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2 /* $Header: hriopow.pkb 120.2 2005/06/21 22:23:44 anmajumd noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Global variables
5 --
6 -- Record Type for populating table hri_cs_pow_band_ct
7 --
8 TYPE g_pow_band_record IS RECORD
9  (set_bucket_id          NUMBER
10  ,set_bucket_custom_id   NUMBER
11  ,set_short_name         VARCHAR2(30)
12  ,set_uom                VARCHAR2(10)
13  ,band_sequence          NUMBER
14  ,band_range_low         NUMBER
15  ,band_range_high        NUMBER
16  ,wkth_wktyp_sk_fk       VARCHAR2(240)
17  );
18  --
19  -- Table type for populating the table hri_cs_pow_band_ct
20  --
21  TYPE g_pow_band_tab_type IS TABLE OF g_pow_band_record INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
22  --
23  -- Record type to hold pow cursor values
24  --
25  TYPE g_pow_bucket_record IS RECORD
26  (bucket_id          NUMBER
27  ,bucket_custom_id   NUMBER
28  ,short_name         VARCHAR2(30)
29  ,range1_low         NUMBER
30  ,range1_high        NUMBER
31  ,range2_low         NUMBER
32  ,range2_high        NUMBER
33  ,range3_low         NUMBER
34  ,range3_high        NUMBER
35  ,range4_low         NUMBER
36  ,range4_high        NUMBER
37  ,range5_low         NUMBER
38  ,range5_high        NUMBER
39  ,range6_low         NUMBER
40  ,range6_high        NUMBER
41  ,range7_low         NUMBER
42  ,range7_high        NUMBER
43  ,range8_low         NUMBER
44  ,range8_high        NUMBER
45  ,range9_low         NUMBER
46  ,range9_high        NUMBER
47  ,range10_low        NUMBER
48  ,range10_high       NUMBER
49  ,uom                VARCHAR2(10)
50  ,wkth_wktyp_sk_fk   VARCHAR2(30)
51 );
52 --
53 g_counter NUMBER := 0;
54 --
55 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log
57 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 --
59 PROCEDURE output(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
62   --
63   HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.output(p_text);
64   --
65 END output;
67 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log if debugging is enabled
69 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 --
71 PROCEDURE dbg(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
74   --
75   HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.dbg(p_text);
76   --
77 END dbg;
79 --
80 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 -- Checks if records are defined in the buckets and populates the record in
82 -- the table type
83 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 --
85 PROCEDURE chk_and_populate_pow_records(p_pow_bucket_record   IN g_pow_bucket_record
86                                        ,p_band_sequence      IN NUMBER
87                                        ,p_range_low          IN NUMBER
88                                        ,p_range_high         IN NUMBER
89                                        ,p_populate_flag      IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
90                                        ,p_pow_band_tab_type  IN OUT NOCOPY g_pow_band_tab_type) IS
92 --
94   --
95   -- Flag when both low and high values are null
96   --
97   IF (p_range_low IS NULL) AND (p_range_high IS NULL)  THEN
98     --
99     -- If the final value for the highest band is not null then make it null
100     -- This is done to ensure every record falls into a pow band
101     -- Set the warning flag
102     --
103     IF (p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).band_range_high IS NOT NULL) THEN
104       --
105       p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).band_range_high := NULL;
106       --
107       g_warning_flag  := 'Y';
108       --
109       output('The high value for band' || to_char(g_counter) ||  ' of bucket ' || p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).set_short_name || ' is being set to');
110       output('null. This is done to ensure that all the records are inside a period of ');
111       output('work band.');
112       --
113       p_populate_flag := 'N';
114       --
115     END IF;
116   --
117   -- Populate only when values are present in the buckets
118   --
119   ELSIF (p_range_low IS NOT NULL OR p_range_high IS NOT NULL) THEN
120     --
121     g_counter := g_counter + 1;
122     --
123     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).set_bucket_id        := p_pow_bucket_record.bucket_id;
124     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).set_bucket_custom_id := p_pow_bucket_record.bucket_custom_id;
