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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_costing_kff_util_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: pykffutl.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 06:22:31 appldev noship $ */
3 /*===========================================================================*
4  |               Copyright (c) 1994 Oracle Corporation                       |
5  |                       All rights reserved.                                |
6 *============================================================================*/
7 /*
8 rem
9 rem Version    Date        Author      Reason
10 rem 110.0      28-Aug-1998 S.Billing   Created file
11 rem 110.2      25-Feb-1999 S.Billing   Modified cursor behaviour,
12 rem                                    also return row if no segments
13 rem                                    qualified at passed in lvl;
14 rem                                    and if called from LEL form,
15 rem                                    check if Balancing segments
16 rem                                    are qualified, if not then return
17 rem                                    row,
18 rem                                    both changes avoid CAKFF errors
19 rem 110.4      29-Oct-1999 A.Logue     New procedure
20 rem                                    costing_kff_null_default_segs
21 rem                                    to handle issue of segment
22 rem                                    default values erroneously
23 rem                                    getting into various levels
24 rem                                    of costing.
25 rem 115.5      25-MAY-2003 A.Logue     Further qualify by id_flex_code
26 rem                                    = 'COST' when joining to
27 rem                                    FND_SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES.
28 rem                                    And NOCOPY changes.
29 rem                                    Bug 2961843.
30 rem 115.6      25-Sep-2003 swinton     Enhancement 3121279. Added:
31 rem                                    - cost_keyflex_segment_defined function
32 rem                                    - get_cost_keyflex_segment_value
33 rem                                      function
34 rem                                    - get_cost_keyflex_structure function
35 rem                                    - validate_costing_keyflex procedure
36 rem                                    The above are required to support the
37 rem                                    View Cost Allocation Keyflex OA
38 rem                                    Framework pages.
39 rem 115.8      05-JUL-2004 A.Logue     Bug 3744957 : if no required segments
40 rem                                    in the level when COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK
41 rem                                    set to 'Y' allow nullset
42 rem 115.9      09-JUL-2004 A.Logue     Bug 3756198. Performance fixes.
43 */
45 --
46 -- global package name
47 --
48 g_package  VARCHAR2(33) := '  pay_costing_kff_util_pkg.';
52 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 -- |--------------------< costing_kff_seg_behaviour >-------------------------|
54 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 -- {Start Of Comments}
56 --
57 -- Description:
58 --   determines costing kff behaviour,
59 --
60 --   if HR:COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK is set to Y, the customer
61 --   has chosen to make required segments mandatory and not
62 --   nulls allowed (ie. nulls are not recognised as a valid value),
63 --   if required segements have been qualified at more than 1 level,
64 --   the costing process will take its input from the lowest level,
65 --   thus values defined at higher levels will be redundant,
66 --
67 --   if HR:COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK is set to N or is undefined,
68 --   the cursor is used to infer segment behaviour,
69 --   if the cursor returns no rows then required segements are made
70 --   mandatory and nulls are not recognised as valid values
71 --
72 -- Pre Conditions:
73 --   none
74 --
75 -- In Arguments:
76 --   level - current level the calling form is defined as,
77 --           ie. Assignment, Balancing, Element Link, Element,
78 --               Organization or Payroll
79 --
80 -- Post Success:
81 --   if HR:COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK is set to Y:
82 --   p_required = Y and p_allownulls = N
83 --
84 --   if HR:COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK is set to N or is undefined:
85 --   p_required = Y and p_allownulls = N if the following conditions are
86 --   true:
87 --   - no segements have been defined at multiple levels,
88 --   - segments have been defined at multiple levels but are not required,
89 --   - segments have been defined at multiple levels and are required but
90 --     do not apply to the current level
91 --
92 --   else p_required = N and p_allownulls = Y
93 --
94 -- Post Failure:
95 --   none
96 --
97 -- Access Status:
98 --   public
99 --
100 -- {End Of Comments}
101 --
102 PROCEDURE costing_kff_seg_behaviour(
103   p_level               IN  VARCHAR2,
104   p_cost_id_flex_num    IN  NUMBER,
105   p_required            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
106   p_allownulls          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
107   IS
109   l_proc  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'costing_kff_seg_behaviour';
111   CURSOR csr_chk_qual_segments IS
112       SELECT  'M'
114               FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS         fs,
115               FND_SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES sa1
116       WHERE   sa1.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
117       and     sa1.id_flex_code = 'COST'
118       and     sa1.attribute_value = 'Y'
119       and     sa1.segment_attribute_type <> 'BALANCING'
120       and     fs.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
121       and     fs.id_flex_code = 'COST'
