          AND (x_pk2_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
397          x_pk_column:=
398           x_pk_column||', '||l_table_alias||x_pk2_COLUMN_name;
402                                || x_pk2_column_name,  x_pk2_column_type)
399          x_ik_clause := x_ik_clause||' AND ('||
400                                l_grant_alias ||'INSTANCE_PK2_VALUE'||
401                                ' = '||get_to_char(l_table_alias
403                                || ')';
404          x_exact_clause :=  x_exact_clause||
405                             ' AND ( :pk2 = '||l_table_alias
406                                     || x_pk2_column_name || ')';
407       if (    (x_pk3_COLUMN_name is not null)
408           AND (x_pk3_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
409            x_pk_column :=
410             x_pk_column||', '||l_table_alias||x_pk3_COLUMN_name;
411            x_ik_clause := x_ik_clause||' AND ('||l_grant_alias
412                             ||'INSTANCE_PK3_VALUE'||
413                             ' = '||get_to_char(l_table_alias||
414                                                 x_pk3_column_name,
415                                                x_pk3_column_type)
416                             || ')';
417            x_exact_clause :=  x_exact_clause||
418                             ' AND ( :pk3 = '||l_table_alias
419                                  || x_pk3_column_name || ')';
420          if (    (x_pk4_COLUMN_name is not null)
421              AND (x_pk4_column_name <> C_NULL_STR))  then
422               x_pk_column:=
423                x_pk_column||', '||l_table_alias||x_pk4_COLUMN_name;
424               x_ik_clause := x_ik_clause||' AND ('||
425                             l_grant_alias
426                             ||'INSTANCE_PK4_VALUE'||
427                             ' = '||get_to_char(l_table_alias||
428                                                x_pk4_column_name,
429                                                x_pk4_column_type)
430                             || ')';
431               x_exact_clause := x_exact_clause||
432                               ' AND ( :pk4 = '||l_table_alias
433                                      || x_pk4_column_name || ')';
434             if (    (x_pk5_COLUMN_name is not null)
435                 AND (x_pk5_column_name <> C_NULL_STR)) then
436                  x_pk_column:=
437                   x_pk_column||', '||l_table_alias||x_pk5_COLUMN_name;
438                  x_ik_clause := x_ik_clause||' AND ('|| l_grant_alias
439                                       ||'INSTANCE_PK5_VALUE'||
440                    ' = '||get_to_char(l_table_alias|| x_pk5_column_name,
441                                        x_pk5_column_type)
442                    || ')';
443                  x_exact_clause :=  x_exact_clause||
444                            ' AND ( :pk5 = '||l_table_alias
445                                   || x_pk5_column_name || ')';
446             end if;
447          end if;
448       end if;
449    end if;
450    end if;
452    x_ik_clause := x_ik_clause||' )';
453    x_exact_clause :=  x_exact_clause||' )';
455    return 'T';
456 end;
459   ------------------------------------
460 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
461   ------------------------------------
463 FUNCTION upgrade_predicate(in_pred in varchar2) return VARCHAR2 is
464   xpos number;
465   gpos number;
466   compare_pred varchar2(32767);
467   out_pred    varchar2(32767);
468   xoldval     varchar2(255) := 'X.';
469   goldval     varchar2(255) := 'G.PARAMETER';
470   xnewval     varchar2(255) := C_TABLE_ALIAS_TOK;
471   gnewval     varchar2(255) := C_GRANT_ALIAS_TOK||'PARAMETER';
472 begin
473   /* upper case the predicate for comparison */
474   compare_pred := UPPER(in_pred);
475   xpos := INSTR(compare_pred, xoldval);
476   gpos := INSTR(compare_pred, goldval);
477   if (xpos = 0 and gpos = 0) then
478     return in_pred; /* Short circuit return if no upgrade candidates */
479   end if;
481   out_pred := in_pred;
482   if(xpos <> 0) then
483     out_pred := replace_str(out_pred, xoldval, xnewval);
484   end if;
485   if(gpos <> 0) then
486     out_pred := replace_str(out_pred, goldval, gnewval);
487   end if;
488   return out_pred;
489 end upgrade_predicate;
492   ------------------------------------
493 --  Directly copied from fnd_data_security, slightly modified
494   ------------------------------------
496 FUNCTION substitute_predicate(in_pred in varchar2,
497                              in_table_alias in varchar2) return VARCHAR2 is
498   out_pred varchar2(32767);
499   maxlen   number := 32767;
500   gsubval     varchar2(255) := 'GNT.';
501   l_table_alias varchar2(255);
502 begin
503   if (in_table_alias is not NULL) then
504      l_table_alias := in_table_alias || '.';
505   else
506      l_table_alias := NULL;
507   end if;
509   out_pred := in_pred;
510   out_pred := substrb(replace(out_pred, C_TABLE_ALIAS_TOK,
511                               l_table_alias), 1, maxlen);
513   out_pred := substrb(replace(out_pred, C_GRANT_ALIAS_TOK,
514                               gsubval), 1, maxlen);
516   return out_pred;
517 end substitute_predicate;
519   ------------------------------------
520 --  Grant Role
521   ------------------------------------
522   PROCEDURE grant_role_guid
523   (
524    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
525    p_role_name             IN  VARCHAR2,
526    p_object_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
527    p_instance_type         IN  VARCHAR2,
528    p_instance_set_id       IN  NUMBER,
529    p_instance_pk1_value    IN  VARCHAR2,
530    p_instance_pk2_value    IN  VARCHAR2,
531    p_instance_pk3_value    IN  VARCHAR2,
532    p_instance_pk4_value    IN  VARCHAR2,
533    p_instance_pk5_value    IN  VARCHAR2,
534    p_party_id              IN  NUMBER,
538    x_errorcode             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
535    p_start_date            IN  DATE,
536    p_end_date              IN  DATE,
537    x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
539    x_grant_guid            OUT NOCOPY RAW,
540    p_check_for_existing    IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE
541   )
542   IS
544   --x_grant_guid         fnd_grants.grant_guid%TYPE;
545   l_grantee_type       hz_parties.party_type%TYPE;
546   l_instance_type      fnd_grants.instance_type%TYPE;
547   l_grantee_key        fnd_grants.grantee_key%TYPE;
548   l_dummy              VARCHAR2(1);
549   l_not_found		   boolean := true;
550   CURSOR get_party_type (cp_party_id NUMBER)
551   IS
552     SELECT party_type
553       FROM hz_parties
554     WHERE party_id=cp_party_id;
556   CURSOR check_fnd_grant_exist (cp_grantee_key       VARCHAR2,
557                                cp_grantee_type            VARCHAR2,
558                                cp_menu_name               VARCHAR2,
559                                cp_object_name             VARCHAR2,
560                                cp_instance_type           VARCHAR2,
561                                cp_instance_pk1_value      VARCHAR2,
562                                cp_instance_pk2_value      VARCHAR2,
563                                cp_instance_pk3_value      VARCHAR2,
564                                cp_instance_pk4_value      VARCHAR2,
565                                cp_instance_pk5_value      VARCHAR2,
566                                cp_instance_set_id         NUMBER,
567                                cp_start_date              DATE,
568                                cp_end_date                DATE) IS
570         SELECT 'X'
571         FROM fnd_grants grants,
572              fnd_objects obj,
573              fnd_menus menus
574         WHERE grants.grantee_key=cp_grantee_key
575         AND  grants.grantee_type=cp_grantee_type
576         AND  grants.menu_id=menus.menu_id
577         AND  menus.menu_name=cp_menu_name
578         AND  grants.object_id = obj.object_id
579         AND obj.obj_name=cp_object_name
580         AND grants.instance_type=cp_instance_type
581         AND ((grants.instance_pk1_value=cp_instance_pk1_value )
582             OR((grants.instance_pk1_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk1_value IS NULL)))
583         AND ((grants.instance_pk2_value=cp_instance_pk2_value )
584             OR((grants.instance_pk2_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk2_value IS NULL)))
585         AND ((grants.instance_pk3_value=cp_instance_pk3_value )
586             OR((grants.instance_pk3_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk3_value IS NULL)))
587         AND ((grants.instance_pk4_value=cp_instance_pk4_value )
