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Line 193: from iem_archived_dtls

189: x_out_text=>m_out_text);
190: END IF;
192: select count(*) into l_arch_count
193: from iem_archived_dtls
194: where request_id=p_request_id
195: and nvl(media_id,1)>0; -- ignoring data with no media id info where media id=0
196: -- If media id is null we should not ignore as it might be due to
197: -- some processing error like move or delete message error

Line 277: delete from IEM_ARCHIVED_DTLS

273: END IF;
274: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
275: delete from IEM_ARCH_REQUESTS
276: where request_id=p_request_id;
277: delete from IEM_ARCHIVED_DTLS
278: where request_id=p_request_id;
279: -- Standard Check Of p_commit.
280: IF p_commit='T' THEN

Line 472: cursor c1 is select a.ih_media_item_id,b.source_message_id from iem_arch_msgdtls a,iem_archived_dtls b

468: l_ret_status varchar2(10);
469: l_msg_count number;
470: l_msg_data varchar2(500);
471: l_milcs_id number;
472: cursor c1 is select a.ih_media_item_id,b.source_message_id from iem_arch_msgdtls a,iem_archived_dtls b
473: where b.request_id=p_request_id
474: and a.message_id=b.source_message_id;
475: l_type_id number;
476: begin

Line 498: update iem_archived_dtls

494: l_media_lc_rec,
495: l_milcs_id);
497: if l_ret_status<>'S' then
498: update iem_archived_dtls
499: set error_summary='Error While Creating MLCS'
500: where request_id=p_request_id and source_message_id=v1.source_message_id;
501: x_out_text:='Error While Creating MLCS';
502: else

Line 503: delete from iem_archived_dtls where request_id=p_request_id

499: set error_summary='Error While Creating MLCS'
500: where request_id=p_request_id and source_message_id=v1.source_message_id;
501: x_out_text:='Error While Creating MLCS';
502: else
503: delete from iem_archived_dtls where request_id=p_request_id
504: and source_message_id=v1.source_message_id;
505: delete from iem_arch_msgs where message_id=v1.source_message_id;
506: delete from iem_arch_msgdtls where message_id=v1.source_message_id;
507: end if;

Line 522: update iem_archived_dtls

518: l_msg_count,
519: l_msg_data,
520: l_media_lc_rec);
521: if l_ret_status<>'S' then
522: update iem_archived_dtls
523: set error_summary='Error While Updating MLCS'
524: where request_id=p_request_id and source_message_id=v1.source_message_id;
525: x_out_text:='Error While Updating MLCS';
526: end if;