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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

             distinct pds.person_id
     from    per_periods_of_service     pds,
             per_assignments_f          asg,
             pay_payroll_actions        ppa
    where    ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
      and    asg.payroll_id = to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, ''PAYROLL_ID'', null))
      and    ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
      and    pds.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between pds.date_start and nvl(pds.final_process_date, ppa.effective_date)
      and    exists
                   ( select paa.assignment_id
                       from pay_assignment_actions paa
                      where paa.payroll_action_id = to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, ''BAL_ADJ_ACTION_ID'', null))
                        and paa.assignment_id     = asg.assignment_id
                        and paa.action_status     in (''C'', ''S'')
    order by pds.person_id';
Line: 54

	update	pay_payroll_actions
           set  payroll_id           = g_pact.payroll_id
               ,consolidation_set_id = g_pact.consolidation_set_id
	where	payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 71

	        select	ppa.payroll_action_id,
			to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, 'BAL_ADJ_ACTION_ID', null))		bal_adj_action_id,
			to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, 'PAYROLL_ID', null))			payroll_id,
			to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, 'CONSOLIDATION_SET_ID', null))	consolidation_set_id
                into    g_pact.payroll_action_id
		from	pay_payroll_actions	ppa
		where	ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 113

		  from	per_assignments_f	 asg,
			per_periods_of_service	 pds,
			pay_payroll_actions	 ppa
		where	ppa.payroll_action_id    = p_payroll_action_id
		  and	pds.person_id            between p_start_person_id and p_end_person_id
		  and	pds.business_group_id    = ppa.business_group_id
		  and	asg.period_of_service_id = pds.period_of_service_id
		  and	ppa.effective_date       between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
		  and	asg.payroll_id           = p_payroll_id
		-- Exclude if incomplete assacts exist
		  and	not exists(
         	          select  /*+
                                  */   null
                            from     pay_assignment_actions          paa2,
                                     pay_payroll_actions             ppa2,
                                     pay_action_classifications      pac
                            where	paa2.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
				and	paa2.action_status not in ('C', 'S') -- Bug 4442484: 'S'kipped assact is not an errored one
				and	paa2.source_action_id is null
				and	ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
				and	ppa2.effective_date <= ppa.effective_date
				and	pac.action_type = ppa2.action_type
				and	pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED')
		-- Exclude if Archival has already been processed.
		and	not exists(
				select	null
				from	pay_payroll_actions	ppa4,
					pay_assignment_actions	paa4
				where	paa4.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
				and	paa4.source_action_id is null
				and	ppa4.payroll_action_id = paa4.payroll_action_id
				and	ppa4.action_type IN ('X','B')
				and	ppa4.report_type = 'YEA'
				and	ppa4.report_qualifier = 'KR'
				and	ppa4.report_category in ('N', 'I')
				and	trunc(ppa4.effective_date, 'YYYY') = trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY'))
		-- Include if BA has been processed
	        and    exists (
	        	     select null
			     from   pay_assignment_actions paa6
			     where  paa6.payroll_action_id = to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, 'BAL_ADJ_ACTION_ID', null))
			     and    paa6.assignment_id     = asg.assignment_id
			     and    paa6.action_status     in ('C', 'S')) -- Bug 4442484: Include 'S'kipped assacts
		for update of pds.period_of_service_id, asg.assignment_id;
Line: 174

                    Select   asg.assignment_action_id
                      from   pay_assignment_actions asg
                     where   asg.payroll_action_id = p_bal_adj_action_id
                       and   asg.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
                       and   asg.action_status     in ('C', 'S') ; -- Bug 4442484: Include 'S'kipped assacts
Line: 187

	select	pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
	into	l_locking_action_id
	from	dual;
Line: 226

		  from	per_assignments_f		asg,
			per_periods_of_service		pds,
			pay_payroll_actions		ppa
		where	ppa.payroll_action_id     =        p_payroll_action_id
		  and	pds.person_id             between  p_start_person_id and p_end_person_id
		  and	pds.business_group_id     =        ppa.business_group_id
		  and	asg.period_of_service_id  =        pds.period_of_service_id
		  and	ppa.effective_date        between  asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
		  and	asg.payroll_id            =        p_payroll_id
		-- Exclude if incomplete assacts exist
		and	not exists(
				select  /*+
                                  */   null
                            from     pay_assignment_actions          paa2,
                                     pay_payroll_actions             ppa2,
                                     pay_action_classifications      pac
				where	paa2.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
				and	paa2.action_status not in ('C', 'S') -- Bug 4442484: 'S'kipped assact is not an errored one
				and	paa2.source_action_id is null
				and	ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
				and	ppa2.effective_date <= ppa.effective_date
				and	pac.action_type = ppa2.action_type
				and	pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED')
		-- Include if Normal / Interim archive has been processed.
		and	exists(
				select	null
				from	pay_payroll_actions	ppa4,
					pay_assignment_actions	paa4
				where	paa4.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
				and	paa4.source_action_id is null
				and	ppa4.payroll_action_id = paa4.payroll_action_id
				and	ppa4.action_type IN ('X','B')
				and	ppa4.report_type = 'YEA'
				and	ppa4.report_qualifier = 'KR'
				and	ppa4.report_category in ('N', 'I')
				and	trunc(ppa4.effective_date, 'YYYY') = trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY'))
		-- Exclude if future YEA in the same calendar year exists.
		and	not exists(
				select	null
				from	pay_payroll_actions	ppa3,
					pay_assignment_actions	paa3
				where	paa3.assignment_id     =  asg.assignment_id
				and	paa3.source_action_id  is null
				and	ppa3.payroll_action_id =  paa3.payroll_action_id
				and	ppa3.effective_date    >  ppa.effective_date
				and	ppa3.effective_date    <  add_months(trunc(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY'), 12)
				and	ppa3.action_type       IN ('X','B')
				and	ppa3.report_type       =  'YEA'
				and	ppa3.report_qualifier  =  'KR')
		-- Include if BA has been processed
	        and    exists (
	        	     select null
			     from   pay_assignment_actions paa6
			     where  paa6.payroll_action_id = to_number(pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(ppa.payroll_action_id, 'BAL_ADJ_ACTION_ID', null))
			     and    paa6.assignment_id     = asg.assignment_id
			     and    paa6.action_status     in ('C', 'S')) -- Bug 4442484: Include 'S'kipped assacts
		for update of pds.period_of_service_id, asg.assignment_id;
Line: 302

                    Select asg.assignment_action_id
                      from pay_assignment_actions asg
                     where asg.payroll_action_id = p_bal_adj_action_id
                       and asg.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
                       and asg.action_status     in ('C', 'S'); -- Bug 4442484: Include 'S'kipped assacts
Line: 313

        select	pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
	into	l_locking_action_id
	from	dual;
Line: 351

          Select   asg_b.assignment_action_id
            from   pay_assignment_actions asg
                  ,pay_assignment_actions asg_b
           where   asg_b.payroll_action_id  = p_bal_adj_action_id
             and   asg_b.assignment_id      = asg.assignment_id
             and   asg.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
             and   asg_b.action_status      in ('C', 'S') ; -- Bug 4442484: Include 'S'kipped assacts