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2 --  $Header: igiprecb.pls 115.7 2002/11/18 14:08:30 panaraya ship $
4 --------------------------------------------------------------------
5 	 --To fetch the Cash_Set_of_Books_Id   Chart Of Accounts
6 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
7 	 CURSOR  C_system_parameters IS
8 	 SELECT  ap.secondary_set_of_books_id,
9 	         gl.chart_of_accounts_id
10 	 FROM    ap_system_parameters ap,
11 	         gl_sets_of_books gl
12 	 WHERE   ap.set_of_books_id = gl.set_of_books_id;
13 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
14 	 --To fetch the Concurrent Request Id
15 	 --Use function FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID
16 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
17 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
18 	 --To fetch the Source (Payables)
19 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
20 	 CURSOR C_source_name IS
21 	 SELECT je_source_name , user_je_source_name
22 	 FROM   gl_je_sources
23 	 WHERE  je_source_name = 'Payables'
24 	        AND LANGUAGE =  USERENV('LANG');
25 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
26 	 --To fetch the Category   (Manual adjustments)
27 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
28 	 CURSOR C_category_name IS
29 	 SELECT  je_category_name , user_je_category_name
30 	 FROM    gl_je_categories
31 	 WHERE   je_category_name = '41'
32 	         AND LANGUAGE =  USERENV('LANG');
33 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
34 	 --To set the start_date and the end_date sources from parameters From Period and To Period.
35 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
36 	 CURSOR C_period_startdate (p_period gl_period_statuses.period_name%type, p_secondary_set_of_books_id gl_interface.set_of_books_id%type ) IS
37 	 SELECT  start_date
38 	 FROM    gl_period_statuses
39 	 WHERE   period_name = p_period
40 	 AND 	set_of_books_id = p_secondary_set_of_books_id
41 	 AND     application_id = (SELECT application_id FROM fnd_application WHERE application_short_name ='SQLGL');
43 	 CURSOR C_period_enddate (p_period gl_period_statuses.period_name%type , p_secondary_set_of_books_id gl_interface.set_of_books_id%type ) IS
44 	 SELECT end_date
45 	 FROM   gl_period_statuses
46 	 WHERE  period_name = p_period
47 	 AND set_of_books_id = p_secondary_set_of_books_id
48 	 AND application_id =
49 	 (SELECT application_id FROM fnd_application WHERE application_short_name = 'SQLGL');
51          --------------------------------------------------------------------
52 	 -- To fetch the non recoverable tax lines to be modified
53 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
54 	 CURSOR C_get_tax_lines ( start_date date, end_date date) IS
56 	 inv.invoice_id   INVOICE_ID ,
57 	 inv.invoice_date INVOICE_DATE,
58 	 inv_dist1.set_of_books_id ACCURAL_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID,
59 	 inv_dist1.invoice_distribution_id  TAX_DIST_ID,
60 	 inv_dist1.dist_code_combination_id TAX_CCID,
61 	 chrg.allocated_base_amount   TAX_AMOUNT,
62 	 inv_dist2.invoice_distribution_id ITEM_DIST_ID,
63 	 inv_dist2.dist_code_combination_id ITEM_CCID ,
64 	 inv_dist2.org_id ORG_ID,
65 	 inv.invoice_currency_code INV_CURRENCY_CODE
66 	 FROM
67 	 ap_invoice_distributions inv_dist1,
68 	 ap_chrg_allocations chrg,
69 	 ap_invoice_distributions inv_dist2,
70 	 ap_invoices inv
71 	 WHERE
72 	 inv_dist1.cash_posted_flag = 'Y' AND
73 	 inv_dist1.tax_recoverable_flag = 'Y' AND inv_dist1.line_type_lookup_code = 'TAX'
74 	 AND inv_dist1.invoice_distribution_id = chrg.charge_dist_id
75 	 AND inv_dist2.invoice_distribution_id = chrg.item_dist_id
76 	 AND inv.invoice_id = inv_dist1.invoice_id
77 	 AND inv.invoice_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
79 	 ( SELECT 'Y' FROM IGI_RECOVERABLE_LINES WHERE tax_distribution_id = chrg.charge_dist_id);
81 Procedure Writelog(
82     p_mesg       IN varchar2
83                   )
84 is
85 Begin
86     fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log , p_mesg ) ;
87 End Writelog;
89 Procedure Gl_Interface_Insert(
90     p_status                   IN gl_interface.status%type,
91     p_set_of_books_id          IN gl_interface.set_of_books_id%type,
92     p_accounting_date          IN gl_interface.accounting_date%type,
93     p_currency_code            IN gl_interface.currency_code%type,
94     p_date_created             IN gl_interface.date_created%type,
