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1 package body BSC_AW_LOAD AS
2 /*$Header: BSCAWLOB.pls 120.7 2006/04/20 11:27 vsurendr noship $*/
3 /*
4 the top package to handle all AW data loads, aggregations and forecasts
5 handles dim loads and kpi loads
6 */
8 /*
9 load dim handles aw dim loads. input to this procedure is a list of dim and options
10 */
11 procedure load_dim(
12 p_dim_level_list dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
13 p_options varchar2
14 ) is
15 Begin
16   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
17   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
18   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
19   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
20   init_all;
21   bsc_aw_adapter.upgrade(p_options);/*serial across all processes. we call upgrade(p_options) to invoke workspace attach in that api*/
22   bsc_aw_load_dim.load_dim(p_dim_level_list);
23   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
24 Exception when others then
25   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
26   rollback;
27   log_n('Exception in load_dim '||sqlerrm);
28   raise;
29 End;
31 /*
32 the aw dim corresponding to the level being purged is completely cleaned up, not just the level. if city is to
33 be purged, geog dim and all its levels will be purged.
35 NOTE!!! when dim is purged, all related kpi are completely purged. if a dim is to be removed from a kpi, the kpi has
36 to be recreated. so if a dim is purged, data in the kpi makes no sense anymore
37 */
38 procedure purge_dim(
39 p_dim_level_list dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
40 p_options varchar2
41 ) is
42 Begin
43   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
44   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
45   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
46   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
47   init_all;
48   bsc_aw_load_dim.purge_dim(p_dim_level_list);
49   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
50 Exception when others then
51   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
52   rollback;
53   log_n('Exception in purge_dim '||sqlerrm);
54   raise;
55 End;
57 /*
58 this procedure will dmp the dim level data into table bsc_aw_dim_data
59 used for bis dimensions that are not materialized. bsc loader needs the dim values
60 to know which values have got deleted
62 this creates the program on the fly, executes it and drops the program
64 */
65 procedure dmp_dim_level_into_table(
66 p_dim_level_list dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
67 p_options varchar2
68 ) is
69 Begin
70   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
71   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
72   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
73   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
74   init_all;
75   bsc_aw_management.get_workspace_lock('ro',null);
76   bsc_aw_load_dim.dmp_dim_level_into_table(p_dim_level_list);
77   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
78 Exception when others then
79   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
80   rollback;
81   log_n('Exception in dmp_dim_level_into_table '||sqlerrm);
82   raise;
83 End;
85 /*
86 for kpi, there are 2 ways to load
87 1 load a kpi
88 2 load base table and kpi associated with them
89 */
91 procedure load_kpi(
92 p_kpi_list dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
93 p_options varchar2
94 ) is
95 Begin
96   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
97   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
98   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
99   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
100   init_all;
101   bsc_aw_adapter.upgrade(p_options);/*serial across all processes*/
102   bsc_aw_load_kpi.load_kpi(p_kpi_list);
103   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
104 Exception when others then
105   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
106   rollback;
107   log_n('Exception in load_kpi '||sqlerrm);
108   raise;
109 End;
111 /*
112 p_base_table_list and p_kpi_list are 1 to 1. the entries can look as
113 BSC_B_1     3014
114 BSC_B_1     4000
115 BSC_B_2     3014
116 */
117 procedure load_base_table(
118 p_base_table_list dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
119 p_kpi_list dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
120 p_options varchar2
121 ) is
122 Begin
123   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
124   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
125   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
126   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
127   init_all;
128   bsc_aw_adapter.upgrade(p_options);/*serial across all processes*/
129   bsc_aw_load_kpi.load_base_table(p_base_table_list,p_kpi_list);
130   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
131 Exception when others then
132   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
133   rollback;
134   log_n('Exception in load_base_table '||sqlerrm);
135   raise;
136 End;
138 procedure purge_kpi(p_kpi varchar2,p_options varchar2) is
139 Begin
140   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
141   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
142   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
143   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
144   init_all;
145   bsc_aw_load_kpi.purge_kpi(p_kpi);
146   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
147 Exception when others then
148   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
149   rollback;
150   log_n('Exception in purge_kpi '||sqlerrm);
151   raise;
152 End;
154 /*
155 pass a kpi. this will loop over all dimset, all dim and levels. it eill create tables
156 as p_table_name||dimset||1,2 etc. then these table names will be returned in p_tables
157 */
158 procedure dmp_kpi_cubes_into_table(
159 p_kpi varchar2,
160 p_table_name varchar2,
161 p_options varchar2,
162 p_tables out nocopy dbms_sql.varchar2_table
163 ) is
164 Begin
165   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
166   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
167   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
168   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
169   init_all;
170   --read lock only
171   bsc_aw_management.get_workspace_lock('ro',null);
172   bsc_aw_load_kpi.dmp_kpi_cubes_into_table(p_kpi,p_table_name,p_tables);
173   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
174 Exception when others then
175   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
176   rollback;
177   log_n('Exception in dmp_kpi_cubes_into_table '||sqlerrm);
178   raise;
179 End;
181 procedure dmp_kpi_cubes_into_table(
182 p_kpi varchar2,
183 p_dimset varchar2,
184 p_dim_levels dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
185 p_table_name varchar2,
186 p_options varchar2) is
187 Begin
188   bsc_aw_utility.g_options.delete;
189   bsc_aw_utility.parse_parameter_values(p_options,',',bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
190   bsc_aw_utility.open_file('TEST');
191   bsc_aw_utility.dmp_g_options(bsc_aw_utility.g_options);
192   init_all;
193   --read lock only
194   bsc_aw_management.get_workspace_lock('ro',null);
195   bsc_aw_load_kpi.dmp_kpi_cubes_into_table(p_kpi,p_dimset,p_dim_levels,p_table_name);
196   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
197 Exception when others then
198   bsc_aw_management.detach_workspace;
199   rollback;
200   log_n('Exception in dmp_kpi_cubes_into_table '||sqlerrm);
201   raise;
202 End;
204 /*
205 for base table change vector management
206 we will handle inc load using the change vector column in the base table. we will not have the b_aw table anymore
207 we hold meradata on the latest change vector for a base table. to begin, its 0. when loader loads from I table,
208 calculates projections etc, it will load the value it gets from get_bt_next_change_vector into the change vector
209 ...