122       and     fs.required_flag = 'Y'
123       and     fs.enabled_flag  = 'Y'
124       and     fs.application_id = 801
125       and     fs.application_column_name =
126                                          sa1.application_column_name
127       and     sa2.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
128       and     sa2.id_flex_code = 'COST'
129       and     sa2.attribute_value = 'Y'
130       and     sa1.application_id = fs.application_id
131       and     sa2.segment_attribute_type <> 'BALANCING'
132       and     sa2.application_id = fs.application_id
133       and     sa2.application_column_name =
134                                           sa1.application_column_name
135       and     sa1.segment_attribute_type <> sa2.segment_attribute_type
136       and     sa1.segment_attribute_type = p_level
137       UNION ALL
138       /*
139       ** also return a row if no segments have not been qualified at
140       ** passed in lvl,
141       ** avoids nasty ff error msg
142       */
143       SELECT  'N'
144       FROM    DUAL
145       WHERE   NOT EXISTS
146                 (SELECT 'Y'
147                  FROM    FND_SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES sa
148                  WHERE   sa.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
149                  and     sa.id_flex_code = 'COST'
150                  and     sa.application_id = 801
151                  and     sa.segment_attribute_type = p_level
152                  and     sa.attribute_value = 'Y'
153                 )
154       UNION ALL
155       /*
156       ** special check for element link form,
157       ** if no balancing segments have been defined at this level
158       ** then return a row
159       */
160       SELECT  'B'
161       FROM    DUAL
162       WHERE   p_level = 'ELEMENT'
163       and     NOT EXISTS
164               (SELECT 'Y'
165                FROM    FND_SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES sa
166                WHERE   sa.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
167                and     sa.id_flex_code = 'COST'
168                and     sa.application_id = 801
169                and     sa.segment_attribute_type = 'BALANCING'
170                and     sa.attribute_value = 'Y'
171               )
172       ;
174   l_chk_qual_segments  VARCHAR2(1);
175   l_profile_name       VARCHAR2(60) := 'HR:COST_MAND_SEG_CHECK';
176   l_profile_value      VARCHAR2(60);
177   l_required           VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'N';
178   l_allownulls         VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'Y';
179   l_num_reqs_in_this_level NUMBER;
182   Hr_Utility.Set_Location('Entering:' || l_proc, 5);
184   Fnd_Profile.Get(l_profile_name, l_profile_value);
185   Hr_Utility.Trace('  l_profile_value>' || l_profile_value || '<');
187   --
188   -- user chosen behaviour
189   --
190   IF (l_profile_value = 'Y') THEN
191     --
192     -- REQUIRED   = Y - required segments must have a value (null is valid),
193     -- REQUIRED   = N - required segments can be left null,
194     -- ALLOWNULLS = Y - required segments do not allow null values
195     --
197     SELECT  count(*)
198     INTO    l_num_reqs_in_this_level
199     FROM    FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS         fs,
201     WHERE   sa1.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
202     and     sa1.id_flex_code = 'COST'
203     and     sa1.application_id = fs.application_id
204     and     sa1.attribute_value = 'Y'
205     and     sa1.segment_attribute_type <> 'BALANCING'
206     and     sa1.segment_attribute_type = p_level
207     and     fs.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
208     and     fs.id_flex_code = 'COST'
209     and     fs.required_flag = 'Y'
210     and     fs.enabled_flag  = 'Y'
211     and     fs.application_id = 801
212     and     fs.application_column_name =
213                                        sa1.application_column_name;
215     -- Bug 3744957 : if no required segments in this level
216     -- then don't expect anything for them
218     IF (l_num_reqs_in_this_level = 0) THEN
219       l_required := 'N';
220       l_allownulls := 'Y';
221     ELSE
222       l_required := 'Y';
223       l_allownulls := 'N';
224     END IF;
226   --
227   -- decide which behaviour to implement for existing customer base
228   --
229   ELSE
230     OPEN  csr_chk_qual_segments;
231     FETCH csr_chk_qual_segments
232     INTO  l_chk_qual_segments;
233     CLOSE csr_chk_qual_segments;
234     Hr_Utility.Trace('  l_chk_qual_segments>' || l_chk_qual_segments || '<');
236     --
237     -- if csr returns no rows, l_chk_qual_segments remains null,
238     --   implement new behaviour,
239     -- if csr returns a row, l_chk_qual_segments is not null,
240     --   use old behaviour
241     --
242     IF (l_chk_qual_segments IS NULL) THEN
243       l_required := 'Y';
244       l_allownulls := 'N';
245     END IF;
247   END IF;
249   Hr_Utility.Trace('  l_required>' || l_required || '<');
250   Hr_Utility.Trace('  l_allownulls>' || l_allownulls || '<');
252   p_required := l_required;
253   p_allownulls := l_allownulls;
255   Hr_Utility.Set_Location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 10);
259     Raise;
260 END costing_kff_seg_behaviour;
262 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
263 -- |--------------------< costing_kff_null_default_segs >---------------------|
264 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 -- {Start Of Comments}
266 --
267 -- Description:
268 --   It nullifies any segment values that shouldn't actually have a value
269 --   at the level passed in ie not qualified
270 --
271 --   This procedure should be called from the various forms used for
272 --   costing data entry to get around the issue whereby any segment
273 --   given a default value in the flexfield definition will be given
274 --   that value by the FND API used to handle the entry of the
275 --   flexfield on the screen if a value was not supplied on the screen.