95     p_created_by               IN gl_interface.created_by%type,
96     p_actual_flag              IN gl_interface.actual_flag%type,
97     p_user_je_category_name    IN gl_interface.user_je_category_name%type,
98     p_user_je_source_name      IN gl_interface.user_je_source_name%type,
99     p_entered_dr               IN gl_interface.entered_dr%type,
100     p_entered_cr               IN gl_interface.entered_cr%type,
101     p_accounted_dr             IN gl_interface.accounted_dr%type,
102     p_accounted_cr             IN gl_interface.accounted_cr%type,
103     p_transaction_date         IN gl_interface.transaction_date%type,
104     p_reference1               IN gl_interface.reference1%type,
105     p_reference4               IN gl_interface.reference4%type,
106     p_reference6               IN gl_interface.reference6%type,
107     p_reference10              IN gl_interface.reference10%type,
108     p_reference21              IN gl_interface.reference21%type,
109     p_reference22              IN gl_interface.reference22%type,
110     p_period_name              IN gl_interface.period_name%type,
111     p_chart_of_accounts_id     IN gl_interface.chart_of_accounts_id%type,
112     p_functional_currency_code IN gl_interface.functional_currency_code%type,
113     p_code_combination_id      IN gl_interface.code_combination_id%type,
114     p_group_id                 IN gl_interface.group_id%type);
116 PROCEDURE Init_Gl_Interface(
117     p_int_control     IN OUT NOCOPY glcontrol,
118     p_set_of_books_id IN     gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%type);
120 PROCEDURE Insert_Control_Rec(
121     p_int_control in glcontrol );
126 PROCEDURE Submit(
127 	           errbuf      		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
128 	           retcode     		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
129                    p_gl_from_period     in gl_period_statuses.period_name%type,
130                    p_gl_to_period	in gl_period_statuses.period_name%type
131                   ) is
132          l_request_id number 		   ;
133          l_secondary_set_of_books_id NUMBER;
134          l_chart_of_accounts_id      NUMBER;
135          l_je_source_name 	     gl_je_sources.je_source_name%type;
136          l_user_je_source_name 	     gl_je_sources.user_je_source_name%type;
137          l_je_category_name          gl_je_categories.je_category_name%type;
138          l_user_je_category_name     gl_je_categories.user_je_category_name%type;
139          l_start_date		     DATE;
140          l_end_date		     DATE;
141          l_processed		     Boolean;
142          l_int_control           glcontrol;
143          l_import_request_id     number;
144          l_report_request_id     number;
145          -------------------------------------------------------------------
146 	 --To fetch the Cash_Set_of_Books_Id  and  Chart Of Accounts
147 	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
151         -- l_tax_lines		     C_get_tax_lines%rowtype;
152  begin
153  	 --------------------------------------------------------------------
154          -- get the secondary Secondary set of books and Chart of accounts
155          --------------------------------------------------------------------
156 fnd_profile.get('ORG_ID',l_secondary_set_of_books_id);
158            WriteLog( '>> Initialized org_id '||l_secondary_set_of_books_id);
159            Open  C_system_parameters;
161            Fetch C_system_parameters into l_secondary_set_of_books_id,l_chart_of_accounts_id;
162            Close C_system_parameters;
164            WriteLog( '>> Initialized Secondary set of books and Chart of accounts '||l_secondary_set_of_books_id||'             '||l_chart_of_accounts_id );
166            Open  C_period_startdate (p_gl_from_period,l_secondary_set_of_books_id );
167            Fetch C_period_startdate into l_start_date;
168            Close C_period_startdate;
169            WriteLog( '>> Initialized Start period  ' || l_start_date );
170            Open  C_period_enddate (p_gl_to_period,l_secondary_set_of_books_id);
171 	   Fetch C_period_enddate into l_end_date;
172 	   Close C_period_enddate;
173            WriteLog( '>> Initialized end period    ' || l_end_date);
175            Open  C_source_name ;
176            Fetch C_source_name into l_je_source_name,l_user_je_source_name;
177            Close C_source_name;
179            WriteLog( '>> Initialized user journal name   <<<');
181            Open  C_category_name ;