588             OR((grants.instance_pk4_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk4_value IS NULL)))
589         AND ((grants.instance_pk5_value=cp_instance_pk5_value )
590             OR((grants.instance_pk5_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk5_value IS NULL)))
591         AND ((grants.instance_set_id=cp_instance_set_id )
592             OR((grants.instance_set_id IS NULL ) AND (cp_instance_set_id IS NULL)))
593         AND (((grants.start_date<=cp_start_date )
594             AND (( grants.end_date IS NULL) OR (cp_start_date <=grants.end_date )))
595         OR ((grants.start_date >= cp_start_date )
596             AND (( cp_end_date IS NULL)  OR (cp_end_date >=grants.start_date))));
598     v_start_date DATE := sysdate;
600   BEGIN
601        if (p_start_date IS NULL) THEN
602       v_start_date := sysdate;
603        else
604       v_start_date := p_start_date;
605        end if;
607        IF( p_instance_type <> 'INSTANCE') THEN
608           l_instance_type:='SET';
609        ELSE
610           l_instance_type:=p_instance_type;
611        END IF;
612        OPEN get_party_type (cp_party_id =>p_party_id);
613        FETCH get_party_type INTO l_grantee_type;
614        CLOSE get_party_type;
615        IF(  p_party_id = -1000) THEN
616           l_grantee_type :='GLOBAL';
617           l_grantee_key:='HZ_GLOBAL:'||p_party_id;
618        ELSIF (l_grantee_type ='PERSON') THEN
619           l_grantee_type:='USER';
620           l_grantee_key:='HZ_PARTY:'||p_party_id;
621        ELSIF (l_grantee_type ='GROUP') THEN
622           l_grantee_type:='GROUP';
623           l_grantee_key:='HZ_GROUP:'||p_party_id;
624        ELSIF (l_grantee_type ='ORGANIZATION') THEN
625           l_grantee_type:='COMPANY';
626           l_grantee_key:='HZ_COMPANY:'||p_party_id;
627        ELSE
628            null;
629        END IF;
630 	   IF (p_check_for_existing = FND_API.G_TRUE ) THEN
631        	OPEN check_fnd_grant_exist(cp_grantee_key  => l_grantee_key,
632                       cp_grantee_type       => l_grantee_type,
633                       cp_menu_name          => p_role_name,
634                       cp_object_name        => p_object_name,
635                       cp_instance_type      => l_instance_type,
636                       cp_instance_pk1_value => p_instance_pk1_value,
637                       cp_instance_pk2_value => p_instance_pk2_value,
638                       cp_instance_pk3_value => p_instance_pk3_value,
639                       cp_instance_pk4_value => p_instance_pk4_value,
640                       cp_instance_pk5_value => p_instance_pk5_value,
641                       cp_instance_set_id    => p_instance_set_id,
642                       cp_start_date         => v_start_date,
643                       cp_end_date           => p_end_date);
645        	FETCH check_fnd_grant_exist INTO l_dummy;
646        	IF( check_fnd_grant_exist%FOUND) THEN
647        		l_not_found := false;
648 	   	END IF;
649 	   	CLOSE check_fnd_grant_exist;
650 	   END IF;
651 	   IF (l_not_found) THEN
652          fnd_grants_pkg.grant_function(
653               p_api_version        => 1.0,
654               p_menu_name          => p_role_name ,
658               p_instance_pk1_value => p_instance_pk1_value,
655               p_object_name        => p_object_name,
656               p_instance_type      => l_instance_type,
657               p_instance_set_id    => p_instance_set_id,
659               p_instance_pk2_value => p_instance_pk2_value,
660               p_instance_pk3_value => p_instance_pk3_value,
661               p_instance_pk4_value => p_instance_pk4_value,
662               p_instance_pk5_value => p_instance_pk5_value,
663               p_grantee_type       => l_grantee_type,
664               p_grantee_key        => l_grantee_key,
665               p_start_date         => v_start_date,
666               p_end_date           => p_end_date,
667               p_program_name       => null,
668               p_program_tag        => null,
669               x_grant_guid         => x_grant_guid,
670               x_success            => x_return_status,
671               x_errorcode          => x_errorcode
672           );
673               if(p_instance_type = 'INSTANCE') then
674                 AMW_SECURITY_UTILS_PVT.give_dependant_grants (
675                                 p_grant_guid		=> x_grant_guid,
676                                 p_parent_obj_name	=> p_object_name,
677                                 p_parent_role		=> p_role_name,
678                                 p_parent_pk1		=> p_instance_pk1_value,
679                                 p_parent_pk2		=> p_instance_pk2_value,
680                                 p_parent_pk3		=> p_instance_pk3_value,
681                                 p_parent_pk4		=> p_instance_pk4_value,
682                                 p_parent_pk5		=> p_instance_pk5_value,
683                                 p_grantee_type		=> l_grantee_type,
684                                 p_grantee_key		=> l_grantee_key,
685                                 p_start_date		=> v_start_date,
686                                 p_end_date		    => p_end_date,
687                                 x_success		    => x_return_status,
688                                 x_errorcode 		=> x_errorcode);
689               end if;
692         ELSE
693           x_return_status:='F';
694         END IF;
698   END grant_role_guid;
701   ------------------------------------
702 --  Grant Privilege
703   ------------------------------------
704   PROCEDURE grant_role_guid
705   (
706    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
707    p_role_name             IN  VARCHAR2,
708    p_object_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
709    p_instance_type         IN  VARCHAR2,
710    p_object_key            IN  NUMBER,
711    p_party_id              IN  NUMBER,
712    p_start_date            IN  DATE,
713    p_end_date              IN  DATE,
714    x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
715    x_errorcode             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
716    x_grant_guid            OUT NOCOPY RAW
717   )
718   IS
719     -- Start OF comments
720     -- API name  : Grant
721     -- TYPE      : Public
722     -- Pre-reqs  : None
723     -- FUNCTION  : Grant a Role on object instances to a Party.
724     --             If this operation fails then the grant is not
725     --             done and error code is returned.
726     --
727     -- Version: Current Version 0.1
728     -- Previous Version :  None
729     -- Notes  :
730     --
731     -- END OF comments
732   l_instance_set_id    fnd_grants.instance_set_id%TYPE;
733   l_instance_pk1_value fnd_grants.instance_pk1_value%TYPE;
734   v_start_date  DATE := sysdate;
736   BEGIN
737       IF( p_instance_type ='SET') THEN
738          l_instance_set_id:=p_object_key;
739          l_instance_pk1_value:= null;
740        ELSE
741          l_instance_set_id:=null;
742          l_instance_pk1_value:= to_char(p_object_key);
743        END IF;
745        if (p_start_date IS NULL) THEN
746       v_start_date := sysdate;
747        else
748       v_start_date := p_start_date;
749        end if;
751        grant_role_guid
752        (
753          p_api_version         => p_api_version,
754          p_role_name           => p_role_name,
755          p_object_name         => p_object_name,
756          p_instance_type       => p_instance_type,
757          p_instance_set_id     => l_instance_set_id,
758          p_instance_pk1_value  => l_instance_pk1_value,
759          p_instance_pk2_value  => null,
760          p_instance_pk3_value  => null,
761          p_instance_pk4_value  => null,
762          p_instance_pk5_value  => null,
763          p_party_id            => p_party_id,
764          p_start_date          => v_start_date,
765          p_end_date            => p_end_date,
766          x_return_status       => x_return_status,
767          x_errorcode           => x_errorcode,
768          x_grant_guid          => x_grant_guid
769        );
771    END grant_role_guid;
774   --------------------------
775 --  Revoke Grant
776   --------------------------
777   PROCEDURE revoke_grant
778   (
779    p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
780    p_grant_guid     IN  VARCHAR2,
781    x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
782    x_errorcode      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
783   )
784   IS
785     -- Start OF comments
786     -- API name  : Revoke
787     -- TYPE      : Public
788     -- Pre-reqs  : None
789     -- FUNCTION  : Revoke a Party's role on object instances.
