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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

  FUNCTION Get_Last_Update_Date (
		p_incident_id        IN 	NUMBER,
                p_last_update_date   IN         DATE )
    l_max_action_date  DATE;
Line: 18

    SELECT MAX(last_update_date) INTO l_max_action_date
      FROM cs_incident_actions
     WHERE incident_id = p_incident_id;
Line: 22

    IF (l_max_action_date > p_last_update_date) THEN
      return l_max_action_date;
Line: 25

      return p_last_update_date;
Line: 30

      return p_last_update_date;
Line: 32

  END Get_Last_Update_Date;
Line: 46

    SELECT count(*) INTO l_count
      FROM cs_incident_cycle_steps
     WHERE incident_type_id = p_incident_type_id
       AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                             AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 67

      select max(i.product_version)
      from fnd_product_installations i
      ,    fnd_application a
      where i.application_id = a.application_id
      and   a.application_short_name = 'CSR'
      and   i.status = 'I';
Line: 125

      SELECT 	name,
	 INTO 	p_default_type,
      -- 11.5.10. Changed to look at the secured view. rmanabat, 12/03/03
      --FROM cs_incident_types_rg_v
      FROM cs_incident_types_rg_v_sec
      WHERE incident_type_id = p_default_type_id
	 AND incident_subtype = 'INC'
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 142

        SELECT display_name
          INTO p_default_type_workflow_nm
          FROM wf_runnable_processes_v
         WHERE item_type = 'SERVEREQ'
           AND process_name = p_default_type_workflow;
Line: 166

      SELECT name
	INTO p_default_severity
        FROM cs_incident_severities
       WHERE incident_severity_id = p_default_severity_id
	 AND incident_subtype = 'INC'
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 186

      SELECT name
	INTO p_default_urgency
        FROM cs_incident_urgencies
       WHERE incident_urgency_id = p_default_urgency_id
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 205

      SELECT resource_name
	 INTO p_default_owner
        FROM cs_sr_owners_v
       WHERE resource_id = p_default_owner_id and
	   resource_type = l_default_owner_type;
Line: 225

      SELECT name
	INTO p_default_status
        FROM cs_incident_statuses
       WHERE incident_status_id = p_default_status_id
	 AND incident_subtype = 'INC'
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 296

      SELECT 	name,
	 INTO 	p_default_type,
      -- 11.5.10. Changed to look at the secured view. rmanabat, 12/03/03
      --FROM cs_incident_types_rg_v
      FROM cs_incident_types_rg_v_sec
      WHERE incident_type_id = p_default_type_id
	 AND incident_subtype = 'INC'
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 316

        SELECT display_name
          INTO p_default_type_workflow_nm
          FROM wf_runnable_processes_v
         WHERE item_type = 'SERVEREQ'
           AND process_name = p_default_type_workflow;
Line: 339

      SELECT name
	INTO p_default_severity
        FROM cs_incident_severities
       WHERE incident_severity_id = p_default_severity_id
	 AND incident_subtype = 'INC'
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 358

      SELECT name
	INTO p_default_urgency
        FROM cs_incident_urgencies
       WHERE incident_urgency_id = p_default_urgency_id
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));
Line: 374

 	  SELECT  name
        into p_default_group_type_name
        FROM jtf_objects_vl o, jtf_object_usages ou
    o.object_code = ou.object_code AND
    ou.object_user_code = 'RESOURCES' AND
    o.object_code = p_default_group_type;
Line: 395

      SELECT resource_name
	 INTO p_default_group_owner
        FROM cs_sr_owners_v
       WHERE resource_id = p_default_group_owner_id and
	   resource_type = p_default_group_type;
Line: 414

      SELECT resource_name ,'RS_'|| category
	 INTO p_default_owner,p_default_resource_type
        -- 11.5.10. Changed to look at the secured view. rmanabat, 12/03/03
        --FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl
        FROM cs_jtf_rs_resource_extns_sec
       WHERE resource_id = p_default_owner_id;
Line: 438

 	  SELECT  name
        into p_default_resource_type_name
        FROM jtf_objects_vl o, jtf_object_usages ou
    o.object_code = ou.object_code AND
    ou.object_user_code = 'RESOURCES' AND
    o.object_code = p_default_resource_type;
Line: 459

      SELECT name
	INTO p_default_status
        FROM cs_incident_statuses
       WHERE incident_status_id = p_default_status_id
	 AND incident_subtype = 'INC'
	 AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate))
                                AND trunc(nvl(end_date_active, sysdate));