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2 /* $Header: POXPOL3B.pls 120.12 2006/09/07 22:48:38 togeorge noship $ */
6    := 'PS'; --<INVCONV R12>
7 /*=============================  PO_LINES_SV3  ==============================*/
9 /*===========================================================================
10  PROCEDURE : Insert_line()
12 **===========================================================================*/
14  procedure insert_line(X_Rowid                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
15                        X_Po_Line_Id              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
16                        X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
17                        X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
18                        X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
19                        X_Line_Type_Id                   NUMBER,
20                        X_Line_Num                       NUMBER,
21                        X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
22                        X_Creation_Date                  DATE,
23                        X_Created_By                     NUMBER,
24                        X_Item_Id                        NUMBER,
25                        X_Item_Revision                  VARCHAR2,
26                        X_Category_Id                    NUMBER,
27                        X_Item_Description               VARCHAR2,
28                        X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          VARCHAR2,
29                        X_Quantity_Committed             NUMBER,
30                        X_Committed_Amount               NUMBER,
31                        X_Allow_Price_Override_Flag      VARCHAR2,
32                        X_Not_To_Exceed_Price            NUMBER,
33                        X_List_Price_Per_Unit            NUMBER,
34                        X_Unit_Price                     NUMBER,
35                        X_Quantity                       NUMBER,
36                        X_Un_Number_Id                   NUMBER,
37                        X_Hazard_Class_Id                NUMBER,
38                        X_Note_To_Vendor                 VARCHAR2,
39                        X_From_Header_Id                 NUMBER,
40                        X_From_Line_Id                   NUMBER,
41                        x_from_line_location_id          NUMBER,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
42                        X_Min_Order_Quantity             NUMBER,
43                        X_Max_Order_Quantity             NUMBER,
44                        X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              NUMBER,
45                        X_Over_Tolerance_Error_Flag      VARCHAR2,
46                        X_Market_Price                   NUMBER,
47                        X_Unordered_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
48                        X_Closed_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
49                        X_User_Hold_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
50                        X_Cancel_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
51                        X_Cancelled_By                   NUMBER,
52                        X_Cancel_Date                    DATE,
53                        X_Cancel_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
54                        X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
55                        X_Firm_Date                      DATE,
56                        X_Vendor_Product_Num             VARCHAR2,
57                        X_Contract_Num                   VARCHAR2,
58                        X_Taxable_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
59                        X_Tax_Code_Id                    NUMBER,
60                        X_Type_1099                      VARCHAR2,
61                        X_Capital_Expense_Flag           VARCHAR2,
62                        X_Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag    VARCHAR2,
63                        X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
64                        X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
65                        X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
66                        X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
67                        X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
68                        X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
69                        X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
70                        X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
71                        X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
72                        X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
73                        X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
74                        X_Reference_Num                  VARCHAR2,
75                        X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
76                        X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
77                        X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
78                        X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
79                        X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
80                        X_Min_Release_Amount             NUMBER,
81                        X_Price_Type_Lookup_Code         VARCHAR2,
82                        X_Closed_Code                    VARCHAR2,
83                        X_Price_Break_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
84                        X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code         VARCHAR2,
85                        X_Government_Context             VARCHAR2,
86                        X_Closed_Date                    DATE,
87                        X_Closed_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
88                        X_Closed_By                      NUMBER,
89                        X_Transaction_Reason_Code        VARCHAR2,
90                        X_revise_header                  BOOLEAN,
91                        X_revision_num                   NUMBER,
92 -- Bug 902976, zxzhang, 10/04/99
93 -- Change REVISED_DATE from VarChar(25) to Date.
