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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_load_ext_chg AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI50B.pls 120.7 2006/05/16 04:17:18 akandreg ship $ */
4   g_external          CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'EXTERNAL';
5   g_curr_desc         fnd_currencies_tl.name%TYPE;
6   g_curr_cd           fnd_currencies_tl.currency_code%TYPE;
8   /******************************************************************
9   Created By         :Suraj Chakma
10   Date Created By    :02-06-2000
11   Purpose            :This procedure validates the data entered into
12                       IGS_FI_EXT_INT_ALL Table. It is called from the
13                       form IGSFI038.fmb - EXTERNAL CHARGES
14   Known limitations,
15   enhancements,
16   remarks            :
17   Change History
18   Who       When          What
19   akandreg  16-May-2006   Bug 5105131, modified cursor c_f_cal_typ. In function igs_fi_ext_val, the system defined
20                           status (igs_ca_stat.S_CAL_STATUS) displayed on the Calendar Statuses form would be used in
21                           the validation test instead of IGS_CA_INST.CAL_TYPE, which is user defined status.
22   sapanigr  24-Feb-2006  Bug#5018036 - Replaced  cursor cur_person in igs_fi_extto_imp procedure by function call.
23   sapanigr  12-Feb-2006  Bug#5018036 - Modified  cursor cur_person in igs_fi_extto_imp procedure. (R12 SQL Repository tuning)
24   svuppala  09-AUG-2005   Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
25                           Impact of Charges API version Number change
26                           Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
27   gurprsin  26-Jul-2005  Bug# 3392095.In IGS_FI_EXTTO_IMP procedure, Modified table habdler call igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts to
28                          include waiver_name column parameter.
29   bannamal  03-Jun-2005  Unit Level Fee Assessment Build. Modified the call to
30                          igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts. Added new parameters.
31   pmarada   29-Mar-2005  Bug 4270442, removed the cursor c_person instead of that calling
32                          get_std_formerstd_ind function.
33   pmarada   30-nov-2004  Bug 4003908, Added get_std_formerstd_ind funcation to return whether person is
34                          of student and former student person type
35   pmarada   16-Nov-2004  Bug 3902065, Added FORMER_STUDENT to the person types cursor to allow formaer students
36   vvutukur  20-Jun-2003  Bug#2777502.Modified igs_fi_ext_val,igs_fi_extto_imp.
37   vchappid  19-May-2003  Build Bug# 2831572, Financial Accounting Enhancements
38                          New Parameters - Attendance Type, Attendance Mode, Residency Status Code
39                          added in procedure igs_fi_extto_imp
40   shtatiko  28-APR-2003  Enh# 2831569, Modified igs_fi_extto_imp.
41   pathipat  07-Jan-2003  Bug: 2737666 - Modified igs_fi_extto_imp() - rearranged code.
42   Sykrishn  31DEC2002    Bug 2682928 -- igs_fi_extto_imp Logging of parameters introduced
43                          Also changed cur_person to point to IGS_FI_PARTIES_V
44                          Also removed repetative loggin og fee_cal_type,start_dt and end_dt for each record in cur_fei loop as they
45                          are fixed and are once  per process.
46                          Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||'   '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)
47   SYKRISHn  30_DEC_2002  Bug 2727384 - Loggin details before validation errors are reported.
48   pathipat 16-Nov-2002   Enh Bug 2584986
49                          1.  Modified declaration of g_curr_desc to fnd_currencies_tl.name%TYPe from igs_fi_cur.description%TYPE
50                          2.  Modified function igs_fi_Ext_val() - Added validation for gl_date, modified validations of currency_cd
51                              Added parameter p_d_gl_date.
52                          3.  Modified igs_fi_extto_imp - Removed insert_row into IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and IGS_FI_IMGCHGS_LINES.
53                              Added parameter p_d_gl_Date in call to create_charges() and charges_api call
54                              Added call to igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts before calling charges_api
55                          4.  Removed function lookup_Desc(). Used generic function igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning() instead.