276 --   Thus a segment not qualified at a level will be given the
277 --   default value thus breaking our costing
278 --   hierarchial approach strategy.
280 --
281 -- Pre Conditions:
282 --   none
283 --
284 -- In Arguments:
285 --   level - current level the calling form is defined as,
286 --           ie. Assignment, Balancing, Element Link, Element,
287 --               Organization or Payroll
288 --
289 --     do not apply to the current level
290 --
291 -- Access Status:
292 --   public
293 --
294 -- {End Of Comments}
295 --
296 PROCEDURE costing_kff_null_default_segs(
297   p_level               IN     VARCHAR2,
298   p_cost_id_flex_num    IN     NUMBER,
299   p_segment1            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
300   p_segment2            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
301   p_segment3            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
302   p_segment4            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
303   p_segment5            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
304   p_segment6            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
305   p_segment7            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
306   p_segment8            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
307   p_segment9            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
308   p_segment10           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
309   p_segment11           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
310   p_segment12           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
311   p_segment13           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
312   p_segment14           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
313   p_segment15           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
314   p_segment16           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
315   p_segment17           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
316   p_segment18           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
317   p_segment19           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
318   p_segment20           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
319   p_segment21           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
320   p_segment22           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
321   p_segment23           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
322   p_segment24           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
323   p_segment25           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
324   p_segment26           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
325   p_segment27           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
326   p_segment28           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
327   p_segment29           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
328   p_segment30           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
329   IS
331   l_proc  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'costing_kff_null_default_segs';
333   PROCEDURE check_seg_value(p_segment          IN     VARCHAR2,
334                             p_segment_value    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
335   IS
337     l_proc  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'check_seg_value';
339   BEGIN
340     Hr_Utility.Set_Location('Entering: '|| l_proc, 5);
342     if p_segment_value is not null then
344       Hr_Utility.Set_Location(l_proc, 10);
346       SELECT  decode(attribute_value, 'Y', p_segment_value, null)
347       INTO    p_segment_value
349       WHERE   sa1.id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
350       AND     sa1.id_flex_code = 'COST'
351       AND     sa1.application_id = 801
352       AND     sa1.application_column_name = p_segment
353       AND     sa1.segment_attribute_type = p_level;
355       Hr_Utility.Set_Location(l_proc, 15);
357     end if;
359     Hr_Utility.Set_Location('Leaving: ' || l_proc, 20);
361   END check_seg_value;
365   Hr_Utility.Set_Location('Entering:' || l_proc, 5);
367   if (p_level <> 'BALANCING' and
368       p_level <> 'PAYROLL') then
370       Hr_Utility.Set_Location(l_proc, 10);
372       check_seg_value('SEGMENT1',  p_segment1);
373       check_seg_value('SEGMENT2',  p_segment2);
374       check_seg_value('SEGMENT3',  p_segment3);
375       check_seg_value('SEGMENT4',  p_segment4);
376       check_seg_value('SEGMENT5',  p_segment5);
377       check_seg_value('SEGMENT6',  p_segment6);