94 --                     X_revised_date                   VARCHAR2,
95                        X_revised_date                   DATE,
96                        X_approved_flag                  VARCHAR2,
97                        X_header_row_id                  VARCHAR2,
98                        X_type_lookup_code               VARCHAR2,
99                        X_ship_to_location_id            NUMBER,
100                        X_ship_org_id                    NUMBER,
101                        X_need_by_date                   DATE,
102                        X_promised_date                  DATE,
103                        X_receipt_required_flag          VARCHAR2,
104                        X_invoice_close_tolerance        NUMBER,
105                        X_receive_close_tolerance        NUMBER,
106                        X_planned_item_flag              VARCHAR2,
107                        X_outside_operation_flag         VARCHAR2,
108                        X_destination_type_code          VARCHAR2,
109                        X_expense_accrual_code           VARCHAR2,
110                        X_dist_blk_status                VARCHAR2,
111                        X_accrue_on_receipt_flag IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
112                        X_ok_to_autocreate_ship          VARCHAR2,
113                        X_autocreated_ship       IN OUT NOCOPY  BOOLEAN,
114                        X_line_location_id       IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
115                        X_vendor_id                      NUMBER,
116                        X_Global_Attribute_Category          VARCHAR2,
117                        X_Global_Attribute1                  VARCHAR2,
118                        X_Global_Attribute2                  VARCHAR2,
119                        X_Global_Attribute3                  VARCHAR2,
120                        X_Global_Attribute4                  VARCHAR2,
121                        X_Global_Attribute5                  VARCHAR2,
122                        X_Global_Attribute6                  VARCHAR2,
123                        X_Global_Attribute7                  VARCHAR2,
124                        X_Global_Attribute8                  VARCHAR2,
125                        X_Global_Attribute9                  VARCHAR2,
126                        X_Global_Attribute10                 VARCHAR2,
127                        X_Global_Attribute11                 VARCHAR2,
128                        X_Global_Attribute12                 VARCHAR2,
129                        X_Global_Attribute13                 VARCHAR2,
130                        X_Global_Attribute14                 VARCHAR2,
131                        X_Global_Attribute15                 VARCHAR2,
132                        X_Global_Attribute16                 VARCHAR2,
133                        X_Global_Attribute17                 VARCHAR2,
134                        X_Global_Attribute18                 VARCHAR2,
135                        X_Global_Attribute19                 VARCHAR2,
136                        X_Global_Attribute20                 VARCHAR2,
137                        X_Expiration_Date                    DATE,
138 -- Mahesh Chandak(GML-OPM).bug# 1548597.Add secondary_unit_of_measure,secondary_ quantity,preferred_grade for CR.base_uom and base_qty won't be used in future..
139 -- Preetam Bamb (GML-OPM) Added the following fields to replace PO_LINES flexfield
140 -- Bug# 1056597
141                      X_Base_Uom                           VARCHAR2,
142                      X_Base_Qty                           NUMBER,
143                      X_Secondary_Uom                    VARCHAR2,
144                      X_Secondary_Qty                    NUMBER,
145                      X_Qc_Grade                         VARCHAR2,
146                        --togeorge 10/03/2000
147                        --added oke columns
148                        X_oke_contract_header_id             NUMBER default null,
149                        X_oke_contract_version_id            NUMBER default null,
150  --mchandak 1548597
151                      X_Secondary_Unit_Of_Measure          VARCHAR2 default null,
152                      X_Secondary_Quantity                 NUMBER default null,
153                      X_Preferred_Grade                    VARCHAR2 default null,
154                      p_contract_id                      IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, -- <GC FPJ>
155                      X_job_id                    IN        NUMBER   default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
156                      X_contractor_first_name     IN        VARCHAR2 default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
157                      X_contractor_last_name      IN        VARCHAR2 default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
158                      X_assignment_start_date     IN        DATE     default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
159                      X_amount_db                 IN        NUMBER   default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
160                      X_order_type_lookup_code    IN        VARCHAR2 default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
161                      X_purchase_basis            IN        VARCHAR2 default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
162                      X_matching_basis            IN        VARCHAR2 default null,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
163                      -- <FPJ Advanced Price START>
164                      X_Base_Unit_Price                NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL,
165                      -- <FPJ Advanced Price END>
166                      p_manual_price_change_flag  IN        VARCHAR2 default null,  -- <Manual Price Override FPJ>
167                      p_consigned_from_supplier_flag IN        VARCHAR2 default null,  --bug 3523348
168                      p_org_id                     IN     NUMBER   default null     -- <R12 MOAC>
