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Line 137: -- to the original ATP record generated from cz_atp_requests

133: END extend_atp_record;
135: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136: -- Appends mandatory components returned from cto_config_item_pk
137: -- to the original ATP record generated from cz_atp_requests
138: PROCEDURE append_mandatory_comps(p_mc_atp_rec IN MRP_ATP_PUB.atp_rec_typ) IS
139: l_atp_rec_length NUMBER;
140: l_atp_rec_index NUMBER;
141: l_num_mandatory_comps NUMBER;

Line 392: FROM cz_atp_requests

388: CURSOR atp_requests IS
389: SELECT atp_request_id, seq_no, ps_node_id, item_key, item_key_type,
390: quantity, uom_code, config_item_id, parent_config_item_id,
391: ato_config_item_id, component_sequence_id
392: FROM cz_atp_requests
393: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
394: ORDER BY seq_no;
396: -- future: add need_by_date, days_late

Line 398: SELECT * FROM cz_atp_requests WHERE configurator_session_key

394: ORDER BY seq_no;
396: -- future: add need_by_date, days_late
397: CURSOR update_atp_requests IS
398: SELECT * FROM cz_atp_requests WHERE configurator_session_key
399: = p_config_session_key ORDER BY seq_no FOR UPDATE OF
400: ship_to_date, msg_data;
402: l_counter NUMBER;

Line 475: SELECT count(*) INTO l_atp_row_count FROM cz_atp_requests

471: l_requested_date := p_requested_date;
472: END IF;
474: -- determine array size
475: SELECT count(*) INTO l_atp_row_count FROM cz_atp_requests
476: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key;
478: extend_atp_record(l_atp_row_count);
479: l_ndebug := 2;

Line 649: -- run through results, populate cz_atp_requests

645: 'UnExpected Error from ...', fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
646: RAISE l_call_atp_exc;
647: END IF;
649: -- run through results, populate cz_atp_requests
650: -- NOTE: this may need to change, depending on what happens
651: -- with mandatory comps
653: l_ndebug := 8;

Line 675: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = l_atp_rec.message(l_counter),

672: -- if atp returns need_by_date and days_late in g_atp_rec
673: -- we will update the fields here
675: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = l_atp_rec.message(l_counter),
676: ship_to_date = l_ship_date
677: WHERE CURRENT OF update_atp_requests;
679: l_counter := l_counter + 1;

Line 701: -- we will need to put those outputs into cz_atp_requests

697: p_ship_to_group_date := g_atp_rec.ship_date(1);
698: END IF;
700: -- if atp provides an api for retrieving need_by_date and days_late,
701: -- we will need to put those outputs into cz_atp_requests
703: END IF;
705: l_ndebug := 10;

Line 717: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = 'Error in executing MSC_SATP_FUNC.extend_atp'

713: g_atp_rec := empty_atp_rec;
714: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug,
715: 'Unexpected error in cz_om_atp_callback returned from MSC_SATP_FUNC.extend_atp',
716: fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR);
717: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = 'Error in executing MSC_SATP_FUNC.extend_atp'
718: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
719: AND seq_no = 1;
720: COMMIT;

Line 727: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = 'Error in executing oe_sys_parameters.value for ' ||

723: g_atp_rec := empty_atp_rec;
724: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug,
725: 'Unexpected error in cz_om_atp_callback: NULL organization id returned from ' ||
726: 'oe_sys_parameters.value(MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID)', fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR);
727: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = 'Error in executing oe_sys_parameters.value for ' ||
728: 'MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID: Null value returned'
729: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
730: AND seq_no = 1;
731: COMMIT;

Line 738: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data =

734: g_atp_rec := empty_atp_rec;
735: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug,
736: 'Error in mandatory comp expl proc: '|| l_mc_error,
737: fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR);
738: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data =
739: 'Mandatory comp expl error: ' || l_mc_error
740: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
741: AND seq_no = 1;
742: COMMIT;

Line 746: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = CZ_UTILS.GET_TEXT('CZ_ATP_NO_WAREHOUSE')

742: COMMIT;
743: WHEN l_warehouse_id_exc THEN
744: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug,
745: 'No warehouse supplied to ATP call.', fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR);
746: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = CZ_UTILS.GET_TEXT('CZ_ATP_NO_WAREHOUSE')
747: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
748: AND seq_no = 1;
749: COMMIT;

Line 755: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = l_msg_data

751: WHEN l_atp_session_id_exc THEN
752: l_msg_data := 'Fail in getting an atp session id from MSC_ATP_GLOBAL';
753: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug,
754: l_msg_data, fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR);
755: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = l_msg_data
756: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
757: AND seq_no = 1;
758: COMMIT;

Line 766: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data =

762: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug,
763: 'Unexpected error in cz_om_atp_callback returned from mrp_atp_pub: ' || l_msg_data,
764: fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR);
766: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data =
767: 'Unexpected error in cz_om_atp_callback returned from mrp_atp_pub: ' || l_msg_data
768: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
769: AND seq_no = 1;
770: COMMIT;

Line 777: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = l_msg_data

773: l_msg_data := 'Unexpected error in cz_om_atp_callback statement ' || l_ndebug || ': '
774: || substr(SQLERRM, 1, 1500);
775: cz_utils.log_report('cz_om_atp_callback', 'call_atp', l_ndebug, l_msg_data,
776: fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED);
777: UPDATE cz_atp_requests SET msg_data = l_msg_data
778: WHERE configurator_session_key = p_config_session_key
779: AND seq_no = 1;
780: COMMIT;
781: END call_atp;