378       check_seg_value('SEGMENT7',  p_segment7);
379       check_seg_value('SEGMENT8',  p_segment8);
380       check_seg_value('SEGMENT9',  p_segment9);
381       check_seg_value('SEGMENT9',  p_segment9);
382       check_seg_value('SEGMENT10', p_segment10);
383       check_seg_value('SEGMENT11', p_segment11);
384       check_seg_value('SEGMENT12', p_segment12);
385       check_seg_value('SEGMENT13', p_segment13);
386       check_seg_value('SEGMENT14', p_segment14);
387       check_seg_value('SEGMENT15', p_segment15);
388       check_seg_value('SEGMENT16', p_segment16);
389       check_seg_value('SEGMENT17', p_segment17);
390       check_seg_value('SEGMENT18', p_segment18);
391       check_seg_value('SEGMENT19', p_segment19);
392       check_seg_value('SEGMENT20', p_segment20);
393       check_seg_value('SEGMENT21', p_segment21);
394       check_seg_value('SEGMENT22', p_segment22);
395       check_seg_value('SEGMENT23', p_segment23);
396       check_seg_value('SEGMENT24', p_segment24);
397       check_seg_value('SEGMENT25', p_segment25);
398       check_seg_value('SEGMENT26', p_segment26);
399       check_seg_value('SEGMENT27', p_segment27);
400       check_seg_value('SEGMENT28', p_segment28);
401       check_seg_value('SEGMENT29', p_segment29);
402       check_seg_value('SEGMENT30', p_segment30);
404   end if;
406   Hr_Utility.Set_Location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 20);
410     Raise;
411 END costing_kff_null_default_segs;
414 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
415 -- |---------------------< cost_keyflex_segment_defined >---------------------|
416 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 -- {Start Of Comments}
418 --
419 -- Description:
420 --   Returns 'Y' if the segment specified by p_segment_name is enabled
421 --   and displayed for the cost allocation structure defined by
422 --   p_cost_id_flex_num
423 --   Returns 'N' otherwise
424 --
425 -- Pre Conditions:
426 --   none
427 --
428 -- In Arguments:
429 --   p_cost_id_flex_num - id of the cost allocation structure
430 --   p_segment_name - should be one of SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2 .. SEGMENT30
431 --
432 -- Access Status:
433 --   public
434 --
435 -- {End Of Comments}
436 --
437 function cost_keyflex_segment_defined (
438   p_cost_id_flex_num in number,
439   p_segment_name in varchar2) return varchar2
440 is
441   --
442   cursor csr_segment_exists is
443   select 'Y'
444   from fnd_id_flex_segments
445   where application_id = 801
446   and id_flex_num = p_cost_id_flex_num
447   and id_flex_code = 'COST'
448   and application_column_name = p_segment_name
449   and enabled_flag = 'Y'
450   and display_flag = 'Y';
451   --
452   v_segment_exists varchar2(5) := 'N';
453   --
454 begin
455   --
456   open csr_segment_exists;
457   fetch csr_segment_exists into v_segment_exists;
458   close csr_segment_exists;
459   --
460   return v_segment_exists;
461   --
462 end cost_keyflex_segment_defined;
465 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
466 -- |--------------------< get_cost_keyflex_segment_value >--------------------|
467 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 -- {Start Of Comments}
469 --
470 -- Description:
471 --   Returns the appropriate value for the specified segment, cost
472 --   allocation structure, assignment and element entry. If the segment is
473 --   validated by a value set, returns the 'decoded' value, otherwise returns
474 --   the 'plain' value as stored in pay_people_groups.
475 --
479 -- In Arguments:
476 -- Pre Conditions:
477 --   none
478 --
480 --   p_segment_name - should be one of SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2 .. SEGMENT30
481 --   p_value_set_id - value set id used by the segment
482 --   p_value_set_application_id  - value set application id used by the segment
483 --   p_assignment_id - assignment id
484 --   p_cost_allocation_id - id of the cost allocation
485 --   p_element_entry_id - element entry id
486 --   p_effective_date - effective date
487 --
488 -- Access Status:
489 --   public
490 --
491 -- {End Of Comments}
492 --
493 function get_cost_keyflex_segment_value (
494   p_segment_name in varchar2,
495   p_value_set_id in number,
496   p_value_set_application_id in number,
497   p_assignment_id in number,
498   p_cost_allocation_id in number,
499   p_element_entry_id in number,
500   p_effective_date in date) return varchar2
501 is
502   --
503   cursor csr_vset_display_value (
504     p_value_set_id in number,
505     p_value_set_application_id in number,
506     p_value in varchar2) is
507   select fnd_flex_val_util.to_display_value (
508            p_value,
509            format_type,