182            Fetch C_category_name  into l_je_category_name,l_user_je_category_name;
183            Close C_category_name ;
185            WriteLog( '>> Initialized user journal category name   <<<');
187            --------------------------------------------------------------------
188            -- Fetch the recoverable tax lines from  the invoices in the given dates
189            --------------------------------------------------------------------
190            l_processed :=  false;
192            For  l_tax_lines  in  C_get_tax_lines ( l_start_date,l_end_date) loop
194            	WriteLog( '>> Processing Invoice '|| l_tax_lines.invoice_id ||' Distribution Num '||l_tax_lines.tax_dist_id);
196 		if not l_processed then
197                   l_processed := true;
198                 end if;
200 	--------------------------------------------------------------------
201 	--insert into IGI_RECOVERABLE_LINES
202 	--------------------------------------------------------------------
204 	l_request_id := FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID;
206 	          insert into IGI_RECOVERABLE_LINES
208 	         	( Invoice_id,
209 			  Accounting_date,
210 			  Invoice_date,
211 			  Inv_Currency_Code,
212 			  Accrual_Set_of_books_id,
213 			  Request_Id,
214 			  Tax_distribution_id,
215 			  Tax_ccid,
216 			  Tax_amount,
217 			  Item_distribution_id,
218 			  Item_ccid,
219 			  last_updated_by,
220 			  last_update_date,
221 			  created_by,
222 			  Created_date,
223 			  Last_update_login)
224 			values ( l_tax_lines.invoice_id,
225 				 sysdate,
226 				 l_tax_lines.invoice_date,
227 				 l_tax_lines.INV_CURRENCY_CODE,
228 				 l_tax_lines.ACCURAL_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID,
229 				 l_request_id,
230 				 l_tax_lines.tax_dist_id,
231 				 l_tax_lines.tax_ccid,
232 				 l_tax_lines.tax_amount,
233 				 l_tax_lines.item_dist_id,
234 				 l_tax_lines.item_ccid,
235 				 to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
236 				 sysdate,
237 				 to_number(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),
238 				 sysdate,
239 				 to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')));
241 		  --------------------------------------------------------------------
242 	         /* For each recoverable tax line identified insert two line into GL Interface
243 		    IF the tax amount is positive THEN
244 	       	      Debit the Item Line Code Combination Id with the Tax Line Amount
245 		      Credit the Tax Line Code Combination Id with the Tax Line Amount
246 		    ELSEIF the tax amount is negative THEN
247 		      Debit Tax Line ccid with absolute Tax Line Amount
248 		      Credit Item Line ccid with absolute Tax Line Amount
249  		    END IF*/
250 		  --------------------------------------------------------------------
252 		-- Start(1) bug 2119400 vgadde 23-NOV-2001
254 		IF ( l_tax_lines.tax_amount > 0 ) THEN
256 		-- End(1) bug 2119400 vgadde 23-NOV-2001
258 			 -----------------------------------------------------
259 			 -- Debit entry for item ccid for positive tax amount
260 			 -----------------------------------------------------
261                      Gl_interface_insert(
262 			 'NEW',
263 	                 l_secondary_set_of_books_id,
264                          sysdate,
265 	                 l_tax_lines.INV_CURRENCY_CODE,
266 	                 sysdate,
267 	                 to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
268 	                 'A',
269 	                 l_user_je_category_name,
270 	                 l_user_je_source_name,
271 	                 abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
272 	                 NULL,
273 	                 abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
274 	                 NULL,
275 	                 sysdate,
276 	                 l_je_category_name,                   -- reference1
277 	                 NULL,                   		-- reference4
278 	                 l_je_source_name,                      -- reference6
279 	                 NULL, -- reference10
280 	                 l_tax_lines.invoice_id,                  -- reference21
281 	                 l_tax_lines.tax_dist_id,              -- reference22
282 	                 NULL,
283 	                 l_chart_of_accounts_id,
284 	                 l_tax_lines.inv_currency_code,
285 	                 l_tax_lines.item_ccid,
286 	                 null );
287 	            --------------------------------------------------------------------
