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Line 69: case of B the value is derived from ozf_sys_parameters_all.

65: A.'Accrued Promotion Liability'
66: B.'Deduction Adjustment Clearing'
67: C.'Deduction Adjustment Account'.
68: In case A and C - ccid is derive from ozf_funds_all_b
69: case of B the value is derived from ozf_sys_parameters_all.
70: This function can be customized based on customer needs */
72: FUNCTION gl_post_account(
73: p_api_version_number IN NUMBER,

Line 111: FROM ozf_sys_parameters_all osp

107: select osp.gl_id_ded_adj -- expense account
108: , osp.gl_id_accr_promo_liab -- accrual liability account
109: , osp.gl_id_ded_clearing -- vendor clearing account
110: , osp.gl_rec_clearing_account -- receivables clearing account
111: FROM ozf_sys_parameters_all osp
112: --, ozf_funds_utilized_all_b ofa
113: , ozf_funds_all_b f
114: WHERE osp.org_id = NVL(f.org_id, -99)
115: --AND ofa.fund_id = f.fund_id

Line 394: , ozf_sys_parameters_all osp

391: CURSOR chart_of_acct_csr(p_org_id in number)IS
392: select chart_of_accounts_id
393: from gl_sets_of_books sob
394: , ozf_sys_parameters_all osp
395: where osp.set_of_books_id = sob.set_of_books_id
396: and osp.org_id = NVL(p_org_id, -99);
398: CURSOR c_third_party_util IS