210 init_bt_change_vector('BSC_B_1');
211 l_cv:=get_bt_next_change_vector('BSC_B_1');
212 ...
213 load from I -> B
214 commit
215 ...
216 projections
217 commit
218 ...
219 update_bt_change_vector('BSC_B_1',l_cv);
220 commit;
221 truncate I table
223 init_bt_change_vector will create a metadata entry for B table if it does not exist
224 we cannot have a situation where change_vector column in B table is null
225 if the change vector in the B table > in the metadata, it is due to some loader failure before update_bt_change_vector
226 was called
227 when a B table is dropped by the MO, it needs to call drop_bt_change_vector
228 */
229 procedure init_bt_change_vector(p_base_table varchar2) is
230 Begin
231   bsc_aw_md_api.create_bt_change_vector(upper(p_base_table)); /*creates cv and current period */
232 Exception when others then
233   log_n('Exception in init_bt_change_vector '||sqlerrm);
234   raise;
235 End;
237 procedure drop_bt_change_vector(p_base_table varchar2) is
238 Begin
239   bsc_aw_md_api.drop_bt_change_vector(upper(p_base_table)); /*drops cv and cp */
240 Exception when others then
241   log_n('Exception in drop_bt_change_vector '||sqlerrm);
242   raise;
243 End;
245 function get_bt_next_change_vector(p_base_table varchar2) return number is
246 l_value number;
247 Begin
248   l_value:=bsc_aw_md_api.get_bt_change_vector(upper(p_base_table))+1;
249   return l_value;
250 Exception when others then
251   log_n('Exception in get_bt_next_change_vector '||sqlerrm);
252   raise;
253 End;
255 --for base table change vector management
256 procedure update_bt_change_vector(p_base_table varchar2, p_value number) is
257 Begin
258   bsc_aw_md_api.update_bt_change_vector(upper(p_base_table),p_value);
259 Exception when others then
260   log_n('Exception in update_bt_change_vector '||sqlerrm);
261   raise;
262 End;
264 /*to set the current period of the B table , p_value is period.year format at the periodicity of the B table
265 we need this value to set projection and balance aggregations on time to null when the cp moves forward*/
266 procedure update_bt_current_period(p_base_table varchar2,p_period number,p_year number) is
267 Begin
268   bsc_aw_md_api.update_bt_current_period(upper(p_base_table),p_period||'.'||p_year);
269 Exception when others then
270   log_n('Exception in update_bt_current_period '||sqlerrm);
271   raise;
272 End;
274 --------------------------------------------------------
275 procedure init_all is
276 Begin
277   if bsc_aw_utility.get_parameter_value(bsc_aw_utility.g_options,'DEBUG LOG')='Y'
278   or bsc_aw_utility.g_log_level>=FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL then
279     g_debug:=true;
280   else
281     g_debug:=false;
282   end if;
283   bsc_aw_utility.init_all(g_debug);
284   bsc_aw_load_dim.init_all;
285   bsc_aw_load_kpi.init_all;
286   bsc_aw_dbms_aw.init_all;
287   bsc_aw_md_api.init_all;
288   bsc_aw_md_wrapper.init_all;
289   bsc_aw_management.init_all;
290 Exception when others then
291   log_n('Exception in init_all '||sqlerrm);
292   raise;
293 End;
295 procedure log(p_message varchar2) is
296 Begin
297   bsc_aw_utility.log(p_message);
298 Exception when others then
299   null;
300 End;
302 procedure log_n(p_message varchar2) is
303 Begin
304   log('  ');
305   log(p_message);
306 Exception when others then
307   null;
308 End;