288 	            -- credit entry for tax ccid for positive tax amount
289 	            --------------------------------------------------------------------
290 	             Gl_Interface_Insert(
291 			  'NEW',
292 			  l_secondary_set_of_books_id,
293 			  sysdate,
294 			  l_tax_lines.INV_CURRENCY_CODE,
295 			  sysdate,
296 			  to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
297 			  'A',
298 			  l_user_je_category_name,
299 			  l_user_je_source_name,
300 			  NULL,
301 			  abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
302 			  NULL,
303 			  abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
304 			  sysdate,
305 			  l_je_category_name,                   -- reference1
306 			  NULL,                     -- reference4
307 			  l_je_source_name,                -- reference6
308 			  NULL, -- reference10
309 			  l_tax_lines.invoice_id,                    -- reference21
310 			  l_tax_lines.tax_dist_id,              -- reference22
311 			  NULL,
312 			  l_chart_of_accounts_id,
313 			  l_tax_lines.inv_currency_code,
314 			  l_tax_lines.tax_ccid,
315 			  null );
317 		--Start(2) bug 2119400 vgadde 23-NOV-2001
319 		ELSIF ( l_tax_lines.tax_amount < 0 ) THEN
320 		    -----------------------------------------------------------------
321                     -- Debit entry for tax ccid for negative tax amount
322 		    -----------------------------------------------------------------
323                      Gl_interface_insert(
324                          'NEW',
325                          l_secondary_set_of_books_id,
326                          sysdate,
327                          l_tax_lines.INV_CURRENCY_CODE,
328                          sysdate,
329                          to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
330                          'A',
331                          l_user_je_category_name,
332                          l_user_je_source_name,
333                          abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
334                          NULL,
335                          abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
336                          NULL,
337                          sysdate,
338                          l_je_category_name,                   -- reference1
339                          NULL,                                  -- reference4
340                          l_je_source_name,                      -- reference6
341                          NULL, -- reference10
342                          l_tax_lines.invoice_id,                  -- reference21
343                          l_tax_lines.tax_dist_id,              -- reference22
344                          NULL,
345                          l_chart_of_accounts_id,
346                          l_tax_lines.inv_currency_code,
347                          l_tax_lines.tax_ccid,
348                          null );
349                     --------------------------------------------------------------------
353                           'NEW',
350                     -- credit entry for item ccid for negative amount
351                     --------------------------------------------------------------------
352                      Gl_Interface_Insert(
354                           l_secondary_set_of_books_id,
355                           sysdate,
356                           l_tax_lines.INV_CURRENCY_CODE,
357                           sysdate,
358                           to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
359                           'A',
360                           l_user_je_category_name,
361                           l_user_je_source_name,
362                           NULL,
363                           abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
364                           NULL,
365                           abs(l_tax_lines.tax_amount),
366                           sysdate,
367                           l_je_category_name,                   -- reference1
368                           NULL,                     -- reference4
369                           l_je_source_name,                -- reference6
370                           NULL, -- reference10
371                           l_tax_lines.invoice_id,                    -- reference21
372                           l_tax_lines.tax_dist_id,              -- reference22
373                           NULL,