125     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).set_short_name       := p_pow_bucket_record.short_name;
126     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).set_uom              := p_pow_bucket_record.uom;
127     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).band_sequence        := p_band_sequence;
128     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).band_range_low       := p_range_low;
129     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).band_range_high      := p_range_high;
130     p_pow_band_tab_type(g_counter).wkth_wktyp_sk_fk     := p_pow_bucket_record.wkth_wktyp_sk_fk;
131     --
132     -- Flag whenever high value is set to NULL
133     --
134     IF p_range_high IS NULL THEN
135       --
136       p_populate_flag := 'N';
137       --
138     END IF;
139     --
140   END IF;
141   --
142 END chk_and_populate_pow_records;
143 --
144 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 -- Collects the records in a table type
146 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 --
148 PROCEDURE collect_records(p_pow_band_tab_type OUT NOCOPY g_pow_band_tab_type) IS
149   --
150   l_pow_bucket_record      g_pow_bucket_record;
151   l_band_sequence          NUMBER;
152   l_populate_flag          VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
153   l_range_low              VARCHAR2(100);
154   l_range_high             VARCHAR2(100);
155   --
156   CURSOR pow_csr IS
157   SELECT
158    bkt.bucket_id          bucket_id
159   ,bbc.id                 bucket_custom_id
160   ,bkt.short_name         short_name
161   ,bbc.range1_low         range1_low
162   ,bbc.range1_high        range1_high
163   ,bbc.range2_low         range2_low
164   ,bbc.range2_high        range2_high
165   ,bbc.range3_low         range3_low
166   ,bbc.range3_high        range3_high
167   ,bbc.range4_low         range4_low
168   ,bbc.range4_high        range4_high
169   ,bbc.range5_low         range5_low
170   ,bbc.range5_high        range5_high
171   ,bbc.range6_low         range6_low
172   ,bbc.range6_high        range6_high
173   ,bbc.range7_low         range7_low
174   ,bbc.range7_high        range7_high
175   ,bbc.range8_low         range8_low
176   ,bbc.range8_high        range8_high
177   ,bbc.range9_low         range9_low
178   ,bbc.range9_high        range9_high
179   ,bbc.range10_low        range10_low
180   ,bbc.range10_high       range10_high
181   ,bkt.uom                uom
182   ,CASE
183      WHEN bkt.short_name = 'HRI_DBI_LOW_BAND_CURRENT' THEN
184        'EMP'
185      WHEN bkt.short_name = 'HRI_DBI_POW_PLCMNT_BAND' THEN
186        'CWK'
187      ELSE
188        NULL
189    END                    wkth_wktyp_sk_fk
190   FROM bis_bucket bkt,
191        bis_bucket_customizations bbc
192   WHERE bkt.bucket_id = bbc.bucket_id
196   --
197   OPEN pow_csr;
198     --
199     LOOP
200       --
201       FETCH pow_csr INTO l_pow_bucket_record;
202       EXIT WHEN pow_csr%NOTFOUND;
203       --
204       -- Loop for 10 times (since there are 10 buckets in  bis_bucket table)
205       --
206       FOR n IN 1..10 LOOP
207         --
208         -- Check if the table needs to be populated
209         --
210         IF (l_populate_flag = 'N') THEN
211           --
212           -- Set the populate flag to 'Y' for next iteration and then exit the
213           -- current loop
214           --
215           l_populate_flag := 'Y';
216           --
217           EXIT;
218           --
219         ELSIF (n = 1) THEN
220           --
221           l_band_sequence := 1;
222           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range1_low;
223           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range1_high;
224           --
225         ELSIF (n = 2) THEN
226           --
227           l_band_sequence := 2;
228           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range2_low;
229           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range2_high;
230           --
231         ELSIF (n = 3) THEN
232           --
233           l_band_sequence := 3;
234           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range3_low;
235           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range3_high;
236           --
237         ELSIF (n = 4) THEN
238           --
239           l_band_sequence := 4;
240           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range4_low;
241           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range4_high;
242           --
243         ELSIF (n = 5) THEN
244           --
245           l_band_sequence := 5;