56   vvutukur 29-Jul-2002   Bug#2425767.Modified procedure igs_fi_extto_imp to remove the references to
57                          chg_rate,chg_elements,transaction_type as these columns are obsolete.
58   SYKRISHN 10_JUL_2002   Bug 2438874 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to log Transaction Amount along with the other data elemets already present
59                          Also Introduced currency descrption allong with the amount. - Log File looks imporoved - Hard coded english text remived
60   sykrishn  03-JUL-220    Bug 2442163 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to insert sysdate to
61                           transaction_dt in the table igs_fi_impchgs_lines table
62                           Reference to l_cur_fei.transaction_dt is removed as it will never be present.
63                           Removed transaction_dt from igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row
65   smadathi  24-Jun-2002    Bug 2404720. Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified.
66   jbegum    14-Jun-2002   BUG#2413574  Modified cursor cur_fei in procedure igs_fi_extto_imp.
67   jbegum    12-Jun-2002   Bug#2403209 Removed code that calculated the transaction amount
68                           as a product of Charge Rate and Charge Elements columns of IGS_FI_EXT_INT
69                           table and inserted that value in the transaction amount column of the
70                           IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES table.
71                           Now the transaction amount column value of IGS_FI_EXT_INT is directly
72                           imported into the transaction amount column of the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES
73                           table.
74   agairola  04-Jun-2002  Bug 2395663 - Modified the TBH call for the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES_PKG
75                          Added one function for validating the DFF
77                          Removed the validation for Transaction and Effective Date from the function
78                          igs_fi_ext_val (Keeping the signature same for future use)
79   SYKRISHN  19-APR-2002  Bug 2324088 - Introduced Desc Flex Field Validations and CCID validations.
80   vchappid 12-APR-2001  Modified input parameters as per new Ancillary,External Charges DLD
82    ******************************************************************/
84   FUNCTION igs_fi_ext_val (p_person_id                 igs_fi_ext_int_all.person_id%TYPE,
85                            p_fee_type                  igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_type%TYPE,
86                            p_fee_cal_type              igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
87                            p_fee_ci_sequence_number    igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
88                            p_transaction_dt            igs_fi_ext_int_all.effective_dt%TYPE ,
89                            p_currency_cd               igs_fi_ext_int_all.currency_cd%TYPE,
90                            p_effective_dt              igs_fi_ext_int_all.effective_dt%TYPE,
91                            p_d_gl_date                 DATE,
92                            p_message_name          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
93                            RETURN BOOLEAN AS
94   /***
95   akandreg   16-May-2006  Bug 5105131, modified cursor c_f_cal_typ. In function igs_fi_ext_val, the system defined
96                           status (igs_ca_stat.S_CAL_STATUS) displayed on the Calendar Statuses form would be used in
97                           the validation test instead of IGS_CA_INST.CAL_TYPE, which is user defined status.
98   pmarada    29-Mar-2005  Bug 4270442, removed the cursor c_person instead of that calling
99                           get_std_formerstd_ind function.
100   vvutukur   20-Jun-2003  Bug#2777502.Modified cursor c_fee_typ to exclude closed fee types.
101   pathipat   16-Nov-2002  Enh Bug: 2584986 - Added parameter p_d_gl_Date and its validations
102                           Modified validations for currency_cd
104                          Removed the validation for Transaction and Effective Date from the function
105                          igs_fi_ext_val (Keeping the signature same for future use)
106   SYKRISHN    03-JUL-2002  Bug 2442163
107                          Definition of p_transaction_dt changed to Effective_dt%type - since transaction_dt is being made obsolete.