374                           l_chart_of_accounts_id,
375                           l_tax_lines.inv_currency_code,
376                           l_tax_lines.item_ccid,
377                           null );
378 		END IF;
380 		-- End(2) bug 2119400 vgadde 23-NOV-2001
382            End loop;
383            WriteLog( '>> IGI_RECOVERABLE_LINES records transferred to GL Interface');
385              l_report_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
386     	('IGI',
387     	'IGIPRECL',
388     	null,
389     	null,
390     	false,
391     	p_gl_from_period,
392         p_gl_to_period,
393 	l_request_id);
394      /*   ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
395         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
396         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
397         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
398         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
399         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
400         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
401         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
402         ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ', ' ', ' ',
403         ' ',' ',' ', ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ' );*/
407            WriteLog( '>> report request '||l_report_request_id);
408             Init_Gl_Interface(
409 	         l_int_control,
410 	         l_secondary_set_of_books_id);
411 	    Insert_Control_Rec(l_int_control);
412 	      ----------------------------------------------------
413 	      -- 'Submitting Journal Import Program';
414 	      ----------------------------------------------------
415 	      WriteLog( '>> Submitting GL Import routine ');
416 	      if l_processed then -- records found in gl_interface
417 	                WriteLog( '>> Adjustment records transferred to GL Interface');
418 	      l_import_request_id := Fnd_Request.Submit_Request(
419 	                                 'SQLGL'
420 	                                ,'GLLEZL'
421 	                                ,NULL
422 	                                ,NULL
423 	                                ,FALSE
424 	                                ,l_int_control.interface_run_id
425 	                                ,l_secondary_set_of_books_id
426 	                                ,'N'
427 	                                ,NULL
428 	                                ,NULL
429 	                                ,'N'
430                             ,'N');
431                 errbuf := 'Submitted import request '||l_request_id;
432               	retcode := 0;
433               	commit;
434            else
435               errbuf := 'No records found to process No records inserted into GL INTERFACE';
436               retcode := 0;
437               rollback;
438           end if;
440           --------------------------------------------------------------------
441 	   -- update all the rows after inserting to gl_interface table
442            -- so that the lines are not consider when run next time
443            --------------------------------------------------------------------
444 	   if l_import_request_id = 0 then
446             set je_created_flag = 'Y'
447             where request_id =FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID ;
448             WriteLog( '>> IGI_RECOVERABLE_LINES updated ');
449            end if;
451      end;
453 Procedure Init_Gl_Interface(
454     p_int_control     IN OUT NOCOPY glcontrol,
455     p_set_of_books_id IN     gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%type) IS
456   l_debug_loc             varchar2(30) := 'Init_Gl_Interface';
457   l_curr_calling_sequence varchar2(2000);
458   l_debug_info            varchar2(100);
459 Begin
460   --------------------------------------------------------------------
461   -- 'Initializing GL Interface control variables';
462   --------------------------------------------------------------------
463   Select gl_journal_import_s.Nextval,
464     p_set_of_books_id,
465     NULL,
466     'S',
467     'Payables'
468   Into
469     p_int_control.interface_run_id,
470     p_int_control.set_of_books_id,
474   From sys.dual ;
471     p_int_control.group_id,
472     p_int_control.status,
473     p_int_control.je_source_name
475 Exception
476   When Others Then
477    Null;
478 End Init_Gl_Interface;
479 PROCEDURE Insert_Control_Rec(
480    p_int_control in glcontrol) IS