790     --             If this operation fails then the revoke is
791     --             done and error code is returned.
792     --
793     -- Version: Current Version 0.1
794     -- Previous Version :  None
795     -- Notes  :
796     --
797     -- END OF comments
802      SELECT grant_guid
799    l_grant_guid   fnd_grants.grant_guid%TYPE;
800    CURSOR get_grant_guid(cp_grant_id VARCHAR2)
801    IS
803      FROM fnd_grants
804      WHERE grant_guid=HEXTORAW(cp_grant_id);
806    BEGIN
807       OPEN get_grant_guid(cp_grant_id=>p_grant_guid);
808       FETCH get_grant_guid INTO l_grant_guid;
809       CLOSE get_grant_guid;
811         AMW_SECURITY_UTILS_PVT.revoke_dependant_grants(
812                                  p_grant_guid => l_grant_guid,
813                                  x_success    => x_return_status,
814                                  x_errorcode  => x_errorcode);
816       fnd_grants_pkg.revoke_grant(
817         p_api_version  => p_api_version,
818         p_grant_guid   => l_grant_guid  ,
819         x_success      => x_return_status,
820         x_errorcode    => x_errorcode
821       );
823   END revoke_grant;
826  ------------------------------------
827 --  Set end date to a grant
828   ------------------------------------
829   PROCEDURE set_grant_date
830   (
831    p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
832    p_grant_guid     IN  VARCHAR2,
833    p_start_date     IN  DATE,
834    p_end_date       IN  DATE,
835    x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
836   )IS
837    -- Start OF comments
838    -- API name : SET_GRANT_DATE
839    -- TYPE : Public
840    -- Pre-reqs : None
841    -- FUNCTION :sets start date and end date to a grant
842    --
843    --
844    --
845    -- Version: Current Version 1.0
846    -- Previous Version :  None
847    -- Notes  :
848    --
849    -- END OF comments
851   --x_success  VARCHAR2(2);
852   l_dummy              VARCHAR2(1);
853   l_grant_guid   fnd_grants.grant_guid%TYPE;
854    CURSOR get_grant_guid(cp_grant_id VARCHAR2,
855                          cp_start_date DATE,
856                          cp_end_date DATE)
857    IS
858      SELECT g1.grant_guid
859      FROM fnd_grants g1, fnd_grants g2
860      WHERE g1.grant_guid=HEXTORAW(cp_grant_id)
861       AND g2.grant_guid<>HEXTORAW(cp_grant_id)
862       AND g1.object_id=g2.object_id
863       AND g1.menu_id=g2.menu_id
864       AND g1.instance_type=g2.instance_type
865       AND g1.instance_pk1_value=g2.instance_pk1_value
866       AND g1.grantee_type=g2.grantee_type
867       AND g1.grantee_key=g2.grantee_key
868       AND (
869             ((g2.start_date<=cp_start_date )
870             AND (( g2.end_date IS NULL) OR (cp_start_date<=g2.end_date )))
871         OR ((g2.start_date >= cp_start_date )
872             AND (( cp_end_date IS NULL)  OR (cp_end_date>=g2.start_date)))
873       );
875    BEGIN
876       OPEN get_grant_guid(cp_grant_id=>p_grant_guid,
877                           cp_start_date=>p_start_date,
878                           cp_end_date=>p_end_date);
879       FETCH get_grant_guid INTO l_grant_guid;
881       IF( get_grant_guid%NOTFOUND) THEN
882            fnd_grants_pkg.update_grant (
883               p_api_version => p_api_version,
884               p_grant_guid  => HEXTORAW(p_grant_guid),
885               p_start_date  => p_start_date,
886               p_end_date    => p_end_date,
887               x_success     => x_return_status
888            );
890             AMW_SECURITY_UTILS_PVT.update_dependant_grants(
891                                  p_grant_guid		=> HEXTORAW(p_grant_guid),
892                                  p_new_start_date	=> p_start_date,
893                                  p_new_end_date		=> p_end_date,
894                                  x_success		=> x_return_status);
896       ELSE
897             x_return_status:='F';
899       END IF;
901       CLOSE get_grant_guid;
903   END set_grant_date;
906 -- abedajna: basically copied from fnd_data_security
907 -- gets rid of some useless backsupport stuff
908 -- and uses a different of constructing predicate
909 -- such the the 32k buffer limit is never hit.
911   PROCEDURE get_security_predicate_intrnl(
912     p_api_version      IN  NUMBER,
913     p_function         IN  VARCHAR2,
914     p_object_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
915     p_grant_instance_type  IN  VARCHAR2,/* SET, INSTANCE*/
916     p_user_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
917     /* stmnt_type: 'OTHER', 'VPD'=VPD, 'EXISTS'= for checking existence. */
918     p_statement_type   IN  VARCHAR2,
919     p_table_alias      IN  VARCHAR2,
920     p_with_binds       IN  VARCHAR2,
921     x_predicate        out NOCOPY varchar2,
922     x_return_status    out NOCOPY varchar2,
923     x_function_id      out NOCOPY NUMBER,
924     x_object_id        out NOCOPY NUMBER,
925     x_bind_order       out NOCOPY VARCHAR2
926   )  IS
928     l_api_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)      := 'GET_SECURITY_PREDICATE_INTRNL';
930     l_api_version           CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
931     l_sysdate              DATE := Sysdate;
932     l_aggregate_predicate   VARCHAR2(32767); /* Must match c_pred_buf_size*/
933     l_instance_predicate    VARCHAR2(32767); /* Must match c_pred_buf_size*/
934     l_instance_flag         BOOLEAN   := TRUE;
935     l_instance_set_flag     BOOLEAN   := TRUE;
936     l_inst_group_grantee_type  BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
937     l_inst_global_grantee_type BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
938     l_set_group_grantee_type   BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
939     l_set_global_grantee_type  BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
940     l_inst_instance_type    BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
941     l_set_instance_type     BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
942     l_global_instance_type  BOOLEAN   := FALSE;
943     l_db_object_name        varchar2(30);
944     l_db_pk1_column         varchar2(256);
945     l_db_pk2_column         varchar2(256);
949     l_pk_column_names       varchar2(512);
946     l_db_pk3_column         varchar2(256);
947     l_db_pk4_column         varchar2(256);
948     l_db_pk5_column         varchar2(256);
950     l_pk_orig_column_names  varchar2(512);
951     l_ik_clause             varchar2(2048);
952     l_exact_clause          varchar2(2048);
953     l_user_name_bind        varchar2(255);
954     l_user_name             varchar2(80);
955     l_nrows                 pls_integer;
956     l_table_alias           varchar2(256);
957     l_last_instance_set_id  NUMBER;
958     l_last_pred             varchar2(32767);
959     l_need_to_close_pred    BOOLEAN;
960     l_refers_to_grants      BOOLEAN;
961     l_last_was_hextoraw     BOOLEAN;
962     l_pred                  varchar2(32767);
963     l_uses_params           BOOLEAN;
964     d_predicate             VARCHAR2(32767);
965     d_instance_set_id       number;
966     d_grant_guid            RAW(16);
967     l_grp_glob_fn           BOOLEAN;
968     l_grp_glob_nofn         BOOLEAN;
969     l_glob_fn               BOOLEAN;
970     l_glob_nofn             BOOLEAN;
971     l_grp_fn                BOOLEAN;
972     l_grp_nofn              BOOLEAN;
973     l_cursor_is_open        BOOLEAN;
974     l_dummy                 NUMBER;
975     colon                   PLS_INTEGER;
976     -- abedajna
977     top varchar2(500);
978     mid1 varchar2(1000);
979     mid2 varchar2(1000);
980     mid3 varchar2(1000);
981     bottom varchar2(2000);
982     guid_subquery varchar2(32767);
985     /* This cursor determines if there are any grants to GLOBAL grantee, */
986     /* for a particular instance type */
987     CURSOR grant_types_global_c (cp_user_name       varchar2,
988                                   cp_function_id NUMBER,
989                                   cp_object_id VARCHAR2,
990                                   cp_instance_type VARCHAR2)
991         IS
992          select 1 from
993           dual
994          where exists
995          (
996          SELECT /*+ INDEX(g, FND_GRANTS_N1) */ 1
997            FROM fnd_grants g
998           WHERE  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
999             AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
1000             AND (   (cp_function_id = -1)
1001                  OR (g.menu_id in
1002                       (select cmf.menu_id
1003                          from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
1004                         where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
1005             AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
1006                  OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
1007                                    SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
1008             AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
1009                  OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
1010             AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
1011                  OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
1012             AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
1013                  OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
1014             AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
1015             AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
1016                  OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
1017             AND g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
1018           );
1021     /* This cursor determines if there are any grants to USER or GROUP */
1022     /* grantee, for a particular instance type */
1023     CURSOR grant_types_group_c (cp_user_name     varchar2,
1024                                 cp_function_id   NUMBER,
1025                                 cp_object_id     VARCHAR2,
1026                                 cp_instance_type VARCHAR2)
1027         IS
1028          select 1 from
1029           dual
1030          where exists
1031          (
1032          SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */ 'X'
1033            FROM
1034             ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
1035               from wf_user_roles wur,
1036                 (