109   ***/
110     l_start_dt       igs_ca_inst.start_dt%TYPE;
111     l_end_dt         igs_ca_inst.end_dt%TYPE;
112     l_dummy          VARCHAR2(1);
113     l_v_status       gl_period_statuses.closing_status%TYPE := NULL;
114     l_message_name   fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
116     CURSOR c_fee_typ
117     IS
118     SELECT 'x'
119     FROM igs_fi_fee_type
120     WHERE s_fee_type = 'EXTERNAL'
121     AND fee_type     =  p_fee_type
122     AND NVL(closed_ind,'N') = 'N';
124     CURSOR c_f_cal_typ
125     IS
126     SELECT ci.start_dt,
127            ci.end_dt
128     FROM igs_ca_inst ci,
129          igs_ca_type ct,
130          igs_ca_stat st
131     WHERE  ci.cal_type     = ct.cal_type
132     AND ct.s_cal_cat       = 'FEE'
133     AND ci.cal_status      = st.cal_status
134     AND st.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE'
135     AND ci.cal_type        =  p_fee_cal_type
136     AND ci.sequence_number =  p_fee_ci_sequence_number;
138   BEGIN
140      -- to validate person id
141      -- check whether the person type of student or former student
142     IF igs_fi_load_ext_chg.get_std_formerstd_ind(p_person_id) = 'N' THEN
143        p_message_name :='IGS_FI_INVALID_PERSON_ID';
144        RETURN FALSE;
145     END IF;
147     --to validate Fee Type
148     OPEN c_fee_typ ;
149     FETCH c_fee_typ INTO l_dummy;
150     IF c_fee_typ%NOTFOUND THEN
151       p_message_name :='IGS_FI_INVALID_FEE_TYPE';
152       CLOSE c_fee_typ;
153       RETURN FALSE;
154     END IF;
155     CLOSE c_fee_typ;
157     --to validate Fee Cal type
158     OPEN c_f_cal_typ ;
159     FETCH c_f_cal_typ INTO l_start_dt, l_end_dt;
160     IF c_f_cal_typ%NOTFOUND THEN
161       p_message_name :='IGS_FI_INVALID_FEE_CAL_TYPE';
162       CLOSE c_f_cal_typ;
163       RETURN FALSE;
164     END IF;
165     CLOSE c_f_cal_typ;
168     -- Modified as part of GL Interface build
169     -- Validate if the currency_cd passed is same as the currency_cd in the System Options form
170     -- So call function finp_get_cur which obtains the code and desc from igs_fi_control
171     igs_fi_gen_gl.finp_get_cur( p_v_currency_cd  =>  g_curr_cd,
172                                 p_v_curr_desc    =>  g_curr_desc,
173                                 p_v_message_name =>  l_message_name
174                               );
175     IF l_message_name IS NULL THEN
176       IF g_curr_cd <> p_currency_cd THEN
177           p_message_name := 'IGS_FI_CUR_MISMATCH';
178           RETURN FALSE;
179       END IF;
180     ELSE
181       p_message_name := l_message_name;
182       RETURN FALSE;
183     END IF;
186     -- to validate gl_Date to be in an open or future period
187     -- added as part of Enh bug 2584986 - GL interface build
188     IF p_d_gl_date IS NULL THEN
189        p_message_name := 'IGS_FI_NO_GL_DATE';
190        RETURN FALSE;
191     END IF;
193     igs_fi_gen_gl.get_period_status_for_date( p_d_date            => p_d_gl_date,
194                                               p_v_closing_status  => l_v_status,
195                                               p_v_message_name    => l_message_name
196                                             );
198     IF l_message_name IS NULL THEN
199        IF l_v_status NOT IN ('O','F') THEN
200           p_message_name := 'IGS_FI_INVALID_GL_DATE';
201           RETURN FALSE;
202        ELSE
203           p_message_name := NULL;
204           RETURN TRUE;
205        END IF;
206     ELSE
207        p_message_name := l_message_name;
208        RETURN FALSE;
209     END IF;
211   END igs_fi_ext_val;
214 FUNCTION validate_desc_flex
215 (
216  p_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2,
217  p_attribute1  IN VARCHAR2,
218  p_attribute2  IN VARCHAR2,
219  p_attribute3  IN VARCHAR2,
220  p_attribute4  IN VARCHAR2,
221  p_attribute5  IN VARCHAR2,
222  p_attribute6  IN VARCHAR2,
223  p_attribute7  IN VARCHAR2,
224  p_attribute8  IN VARCHAR2,
225  p_attribute9  IN VARCHAR2,
226  p_attribute10  IN VARCHAR2,
227  p_attribute11  IN VARCHAR2,
228  p_attribute12  IN VARCHAR2,
229  p_attribute13  IN VARCHAR2,
230  p_attribute14  IN VARCHAR2,
231  p_attribute15  IN VARCHAR2,
232  p_attribute16  IN VARCHAR2,
233  p_attribute17  IN VARCHAR2,
234  p_attribute18  IN VARCHAR2,
235  p_attribute19  IN VARCHAR2,
236  p_attribute20  IN VARCHAR2,
237  p_desc_flex_name IN VARCHAR2
239 /***********************************************************************************************