169                      )    is
171  X_Progress          varchar2(3)  := NULL;
172  X_item_valid        varchar2(1) ;
173  X_valid_loc         boolean := FALSE;
174  X_ship_row_id       varchar2(18);
175  X_enforce_ship_to_location       varchar2(25);
176  X_allow_substitute_receipts      varchar2(1);
177  X_qty_rcv_exception_code         varchar2(25);
178  X_qty_rcv_tol                    number;
179  X_days_early_receipt_allowed     number;
180  X_days_late_receipt_allowed      number;
181  X_receipt_days_exception_code    varchar2(25);
182  X_receiving_routing_id           number;
183  X_inspection_required_flag       varchar2(1);
184  X_item_status                    VARCHAR2(1);
185  X_receipt_required_flag_tmp    varchar2(1);
188 /*Bug 2632699 Added the variables */
189  temp_receipt_required_flag     varchar2(1);
190  temp_inspection_required_flag  varchar2(1);
192  /* Bug 919204
193   Added these two temp variables
194   X_receive_close_tolerance_tmp,X_invoice_close_tolerance_tmp
195  */
197  X_receive_close_tolerance_tmp    number;
198  X_invoice_close_tolerance_tmp    number;
200  /** bug# 1548597 **/
201  X_secondary_unit_of_measure_s    MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE.UNIT_OF_MEASURE%TYPE := NULL;
202  X_secondary_quantity_shipment    PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.SECONDARY_QUANTITY%TYPE := NULL;
203  X_preferred_grade_shipment       MTL_GRADES.GRADE_CODE%TYPE := NULL;--<INVCONV R12> increased length to 150
205  --<INVCONV R12 START>
206  l_secondary_default_ind    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.SECONDARY_DEFAULT_IND%TYPE;
207  l_grade_control_flag           MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.GRADE_CONTROL_FLAG%TYPE;
208  l_secondary_uom_code             MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE.UOM_CODE%TYPE;
209  --<INVCONV R12 END>
210  l_outsourced_assembly po_line_locations_all.outsourced_assembly%type; --<SHIKYU R12>
212  l_ip_category_id PO_LINES_ALL.ip_category_id%TYPE; -- <Unified Catalog R12>
214  begin
216        -- verify that the line number is unique.
217        -- Otherwise, display a message to the user and
218        -- abort insert_row.
220        X_Progress := '010';
221        l_outsourced_assembly :=2; --<SHIKYU R12>
222        po_lines_pkg_scu.check_unique (X_rowid,
223                                       X_line_num,
224                                       X_po_header_id);
226        X_Progress := '015';
228       -- <Unified Catalog R12 Start>
229       -- Default the IP_CATEGORY_ID
230       PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_PVT.get_ip_category_id
231       (
232         p_po_category_id => x_category_id
233       , x_ip_category_id => l_ip_category_id -- OUT
234       );
235       -- <Unified Catalog R12 End>
237        X_autocreated_ship := FALSE;
239        /* Insert the PO Line */
241        po_lines_pkg_si.insert_row(
242                        X_Rowid                   ,
243                        X_Po_Line_Id              ,
244                        X_Last_Update_Date        ,
245                        X_Last_Updated_By         ,
246                        X_Po_Header_Id            ,
247                        X_Line_Type_Id            ,
248                        X_Line_Num                ,
249                        X_Last_Update_Login       ,
250                        X_Creation_Date           ,
251                        X_Created_By              ,
252                        X_Item_Id                 ,
253                        X_Item_Revision           ,
254                        X_Category_Id             ,
255                        X_Item_Description        ,
256                        X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code   ,
257                        X_Quantity_Committed      ,
258                        X_Committed_Amount        ,
259                        X_Allow_Price_Override_Flag ,
260                        X_Not_To_Exceed_Price       ,
261                        X_List_Price_Per_Unit       ,
262                        -- <FPJ Advanced Price START>
263                        -- Bug 3417479
264                        X_Base_Unit_Price,
265                        -- <FPJ Advanced Price END>
266                        X_Unit_Price                ,
267                        X_Quantity                  ,
268                        X_Un_Number_Id              ,
269                        X_Hazard_Class_Id           ,
270                        X_Note_To_Vendor            ,
271                        X_From_Header_Id            ,
272                        X_From_Line_Id              ,
273                        x_from_line_location_id     ,          -- <SERVICES FPJ>
274                        X_Min_Order_Quantity        ,
275                        X_Max_Order_Quantity        ,
276                        X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance         ,
277                        X_Over_Tolerance_Error_Flag ,
278                        X_Market_Price              ,
279                        X_Unordered_Flag            ,
280                        X_Closed_Flag               ,
281                        X_User_Hold_Flag            ,
282                        X_Cancel_Flag               ,
283                        X_Cancelled_By              ,
284                        X_Cancel_Date               ,
285                        X_Cancel_Reason             ,
286                        X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code   ,
287                        X_Firm_Date                 ,
288                        X_Vendor_Product_Num        ,
292                        X_Type_1099                 ,
289                        X_Contract_Num              ,
290                        X_Taxable_Flag              ,
291                        X_Tax_Code_Id               ,
293                        X_Capital_Expense_Flag      ,
294                        X_Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag ,