1037                 select cp_user_name name from dual
1038                   union all
1039                 select incr1.name name
1040                   from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
1041                  where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
1042                    and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
1043                    and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
1044                    and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
1045                  ) incr2
1046               where wur.user_name = incr2.name
1047              ) u2,
1048              fnd_grants g
1049          WHERE rownum = 1
1050               AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
1051               and g.object_id = cp_object_id
1052               and ((cp_function_id = -1)
1053                    or (g.menu_id in
1054                         (select cmf.menu_id
1055                            from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
1056                           where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
1057               and (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
1058                    or g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
1059                                  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
1060               and (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
1061                    OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
1062               and (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
1063                    OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
1064               and (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
1065                    OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
1066               and g.start_date <= SYSDATE
1067               and (   g.end_date IS NULL
1068                    OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
1069               and g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
1070           );
1073     /* Which instance sets are granted to specific function? */
1074     CURSOR isg_grp_glob_fn_c (cp_user_name       varchar2,
1078          SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
1075                                   cp_function_id NUMBER,
1076                                   cp_object_id VARCHAR2)
1077         IS
1079                  instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
1080                  g.grant_guid
1081            FROM
1082             ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
1083                union all
1084               select  role_name
1085               from wf_user_roles wur,
1086                 (
1087                 select cp_user_name name from dual
1088                   union all
1089                 select incr1.name name
1090                   from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
1091                  where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
1092                    and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
1093                    and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
1094                    and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
1095                  ) incr2
1096               where wur.user_name = incr2.name
1097              ) u2,
1098              fnd_grants g,
1099              fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
1100           WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
1101             AND g.instance_type = 'SET'
1102             AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
1103             AND (g.menu_id in
1104                       (select cmf.menu_id
1105                          from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
1106                         where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
1107             AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
1108             AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
1109                  OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
1110                                      SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
1111             AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
1112                  OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
1113             AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
1114                  OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
1115             AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
1116                  OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
1117             AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
1118             AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
1119                  OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
1120           ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
1121                    instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
1123     /* Which instance sets are granted to specific function? */
1124     CURSOR isg_grp_fn_c (cp_user_name       varchar2,
1125                                   cp_function_id NUMBER,
1126                                   cp_object_id VARCHAR2)
1127         IS
1128          SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
1129                  instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
1130                  g.grant_guid
1131            FROM
1132             ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
1133               from wf_user_roles wur,
1134                 (
1135                 select cp_user_name name from dual
1136                   union all
1137                 select incr1.name name
1138                   from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
1139                  where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
1140                    and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
1141                    and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
1142                    and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
1143                  ) incr2
1144               where wur.user_name = incr2.name
1145              ) u2,
1146              fnd_grants g,
1147              fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
1148           WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
1149             AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
1150             AND (g.menu_id in
1151                       (select cmf.menu_id
1152                          from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
1153                         where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
1154             AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
1155             AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
1156                  OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
1157                                     SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
1158             AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
1159                  OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
1160             AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
1161                  OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
1162             AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
1163                  OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
1164             AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
1165             AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
1166                  OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
1167           ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
1168                    instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
1171     /* Which instance sets are granted to specific function? */
1172     CURSOR isg_glob_fn_c (cp_user_name       varchar2,
1173                                   cp_function_id NUMBER,
1174                                   cp_object_id VARCHAR2)
1175         IS
1176          SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
1177                 g.grant_guid
1178            FROM fnd_grants g,
1179                 fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
1180           WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
1181             AND  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
1182             AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
1183             AND (g.menu_id in
1184                       (select cmf.menu_id
1185                          from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
1186                         where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
1187             AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
1188             AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
1189                  OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
1190                                  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
1191             AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
1195             AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
1192                  OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
1193             AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
1194                  OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
1196                  OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
1197             AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
1198             AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
1199                  OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
1200           ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
1201                    instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
1204      l_object_id number   := -2;
1205      l_function_id number := -2;
1207     BEGIN
1209        x_function_id := NULL;
1210        x_object_id := NULL;
1211        x_bind_order := NULL;
1212        x_predicate := NULL;
1213        x_return_status := 'T'; /* Assume Success */
1215        -- check for call compatibility.