481   l_debug_loc             varchar2(30) := 'Insert_Control_Rec';
482   l_curr_calling_sequence varchar2(2000);
483   l_debug_info            varchar2(100);
485   --------------------------------------------------------------------
486   --l_debug_info := 'Inserting into gl_interface_control';
487   --------------------------------------------------------------------
488   Insert Into gl_interface_control(
489     je_source_name,
490     status,
491     interface_run_id,
492     group_id,
493     set_of_books_id)
494   Values(
495     p_int_control.je_source_name,
496     p_int_control.status,
497     p_int_control.interface_run_id,
498     p_int_control.group_id,
499     p_int_control.set_of_books_id);
500 Exception
501   When Others Then
502     Null;
503 End Insert_Control_Rec;
505 Procedure Gl_Interface_Insert(
506     p_status                   IN gl_interface.status%type,
507     p_set_of_books_id          IN gl_interface.set_of_books_id%type,
508     p_accounting_date          IN gl_interface.accounting_date%type,
509     p_currency_code            IN gl_interface.currency_code%type,
510     p_date_created             IN gl_interface.date_created%type,
511     p_created_by               IN gl_interface.created_by%type,
512     p_actual_flag              IN gl_interface.actual_flag%type,
513     p_user_je_category_name    IN gl_interface.user_je_category_name%type,
514     p_user_je_source_name      IN gl_interface.user_je_source_name%type,
515     p_entered_dr               IN gl_interface.entered_dr%type,
516     p_entered_cr               IN gl_interface.entered_cr%type,
517     p_accounted_dr             IN gl_interface.accounted_dr%type,
518     p_accounted_cr             IN gl_interface.accounted_cr%type,
519     p_transaction_date         IN gl_interface.transaction_date%type,
520     p_reference1               IN gl_interface.reference1%type,
521     p_reference4               IN gl_interface.reference4%type,
522     p_reference6               IN gl_interface.reference6%type,
523     p_reference10              IN gl_interface.reference10%type,
524     p_reference21              IN gl_interface.reference21%type,
525     p_reference22              IN gl_interface.reference22%type,
526     p_period_name              IN gl_interface.period_name%type,
527     p_chart_of_accounts_id     IN gl_interface.chart_of_accounts_id%type,
528     p_functional_currency_code IN gl_interface.functional_currency_code%type,
529     p_code_combination_id      IN gl_interface.code_combination_id%type,
530     p_group_id                 IN gl_interface.group_id%type) IS
531   l_debug_loc             varchar2(30) := 'GL_interface';
532   l_curr_calling_sequence varchar2(2000);
533   l_debug_info            varchar2(100);
534 Begin
535   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
536   l_curr_calling_sequence := 'IGI_ITR_GL_INTERFACE_PKG.' || l_debug_loc;
537   l_debug_info := 'Inserting record into gl_interface';
538   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
539   Insert Into gl_interface(
540       status,
541       set_of_books_id,
542       accounting_date,
543       currency_code,
544       date_created,
545       created_by,
546       actual_flag,
547       user_je_category_name,
548       user_je_source_name,
549       entered_dr,
550       entered_cr,
551       accounted_dr,
552       accounted_cr,
553       transaction_date,
554       reference1,
555       reference4,
556       reference6,
557       reference10,
558       reference21,
559       reference22,
560       period_name,
561       chart_of_accounts_id,
562       functional_currency_code,
563       code_combination_id,
564       group_id)
565   Values(
566       p_status,
567       p_set_of_books_id,
568       p_accounting_date,
569       p_currency_code,
570       p_date_created,
571       p_created_by,
572       p_actual_flag,
573       p_user_je_category_name,
574       p_user_je_source_name,
575       p_entered_dr,
576       p_entered_cr,
577       p_accounted_dr,
578       p_accounted_cr,
579       p_transaction_date,
580       p_reference1,
581       p_reference4 ,
582       p_reference6,
583       p_reference10,
584       p_reference21,
585       p_reference22,
586       p_period_name,
587       p_chart_of_accounts_id,
588       p_currency_code,
589       p_code_combination_id,
590       p_group_id );
591 Exception
592   When Others Then
593     writelog ( '>>>' || sqlerrm(sqlcode) || '<<<<<');
594     Null;
595 End Gl_Interface_Insert;