510            flex_value_set_name,
511            maximum_size,
512            number_precision,
513            alphanumeric_allowed_flag,
514            uppercase_only_flag,
515            'N',
516            maximum_value,
517            minimum_value ) display_value
518   from fnd_flex_value_sets
519   where flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;
520   --
521   cursor csr_cost_keyflex_segment_value (
522     p_segment_name in varchar2,
523     p_assignment_id in number,
524     p_cost_allocation_id in number,
525     p_element_entry_id in number,
526     p_effective_date in date) is
527   select decode (
528            p_segment_name
529            , 'SEGMENT1', nvl(E.segment1,  nvl(A.segment1,  nvl(O.segment1,  nvl(L.segment1,  P.segment1))))
530            , 'SEGMENT2', nvl(E.segment2,  nvl(A.segment2,  nvl(O.segment2,  nvl(L.segment2,  P.segment2))))
531            , 'SEGMENT3', nvl(E.segment3,  nvl(A.segment3,  nvl(O.segment3,  nvl(L.segment3,  P.segment3))))
532            , 'SEGMENT4', nvl(E.segment4,  nvl(A.segment4,  nvl(O.segment4,  nvl(L.segment4,  P.segment4))))
533            , 'SEGMENT5', nvl(E.segment5,  nvl(A.segment5,  nvl(O.segment5,  nvl(L.segment5,  P.segment5))))
534            , 'SEGMENT6', nvl(E.segment6,  nvl(A.segment6,  nvl(O.segment6,  nvl(L.segment6,  P.segment6))))
535            , 'SEGMENT7', nvl(E.segment7,  nvl(A.segment7,  nvl(O.segment7,  nvl(L.segment7,  P.segment7))))
536            , 'SEGMENT8', nvl(E.segment8,  nvl(A.segment8,  nvl(O.segment8,  nvl(L.segment8,  P.segment8))))
537            , 'SEGMENT9', nvl(E.segment9,  nvl(A.segment9,  nvl(O.segment9,  nvl(L.segment9,  P.segment9))))
538            , 'SEGMENT10', nvl(E.segment10,  nvl(A.segment10,  nvl(O.segment10,  nvl(L.segment10,  P.segment10))))
539            , 'SEGMENT11', nvl(E.segment11,  nvl(A.segment11,  nvl(O.segment11,  nvl(L.segment11,  P.segment11))))
540            , 'SEGMENT12', nvl(E.segment12,  nvl(A.segment12,  nvl(O.segment12,  nvl(L.segment12,  P.segment12))))
541            , 'SEGMENT13', nvl(E.segment13,  nvl(A.segment13,  nvl(O.segment13,  nvl(L.segment13,  P.segment13))))
542            , 'SEGMENT14', nvl(E.segment14,  nvl(A.segment14,  nvl(O.segment14,  nvl(L.segment14,  P.segment14))))
543            , 'SEGMENT15', nvl(E.segment15,  nvl(A.segment15,  nvl(O.segment15,  nvl(L.segment15,  P.segment15))))
544            , 'SEGMENT16', nvl(E.segment16,  nvl(A.segment16,  nvl(O.segment16,  nvl(L.segment16,  P.segment16))))
545            , 'SEGMENT17', nvl(E.segment17,  nvl(A.segment17,  nvl(O.segment17,  nvl(L.segment17,  P.segment17))))
546            , 'SEGMENT18', nvl(E.segment18,  nvl(A.segment18,  nvl(O.segment18,  nvl(L.segment18,  P.segment18))))
547            , 'SEGMENT19', nvl(E.segment19,  nvl(A.segment19,  nvl(O.segment19,  nvl(L.segment19,  P.segment19))))
548            , 'SEGMENT20', nvl(E.segment20,  nvl(A.segment20,  nvl(O.segment20,  nvl(L.segment20,  P.segment20))))
549            , 'SEGMENT21', nvl(E.segment21,  nvl(A.segment21,  nvl(O.segment21,  nvl(L.segment21,  P.segment21))))
550            , 'SEGMENT22', nvl(E.segment22,  nvl(A.segment22,  nvl(O.segment22,  nvl(L.segment22,  P.segment22))))
551            , 'SEGMENT23', nvl(E.segment23,  nvl(A.segment23,  nvl(O.segment23,  nvl(L.segment23,  P.segment23))))
552            , 'SEGMENT24', nvl(E.segment24,  nvl(A.segment24,  nvl(O.segment24,  nvl(L.segment24,  P.segment24))))
553            , 'SEGMENT25', nvl(E.segment25,  nvl(A.segment25,  nvl(O.segment25,  nvl(L.segment25,  P.segment25))))
554            , 'SEGMENT26', nvl(E.segment26,  nvl(A.segment26,  nvl(O.segment26,  nvl(L.segment26,  P.segment26))))
555            , 'SEGMENT27', nvl(E.segment27,  nvl(A.segment27,  nvl(O.segment27,  nvl(L.segment27,  P.segment27))))
556            , 'SEGMENT28', nvl(E.segment28,  nvl(A.segment28,  nvl(O.segment28,  nvl(L.segment28,  P.segment28))))
557            , 'SEGMENT29', nvl(E.segment29,  nvl(A.segment29,  nvl(O.segment29,  nvl(L.segment29,  P.segment29))))
558            , 'SEGMENT30', nvl(E.segment30,  nvl(A.segment30,  nvl(O.segment30,  nvl(L.segment30,  P.segment30))))
559            , null ) segment_value
560   from   pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          E,
561          pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          A,
562          pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          O,
563          pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          L,
564          pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          P,
565          pay_element_links_f                  EL,
566          hr_all_organization_units            OU,