1216        if TRUNC(l_api_version) <> TRUNC(p_api_version) THEN
1217                x_return_status := 'U'; /* Unexpected Error */
1218                return;
1219        END IF;
1221        /* default username if necessary. */
1222        if (p_user_name is NULL) then
1223           l_user_name := SYS_CONTEXT('FND','USER_NAME');
1224        else
1225           l_user_name := p_user_name;
1226        end if;
1231        /* Check one level cache to see if we have this value cached already*/
1232        if (   (g_gsp_function = p_function
1233                or (g_gsp_function is NULL and  p_function is NULL))
1234            AND (g_gsp_object_name = p_object_name
1235                 or (g_gsp_object_name is NULL and p_object_name is NULL))
1236            AND (g_gsp_grant_instance_type = p_grant_instance_type)
1237            AND (g_gsp_user_name = l_user_name
1238                 or (g_gsp_user_name is NULL and l_user_name is NULL))
1239            AND (g_gsp_statement_type = p_statement_type)
1240            AND (    g_gsp_table_alias = p_table_alias
1241                 or (g_gsp_table_alias is NULL and p_table_alias is NULL))
1242            AND (g_gsp_with_binds = p_with_binds)
1243            AND (g_gsp_context_user_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','USER_ID'))
1244            AND (g_gsp_context_resp_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
1245            AND (g_gsp_context_secgrpid =
1246                             SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
1247            AND (g_gsp_context_resp_appl_id =
1248                             SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
1249            AND (   (g_gsp_context_org_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
1250                 or (    g_gsp_context_org_id is NULL
1251                     and SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID') is NULL))) then
1252         x_predicate := g_gsp_predicate;
1253         x_return_status := g_gsp_return_status;
1254         x_object_id := g_gsp_object_id;
1255         x_function_id := g_gsp_function_id;
1256         x_bind_order := g_gsp_bind_order;
1257         return;
1258        end if;
1260        -- Check to make sure we're not using unsupported statement_type
1261        if (     (p_statement_type <> 'VPD')
1262             AND (p_statement_type <> 'BASE' /* Deprecated, same as VPD */)
1263             AND (p_statement_type <> 'OTHER')
1264             AND (p_statement_type <> 'EXISTS')) then
1265                x_return_status := 'U'; /* Unexpected Error */
1266                return;
1267        end if;
1270        /* Make sure that the FND_COMPILED_MENU_FUNCTIONS table is compiled */
1271        if (FND_FUNCTION.G_ALREADY_FAST_COMPILED <> 'T') then
1273        end if;
1276        /* check if we need to call through to old routine */
1277 --       IF (   (p_grant_instance_type = 'FUNCLIST')
1278 --            OR (p_grant_instance_type = 'FUNCLIST_NOINST')
1279 --            OR (p_grant_instance_type = 'GRANTS_ONLY'))THEN
1280 --           /* If this is one of the modes that require the old-style */
1281 --           /* statement, just call the old code for that.  */
1282 --           get_security_predicate_helper(
1283 --            p_function,
1284 --            p_object_name,
1285 --            p_grant_instance_type,
1286 --            p_user_name,
1287 --            p_statement_type,
1288 --            x_predicate,
1289 --            x_return_status,
1290 --            p_table_alias);
1291 --           return;
1292 --       end if;
1294        -- Check to make sure a valid role is passed or defaulted for user_name
1295        if (check_user_role (l_user_name) = 'F') then
1296          -- If we got here then the grantee will never be found because
1297          -- it isn't even a role, so we know there won't be a matching grant.
1298          l_aggregate_predicate := '1=2';
1299          x_return_status := 'E'; /* Error condition */
1300          goto return_and_cache;
1301        end if;
1303        /* Set up flags depending on which mode we are running in. */
1304        IF (p_grant_instance_type = C_TYPE_INSTANCE) THEN
1305             l_instance_set_flag:= FALSE;
1306        ELSIF (p_grant_instance_type = C_TYPE_SET) THEN
1307             l_instance_flag:= FALSE;
1308        ELSIF (p_grant_instance_type = 'UNIVERSAL') THEN
1309         null;
1310        END IF;
1313        -- Get the key columns from the user name
1314        -- We are not checking for NULL returns (meaning user not in wf_roles)
1315        -- because right now we allow checking of grants to users not in
1316        -- wf_roles.
1317        get_name_bind(l_user_name,
1318                           l_user_name_bind);
1321         if (p_object_name is NULL) THEN
1322             x_return_status := 'U';
1323             return;
1324         END IF;
1326         if(p_object_name = 'GLOBAL') then
1327           x_return_status := 'U';
1331           x_return_status := get_pk_information(p_object_name,
1328           return;
1329         else /* Normal case */
1330           /* Get the primary key lists and info for this object */
1332                              l_db_pk1_column  ,
1333                              l_db_pk2_column  ,
1334                              l_db_pk3_column  ,
1335                              l_db_pk4_column  ,
1336                              l_db_pk5_column  ,
1337                              l_pk_column_names  ,
1338                              l_ik_clause,
1339                              l_exact_clause,
1340                              l_pk_orig_column_names,
1341                              l_db_object_name,
1342                              p_table_alias,
1343                              'GNT');
1344           if (x_return_status <> 'T') then
1345               /* There will be a message on the msg dict stack. */
1346               return;  /* We will return the x_return_status as out param */
1347           end if;
1349           if (p_table_alias is not NULL) then
1350              l_table_alias := p_table_alias || '.';
1351              l_pk_orig_column_names := l_table_alias ||
1352                                replace (l_pk_orig_column_names, ', ',
1353                                         ', '||l_table_alias);
1354           else
1355              l_table_alias := NULL;
1356           end if;
1358           l_object_id :=get_object_id(p_object_name );
1359           if (l_object_id is NULL) THEN
1360             x_return_status := 'U';
1361             return;
1362           END IF;
1363         end if;
1365         if(p_function is NULL) then
1366           l_function_id := -1;
1367         else
1368           l_function_id := get_function_id(p_function);
1369           if (l_function_id is NULL) THEN
1370               x_return_status := 'U';
1371               return;
1372           END IF;
1373         end if;
1375         -- Performance note: we are doing up to six SQL statements in order
1376         -- to determine whether there exists all the possible combinations
1377         -- of grantee_type either GROUP (including USER) or GLOBAL
1378         -- and instance_type GLOBAL, INSTANCE, or SET.
1379         -- We had originally tried to check all these possibilities with
1380         -- a single statement, but it didn't perform adequately due to
1381         -- the ORs and sorting necessary, so this is the best solution.
1382         -- Perhaps if we get the WF folks to put GLOBAL (all) users into the
1383         -- a group in WF_USER_ROLES then we could go down to only 3 SQL
1384         -- or even one.