241   Created By     :  agairola
242   Date Created By:  04-Jun-2002
243   Purpose        :  To validate the DFF. This has been created as the column names for the Attributes
244                     of the DFF have names beginning with EXT_. This has been created for bug 2395663
246   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
247   Change History
248   Who     When       What
250 ********************************************************************************************** */
251         CURSOR app_cur IS
252         SELECT
253                 application_short_name
254         FROM
255                 fnd_application app, fnd_descriptive_flexs des
256         WHERE
257                 app.application_id = des.application_id AND
258                 des.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name;
259         app_rec app_cur%ROWTYPE;
261  fnd_flex_descval.clear_column_values;
262  fnd_flex_descval.set_context_value(p_attribute_category);
263  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE1',p_attribute1);
264  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE2',p_attribute2);
265  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE3',p_attribute3);
266  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE4',p_attribute4);
267  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE5',p_attribute5);
268  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE6',p_attribute6);
269  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE7',p_attribute7);
270  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE8',p_attribute8);
271  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE9',p_attribute9);
272  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE10',p_attribute10);
273  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE11',p_attribute11);
274  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE12',p_attribute12);
275  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE13',p_attribute13);
276  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE14',p_attribute14);
277  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE15',p_attribute15);
278  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE16',p_attribute16);
279  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE17',p_attribute17);
280  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE18',p_attribute18);
281  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE19',p_attribute19);
282  fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value('ATTRIBUTE20',p_attribute20);
283  OPEN app_cur;
284  FETCH app_cur INTO app_rec;
285  CLOSE app_cur;
286  IF (fnd_flex_descval.validate_desccols( app_rec.application_short_name, p_desc_flex_name, 'I',SYSDATE)) THEN
288  ELSE
290  END IF;
293   IF app_cur%ISOPEN THEN
294         CLOSE app_cur;
295   END IF;
297 END validate_desc_flex;
300   PROCEDURE igs_fi_extto_imp(errbuf                  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
301                              retcode                 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
302                              p_org_id                     NUMBER,
303                              p_person_id                  igs_fi_ext_int_all.person_id%TYPE ,
304                              p_fee_type                   igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_type%TYPE ,
305                              p_fee_cal_type               igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
306                              p_fee_ci_sequence_number     igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE
307                              ) AS
308  /******************************************************************
309   Created By         :Suraj Chakma
310   Date Created By    :02-06-2000
311   Purpose            :This process is called by the concurrent manager
312                       from concurrent program IGSFIJ21 to load data from
313                       the IGS_FI_EXT_INT_ALL Table to the IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_ALL
314                       and IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES Tables
315   Known limitations,
316   enhancements,
317   remarks            :
318   Change History
319   Who       When         What
320   sapanigr  24-Feb-2006  Bug#5018036 - Cursor cur_person replaced by call to function igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number.