295                        X_Attribute_Category          ,
296                        X_Attribute1                  ,
297                        X_Attribute2                  ,
298                        X_Attribute3                  ,
299                        X_Attribute4                  ,
300                        X_Attribute5                  ,
301                        X_Attribute6                  ,
302                        X_Attribute7                  ,
303                        X_Attribute8                  ,
304                        X_Attribute9                  ,
305                        X_Attribute10                 ,
306                        X_Reference_Num               ,
307                        X_Attribute11                 ,
308                        X_Attribute12                 ,
309                        X_Attribute13                 ,
310                        X_Attribute14                 ,
311                        X_Attribute15                 ,
312                        X_Min_Release_Amount          ,
313                        X_Price_Type_Lookup_Code      ,
314                        X_Closed_Code                 ,
315                        X_Price_Break_Lookup_Code     ,
316                        NULL                          , --<R12 SLA>
317                        X_Government_Context          ,
318                        X_Closed_Date                 ,
319                        X_Closed_Reason               ,
320                        X_Closed_By                   ,
321                        X_Transaction_Reason_Code     ,
322                        X_Global_Attribute_Category      ,
323                        X_Global_Attribute1              ,
324                        X_Global_Attribute2              ,
325                        X_Global_Attribute3              ,
326                        X_Global_Attribute4              ,
327                        X_Global_Attribute5              ,
328                        X_Global_Attribute6              ,
329                        X_Global_Attribute7              ,
330                        X_Global_Attribute8              ,
331                        X_Global_Attribute9              ,
332                        X_Global_Attribute10             ,
333                        X_Global_Attribute11             ,
334                        X_Global_Attribute12             ,
335                        X_Global_Attribute13             ,
336                        X_Global_Attribute14             ,
337                        X_Global_Attribute15             ,
338                        X_Global_Attribute16             ,
339                        X_Global_Attribute17             ,
340                        X_Global_Attribute18             ,
341                        X_Global_Attribute19             ,
342                        X_Global_Attribute20             ,
343                        X_Expiration_Date                ,
344 /** Mahesh Chandak(GML)bug# 1548597 base_uom and base_qty won't be used
345  in the  future.we are keeping secondary_uom,secondary_qty and qc_grade for
346  supporting Common Purchasing. we will have 3 new fields secondary_unit_of_measu
347 re, secondary_quantity and  preferred_grade columns in the table **/
348 -- Preetam Bamb (GML-OPM) Added the following fields to replace PO_LINES flexfield
349 -- Bug# 1056597
350                        X_Base_Uom                       ,
351                        X_Base_Qty                       ,
352                        X_Secondary_Uom,
353                        X_Secondary_Qty,
354                        X_Qc_Grade,
355                        --togeorge 10/03/2000
356                        --added oke columns
357                        X_oke_contract_header_id         ,
358                        X_oke_contract_version_id       ,
359 -- start of 1548597
360                        X_Secondary_unit_of_measure      ,
361                        X_Secondary_quantity             ,
362                        X_preferred_grade                ,
363 -- end of 1548597
364                        p_contract_id,              -- <GC FPJ>
365                        X_job_id,                   -- <SERVICES FPJ>
366                        X_contractor_first_name,    -- <SERVICES FPJ>
367                        X_contractor_last_name,     -- <SERVICES FPJ>
368                        X_assignment_start_date,    -- <SERVICES FPJ>
369                        X_amount_db,                -- <SERVICES FPJ>
370                        X_order_type_lookup_code,   -- <SERVICES FPJ>
371                        X_purchase_basis,           -- <SERVICES FPJ>
372                        X_matching_basis,           -- <SERVICES FPJ>
373                        p_manual_price_change_flag, -- <Manual Price Override FPJ>
374                        p_org_id,                   -- <R12 MOAC>
375                        l_ip_category_id            -- <Unified Catalog R12>
376                        );
378     -- <Unified Catalog R12 Start>
379     -- Create default Attr and TLP rows for this PO Line
380     IF (x_type_lookup_code IN ('BLANKET', 'QUOTATION')) THEN
381       PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_PVT.create_default_attributes
382       (
383         p_doc_type              => x_type_lookup_code,
384         p_po_line_id            => x_po_line_id,
388         p_inventory_item_id     => x_item_id,
385         p_req_template_name     => NULL,
386         p_req_template_line_num => NULL,
387         p_ip_category_id        => l_ip_category_id,
389         p_org_id                => p_org_id,
390         p_description           => x_item_description
391       );
392     END IF;
393     -- <Unified Catalog R12 End>
396      if (x_type_lookup_code not in ('CONTRACT','BLANKET','RFQ', 'QUOTATION')) then
398       /* Check if a shipment can be autocreated */
400       IF X_ok_to_autocreate_ship = 'Y' THEN
402           if (X_ship_to_location_id is NULL) OR
403              (X_ship_org_id is NULL) then
404              /* Cannot Autocreate shipments AND distributions.