1386         --
1387         -- Do not check for GLOBAL grants when the user is GUEST
1388         --
1389         if (l_user_name <> 'GUEST') then
1390         --
1391         -- check for 'GLOBAL' instance type
1392         --
1393         /* See if there are any grants with */
1394         /* grantee_type='GLOBAL' and instance_type = 'GLOBAL' that apply*/
1395          l_dummy := -1;
1396          open grant_types_global_c (l_user_name,
1397                                           l_function_id,
1398                                           l_object_id,
1399                                           'GLOBAL');
1400          fetch grant_types_global_c into l_dummy;
1401          IF(grant_types_global_c%NOTFOUND) THEN
1402             NULL;
1403          else
1404            if(l_dummy = 1) then
1405               l_global_instance_type := TRUE;
1406               close grant_types_global_c;
1407               goto global_inst_type;
1408            end if;
1409          end if;
1410          close grant_types_global_c;
1411         end if;
1413         /* See if there are any grants with */
1414         /* grantee_type='GROUP' and instance_type = 'GLOBAL' that apply*/
1415          l_dummy := -1;
1418             open grant_types_group_c (l_user_name,
1419                                           l_function_id,
1420                                           l_object_id,
1421                                           'GLOBAL');
1422            fetch grant_types_group_c into l_dummy;
1423              IF(grant_types_group_c%NOTFOUND) THEN
1424                NULL;
1425              else
1426                if(l_dummy = 1) then
1427                   l_global_instance_type := TRUE;
1428                   close grant_types_group_c;
1429                   goto global_inst_type;
1430                end if;
1431              end if;
1432              close grant_types_group_c;
1435         --
1436         -- check for 'SET' instance type
1437         --
1438         if l_instance_set_flag then
1439           /* See if there are any grants with */
1440         --
1441         -- Do not check for GLOBAL grants when the user is GUEST
1442         --
1443         if (l_user_name <> 'GUEST') then
1444           /* grantee_type='GLOBAL' and instance_type = 'SET' that apply*/
1445           l_dummy := -1;
1446           open grant_types_global_c (l_user_name,
1447                                             l_function_id,
1448                                             l_object_id,
1449                                             'SET');
1450           fetch grant_types_global_c into l_dummy;
1451           IF(grant_types_global_c%NOTFOUND) THEN
1452              NULL;
1453           else
1454              if(l_dummy = 1) then
1455                 l_set_instance_type := TRUE;
1456                 l_set_global_grantee_type := TRUE;
1457              end if;
1458           end if;
1459           close grant_types_global_c;
1460         end if;
1463           /* See if there are any grants with */
1464           /* grantee_type='GROUP' and instance_type = 'SET' that apply*/
1469                open grant_types_group_c (l_user_name,
1466           l_dummy := -1;
1470                                                 l_function_id,
1471                                                 l_object_id,
1472                                                 'SET');
1473                 fetch grant_types_group_c into l_dummy;
1474                 IF(grant_types_group_c%NOTFOUND) THEN
1475                     NULL;
1476                 else
1477                    if(l_dummy = 1) then
1478                       l_set_instance_type := TRUE;
1479                       l_set_group_grantee_type := TRUE;
1480                 end if;
1481               end if;
1482               close grant_types_group_c;
1484         end if; /* l_instance_set_flag */
1486         --
1487         -- check for 'INSTANCE' instance type
1488         --
1489         if l_instance_flag then
1490           /* See if there are any grants with */
1491         --
1492         -- Do not check for GLOBAL grants when the user is GUEST
1493         --
1494         if (l_user_name <> 'GUEST') then
1496           /* grantee_type='GLOBAL' and instance_type = 'INSTANCE' that apply*/
1497           l_dummy := -1;
1498           open grant_types_global_c (l_user_name,
1499                                           l_function_id,
1500                                           l_object_id,
1501                                           'INSTANCE');
1502           fetch grant_types_global_c into l_dummy;
1503           IF(grant_types_global_c%NOTFOUND) THEN
1504              NULL;
1505           else
1506              if(l_dummy = 1) then
1507                 l_inst_instance_type := TRUE;
1508                 l_inst_global_grantee_type := TRUE;
1509              end if;
1510           end if;
1511           close grant_types_global_c;
1512          end if;
1514           /* See if there are any grants with */
1515           /* grantee_type='GROUP' and instance_type = 'INSTANCE' that apply*/
1516           l_dummy := -1;
1519              open grant_types_group_c (l_user_name,
1520                                     l_function_id,
1521                                     l_object_id,
1522                                     'INSTANCE');
1523              fetch grant_types_group_c into l_dummy;
1524               IF(grant_types_group_c%NOTFOUND) THEN
1525                  NULL;
1526               else
1527                if(l_dummy = 1) then
1528                   l_inst_instance_type := TRUE;
1529                   l_inst_group_grantee_type := TRUE;
1530                end if;
1531              end if;
1532              close grant_types_group_c;
1535         end if; /* l_instance_flag */
1537 <<global_inst_type>>
1539         /* If we have a global instance type grant, then all rows are */
1540         /* in scope, so just return 1=1 */
1541         if(l_global_instance_type = TRUE) then
1542            l_aggregate_predicate := '1=1';
1543            x_return_status := 'T';
1544            goto return_and_cache;
1545         end if;
1547         /* If there are no instance sets and we aren't looking for */
1548         /* instances, then there won't be any rows returned by the */
1549         /* predicate so return (1=2) */
1550         if(l_global_instance_type = FALSE and
1551            l_inst_instance_type = FALSE and
1552            l_set_instance_type = FALSE) then
1553            l_aggregate_predicate := '1=2';
1554            x_return_status := 'T';
1555            goto return_and_cache;
1556         end if;
1558         /* If we have an instance type grant, but no recognized grantee, */
1559         /* that is a data error, so signal that error */
1560         if(l_inst_instance_type = TRUE and
1561            l_inst_group_grantee_type = FALSE and
1562            l_inst_global_grantee_type = FALSE) then
1563            l_set_instance_type := TRUE;
1564         end if;
1566         /* Build up the instance set part of the predicate */
1567         l_last_pred := '*NO_PRED*';
1568         if(l_set_instance_type = TRUE) then
1570            l_last_instance_set_id := -11162202;
1571            l_need_to_close_pred := FALSE;
1572            l_refers_to_grants := FALSE;
1574            l_grp_glob_fn    := FALSE;
1575            l_grp_glob_nofn  := FALSE;
1576            l_grp_fn         := FALSE;
1577            l_grp_nofn       := FALSE;
1578            l_glob_fn        := FALSE;
1579            l_glob_nofn      := FALSE;
1581            /* Open one of six different cursors  */
1582            if (    l_set_group_grantee_type
1583                AND l_set_global_grantee_type
1584                AND l_function_id <> -1) then
1585               OPEN isg_grp_glob_fn_c (    l_user_name,
1586                                           l_function_id,
1587                                           l_object_id);
1588               l_grp_glob_fn := TRUE;
1590            elsif(  l_set_group_grantee_type
1591                AND (NOT l_set_global_grantee_type)
1592                AND l_function_id <> -1) then
1594                    OPEN isg_grp_fn_c (l_user_name,
1595                                       l_function_id,
1596                                       l_object_id);
1597                    l_grp_fn := TRUE;
1599            elsif(NOT l_set_group_grantee_type
1600                AND l_set_global_grantee_type
1601                AND l_function_id <> -1) then
1602               OPEN isg_glob_fn_c (l_user_name,
1603                                           l_function_id,
1604                                           l_object_id);
1605               l_glob_fn := TRUE;
1606            else
1607               x_return_status := 'U';
1608               return;
1612            LOOP
1609            end if;
1611            l_cursor_is_open := TRUE;
1613               if (l_grp_glob_fn) then
1614                  FETCH isg_grp_glob_fn_c INTO d_predicate, d_instance_set_id,
1615                                              d_grant_guid;
1616                  if (isg_grp_glob_fn_c%notfound) then
1617                     close isg_grp_glob_fn_c;
1618                     l_cursor_is_open := FALSE;
1619                     exit; -- exit loop
1620                  end if;
1621               elsif (l_grp_fn) then
1622                     FETCH isg_grp_fn_c INTO d_predicate, d_instance_set_id,
1623                                                d_grant_guid;
1624                     if (isg_grp_fn_c%notfound) then
1625                        close isg_grp_fn_c;
