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1 PACKAGE BODY jtfb_dcf AS
2 /* $Header: jtfbdcfb.pls 115.23 2002/02/28 13:10:55 pkm ship       $ */
4   unexpected_error EXCEPTION;
6   PROCEDURE security_update IS
7   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
8   --Created by  : Varun Puri
9   --Date created: 12-FEB-2002
10   --
11   --Purpose:
12   -- 1. Removes the orphan DCF menus and their associated menu entries
13   --
14   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
15   --
16   --Change History: (who, when, what: NO CREATION RECORDS HERE!)
17   --Who    When    What
18   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
20   l_entry_sequence    fnd_menu_entries.entry_sequence%TYPE;
21   l_menu_id           fnd_menu_entries.menu_id%TYPE;
22   l_fm_count          NUMBER := 0;
23   l_fme_count         NUMBER := 0;
25   CURSOR c_entry(cp_sub_menu_id fnd_menu_entries.sub_menu_id%TYPE) IS
26     SELECT menu_id,
27            entry_sequence
28     FROM fnd_menu_entries
29     WHERE sub_menu_id = cp_sub_menu_id;
31   CURSOR c_menus IS
32     SELECT fm.menu_id menu_id
33     FROM fnd_menus fm
34     WHERE fm.menu_name like 'DCF_%' AND
35     NOT EXISTS (
36           SELECT 1 FROM fnd_menu_entries
37           WHERE menu_id = fm.menu_id );
39   BEGIN
41     -- 1. Delete the DCF Menus with no entries
42     FOR mrec IN c_menus LOOP
43       -- Delete the menu entries referencing this menu
44       OPEN c_entry(mrec.menu_id);
45       LOOP
46         FETCH c_entry INTO l_menu_id, l_entry_sequence;
47         EXIT WHEN c_entry%NOTFOUND;
48         fnd_menu_entries_pkg.delete_row(x_menu_id        => l_menu_id,
49                                          x_entry_sequence => l_entry_sequence);
50         l_fme_count := l_fme_count + 1;
51       END LOOP;
52       CLOSE c_entry;
53       -- Delete the DCF Menu
54       fnd_menus_pkg.delete_row(x_menu_id => mrec.menu_id);
55       l_fm_count := l_fm_count + 1;
56     END LOOP;
58     -- dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_fm_count)||' '||'DCF Menus Deleted');
59     -- dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_fme_count)||' '||'DCF Menus Entries Deleted');
61     COMMIT;
65         IF c_entry%ISOPEN THEN
66           CLOSE c_entry;
67         END IF;
68         RAISE unexpected_error;
69   END security_update;
71 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 -- History:
73 -- 15-AUG-2001   Varun Puri   CREATED
74 --
75 -- This function returns the ICX Session ID
76 --
77 -- Returns: ICX Session ID
78 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 FUNCTION get_icx_session_id RETURN NUMBER IS
81  return icx_sec.g_session_id;
82 END get_icx_session_id;
84 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- History:
86 -- 28-JUN-2001   Varun Puri   CREATED
87 --
88 -- This function returns the parameter value of a parameter from parameter string.
89 -- It takes parameter string and parameter name as input. Parameter separator and
90 -- value separator too could be passed to this function. Default values are '&'
91 -- and '='.