405              ** Should probably return.with an appropriate message DEBUG */
407              X_autocreated_ship := FALSE;
409              return;
411           elsif ( X_planned_item_flag = 'Y' ) then
412                if (X_need_by_date is NULL) AND
413                   (X_promised_date is NULL)  then
414                   /* Cannot Autocreate shipments AND distributions.
415                   ** Should probably return..with an appropriate msg. DEBUG */
417                   X_autocreated_ship := FALSE;
418                   return;
420                end if;
422           end if;
424          /* Attempt to autocreate shipment */
426             /* Validate the ship_to_location */
427 	    --<BUG 5506604> The following function call was happening only when x_item_id is null.
428 	    --removed the if clause around it to invoke irrespective of the item id.
429             /* Check_loc_valid_in_org */
430             X_valid_loc := po_locations_s.val_ship_to_site_in_org(
431                              X_ship_to_location_id,
432                              X_ship_org_id);
434             if X_item_id is not null then
435                 /* The following procedure either validates
436                 ** an item within an org, OR the item revision within
437                 ** an org depending on the item_revision value */
439                 po_items_sv.val_item_org(X_item_revision,
440                                          X_item_id,
441                                          X_ship_org_id,
442                                          X_outside_operation_flag,
443                                          X_item_valid);
444             end if;
446           /* Get the item status */
448            X_item_status := '';
450            po_items_sv2.get_item_status(X_item_id,
451                                         X_ship_org_id,
452                                         X_item_status);
454 	    --<BUG 5506604> Changed OR to AND below as
455 	    --auto creation should be taking place if both the condition are true
456            if ((nvl(X_item_valid,'Y') = 'Y') AND
457                (X_valid_loc))  then
459                /* rcv_core_s.get_receiving_controls;
460                ** DEBUG Need to add the call.
461                ** Currently the API does not duplicate the
462                ** functionality of the userexit.
463                ** Spoke to GKELLNER about it. 7/28 */
464               rcv_core_s.get_receiving_controls(null,
465                          X_item_id,
466                          X_vendor_id,
467                          X_ship_org_id,
468                          X_enforce_ship_to_location,
469                          X_allow_substitute_receipts,
470                          X_receiving_routing_id,
471                          X_qty_rcv_tol,
472                          X_qty_rcv_exception_code,
473                          X_days_early_receipt_allowed,
474                          X_days_late_receipt_allowed,
475                          X_receipt_days_exception_code);
478         /* Bug 475621 ecso 4/23
479          * Get default value for invoice matching
480          */
481             po_shipments_sv8.get_matching_controls(
482                                X_vendor_id,
483                                X_line_type_id,
484                                X_item_id,
485                                X_receipt_required_flag_tmp,
486                                X_inspection_required_flag);
487          IF X_receipt_required_flag_tmp IS NULL THEN
488                X_receipt_required_flag_tmp  := 'N';
489          END IF;
490          IF X_inspection_required_flag IS NULL THEN
491               X_inspection_required_flag  := 'N';
492          END IF;
494 /*Bug 2632699 Receipt required flag,Inspection required flag set for Item/destination Org
495   is retrived. If they are null then they are derived from masfer Org.