321   sapanigr  12-Feb-2006  Bug#5018036 - Cursor cur_person now queries hz_parties instead of igs_fi_parties_v. (R12 SQL Repository tuning)
322   svuppala  09-AUG-2005   Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
323                           Impact of Charges API version Number change
324                           Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
325   gurprsin  26-Jul-2005  Bug# 3392095. Modified table habdler call igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts to include waiver_name column parameter.
326   vvutukur  20-Jun-2003  Bug#2777502.Modified the code to concatenate all the error messages of interface record and update the newly added
327                          error_msg column in interface table. Also cursor cur_fei is modified such that it picks up records with ERROR status
328                          along with TODO status records.
329   vchappid  19-May-2003  Build Bug# 2831572, Financial Accounting Enhancements
330                          New Parameters - Attendance Type, Attendance Mode, Residency Status Code added
331   shtatiko  28-APR-2003  Eng# 2831569, Added check for Manage Accounts System Option. If its
332                          value is NULL then this process cannot be run.
333   pathipat  07-Jan-2003  Bug:2737666 - Moved code for logging parameters to before calling
334                          the validations. Moved code for incrementing record count to end of
335                          procedure before doing a commit.
336   Sykrishn  31DEC2002    Bug 2682928 -- igs_fi_extto_imp Logging of parameters introduced
337                          Also changed cur_person to point to IGS_FI_PARTIES_V
338                          Also removed repetative loggin og fee_cal_type,start_dt and end_dt for each record in cur_fei loop as they
339                          are fixed and are once  per process.
340                          Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||'   '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)
342   SYKRISHn  30_DEC_2002  Bug 2727384 - Loggin details before validation errors are reported.
343   pathipat  15-NOV-2002  Enh# 2584986 - GL Interface build
344                          1.  Removed insert_row into IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES tables
345                          2.  Added call to igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts before calling charges_api
346                          3.  Added p_d_gl_date to be passed to charges_api, in p_line_tbl
347                          4.  Added parameter p_d_gl_date in call to igs_fi_ext_val()
348                          5.  DFF changed to IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_ALL_FLEX from IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_EXT_FLEX
349                          6.  Removed cursor cur_imp_chgs and the associated local variables
350   sarakshi 13-sep-2002   Enh#2564643,removed the reference of subaccount id from this procedure
351  vvutukur  29-Jul-2002   Bug#2425767.removed parameters x_chg_rate,x_chg_elements from the calls to
352                          igs_fi_impchgs_lines_pkg.insert_row and igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row as these
353                          columns are obsoleted.removed transaction_type from call to igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row.
354   SYKRISHN 10_JUL_2002   Bug 2438874 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to log Transaction Amount along with
355                          the other data elemets already present
356                          Also Introduced currency descrption allong with the amount.
357   sykrishn  03-JUL-220    Bug 2442163 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to insert sysdate to
358                           transaction_dt in the table igs_fi_impchgs_lines table
359                           Reference to l_cur_fei.transaction_dt is removed as it will never be present.
360                           Removed transaction_dt from igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row
361   smadathi  24-Jun-2002  Bug 2404720. The concatenated description comprising of fee desc
362                          and transaction date which was initially passed as parameter to charges
363                          API was modified to pass only fee type description.
364   jbegum    14-Jun-2002  BUG#2413574 Modified the cursor cur_fei,by removing the and condition
365                          "transaction_type = 'EXTERNAL'" from the where clause.
366   agairola  04-Jun-2002  Bug 2395663 - Modified the TBH call for the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES_PKG
367   SYKRISHN  19-APR-2002  Bug 2324088 - Introduced Desc Flex Field Validations and CCID validations.
368   smadathi  27-Feb-2002  Bug 2238413. Reduced selection list for
369                          rec installed flag to 'Y' and 'N'.Removed
370                          reference of rec installed flag = 'E'.