92 --
93 -- Sample Usage:
94 --  SELECT jtfb_util.get_parameter_value('p1=v1',p1) from dual
95 -- Returns: v1
96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 function  get_parameter_value(p_param_str  varchar2,
98                               p_param_name varchar2,
99                               p_param_sep  varchar2 default '&',
100                               p_value_sep  varchar2 default '=')
101                    return varchar2 is
102      x_name_end  number;
103      x_value_end number;
104      x_param_str_len number;
105      x_value_sep_len number;
106      x_param_sep_len number;
107      x_param_name    varchar2(80);
108      x_param_val     varchar2(80);
109   begin
111      IF (p_param_str IS NULL) THEN
112        return NULL;
113      END IF;
115      x_param_str_len := length(p_param_str);
116      x_value_sep_len := length(p_value_sep);
117      x_param_sep_len := length(p_param_sep);
118      x_param_val  := null;
120      x_name_end := instr(p_param_str,p_value_sep);
121      x_param_name := substr(p_param_str,1, x_name_end-1);
122      x_value_end := instr(p_param_str,p_param_sep);
124      if ( x_param_name = p_param_name AND x_value_end=0) then
125        x_param_val := substr(p_param_str,x_name_end+x_value_sep_len);
126        return(x_param_val);
127      elsif ( x_param_name <> p_param_name AND x_value_end=0) then
128        return('NOT_FOUND');
129      elsif ( x_param_name = p_param_name AND x_value_end<>0) then
130        x_param_val := substr(p_param_str,x_name_end+x_value_sep_len,
131                              x_value_end-x_name_end-x_value_sep_len);
132        return(x_param_val);
133      else
134        return(get_parameter_value(substr(p_param_str,x_value_end+1), p_param_name,
135                                    p_param_sep,
136                                    p_value_sep));
137      end if;
138   end get_parameter_value;
141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 -- History:
143 -- 28-JUN-2001    Varun Puri   CREATED
144 --
145 -- Returns the count of tokens, given the delimiter string
146 -- This function is used by get_multiselect_value
147 --
148 -- Sample Usage:
149 --  SELECT jtfb_util.get_multiselect_count('AB~~CD~~EF~~GH','~~') from dual
150 -- Returns: 4
151 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 FUNCTION get_multiselect_count(p_param_str VARCHAR2,
153                                p_multi_sep VARCHAR2 default '~~') RETURN NUMBER IS
154   l_param_str_len NUMBER;
155   l_multi_sep_len NUMBER;
156   l_sep_pos       NUMBER;
158   l_param_str_len := LENGTH(p_param_str);
159   l_multi_sep_len := LENGTH(p_multi_sep);
160   l_sep_pos := INSTR(p_param_str,p_multi_sep);
161   IF (l_sep_pos = 0) THEN
162     return 1;
163   ELSE
164     return 1+get_multiselect_count(SUBSTR(p_param_str,l_sep_pos+l_multi_sep_len),p_multi_sep);
165   END IF;
167 END get_multiselect_count;
169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 -- History:
171 -- 28-JUN-2001    Varun Puri   CREATED
172 --
173 -- Returns the nth value of a delimiter seperated string
174 --
175 -- Sample Usage:
176 --  SELECT jtfb_util.get_multiselect_value('AB~~CD~~EF~~GH',2,'~~') from dual
177 -- Returns: CD
178 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 FUNCTION get_multiselect_value(p_param_str VARCHAR2,
180                                pos         NUMBER,
181                                p_multi_sep VARCHAR2 default '~~') RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
182   l_param_str_len NUMBER;
183   l_multi_sep_len NUMBER;
184   l_sep_pos1      NUMBER;
185   l_sep_pos2      NUMBER;
186   l_count         NUMBER;
188   l_param_str_len := LENGTH(p_param_str);
189   l_multi_sep_len := LENGTH(p_multi_sep);
190   l_count := get_multiselect_count(p_param_str, p_multi_sep);
192   IF (pos=1) THEN
193     l_sep_pos1 := INSTR(p_param_str,p_multi_sep);
194     IF (l_sep_pos1=0) THEN
195       -- No multi seperator found, return the original string as value
196       return (p_param_str);
197     ELSE
198       return SUBSTR(p_param_str,1,l_sep_pos1-1);
199     END IF;
200   ELSIF (pos=l_count) THEN
201     l_sep_pos1 := INSTR(p_param_str,p_multi_sep,1,l_count-1);
202     return SUBSTR(p_param_str,l_sep_pos1+l_multi_sep_len);
203   ELSE
204     l_sep_pos1 := INSTR(p_param_str,p_multi_sep,1,pos-1);
205     l_sep_pos2 := INSTR(p_param_str,p_multi_sep,1,pos);
206     return SUBSTR(p_param_str,l_sep_pos1+l_multi_sep_len,l_sep_pos2-(l_sep_pos1+l_multi_sep_len));
207   END IF;
209 END get_multiselect_value;
212 procedure copy(
213      source_region_code  in  varchar2
214    , target_region_code  in  varchar2
215 ) is
217    cursor c_regions is
218       select * from ak_regions_vl
219        where region_code = source_region_code;
221    cursor c_region_items is
222       select * from ak_region_items_vl
223        where region_code = source_region_code;
225    l_rowid                 varchar2(200);
226    l_region_rec            c_regions%rowtype;
227    l_found                 boolean;
228    e_invalid_region_code   exception;
230 begin
232    if (source_region_code = target_region_code
233       or source_region_code is null
234       or target_region_code is null)