496   Also if Receipt required flag is N and  Inspection required flag is Y then
497   Match option is showing as blank. Hence in the above case Inspection
498   required flag is set to N */
500         /* Bug 919204
501         Fix to use the  invoice/receive close tolerance values
502         defined at the item/destination org level.
503         */
504         X_invoice_close_tolerance_tmp := X_invoice_close_tolerance;
505         X_receive_close_tolerance_tmp := X_receive_close_tolerance;
506         begin
507          SELECT nvl(msi.invoice_close_tolerance,X_invoice_close_tolerance_tmp),
508                 nvl(msi.receive_close_tolerance,X_receive_close_tolerance_tmp),
509                 msi.receipt_required_flag,
510                 msi.inspection_required_flag,
514                 msi.grade_control_flag,
511                 --<INVCONV R12 START>
512                 decode(msi.tracking_quantity_ind,
513                        g_chktype_TRACKING_QTY_IND_S,msi.secondary_default_ind,NULL),
515                 decode(msi.tracking_quantity_ind,
516                        g_chktype_TRACKING_QTY_IND_S,msi.secondary_uom_code,NULL)
517                 --<INVCONV R12 END>
518          INTO   X_invoice_close_tolerance_tmp,
519                 X_receive_close_tolerance_tmp,
520                 temp_receipt_required_flag,
521                 temp_inspection_required_flag,
522                 l_secondary_default_ind, l_grade_control_flag, l_secondary_uom_code --<INVCONV R12>
523             FROM mtl_system_items msi
524            WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = X_item_id
525              AND msi.organization_id =X_ship_org_id;
527            exception
528                when no_data_found then null;
529                WHEN OTHERS THEN
530            po_message_s.sql_error('Fetch receive/invoice tolerances', x_progress, sqlcode);
531             raise;
532         end;
533         if temp_receipt_required_flag is not null then
534               X_receipt_required_flag_tmp := temp_receipt_required_flag;
535         end if;
536         if temp_inspection_required_flag is not null then
537            X_inspection_required_flag := temp_inspection_required_flag;
538         end if;
540         if X_receipt_required_flag_tmp = 'N' then
541             X_inspection_required_flag := 'N';
542         end if;
544          -- SERVICES FPJ start: Need to null out certain receiving and matching
545          -- controls for service lines.
547                IF X_order_type_lookup_code in ('RATE', 'FIXED PRICE') THEN
549                  X_allow_substitute_receipts := null;
550                  X_receiving_routing_id := 3;
551                  X_enforce_ship_to_location := 'NONE';
553                  X_inspection_required_flag  := 'N';
555                  IF X_purchase_basis = 'TEMP LABOR' THEN
556                     X_days_early_receipt_allowed := null;
557                     X_days_late_receipt_allowed := null;
558                     X_receipt_days_exception_code := null;
559                  END IF;
561                END IF;
563           -- SERVICES FPJ end
565    IF l_grade_control_flag = 'Y' THEN
566        X_preferred_grade_shipment := X_preferred_grade;
567    ELSE
568        X_preferred_grade_shipment := null;
569    END IF;
571    IF l_secondary_uom_code IS NOT NULL THEN  -- item is dual uom control
572        SELECT unit_of_measure INTO x_secondary_unit_of_measure_s
573        FROM mtl_units_of_measure
574        WHERE uom_code = l_secondary_uom_code ;
576     /** secondary quantity is specified on the lines. Validate the line secondary quantity
577       with respect to ship to organization . Items in different organization can have different
578       from and to deviation so we need to validate before copying the line secondary quantity to shipment **/
580       IF X_secondary_quantity IS NOT NULL
581          and X_secondary_unit_of_measure = X_secondary_unit_of_measure_s THEN
583           IF ( INV_CONVERT.within_deviation(
584                   p_organization_id     =>   X_ship_org_id ,
585                   p_inventory_item_id         =>   x_item_id,
586                   p_lot_number                =>  null ,
587                   p_precision                 =>  5 ,
588                   p_quantity                  =>  x_quantity,
589                   p_unit_of_measure1          =>  X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code ,
590                   p_quantity2                 =>  x_secondary_quantity ,
591                   p_unit_of_measure2          =>  X_secondary_unit_of_measure_s,
592                   p_uom_code1     => null,
593                   p_uom_code2     => null) = 1 ) THEN
595        X_secondary_quantity_shipment  := X_secondary_quantity;
596           END IF;
597       END IF;