246           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range5_low;
247           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range5_high;
248           --
249         ELSIF (n = 6) THEN
250           --
251           l_band_sequence := 6;
252           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range6_low;
253           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range6_high;
254           --
255         ELSIF (n = 7) THEN
256           --
257           l_band_sequence := 7;
258           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range7_low;
259           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range7_high;
260           --
261         ELSIF (n = 8) THEN
262           --
263           l_band_sequence := 8;
264           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range8_low;
265           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range8_high;
266           --
267         ELSIF (n = 9) THEN
268           --
269           l_band_sequence := 9;
270           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range9_low;
271           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range9_high;
272           --
273         ELSE
274           --
275           l_band_sequence := 10;
276           l_range_low  := l_pow_bucket_record.range10_low;
277           l_range_high := l_pow_bucket_record.range10_high;
278           --
279         END IF;
280         --
281         chk_and_populate_pow_records(l_pow_bucket_record
282                                      ,l_band_sequence
283                                      ,l_range_low
284                                      ,l_range_high
285                                      ,l_populate_flag
286                                      ,p_pow_band_tab_type
287                                     );
288       --
289       END LOOP;
290     --
291     END LOOP;
292     --
293 END collect_records;
295 --
296 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 -- Inserts the records in table hri_cs_pow_band_ct
298 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 --
300 PROCEDURE insert_records(p_pow_band_tab_type IN g_pow_band_tab_type) IS
301   --
302   l_current_time           DATE   := SYSDATE;
303   l_user_id                NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
304   --
306   --
307   FOR i in p_pow_band_tab_type.FIRST..p_pow_band_tab_type.LAST LOOP
308   --
310       (
311        pow_band_sk_pk
312       ,set_bucket_id
313       ,set_bucket_custom_id
314       ,set_short_name
315       ,set_uom
316       ,band_sequence
317       ,band_range_low
318       ,band_range_high
319       ,wkth_wktyp_sk_fk
320       ,created_by
321       ,creation_date
322       ,last_update_date
323       ,last_updated_by
324       ,last_update_login
325      )
326     VALUES
327      (hri_cs_pow_band_ct_s.nextval
328      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).set_bucket_id
329      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).set_bucket_custom_id
330      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).set_short_name
331      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).set_uom
332      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).band_sequence
333      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).band_range_low
334      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).band_range_high
335      ,p_pow_band_tab_type(i).wkth_wktyp_sk_fk
336      ,l_user_id
337      ,l_current_time
338      ,l_current_time
339      ,l_user_id
340      ,l_user_id
341      );
342   --
343   END LOOP;
344   --
345  END insert_records;
346  --
347  -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
348  -- Full refresh entry point
349  -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
350  --
351  PROCEDURE full_refresh IS
352    --
353    l_pow_band_tab_type      g_pow_band_tab_type;
354    l_hri_schema             VARCHAR2(300);
355    l_dummy1                 VARCHAR2(2000);
356    l_dummy2                 VARCHAR2(2000);
357    --
358  BEGIN
359    --
360    --
361    -- Truncate the table hri_cs_pow_band_ct
362    --
363    IF (fnd_installation.get_app_info('HRI',l_dummy1, l_dummy2, l_hri_schema)) THEN
364      --
365      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_hri_schema || '.HRI_CS_POW_BAND_CT';
366      --
367    END IF;
368    --
370    collect_records(l_pow_band_tab_type);
371    --
372    insert_records(l_pow_band_tab_type);
373    --
374    -- Commit changes
375    --
376    COMMIT;
377    --
378  END full_refresh;
380 --