371   sarakshi  16-jan-2002  Remove the logic of fetching subaccount_id from igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst,
372                          now fetching using function igs_fi_gen_007.get_subaccount_id,also rectified hard coded
373                          message logging in log file,  bug:2175865
374   Syam      24-8-2000    Logic changes
375   Schodava  4-12-2000    Removal of parameters Course_cd and Version_number
376   vchappid  12-Apr-2001  Modified Logic as per new Ancillary,External Charges DLD
377   ******************************************************************/
379     l_ext_status        igs_fi_ext_int_all.status%TYPE;
380     l_cst_success       CONSTANT igs_fi_ext_int_all.status%TYPE := 'SUCCESS';
381     l_cst_error         CONSTANT igs_fi_ext_int_all.status%TYPE := 'ERROR';
382     l_cst_todo          CONSTANT igs_fi_ext_int_all.status%TYPE := 'TODO';
383     l_b_ext_val_flag    BOOLEAN ;
385     -- New variable added by sykrishn to validate DFFs bug 2324088
386     l_b_dff_validate      BOOLEAN ;
387     -- Cursor for fetching records of TODO status
388     CURSOR cur_fei (cp_person_id               igs_fi_ext_int.person_id%TYPE,
389                     cp_fee_type                igs_fi_ext_int.fee_type%TYPE,
390                     cp_fee_cal_type            igs_fi_ext_int.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
391                     cp_fee_ci_sequence_number  igs_fi_ext_int.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE) IS
392     SELECT *
393     FROM igs_fi_ext_int
394     WHERE (person_id             =  cp_person_id OR (cp_person_id IS NULL))
395     AND   (fee_type              =  cp_fee_type OR  (cp_fee_type IS NULL))
396     AND   fee_cal_type           =  cp_fee_cal_type
397     AND   fee_ci_sequence_number =  cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
398     AND   status                 IN (l_cst_error,l_cst_todo);
401 -- Variables added for the Charges API call
402     l_header_rec                       igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.Header_Rec_Type;
403     l_line_tbl                         igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.Line_Tbl_Type;
404     l_line_id_tbl                      igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.Line_Id_Tbl_Type;
405     l_invoice_id                       igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_id%TYPE;
406     l_v_return_status                  VARCHAR2(1);
407     l_n_msg_count                      NUMBER(3);
408     l_v_msg_data                       VARCHAR2(2000);
409     l_v_fee_desc                       VARCHAR2(100);
410     l_cur_fei                          cur_fei%ROWTYPE;      -- Interface Table Row Type Variable
411     l_v_rec_installed                  VARCHAR2(1); -- To find which type of Accounts receivables are installed at client side
412     l_override_dr_rec_account_cd       igs_fi_ext_int.override_dr_rec_account_cd%TYPE;
413     l_override_cr_rev_account_cd       igs_fi_ext_int.override_cr_rev_account_cd%TYPE;
414     l_override_dr_rec_ccid             igs_fi_ext_int.override_dr_rec_ccid%TYPE;
415     l_override_cr_rev_ccid             igs_fi_ext_int.override_cr_rev_ccid%TYPE;
416     l_transaction_amount               igs_fi_ext_int.transaction_amount%TYPE;
418     l_error_message                    fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
419     l_n_err_type                       NUMBER;
420     l_v_err_string                     igs_fi_invln_int.error_string%TYPE;
421     l_b_return_status                  BOOLEAN;
423     CURSOR cur_fee_desc(cp_fee_type    igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE)  IS
424       SELECT description
425       FROM   igs_fi_fee_type
426       WHERE  fee_type = cp_fee_type;
428     l_n_record_count                   PLS_INTEGER :=0;
429     l_b_flag                           BOOLEAN := TRUE;
431     l_person_number       hz_parties.party_number%TYPE;
433     CURSOR cur_fee_period(cp_cal_type  igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,cp_sequence_number  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
434       SELECT igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||'   '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt) string
435       FROM   igs_ca_inst
436       WHERE  cal_type=cp_cal_type
437       AND    sequence_number=cp_sequence_number;
439     l_cur_fee_period      cur_fee_period%ROWTYPE;
440     l_v_message_name      fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
441     l_v_manage_accounts   igs_fi_control.manage_accounts%TYPE;
442     l_exception           EXCEPTION;
444     l_v_msg         fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
445     l_b_valid_ccid  BOOLEAN;
447     l_n_waiver_amount NUMBER;