599       IF X_secondary_quantity_shipment IS NULL THEN -- derive secondary quantity
600            X_secondary_quantity_shipment := INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert(
601             item_id             =>  x_item_id ,
602             precision   => 5,
603             from_quantity       =>  x_quantity,
604             from_name   =>  X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code ,
605             to_name           => X_secondary_unit_of_measure_s,
606             from_unit   => null,
607             to_unit     => null ) ;
608        IF  X_secondary_quantity_shipment <=0 then
609         X_autocreated_ship := FALSE;
610             return;
611        END IF;
612       END IF;
613    END IF; -- IF l_secondary_uom_code IS NOT NULL THEN
616 --<INVCONV R12 END>
620         /* AutoCreate the Shipment   */
622         /* We are using the Qty_Rcv_Tol returned from get_receiving_controls()
623         in order to create the shipment automatically. We are not using
624         the value passed into this procedure insert_line() - Take a
625         note of that. SI 02/16 */
627                 -- bug 451195
628                 -- Added USSGL transaction code in autocreate shipment
629         --<SHIKYU R12 START>
630         IF X_item_id is NOT NULL and X_ship_org_id is not NULL THEN
631         l_outsourced_assembly := po_core_s.get_outsourced_assembly(X_item_id, X_ship_org_id);
632         END IF;
633         --<SHIKYU R12 END>
634         po_shipments_sv8.autocreate_ship(
635                      X_line_location_id               ,
636                      X_last_update_date               ,
637                      X_last_updated_by                ,
641                      X_po_header_id                   ,
638                      X_creation_date                  ,
639                      X_created_by                     ,
640                      X_last_update_login              ,
642                      X_po_line_id                     ,
643                      X_type_lookup_code               ,
644                      X_quantity                       ,
645                      X_ship_to_location_id            ,
646                      X_ship_org_id                    ,
647                      X_need_by_date                   ,
648                      X_promised_date                  ,
649                      X_unit_price                     ,
650                      X_tax_code_id                    ,
651                      X_taxable_flag                   ,
652                      X_enforce_ship_to_location       ,
653                      X_receiving_routing_id           ,
654                      X_inspection_required_flag       ,
655                      --X_receipt_required_flag        ,
656                      X_receipt_required_flag_tmp      ,
657                      X_qty_rcv_tol                    ,
658                      X_qty_rcv_exception_code         ,
659                      X_days_early_receipt_allowed     ,
660                      X_days_late_receipt_allowed      ,
661                      X_allow_substitute_receipts      ,
662                      X_receipt_days_exception_code    ,
663                      X_invoice_close_tolerance_tmp    ,
664                      X_receive_close_tolerance_tmp    ,
665                      X_item_status                    ,
666                      X_outside_operation_flag         ,
667                      X_destination_type_code          ,
668                      X_expense_accrual_code           ,
669                      X_item_id                        ,
670                      NULL                             ,
671                      X_accrue_on_receipt_flag         ,
672                      X_autocreated_ship               ,
673                      X_unit_meas_lookup_code,   -- Added Parameter Bug 731564
674                      X_order_type_lookup_code,   -- <Complex Work R12>
675                      X_matching_basis,           -- <Complex Work R12>
676         -- start of bug# 1548597
677                      X_secondary_unit_of_measure_s ,
678                      X_secondary_quantity_shipment    ,
679                      X_preferred_grade_shipment,
680                      p_consigned_from_supplier_flag, --bug 3523348
681         -- end of bug# 1548597
682                      p_org_id,               -- <R12 MOAC>
683                      l_outsourced_assembly --<SHIKYU R12>
684                      );
686               else
688                             X_autocreated_ship  := FALSE;
690               end if;
692       end if; /* IF ok_to_autocreate_ship flag is Y  */
694     end if; /* not 'CONTRACT', 'BLANKET', 'RFQ' and 'QUOTATION' */
696  exception
698        when others then
699             po_message_s.sql_error('insert_line', x_progress, sqlcode);
700             raise;
701  end insert_line;