235    then
236       raise e_invalid_region_code;
237    end if;
239    l_found := false;
240    open c_regions;
241    fetch c_regions into l_region_rec;
242    l_found := c_regions%found;
243    close c_regions;
245    if (l_found)
246    then
247       jtfb_ak_regions_pkg.insert_row (
248            x_rowid                        => l_rowid
249          , x_region_application_id        => l_region_rec.region_application_id
250          , x_region_code                  => target_region_code
251          , x_database_object_name         => l_region_rec.database_object_name
252          , x_region_style                 => l_region_rec.region_style
253          , x_num_columns                  => l_region_rec.num_columns
254          , x_icx_custom_call              => l_region_rec.icx_custom_call
255          , x_name                         => target_region_code
256          , x_description                  => l_region_rec.description
257          , x_region_defaulting_api_pkg    => l_region_rec.region_defaulting_api_pkg
258          , x_region_defaulting_api_proc   => l_region_rec.region_defaulting_api_proc
259          , x_region_validation_api_pkg    => l_region_rec.region_validation_api_pkg
260          , x_region_validation_api_proc   => l_region_rec.region_validation_api_proc
261          , x_appl_module_object_type      => null
262          , x_num_rows_display             => l_region_rec.num_rows_display
263          , x_region_object_type           => l_region_rec.region_object_type
264          , x_image_file_name              => l_region_rec.image_file_name
265          , x_isform_flag                  => l_region_rec.isform_flag
266          , x_help_target                  => l_region_rec.help_target
267          , x_style_sheet_filename         => l_region_rec.style_sheet_filename
268          , x_version                      => l_region_rec.version
269          , x_applicationmodule_usage_name => l_region_rec.applicationmodule_usage_name
270          , x_add_indexed_children         => l_region_rec.add_indexed_children
271          , x_stateful_flag                => l_region_rec.stateful_flag
272          , x_function_name                => target_region_code || '_' ||
273             to_char(l_region_rec.region_application_id)
274          , x_children_view_usage_name     => l_region_rec.children_view_usage_name
275          , x_creation_date                => l_region_rec.creation_date
276          , x_created_by                   => l_region_rec.created_by
277          , x_last_update_date             => l_region_rec.last_update_date
278          , x_last_updated_by              => l_region_rec.last_updated_by
279          , x_last_update_login            => l_region_rec.last_update_login
280          , x_attribute_category           => l_region_rec.attribute_category
281          , x_attribute1                   => l_region_rec.attribute1
282          , x_attribute2                   => l_region_rec.attribute2
283          , x_attribute3                   => l_region_rec.attribute3
284          , x_attribute4                   => l_region_rec.attribute4
285          , x_attribute5                   => l_region_rec.attribute5
286          , x_attribute6                   => l_region_rec.attribute6
287          , x_attribute7                   => l_region_rec.attribute7
288          , x_attribute8                   => l_region_rec.attribute8
289          , x_attribute9                   => l_region_rec.attribute9
290          , x_attribute10                  => l_region_rec.attribute10
291          , x_attribute11                  => l_region_rec.attribute11
292          , x_attribute12                  => l_region_rec.attribute12
293          , x_attribute13                  => l_region_rec.attribute13
294          , x_attribute14                  => l_region_rec.attribute14
295          , x_attribute15                  => l_region_rec.attribute15
296       );
298       -- dbms_output.put_line('Created Region');
300       for l_rec in c_region_items
301       loop
302          jtfb_ak_region_items_pkg.insert_row (
303               x_rowid                        => l_rowid
304             , x_region_application_id        => l_rec.region_application_id
305             , x_region_code                  => target_region_code
306             , x_attribute_application_id     => l_rec.attribute_application_id
307             , x_attribute_code               => l_rec.attribute_code
308             , x_display_sequence             => l_rec.display_sequence
309             , x_node_display_flag            => l_rec.node_display_flag
310             , x_node_query_flag              => l_rec.node_query_flag
311             , x_attribute_label_length       => l_rec.attribute_label_length
312             , x_bold                         => l_rec.bold
313             , x_italic                       => l_rec.italic
314             , x_vertical_alignment           => l_rec.vertical_alignment
315             , x_horizontal_alignment         => l_rec.horizontal_alignment
316             , x_item_style                   => l_rec.item_style
317             , x_object_attribute_flag        => l_rec.object_attribute_flag