567          pay_payrolls_f                       PP,
568          pay_element_entries_f                EE,
572                   ASG1.organization_id,
569          (
570            select ASG1.assignment_id,
571                   ASG1.payroll_id,
573                   CA.cost_allocation_keyflex_id
574            from per_all_assignments_f        ASG1,
575                 pay_cost_allocations_f       CA
576            where ASG1.assignment_id = CA.assignment_id (+)
577            and   ASG1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
578            and   nvl( CA.cost_allocation_id, -1) = nvl( p_cost_allocation_id, -1)
579            and   p_effective_date between ASG1.effective_start_date
580                                   and     ASG1.effective_end_date
581            and   p_effective_date between nvl(CA.effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
582                                   and     nvl(CA.effective_end_date,p_effective_date)
583          union all
584          select to_number(ASG3.assignment_id) assignment_id,
585                 to_number(ASG3.payroll_id) payroll_id,
586                 to_number(ASG3.organization_id) organization_id,
587                 to_number(null) cost_allocation_keyflex_id
588          from   per_all_assignments_f ASG3
589          where ASG3.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
590          and   p_effective_date between ASG3.effective_start_date and ASG3.effective_end_date
591          and   not exists (
592                  select 'X'
593                  from   pay_cost_allocations_f CA2
594                  where  CA2.assignment_id = ASG3.assignment_id
595                  and    p_effective_date between CA2.effective_start_date and CA2.effective_end_date
596                  )
597          )                                    ASG2
598   where  ASG2.assignment_id = EE.assignment_id
599   and    EE.element_link_id = EL.element_link_id
600   and    EE.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
601   and    ASG2.payroll_id = PP.payroll_id
602   and    ASG2.organization_id = OU.organization_id
603   and    EE.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = E.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
604   and    ASG2.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = A.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
605   and    OU.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = O.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
606   and    EL.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = L.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
607   and    PP.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = P.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
608   and    p_effective_date between EE.effective_start_date and EE.effective_end_date
609   and    p_effective_date between EL.effective_start_date and EL.effective_end_date
610   and    p_effective_date between PP.effective_start_date and PP.effective_end_date
611   and    EL.costable_type = 'C'
612   union all
613   select decode (
614            p_segment_name
615            , 'SEGMENT1', nvl(E.segment1,  nvl(L.segment1,  P.segment1))
616            , 'SEGMENT2', nvl(E.segment2,  nvl(L.segment2,  P.segment2))
617            , 'SEGMENT3', nvl(E.segment3,  nvl(L.segment3,  P.segment3))
618            , 'SEGMENT4', nvl(E.segment4,  nvl(L.segment4,  P.segment4))
619            , 'SEGMENT5', nvl(E.segment5,  nvl(L.segment5,  P.segment5))
620            , 'SEGMENT6', nvl(E.segment6,  nvl(L.segment6,  P.segment6))
621            , 'SEGMENT7', nvl(E.segment7,  nvl(L.segment7,  P.segment7))
622            , 'SEGMENT8', nvl(E.segment8,  nvl(L.segment8,  P.segment8))
623            , 'SEGMENT9', nvl(E.segment9,  nvl(L.segment9,  P.segment9))
624            , 'SEGMENT10', nvl(E.segment10,  nvl(L.segment10,  P.segment10))
625            , 'SEGMENT11', nvl(E.segment11,  nvl(L.segment11,  P.segment11))
626            , 'SEGMENT12', nvl(E.segment12,  nvl(L.segment12,  P.segment12))
627            , 'SEGMENT13', nvl(E.segment13,  nvl(L.segment13,  P.segment13))
628            , 'SEGMENT14', nvl(E.segment14,  nvl(L.segment14,  P.segment14))
629            , 'SEGMENT15', nvl(E.segment15,  nvl(L.segment15,  P.segment15))
630            , 'SEGMENT16', nvl(E.segment16,  nvl(L.segment16,  P.segment16))
631            , 'SEGMENT17', nvl(E.segment17,  nvl(L.segment17,  P.segment17))
632            , 'SEGMENT18', nvl(E.segment18,  nvl(L.segment18,  P.segment18))
633            , 'SEGMENT19', nvl(E.segment19,  nvl(L.segment19,  P.segment19))
634            , 'SEGMENT20', nvl(E.segment20,  nvl(L.segment20,  P.segment20))