1626                        l_cursor_is_open := FALSE;
1627                        exit; -- exit loop
1628                     end if;
1630               elsif (l_glob_fn) then
1631                  FETCH isg_glob_fn_c INTO d_predicate, d_instance_set_id,
1632                                              d_grant_guid;
1633                  if (isg_glob_fn_c%notfound) then
1634                     close isg_glob_fn_c;
1635                     l_cursor_is_open := FALSE;
1636                     exit; -- exit loop
1637                  end if;
1638               else
1639                  x_return_status := 'U';
1640                  return;
1641               end if;
1643               /* If we are coming upon a new instance set */
1644               if (d_instance_set_id <>
1645                   l_last_instance_set_id) then
1646                  if (l_need_to_close_pred) then /* Close off the last pred */
1647                    l_aggregate_predicate := substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
1648                         ') AND '|| l_pred ||')', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1649                    l_need_to_close_pred := FALSE;
1650                    l_last_was_hextoraw := FALSE;
1651                  end if;
1653                  /* If we need to add an OR, do so. */
1654                  if (l_last_pred <> '*NO_PRED*') then
1655                    l_aggregate_predicate := substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
1656                         ' OR ', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1657                  end if;
1659                  /* Upgrade and substitute predicate */
1660                  l_pred := upgrade_predicate(
1661                                  d_predicate);
1663                  /* If this is the simple form of predicate that does not */
1664                  /* refer to parameters in the grant table */
1665                  if (instr(l_pred, C_GRANT_ALIAS_TOK) <> 0) then
1666                     l_uses_params := TRUE;
1667                  else
1668                     l_uses_params := FALSE;
1669                  end if;
1671                  l_pred := substitute_predicate(
1672                                  l_pred,
1673                                  p_table_alias);
1675                  /* If this is the simple form of predicate that does not */
1676                  /* refer to parameters in the grant table */
1677                  if ( NOT l_uses_params) then
1678                     l_aggregate_predicate  :=
1679                               substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
1680                                  '('|| l_pred ||')', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1681                     l_need_to_close_pred := FALSE;
1682                     l_refers_to_grants := FALSE;
1683                  else /* Has references to grant table so we subselect */
1684                       /* against the grants table */
1685 -- abedajna begin
1687 top := 	' SELECT g.grant_guid ' ||
1688            ' FROM fnd_grants g, fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf ' ||
1689           '  WHERE g.instance_type = '||''''||'SET'||'''' ||
1690           '  and g.instance_set_id = ' || d_instance_set_id ||
1691           '  AND g.menu_id = cmf.menu_id AND cmf.function_id = '|| l_function_id;
1695 mid1 :=           '   AND ((g.grantee_key in ' ||
1696                   ' (select role_name ' ||
1697                   '    from wf_user_roles ' ||
1698                   '   where user_name in ' ||
1699                   '    (select incrns.name ' ||
1700                   '       from wf_local_roles src, ' ||
1701                   '            wf_local_roles incrns ' ||
1702                   '      where src.name                = '||''''||l_user_name||''''  ||
1703                   '        and src.parent_orig_system  = incrns.parent_orig_system ' ||
1704                   '        and src.parent_orig_system_id  = incrns.parent_orig_system_id) ' ||
1705                   '  )) ' ||
1706                   '  OR (g.grantee_type = '||''''|| 'GLOBAL'|| '''' || ')) ';
1709 mid2 :=           '   AND (g.grantee_key in ' ||
1710                   ' (select role_name ' ||
1711                   '    from wf_user_roles ' ||
1712                   '   where user_name in ' ||
1713                   '    (select incrns.name ' ||
1714                   '       from wf_local_roles src ' ||
1715                   '            ,wf_local_roles incrns ' ||
1716                   '      where src.name                = '||''''||l_user_name||''''  ||
1717                   '        and src.parent_orig_system  = ' ||
1718                   '                        incrns.parent_orig_system ' ||
1719                   '        and src.parent_orig_system_id  = ' ||
1720                   '                        incrns.parent_orig_system_id) ' ||
1721                   ' )) ';
1723 mid3 :=            ' AND  (g.grantee_type = '||''''|| 'GLOBAL' ||'''' || ') ';
1726 bottom := ' AND g.object_id = ' || l_object_id  ||
1727           '  AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1 ' ||
1728           '       OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    = ' ||
1729           '                          SYS_CONTEXT('||''''||'FND'||''''||','||''''||'SECURITY_GROUP_ID'||''''||')) ' ||
1733           '       OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('||''''||'FND'||''''||','||''''||'RESP_APPL_ID'||''''||')) ' ||
1730           '  AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1 ' ||
1731           '       OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('||''''||'FND'||''''||','||''''||'RESP_ID'||''''||')) ' ||
1732           '  AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1 ' ||
1734           '  AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1 ' ||
1735           '       OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('||''''||'FND'||''''||', '||''''||'ORG_ID'||''''||')) ' ||
1736           '  AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE ' ||
1737           '  AND (   g.end_date IS NULL ' ||
1738           '       OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE ) ';
1741 if (l_grp_glob_fn) then
1742 	guid_subquery := ' ( '||top || mid1 || bottom;
1743 elsif (l_grp_fn) then
1744 	guid_subquery := ' ( '||top || mid2 || bottom;
1745 elsif (l_glob_fn) then
1746 	guid_subquery := ' ( '||top || mid3 || bottom;
1747 end if;
1750 -- abedajna end
1752                     l_aggregate_predicate  :=
1753                          substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
1754                          ' exists (select null'||
1755                                       ' from fnd_grants gnt'||
1756                                      ' where gnt.grant_guid in ' || guid_subquery,
1757                                                     1, c_pred_buf_size);
1758                     l_need_to_close_pred := TRUE;
1759                     l_refers_to_grants := TRUE;
1760                  end if;
1761               end if;
1763               l_last_instance_set_id := d_instance_set_id;
1764               l_last_pred := d_predicate;
1766               /* Add this grant_guid to the predicate */
1767 --              if (l_refers_to_grants) then
1768 --                 if (l_last_was_hextoraw) then /* Add a comma if necessary */
1769 --                    l_aggregate_predicate  :=
1770 --                       substrb(l_aggregate_predicate ||
1771 --                         ', ', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1772 --                 end if;
1773 --                 l_aggregate_predicate  :=
1774 --                       substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
1775 --                         'hextoraw('''|| d_grant_guid
1776 --                         ||''')', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1777 --                 l_last_was_hextoraw := TRUE;
1778 --              else
1779 --                 l_last_was_hextoraw := FALSE;
1780 --              end if;
1781            END LOOP;
1783            /* Close the cursor */
1784            if (l_cursor_is_open) then
1785              if (l_grp_glob_fn) then
1786                 close isg_grp_glob_fn_c;
1787              elsif (l_grp_fn) then
1788                 close isg_grp_fn_c;
1789              elsif (l_glob_fn) then
1790                 close isg_glob_fn_c;
1791              else
1792                 x_return_status := 'U';
1793                 return;
1794              end if;
1795            end if;
1797            if (l_need_to_close_pred) then /* Close off the last pred */
1798               l_aggregate_predicate := substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
1799                    ') AND '|| l_pred ||')', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1800               l_need_to_close_pred := FALSE;
1801               l_last_was_hextoraw := FALSE;
1802            end if;
1804         end if;
1806         /* If there were no predicates found */
1807         if (l_last_pred = '*NO_PRED*') then
1808           l_set_instance_type := FALSE;
1809         end if;
1812         /* ---------- Instance part */
1813         if (l_inst_instance_type) then
1814           l_instance_predicate :=
1815             l_instance_predicate ||
1816            ' exists (select null'||
1817                      ' from fnd_grants gnt';
1818           if (p_with_binds = 'Y') then
1819             l_instance_predicate :=
1820               l_instance_predicate ||
