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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

 |     For destination move line the status needs to be updated.           |
 |     28-OCT-2002  Joe DiIorio Bug #2643440 - 11.5.1J - added nocopy.     |
 |    Jalaj Srivastava Bug 3158806                                         |
 |      Update ic_lots_cpg with hold_date if it is the first yielding      |
 |      transaction.                                                       |
 |    27-FEB-2004  Jatinder Gogna - 3470841                                |
 |                 Compute the lot dates for the first yielding transaction|
 |     7-JUN-2004  Teresa Wong B3415691 - Enhancement for Serono           |
 |                 Added code to recheck negative inventory and lot        |
 |                 status at the time of save.                             |
 |    24-JUN-2004  Teresa Wong B3415691 - Enhancement for Serono           |
 |		   Added code to update lot status in ic_loct_inv          |
 |		   for yield transaction only if GMI: Move Different Status|
 |		   was set to 2 and the onhand of the lot in the location  |
 |		   into which it was being yielded to was 0.               |
 |     6-JUL-2004  Jatinder Gogna - 3739308                                |
 |                 Set the dates to MAX date if the item is grade          |
 |                 controlled and intervals are NULL or zero               |
  Type      : Public
  Function  : This package contains private procedures used to create
              IC_LOCT_INV transactions
  Pre-reqs  : N/A
  Parameters: Per function

  Current Vers  : 1.0

  Previous Vers : 1.0

  Initial Vers  : 1.0

  Body end of comments
/*  Global variables */
Line: 83

   l_loct_inv.delete_mark      := 0;
Line: 88

   l_loct_inv.last_updated_by  := p_tran_rec.user_id;
Line: 90

   l_loct_inv.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 122

   /*  Update Inventory LOCTary Table -- */
/* Jalaj Srivastava Bug 1427888 11-OCT-2000 */
/* For status txn it the status needs to be updated in ic_loct_inv */
/* For destination move transaction, the status needs to be updated */
/*  For grade txn nothing needs to be updated in ic_loct_inv */
/* ****************************************************
   Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2483644
   Now journal txns would also be posted using these APIs
   ***************************************************** */
IF (substr(p_tran_rec.doc_type,1,3) <> 'GRD') THEN
 IF (substr(p_tran_rec.doc_type,1,3) ='STS') THEN
       ( p_loct_inv       => l_loct_inv,
         p_status_updated => 1,
         p_qty_updated    => 0
     ) THEN
Line: 143

        Update ic_lots_cpg with hold_date if it is the first yielding transaction.
        and hold date is null. update_ic_loct_inv internally calls insert_ic_loct_inv
        if there is no existing inventory*/
   Update ic_lots_cpg
   Set    ic_hold_date = (select p_tran_rec.trans_date + ic_hold_days
                          from   ic_item_cpg
                          where  item_id = l_loct_inv.item_id
   Where  item_id = l_loct_inv.item_id and
          lot_id  = l_loct_inv.lot_id  and
          ic_hold_date is NULL         and
          not exists (select 1
                      from   ic_loct_inv
                      where  item_id = l_loct_inv.item_id
                      and    lot_id  = l_loct_inv.lot_id
Line: 167

       update ic_lots_mst
       set (lot_created, expire_date, retest_date, expaction_date) =
    	( select nvl(lot_created, p_tran_rec.trans_date),
    		nvl(expire_date, decode (grade_ctl + nvl(shelf_life,0), 0,
			GMA_GLOBAL_GRP.SY$MAX_DATE, p_tran_rec.trans_date + nvl(shelf_life,0))),
    		nvl(retest_date, decode (grade_ctl + nvl(shelf_life,0), 0,
			GMA_GLOBAL_GRP.SY$MAX_DATE, p_tran_rec.trans_date + nvl(retest_interval,0))),
    		nvl(expaction_date, decode (grade_ctl + nvl(shelf_life,0), 0,
			GMA_GLOBAL_GRP.SY$MAX_DATE, p_tran_rec.trans_date + nvl(shelf_life,0) +
    	  from ic_item_mst_b
    	where item_id = l_loct_inv.item_id)
       Where  item_id = l_loct_inv.item_id and
              lot_id  = l_loct_inv.lot_id and
    	      lot_created is NULL;
Line: 185

       ( p_loct_inv       => l_loct_inv,
         p_status_updated => 0,
         p_qty_updated    => 1
     ) THEN

     /* ************************************************
	Jalaj Srivastava BUg 2483644
	Now, we know the row exists.
	Update with the new lot status (if any)
	*********************************************** */
         IF (     (substr(p_tran_rec.doc_type,1,3) ='TRN')
	      AND (p_tran_rec.line_type = 1)
            ) THEN
		      ( p_loct_inv       => l_loct_inv,
		        p_status_updated => 1,
		        p_qty_updated    => 0
		      ) THEN
Line: 211

	 TKW B3415691 - Update with new lot status
	 for yield transaction if profile
 	 GMI: Move Different Status is Not Allowed with
	 Exception and onhand of the lot in the location
	 into which it is being yielded is 0
	IF (p_tran_rec.doc_type = 'PROD'
	    AND p_tran_rec.line_type = 1
		gmigutl.get_loct_inv (
			p_item_id		=> p_tran_rec.item_id,
			p_whse_code		=> p_tran_rec.whse_code,
			p_lot_id		=> p_tran_rec.lot_id,
			p_location		=> p_tran_rec.location,
			x_ic_loct_inv_row	=> l_loct_inv_rec
Line: 229

				( p_loct_inv       => l_loct_inv,
				  p_status_updated => 1,
				  p_qty_updated    => 0
			   ) THEN
Line: 236

			END IF; /* update lot status */
Line: 241

         This part actually never gets called. update internally calls insert_ic_loct_inv.*/

     IF(GMI_LOCT_INV_DB_PVT.INSERT_IC_LOCT_INV( p_loct_inv => l_loct_inv)) THEN
Line: 246