635            , 'SEGMENT21', nvl(E.segment21,  nvl(L.segment21,  P.segment21))
636            , 'SEGMENT22', nvl(E.segment22,  nvl(L.segment22,  P.segment22))
637            , 'SEGMENT23', nvl(E.segment23,  nvl(L.segment23,  P.segment23))
638            , 'SEGMENT24', nvl(E.segment24,  nvl(L.segment24,  P.segment24))
639            , 'SEGMENT25', nvl(E.segment25,  nvl(L.segment25,  P.segment25))
640            , 'SEGMENT26', nvl(E.segment26,  nvl(L.segment26,  P.segment26))
641            , 'SEGMENT27', nvl(E.segment27,  nvl(L.segment27,  P.segment27))
642            , 'SEGMENT28', nvl(E.segment28,  nvl(L.segment28,  P.segment28))
643            , 'SEGMENT29', nvl(E.segment29,  nvl(L.segment29,  P.segment29))
644            , 'SEGMENT30', nvl(E.segment30,  nvl(L.segment30,  P.segment30))
645            , null) segment_value
646   from   pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          E,
647          pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          L,
648          pay_cost_allocation_keyflex          P,
649          pay_element_links_f                  EL,
650          pay_payrolls_f                       PP,
651          pay_element_entries_f                EE,
652          per_all_assignments_f                ASG
653   where  ASG.assignment_id = EE.assignment_id
654   and    ASG.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
655   and    EE.element_link_id = EL.element_link_id
659   and    EL.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = L.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
656   and    EE.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
657   and    ASG.payroll_id = PP.payroll_id
658   and    EE.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = E.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
660   and    PP.cost_allocation_keyflex_id = P.cost_allocation_keyflex_id (+)
661   and    p_effective_date between ASG.effective_start_date and ASG.effective_end_date
662   and    p_effective_date between EE.effective_start_date and EE.effective_end_date
663   and    p_effective_date between EL.effective_start_date and EL.effective_end_date
664   and    p_effective_date between PP.effective_start_date and PP.effective_end_date
665   and    EL.costable_type = 'F';
666   --
667   v_segment_value varchar2(2000);
668   v_display_value varchar2(2000);
669   --
670 begin
671   --
672   open csr_cost_keyflex_segment_value (
673     p_segment_name ,
674     p_assignment_id ,
675     p_cost_allocation_id,
676     p_element_entry_id ,
677     p_effective_date );
678   fetch csr_cost_keyflex_segment_value into v_segment_value;
679   close csr_cost_keyflex_segment_value;
680   --
681   open csr_vset_display_value (
682     p_value_set_id,
683     p_value_set_application_id,
684     v_segment_value );
685   fetch csr_vset_display_value into v_display_value;
686   close csr_vset_display_value;
687   --
688   -- return nvl(v_display_value, v_segment_value);
689   return v_segment_value || ' - ' || v_display_value;
690   --
691 end;
693 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 -- |-----------------------< validate_costing_keyflex >-----------------------|
695 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 -- {Start Of Comments}
697 --
698 -- Pre Conditions:
699 --   none
700 --
701 -- Description:
702 --   Performs validation of the cost allocation specified by
703 --   p_concat_segments. A cost allocation entry is created in
704 --   pay_cost_allocation_keyflex if the combination is valid and doesn't
705 --   already exist. Returns the id of the combination if it is valid via
706 --   p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id, otherwise returns error information via
707 --   p_error_segment_num, p_error_segment_name and p_error_message.
708 --
709 -- In Arguments:
710 --   p_cost_id_flex_num - id of the cost allocation structure
711 --   p_concat_segments - the concatenated segments to be validated
712 --   p_validation_date - the validation date
713 --   p_resp_appl_id - application id of the responsibility performing the
714 --   validation
715 --   p_resp_id - id of the responsibility performing the validation.
716 --   p_user_id - id of the user who is performing the validation
717 --
718 -- Out Arguments:
719 --   p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id the id of the valid combination.
720 --   p_error_segment_num the number of the segment causing error in case of
721 --   an invalid combination (may be null).
722 --   p_error_segment_name the name of the segment causing error in case of
723 --   an invalid combination (may be null).
724 --   p_error_message the error message in case of an invalid combination
725 --   (may be null).
