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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 173

  select p.full_name, o.organization_id, o.name
  into l_inact_emp_display_name, l_inact_emp_org_id, l_inact_emp_org_name
  from per_people_f p,
       per_assignments_f a,
       per_assignment_status_types s,
       per_organization_units o
  where p.person_id = p_inact_employee_id
  and  p.person_id = a.person_id
  and  a.primary_flag = 'Y'
  and  a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
  and  o.organization_id = a.organization_id
  and  o.business_group_id = a.business_group_id
  and  per_system_status in ('TERM_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN')
  and  a.assignment_type in ('E', 'C')
  and  trunc(sysdate) between p.effective_start_date and p.effective_end_date
  and  trunc(sysdate) between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date;
Line: 476

     SELECT transaction_date,
		 null invoice_num
       ap_credit_card_trxns 		cct,
       ap_cards 			        ac
     WHERE cct.card_program_id = p_cardProgramId
       and cct.validate_code = 'Y'
       and cct.payment_flag <> 'Y'
       and nvl(cct.expensed_amount,0) = 0
       and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED', 'DEACTIVATED')
       and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
       and ac.card_id = cct.card_id
       and nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date) between
           nvl(p_billedStartDate, nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date)-1) and
           nvl(p_billedEndDate, nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date)+1)
       and ac.employee_id = p_employeeId
       and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  = p_itemkey
       and cct.report_header_id is NULL
    union all
    SELECT transaction_date,
       ap_credit_card_trxns 		cct,
       ap_cards 			        ac,
       ap_expense_report_headers 	erh
       cct.card_program_id = p_cardProgramId
       and cct.validate_code = 'Y'
       and cct.payment_flag <> 'Y'
       and cct.expensed_amount <> 0
       and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED','DEACTIVATED')
       and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
       and ac.card_id = cct.card_id
       and nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date) between
           nvl(p_billedStartDate, nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date)-1) and
           nvl(p_billedEndDate, nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date)+1)
       and erh.report_header_id  = cct.report_header_id
       and AP_WEB_OA_ACTIVE_PKG.GetReportStatusCode(erh.source,erh.workflow_approved_flag,erh.report_header_id) in ('EMPAPPR','RESOLUTN','RETURNED','REJECTED','WITHDRAWN', 'SAVED')
       and ac.employee_id = p_employeeId
       and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  = p_itemkey
       and rownum < 41
       order by transaction_date;
Line: 1428

           l_debug_info := 'Inserting Securing Attribute';
Line: 1445

          p_last_updated_by       => fnd_global.user_id,
          p_last_update_date      => SYSDATE,
          p_last_UPDATE_login     => c_last_update_login);
Line: 1585

        select web_user_id
        from ak_web_user_sec_attr_values
        where web_user_id = p_preparer_web_user_id
        and attribute_code = 'ICX_HR_PERSON_ID'
        and number_value = to_char(p_inact_employee_id);
Line: 1653

    ICX_User_Sec_Attr_PUB.Delete_User_Sec_Attr (
          p_api_version_number    => c_api_version_num,
          p_commit                => c_commit,
          p_return_status         => l_return_status,
          p_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
          p_msg_data              => l_msg_data,
          p_web_user_id           => l_preparer_web_user_id,
          p_attribute_code        => c_sec_attribute,
          p_attribute_appl_id     => c_attribute_appl_id,
          p_varchar2_value        => NULL,
          p_date_value            => NULL,
          p_number_value          => l_inact_employee_id);
Line: 1791

        select 1
          from dual
         where exists (select cct.trx_id
                      from ap_cards_all   ac,
                           ap_credit_card_trxns cct
                     where ac.card_program_id = p_credit_card_program_id
                       and ac.employee_id = p_inact_employee_id
                       and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
                       and ac.card_id     = cct.card_id
                       and cct.validate_code  = 'Y'
                       and cct.payment_flag  <> 'Y'
                       and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED', 'DEACTIVATED')
                       and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  = p_itemkey
                      -- group by cct.trx_id
                        (select cct.trx_id
                    from ap_cards_all   ac,
                         ap_credit_card_trxns cct,
                         ap_expense_report_headers erh
                   where ac.card_program_id = p_credit_card_program_id
                     and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
                     and ac.card_id     = cct.card_id
                     and cct.validate_code  = 'Y'
                     and cct.payment_flag  <> 'Y'
                     and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED', 'DEACTIVATED')
                     and cct.report_header_id = erh.report_header_id
                     and erh.source <> 'NonValidatedWebExpense'
                     and nvl(cct.billed_date, cct.posted_date) between p_cc_billed_start_date and  p_cc_billed_end_date
                     and ac.employee_id = p_inact_employee_id
                     and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  = p_itemkey
                     -- group by cct.trx_id
Line: 1938

     select 1
       from  dual
      where exists  (select cct.trx_id
                        from ap_credit_card_trxns cct,
                             ap_cards_all 	ac,
                             --ap_card_programs_all cp,
                             ap_expense_report_lines erl,
                             ap_expense_report_headers erh
                       where ac.card_program_id = p_credit_card_program_id
                         and cct.validate_code  = 'Y'
                         and cct.payment_flag  <> 'Y'
                         and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  is not null
                         and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  <> p_itemkey
                         and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED', 'DEACTIVATED')
                         and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
                         and ac.card_id     = cct.card_id
                         and cct.report_header_id = erh.report_header_id(+)
                     --and cct.trx_id = erl.credit_card_trx_id(+)
                         and erh.report_header_id = erl.report_header_id(+)
                       --and decode(erh.expense_status_code, null, decode(erh.workflow_approved_flag, 'S','SAVED',null, decode(erh.source, null,'UNSUBMITTED')), erh.expense_status_code)
                         and ac.employee_id = p_inact_employee_id
                         group by cct.trx_id);
Line: 2170

    SELECT orig_system_id
    FROM   wf_roles
    WHERE  orig_system = 'PER'
    AND    name = l_TransferToName;
Line: 2424

        select erh.source
        from  ap_expense_report_headers   erh,
              ap_credit_card_trxns        cct,
              ap_cards_all 	              ac
        where ac.card_program_id = p_credit_card_program_id
          and cct.validate_code  = 'Y'
          and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  is not null
          and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  = p_itemkey
          and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED', 'DEACTIVATED')
          and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
          and ac.card_id     = cct.card_id
          and cct.report_header_id = erh.report_header_id
          and ac.employee_id = p_inact_employee_id;
Line: 2525

       SELECT	user_id
        INTO    p_user_id
		FROM	fnd_user
		WHERE	user_name  = p_emp_user_name;
Line: 2581

        select cct.trx_id
        from  ap_credit_card_trxns        cct,
              ap_cards_all 	              ac
        where ac.card_program_id = p_credit_card_program_id
          and cct.validate_code  = 'Y'
          and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  is not null
          and cct.inactive_emp_wf_item_key  = p_itemkey
          and nvl(cct.category, 'BUSINESS') not in ( 'DISPUTED', 'DEACTIVATED')
          and ac.card_program_id = cct.card_program_id
          and ac.card_id     = cct.card_id
          and ac.employee_id = p_inact_employee_id;
Line: 2630

           update ap_credit_card_trxns
           set inactive_emp_wf_item_key = NULL
           where trx_id = l_trx_id;