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Line 3431: -- in the Canonical date format as defined in FND_DATE package.

3427: ----------------------------------------
3428: -- Create attribute assignments for the new member,
3429: -- but only for the required attributes.
3430: -- If the assignment value is a DATE, it will be stored as a VARCHAR2
3431: -- in the Canonical date format as defined in FND_DATE package.
3432: ----------------------------------------
3433: IF v_attr_tab IS NOT NULL THEN
3434: FOR attr IN c_req_attr (v_dim_id) LOOP
3435: -- Raise error if no default assignment is found

Line 3481: v_sql := v_sql||','''||to_char(FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(attr.default_assignment))||'''';

3477: -- If the attribute is a DATE, it would have been stored
3478: -- in DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT in the canonical format.
3479: -- Otherwise, just assign it as is.
3480: IF attr.attribute_data_type_code = 'DATE' THEN
3481: v_sql := v_sql||','''||to_char(FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(attr.default_assignment))||'''';
3482: ELSE
3483: v_sql := v_sql||','''||attr.default_assignment||'''';
3484: END IF;
3485: v_sql := v_sql||