318             , x_attribute_label_long         => l_rec.attribute_label_long
319             , x_description                  => l_rec.description
320             , x_security_code                => l_rec.security_code
321             , x_update_flag                  => l_rec.update_flag
322             , x_required_flag                => l_rec.required_flag
323             , x_display_value_length         => l_rec.display_value_length
324             , x_lov_region_application_id    => l_rec.lov_region_application_id
325             , x_lov_region_code              => l_rec.lov_region_code
326             , x_lov_foreign_key_name         => l_rec.lov_foreign_key_name
327             , x_lov_attribute_application_id => l_rec.lov_attribute_application_id
328             , x_lov_attribute_code           => l_rec.lov_attribute_code
329             , x_lov_default_flag             => l_rec.lov_default_flag
330             , x_region_defaulting_api_pkg    => l_rec.region_defaulting_api_pkg
331             , x_region_defaulting_api_proc   => l_rec.region_defaulting_api_proc
332             , x_region_validation_api_pkg    => l_rec.region_validation_api_pkg
333             , x_region_validation_api_proc   => l_rec.region_validation_api_proc
334             , x_order_sequence               => l_rec.order_sequence
335             , x_order_direction              => l_rec.order_direction
336             , x_default_value_varchar2       => l_rec.default_value_varchar2
337             , x_default_value_number         => l_rec.default_value_number
338             , x_default_value_date           => l_rec.default_value_date
339             , x_item_name                    => l_rec.item_name
340             , x_display_height               => l_rec.display_height
341             , x_submit                       => l_rec.submit
342             , x_encrypt                      => l_rec.encrypt
343             , x_view_usage_name              => l_rec.view_usage_name
344             , x_view_attribute_name          => l_rec.view_attribute_name
345             , x_css_class_name               => l_rec.css_class_name
346             , x_css_label_class_name         => l_rec.css_label_class_name
347             , x_url                          => l_rec.url
348             , x_poplist_viewobject           => l_rec.poplist_viewobject
349             , x_poplist_display_attribute    => l_rec.poplist_display_attribute
350             , x_poplist_value_attribute      => l_rec.poplist_value_attribute
351             , x_image_file_name              => l_rec.image_file_name
352             , x_nested_region_code           => l_rec.nested_region_code
353             , x_nested_region_appl_id        => null
354             , x_menu_name                    => l_rec.menu_name
355             , x_flexfield_name               => l_rec.flexfield_name
356             , x_flexfield_application_id     => l_rec.flexfield_application_id
357             , x_tabular_function_code        => l_rec.tabular_function_code
358             , x_tip_type                     => l_rec.tip_type
359             , x_tip_message_name             => l_rec.tip_message_name
360             , x_tip_message_application_id   => l_rec.tip_message_application_id
361             , x_flex_segment_list            => l_rec.flex_segment_list
362             , x_entity_id                    => l_rec.entity_id
363             , x_anchor                       => l_rec.anchor
364             , x_poplist_view_usage_name      => l_rec.poplist_view_usage_name
365             , x_sortby_view_attribute_name   => l_rec.sortby_view_attribute_name
366             , x_creation_date                => l_rec.creation_date
367             , x_created_by                   => l_rec.created_by
368             , x_last_update_date             => l_rec.last_update_date
369             , x_last_updated_by              => l_rec.last_updated_by
370             , x_last_update_login            => l_rec.last_update_login
371             , x_attribute_category           => l_rec.attribute_category
372             , x_attribute1                   => l_rec.attribute1
373             , x_attribute2                   => l_rec.attribute2
374             , x_attribute3                   => l_rec.attribute3
375             , x_attribute4                   => l_rec.attribute4
376             , x_attribute5                   => l_rec.attribute5
377             , x_attribute6                   => l_rec.attribute6
378             , x_attribute7                   => l_rec.attribute7
379             , x_attribute8                   => l_rec.attribute8
380             , x_attribute9                   => l_rec.attribute9
381             , x_attribute10                  => l_rec.attribute10
382             , x_attribute11                  => l_rec.attribute11
383             , x_attribute12                  => l_rec.attribute12
384             , x_attribute13                  => l_rec.attribute13
385             , x_attribute14                  => l_rec.attribute14
386             , x_attribute15                  => l_rec.attribute15
387          );
388          -- dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_rec.display_sequence));
389       end loop;