726 --
727 -- Access Status:
728 --   public
729 --
730 -- {End Of Comments}
731 --
732 procedure validate_costing_keyflex (
733     p_cost_id_flex_num in number
734   , p_concat_segments in varchar2
735   , p_validation_date in date
736   , p_resp_appl_id in number
737   , p_resp_id in number
738   , p_user_id in number
739   , p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id out nocopy number
740   , p_error_segment_num out nocopy number
741   , p_error_segment_name out nocopy varchar2
742   , p_application_col_name out nocopy varchar2
743   , p_error_message out nocopy varchar2
744   )
745 is
746   --
747   v_valid boolean;
748   v_flexfield fnd_flex_key_api.flexfield_type;
749   v_structure fnd_flex_key_api.structure_type;
750   v_segment fnd_flex_key_api.segment_type;
751   v_segment_list fnd_flex_key_api.segment_list;
752   v_nsegments number;
753   --
754 begin
755   --
756   v_valid := fnd_flex_keyval.validate_segs (
757                operation => 'CREATE_COMBINATION'
758              , appl_short_name => 'PAY'
759              , key_flex_code => 'COST'
760              , structure_number => p_cost_id_flex_num
761              , concat_segments => p_concat_segments
762              , values_or_ids => 'I'
763              , validation_date => p_validation_date
764              , resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id
765              , resp_id => p_resp_id
766              , user_id => p_user_id);
767   --
768   if v_valid then
769     --
770     p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id := fnd_flex_keyval.combination_id;
771     p_error_segment_num := null;
772     p_error_segment_name := null;
773     p_error_message := null;
774     --
775     -- update the cost allocation keyflex table with the concatenated
776     -- segments
777     --
778     update pay_cost_allocation_keyflex
779     set concatenated_segments = p_concat_segments
780     where cost_allocation_keyflex_id = p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id;
781     commit;
782     --
783   else
784     --
785     p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id := -1;
786     p_error_segment_num := fnd_flex_keyval.error_segment;
787     p_error_message := fnd_flex_keyval.error_message;
788     --
789     if p_error_segment_num is not null then
790       --
791       -- Get the name of the error segment
792       --
793       fnd_flex_key_api.set_session_mode('customer_data');
797         flex_code => 'COST'
794       --
795       v_flexfield := fnd_flex_key_api.find_flexfield (
796         appl_short_name => 'PAY',
798         );
799       --
800       if p_error_segment_num = 0 then
801         --
802         p_application_col_name := v_flexfield.structure_column;
803         p_error_segment_name := null;
804         --
805       else
806         --
807         v_structure := fnd_flex_key_api.find_structure (
808           flexfield => v_flexfield,
809           structure_number => p_cost_id_flex_num
810           );
811         --
812         fnd_flex_key_api.get_segments (
813           flexfield => v_flexfield,
814           structure => v_structure,
815           enabled_only => true,
816           nsegments => v_nsegments,
817           segments => v_segment_list
818           );
819         --
820         p_error_segment_name := v_segment_list(p_error_segment_num);
821         --
822         v_segment := fnd_flex_key_api.find_segment (
823           flexfield => v_flexfield,
824           structure => v_structure,
825           segment_name => p_error_segment_name
826           );
827         --
828         p_application_col_name := v_segment.column_name;
829         p_error_segment_name := v_segment.window_prompt;
830         --
831       end if;
832       --
833     end if;
834     --
835   end if;
836   --
837 exception
838   --
839   when others then
840     p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id := -1;
841   --
842 end validate_costing_keyflex;
844 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
845 -- |----------------------< get_cost_keyflex_structure >----------------------|
846 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
847 -- {Start Of Comments}
848 --
849 -- Description:
850 --   Returns the code of the cost allocation keyflex structure denoted by
851 --   p_cost_id_flex_num.
852 --
853 -- Pre Conditions:
854 --   none
855 --
856 -- In Arguments:
857 --   p_cost_id_flex_num - the id of the cost allocation keyflex structure
858 --
859 -- Access Status:
860 --   public
861 --
862 -- {End Of Comments}
863 --
864 function get_cost_keyflex_structure (
865   p_cost_id_flex_num in number
866   ) return varchar2
867 is
868   --
869   v_flexfield fnd_flex_key_api.flexfield_type;
870   v_structure fnd_flex_key_api.structure_type;
871   --
872 begin
873   --
874   fnd_flex_key_api.set_session_mode('customer_data');
875   --
876   v_flexfield := fnd_flex_key_api.find_flexfield (
877     appl_short_name => 'PAY',
878     flex_code => 'COST'
879     );
880   --
881   v_structure := fnd_flex_key_api.find_structure (
882     flexfield => v_flexfield,
883     structure_number => p_cost_id_flex_num
884     );
885   --
886   return v_structure.structure_code;
887   --
888 end get_cost_keyflex_structure;
890 END pay_costing_kff_util_pkg;