1821                       ' where (GNT.object_id = :OBJECT_ID_BIND'||
1822                         ' AND (';
1823             x_object_id := l_object_id;
1824             if(x_bind_order is not NULL) then
1825                x_bind_order := x_bind_order || 'O';
1826             else
1827                x_bind_order := 'O';
1828             end if;
1829           else
1830             l_instance_predicate :=
1831               l_instance_predicate ||
1832                       ' where (GNT.object_id = ' || l_object_id ||
1833                         ' AND (';
1834           end if;
1836           if (l_inst_group_grantee_type) then
1838                          l_instance_predicate :=
1839                          l_instance_predicate ||
1840                              ' (    GNT.grantee_key in ' ||
1841                                   ' (select role_name '||
1842                                      ' from wf_user_roles wur'||
1843                                     ' where wur.user_name  in '||
1844                                        ' (select incrns.name '||
1845                                           ' from wf_local_roles src '||
1846                                               ' ,wf_local_roles incrns '||
1847                                          ' where src.name = ' ||
1848                                               l_user_name_bind ||
1849                                            ' and src.parent_orig_system '||
1850                                                ' = incrns.parent_orig_system '||
1851                                            ' and src.parent_orig_system_id  '||
1852                                                ' = incrns.parent_orig_system_id)))';
1853           end if;
1855           if (l_inst_global_grantee_type) then
1856              if (l_inst_group_grantee_type) then
1857                 l_instance_predicate :=
1858                  l_instance_predicate ||
1859                  ' OR';
1860              end if;
1864           /* Close off the grantee part */
1861              l_instance_predicate := l_instance_predicate ||
1862                   ' (GNT.grantee_type = ''GLOBAL'')';
1863           end if;
1865           l_instance_predicate := l_instance_predicate ||
1866                   ' )';
1867           if (p_with_binds = 'Y') then /* If returning a stmnt w/ binds*/
1868             if (l_function_id <> -1) then
1869                l_instance_predicate := l_instance_predicate ||
1870                 ' AND GNT.menu_id in'||
1871                   ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
1872                      ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
1873                     ' where cmf.function_id = :FUNCTION_ID_BIND )';
1874                x_function_id := l_function_id;
1875                if(x_bind_order is not NULL) then
1876                   x_bind_order := x_bind_order || 'F';
1877                else
1878                   x_bind_order := 'F';
1879                end if;
1880             end if;
1881           else
1882             if (l_function_id <> -1) then
1883                l_instance_predicate := l_instance_predicate ||
1884                ' AND GNT.menu_id in'||
1885                   ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
1886                      ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
1887                     ' where cmf.function_id = '||l_function_id||')';
1888             end if;
1889           end if;
1890           l_instance_predicate := l_instance_predicate ||
1891              ' AND(   GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = -1'||
1892                  ' OR GNT.ctx_secgrp_id  = '||
1893                     ' SYS_CONTEXT(''FND'',''SECURITY_GROUP_ID''))'||
1894              ' AND(   GNT.ctx_resp_id = -1'||
1895                  ' OR GNT.ctx_resp_id = '||
1896                     ' SYS_CONTEXT(''FND'',''RESP_ID''))'||
1897              ' AND(   GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1'||
1898                  ' OR GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id ='||
1899                     ' SYS_CONTEXT(''FND'',''RESP_APPL_ID''))'||
1900              ' AND(   GNT.ctx_org_id = -1'||
1901                  ' OR GNT.ctx_org_id ='||
1902                     ' SYS_CONTEXT(''FND'', ''ORG_ID''))'||
1903              ' AND GNT.start_date <= sysdate ' ||
1904              ' AND (    GNT.end_date IS NULL ' ||
1905                   ' OR GNT.end_date >= sysdate ) ';
1907           /* Add on the clause for INSTANCE_TYPE = 'INSTANCE' */
1908           l_instance_predicate := l_instance_predicate ||
1909              ' AND'|| l_ik_clause||'))';
1910         end if;
1912         /* Add the instance predicate on to the end */
1913         if (l_set_instance_type and l_inst_instance_type) then
1914           l_aggregate_predicate :=  substrb(l_aggregate_predicate ||
1915             ' OR', 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1916         end if;
1917         if(l_inst_instance_type) then
1918           l_aggregate_predicate :=  substrb(l_aggregate_predicate ||
1919            l_instance_predicate, 1, c_pred_buf_size);
1920         end if;
1922         /* If we have no predicate, then return 1=2.  This is for robustness*/
1923         /* but probably isn't needed in practice. */
1924         if(   l_aggregate_predicate is NULL
1925            or l_aggregate_predicate = '*NO_PRED*') then
1926            l_aggregate_predicate := '1=2';
1927         end if;
1929 <<return_and_cache>>
1931         /* Put parentheses around the statement in order to make it */
1932         /* amenable to ANDing with another statement */
1933         if(p_statement_type = 'EXISTS')then
1934           x_predicate :='ROWNUM=1 and ('||l_aggregate_predicate||')';
1935         else
1936           x_predicate :='('||l_aggregate_predicate||')';
1937         end if;
1939         if (    (lengthb(l_aggregate_predicate) > c_vpd_buf_limit)
1940             AND (   (p_statement_type = 'BASE') /* deprecated, same as VPD*/
1941                  or (p_statement_type = 'VPD')))then
1946             'The predicate was longer than the database VPD limit of '||
1947             to_char(c_vpd_buf_limit)||' bytes for the predicate.  ');
1948             x_return_status := 'L'; /* Indicate Error */
1949         end if;
1951         /* For VPD, null predicate is logically equivalent to and performs */
1952         /* similarly to (1=1) so return that. */
1953         if (    (x_predicate = '(1=1)')
1954             AND (   (p_statement_type = 'BASE') /* deprecated, same as VPD*/
1955                  or (p_statement_type = 'VPD'))) then
1956            x_predicate := NULL;
1957         end if;
1960         /* Set params and results into 1-level cache for next time */
1961         g_gsp_function := p_function;
1962         g_gsp_object_name := p_object_name;
1963         g_gsp_grant_instance_type := p_grant_instance_type;
1964         g_gsp_user_name := l_user_name;
1965         g_gsp_statement_type := p_statement_type;
1966         g_gsp_table_alias := p_table_alias;
1967         g_gsp_with_binds := p_with_binds;
1968         g_gsp_context_user_id := SYS_CONTEXT('FND','USER_ID');
1969         g_gsp_context_resp_id := SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID');
1970         g_gsp_context_secgrpid :=  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID');
1971         g_gsp_context_resp_appl_id := SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID');
1972         g_gsp_context_org_id := SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID');
1973         g_gsp_predicate := x_predicate;
1974         g_gsp_return_status := x_return_status;
1975         g_gsp_object_id := x_object_id;
1976         g_gsp_function_id := x_function_id;
1977         g_gsp_bind_order := x_bind_order;
1980         WHEN OTHERS THEN
1981             x_return_status := 'U';
1982             return;
1983   END get_security_predicate_intrnl;
1986 -- abedajna: same as the one in fnd_data_security, except that it
1987 -- calls my own get_security_predicate_internal.
1989   PROCEDURE get_security_predicate(
1990     p_api_version      IN  NUMBER,
1991     p_function         IN  VARCHAR2,
1992     p_object_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
1993     p_grant_instance_type  IN  VARCHAR2,/* SET, INSTANCE*/
1994     p_user_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
1995     /* stmnt_type: 'OTHER', 'VPD'=VPD, 'EXISTS'= for checking existence. */
1996     p_statement_type   IN  VARCHAR2,
1997     x_predicate        out NOCOPY varchar2,
1998     x_return_status    out NOCOPY varchar2,
1999     p_table_alias      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
2000   )  IS
2001     l_api_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)  := 'GET_SECURITY_PREDICATE';
2002     l_api_version           CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
2003     x_function_id  NUMBER;
2004     x_object_id    NUMBER;
2005     x_bind_order   varchar2(256);
2006     BEGIN
2008        -- check for call compatibility.
2009        if TRUNC(l_api_version) <> TRUNC(p_api_version) THEN
2010                x_return_status := 'U'; /* Unexpected Error */
2011                return;
2012        END IF;
2014        get_security_predicate_intrnl(
2015           p_api_version, p_function, p_object_name, p_grant_instance_type,
2016           p_user_name, p_statement_type, p_table_alias, 'N',
2017           x_predicate, x_return_status,
2018           x_function_id, x_object_id, x_bind_order);
2020     END;