390       -- dbms_output.put_line('Created Region Items');
392    end if;
394    -- dbms_output.put_line('Done... Please commit.');
396 exception
397    when e_invalid_region_code then
398       null;
399 	  -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Copy.e_invalid_region_code: Please enter valid region codes');
400    when others then
401       RAISE;
402 	  -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Copy.Others: ' || sqlerrm);
403 end copy;
404 --
405 --
406 procedure Lov_Upgrade is
407    cursor c_region_items is
408       select rit.rowid
409              , rit.region_code
410              , rit.attribute_code
411              , rit.lov_region_application_id
412              , rit.attribute7
413              , rit.lov_region_code
414              , rit.attribute8
415              , rit.lov_foreign_key_name
416              , rit.attribute9
417              , rit.lov_attribute_code
418              , rit.attribute10
419              , rit.flex_segment_list
420         from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
421        where rgn.attribute_category in
422                ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
423          and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
424          and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id
425          and rit.attribute_category = 'PARAMETER'
426          for update nowait;
428    l_flex_segment_list  ak_region_items.flex_segment_list%type;
429    l_upgraded     boolean := false;
431 begin
433    -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Lov_Upgrade: Start ...');
434    savepoint Lov_Upgrade;
436    for rec in c_region_items
437    loop
439    -- dbms_output.put_line(rec.region_code || ', ' ||
440    --   rec.attribute_code || ' ... Done.');
442       l_flex_segment_list := rec.flex_segment_list;
443       l_flex_segment_list := replace(l_flex_segment_list, 'lov_foreign_key_name', 'attribute9');
444       l_flex_segment_list := replace(l_flex_segment_list, 'lov_attribute_code', 'attribute10');
446       update ak_region_items
447          set lov_region_application_id = null
448              , attribute7              = nvl(attribute7, rec.lov_region_application_id)
449              , lov_region_code         = null
450              , attribute8              = nvl(attribute8, rec.lov_region_code)
451              , lov_foreign_key_name    = null
452              , attribute9              = nvl(attribute9, rec.lov_foreign_key_name)
453              , lov_attribute_code      = null
454              , attribute10             = nvl(attribute10, rec.lov_attribute_code)
455              , flex_segment_list       = l_flex_segment_list
456        where rowid = rec.rowid;
458       l_upgraded := true;
460    end loop;
462    -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Lov_Upgrade: End.');
464    if (l_upgraded)
465    then
466       -- dbms_output.put_line('Lov_Upgrade completed successfully.');
467       -- dbms_output.put_line('* * * * * * * ');
468       -- dbms_output.put_line('Please Commit.');
469       -- dbms_output.put_line('* * * * * * * ');
470       commit;
471    else
472       -- dbms_output.put_line('No Upgrade Needed.');
473       rollback to Lov_Upgrade;
474    end if;
476 exception
477    when others then
478       -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Lov_Upgrade.Others: ' || sqlerrm);
479       rollback to Lov_Upgrade;
480       raise unexpected_error;
481 end Lov_Upgrade;
482 --
483 --
484 procedure Graph_Upgrade is
486    l_min_sequence constant       number := 401;
487    l_max_sequence constant       number := 600;
488    l_attribute_category constant varchar2(150) := 'GRAPH_COLUMN';
490    cursor cur_region_items is
491       select rit.rowid
492              , rit.region_code
493              , rit.attribute_code
494              , rit.lov_region_application_id
495              , rit.display_sequence
496         from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
497        where rgn.attribute_category in
498                ('GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
499          and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
500          and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id
501          and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category
502          and rit.display_sequence in (1, 2, 3, 4)
503        order by rit.region_code, rit.display_sequence
504          for update nowait;
506    cursor cur_sequence(c_region_code in varchar2) is
507       select nvl((max(display_sequence) + 1), l_min_sequence) new_sequence
508         from ak_region_items
509        where region_code = c_region_code
510          and attribute_category = l_attribute_category
511          and display_sequence between l_min_sequence and l_max_sequence;
513    l_found           boolean;
514    sequence_rec      cur_sequence%rowtype;
515    e_cur_sequence    exception;
516    l_upgraded        boolean := false;
518 begin
520    -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Graph_Upgrade: Start ...');
522    savepoint Graph_Upgrade;
524    for rec in cur_region_items
525    loop
527       l_found := false;
528       open cur_sequence(rec.region_code);
529       fetch cur_sequence into sequence_rec;
530       l_found := cur_sequence%found;
531       close cur_sequence;
533       if (not l_found)
534       then
535          raise e_cur_sequence;
536       end if;
538       -- dbms_output.put_line(rec.region_code || ', ' ||
539       --   rec.attribute_code || ' ... Done.');
541       update ak_region_items
542          set display_sequence = sequence_rec.new_sequence
543        where rowid = rec.rowid;
544       l_upgraded := true;
546    end loop;
548    -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Graph_Upgrade: End.');
550    if (l_upgraded)
551    then
552       -- dbms_output.put_line('Graph_Upgrade completed successfully.');
553       -- dbms_output.put_line('* * * * * * * ');
554       -- dbms_output.put_line('Please Commit.');
555       -- dbms_output.put_line('* * * * * * * ');
556       commit;
557    else
558       -- dbms_output.put_line('No Upgrade Needed.');
559       rollback to Graph_Upgrade;
560    end if;
562 exception
563    when e_cur_sequence then
564       if (cur_sequence%isopen)
565       then
566          close cur_sequence;
567       end if;
568       -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Graph_Upgrade.e_cur_sequence: ' ||
569       -- 'Unable to get next Sequence');
570       rollback to Graph_Upgrade;
571       raise unexpected_error;
573    when others then
574       if (cur_sequence%isopen)
575       then
576          close cur_sequence;
577       end if;
578       -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Graph_Upgrade.Others: ' || sqlerrm);
579       rollback to Graph_Upgrade;
580       raise unexpected_error;
581 end Graph_Upgrade;
582 --
583 --
584 procedure Multiselect_Upgrade is
586    l_attribute_category  constant
587       ak_region_items.attribute_category%type := 'PARAMETER';
588    l_item_style  constant ak_region_items.item_style%type := 'MULTI_SELECT';
589    l_new_item_style  constant ak_region_items.item_style%type := 'DATA';
590    l_upgraded  boolean := false;
592    cursor cur_region_items is
593       select rit.rowid
594              , rit.attribute_code
595         from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
596        where rgn.attribute_category in
597                ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
598          and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
599          and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id
600          and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category
601          and rit.item_style = l_item_style
602          for update nowait;
604    cursor cur_attributes is
605       select att.rowid
606              , att.attribute_code
607         from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn, ak_attributes att
608        where att.item_style = l_item_style
609          and rit.attribute_code = att.attribute_code
610          and rit.attribute_application_id = rit.attribute_application_id
611          and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category
612          and rgn.region_code = rit.region_code
613          and rgn.region_application_id = rit.region_application_id
614          and rgn.attribute_category in
615                ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
616          for update nowait;
618 begin
620    -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Multiselect_Upgrade: Start ...');
622    savepoint Multiselect_Upgrade;
624    for rit_rec in cur_region_items
625    loop
626       -- dbms_output.put_line('Ak_Region_Items: ' || rit_rec.attribute_code);
627       update ak_region_items
628          set item_style = l_new_item_style
629        where rowid = rit_rec.rowid;
630        l_upgraded := true;
631    end loop;
633    for att_rec in cur_attributes
634    loop
635       -- dbms_output.put_line('Ak_Attributes: ' || att_rec.attribute_code);
636       update ak_attributes
637          set item_style = l_new_item_style
638        where rowid = att_rec.rowid;
639        l_upgraded := true;
640    end loop;
642    -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Multiselect_Upgrade: End.');
644    if (l_upgraded)
645    then
646       -- dbms_output.put_line('Multiselect_Upgrade completed successfully.');
647       -- dbms_output.put_line('* * * * * * * ');
648       -- dbms_output.put_line('Please Commit.');
649       -- dbms_output.put_line('* * * * * * * ');
650       commit;
651    else
652       -- dbms_output.put_line('No Upgrade Needed.');
653       rollback to Multiselect_Upgrade;
654    end if;
656 exception
657    when others then
658       -- dbms_output.put_line('Jtfb_Dcf.Multiselect_Upgrade.Others: ' || sqlerrm);
659       rollback to Multiselect_Upgrade;
660       raise unexpected_error;
661 end Multiselect_Upgrade;
662 --
663 --
664 procedure Audit_Columns_Patch(p_param_str  varchar2) is
666    cursor c_regions is
667       select ar.created_by
668              , ar.last_updated_by
669              , ar.last_update_login
670         from ak_regions ar
671        where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
672                  , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
673          for update of
674                ar.created_by
675              , ar.last_updated_by
676              , ar.last_update_login
677              nowait;
679    cursor c_regions_tl is
680       select art.created_by
681              , art.last_updated_by
682              , art.last_update_login
683         from ak_regions_tl art, ak_regions ar
684        where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
685                  , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
686          and art.region_code = ar.region_code
687          and art.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id
688          for update of
689              art.created_by
690              , art.last_updated_by
691              , art.last_update_login
692              nowait;
694    cursor c_region_items is
695       select ara.created_by
696              , ara.last_updated_by
697              , ara.last_update_login
698         from ak_region_items ara
699              , ak_regions ar
700        where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
701                  , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
702          and ara.region_code = ar.region_code
703          and ara.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id
704          for update of
705              ara.created_by
706              , ara.last_updated_by
707              , ara.last_update_login
708              nowait;
710    cursor c_region_items_tl is
711       select arat.created_by
712              , arat.last_updated_by
713              , arat.last_update_login
714         from ak_region_items_tl arat
715              , ak_region_items ara
716              , ak_regions ar
717        where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
718                  , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
719          and ara.region_code = ar.region_code
720          and ara.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id
721          and arat.region_code = ara.region_code
722          and arat.region_application_id = ara.region_application_id
723          and arat.attribute_code = ara.attribute_code
724          and arat.attribute_application_id = ara.attribute_application_id
725          for update of
726              arat.created_by
727              , arat.last_updated_by
728              , arat.last_update_login
729              nowait;
731    l_created_by         ak_regions.created_by%type;
732    l_last_updated_by    ak_regions.last_updated_by%type;
733    l_last_update_login  ak_regions.last_update_login%type;
734    l_patch_applied      boolean  := false;
736 begin
737    fnd_global.apps_initialize(
738         fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')
739       , fnd_profile.value('RESP_ID')
740       , fnd_profile.value('RESP_APPL_ID'));
742    l_created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
743    l_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
744    l_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
746    -- dbms_output.put_line('Audit_Columns_Patch: Begin');
748    -- Updating ak_regions
749    for art_rec in c_regions
750    loop
751       update ak_regions
752          set created_by = l_created_by
753              , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
754              , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
755        where current of c_regions;
757       l_patch_applied := true;
758    end loop;
759    commit;
761    -- Updating ak_regions_tl
762    for art_rec in c_regions_tl
763    loop
764       update ak_regions_tl
765          set created_by = l_created_by
766              , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
767              , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
768        where current of c_regions_tl;
770       l_patch_applied := true;
771    end loop;
772    commit;
774    -- Updating ak_region_items
775    for rec in c_region_items
776    loop
777       update ak_region_items
778          set created_by = l_created_by
779              , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
780              , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
781        where current of c_region_items;
783       l_patch_applied := true;
784    end loop;
785    commit;
787    -- Updating ak_region_items_tl
788    for rec in c_region_items_tl
789    loop
790       update ak_region_items_tl
791          set created_by = l_created_by
792              , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
793              , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
794        where current of c_region_items_tl;
796       l_patch_applied := true;
797    end loop;
798    commit;
800    /*
801    if (l_patch_applied)
802    then
803       -- dbms_output.put_line('Audit_Columns_Patch: Patch applied successfully');
804    else
805       -- dbms_output.put_line('Audit_Columns_Patch: Patch not needed');
806    end if;
807    -- dbms_output.put_line('Audit_Columns_Patch: Done');
808    */
810 exception
811    when others then
812       -- dbms_output.put_line('Others: ' || sqlerrm);
813       raise unexpected_error;
814 end Audit_Columns_Patch;
815 --
816 --
817 end jtfb_dcf;