449   BEGIN
451     -- Set the Org Id
452     igs_ge_gen_003.Set_Org_Id(p_org_id);
454     -- SYKRISHN -- Bug 2682928 -- Logging of parameters introduced.. 31DEC2002
455     IF p_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
456       l_person_number := igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number(p_person_id);
457     END IF;
459     OPEN cur_fee_period(p_fee_cal_type,p_fee_ci_sequence_number);
460     FETCH  cur_fee_period INTO l_cur_fee_period;
461     CLOSE cur_fee_period;
463     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
464     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_ANC_LOG_PARM');
465     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
467     fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
468     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE',igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
469                                                                      p_v_lookup_code => 'PERSON')   );
470     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE',l_person_number);
471     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
474     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
475     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE',igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
476                                                                      p_v_lookup_code => 'FEE_TYPE')  );
477     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE',p_fee_type);
478     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
480     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
481     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE',igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
482                                                                      p_v_lookup_code => 'FEE_CAL_TYPE')    );
483     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE',p_fee_cal_type);
484     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
486     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
487     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE',igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
488                                                                      p_v_lookup_code => 'FEE_PERIOD')      );
489     fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE',l_cur_fee_period.string);
490     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
491     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
493     -- Get the value of "Manage Accounts" System Option value.
494     -- If this value is NULL then this process should error out.
495     igs_fi_com_rec_interface.chk_manage_account ( p_v_manage_acc   => l_v_manage_accounts,
496                                                   p_v_message_name => l_v_message_name );
497     IF l_v_manage_accounts IS NULL THEN
498       fnd_message.set_name ( 'IGS', l_v_message_name );
499       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
500       RAISE l_exception;
501     END IF;
503     OPEN cur_fei ( p_person_id,
504                    p_fee_type,
505                    p_fee_cal_type,
506                    p_fee_ci_sequence_number);
507     LOOP
508     FETCH cur_fei INTO l_cur_fei;
509     EXIT WHEN cur_fei%NOTFOUND;
511       l_b_ext_val_flag := TRUE;
512       l_cur_fei.error_msg := NULL;
514     -- Removed incrementing of record count from here to end of loop
515     -- Increment to be done only on successful import for the particular record
516     -- (pathipat) as part of bug 2737666
518       l_person_number := igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number(l_cur_fei.person_id);
520       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
521       -- Checking which Account Receivables is installed at the client side and insert into corresponding columns accordingly
522       l_v_rec_installed := igs_fi_gen_005.finp_get_receivables_inst;
524       IF l_v_rec_installed = 'Y' THEN
525         l_override_dr_rec_account_cd := NULL;
526         l_override_cr_rev_account_cd := NULL;
527         l_override_dr_rec_ccid       := l_cur_fei.override_dr_rec_ccid;
528         l_override_cr_rev_ccid       := l_cur_fei.override_cr_rev_ccid;
529       ELSE
530         l_override_dr_rec_account_cd := l_cur_fei.override_dr_rec_account_cd;
531         l_override_cr_rev_account_cd := l_cur_fei.override_cr_rev_account_cd;
532         l_override_dr_rec_ccid       := NULL;
533         l_override_cr_rev_ccid       := NULL;
534       END IF;
536       l_b_valid_ccid := TRUE;
538       -- resetting global variable to set before it gets assigned for every record
539       g_curr_desc := NULL;
540       g_curr_cd   := NULL;
543       -- Following code for logging details moved here, before validations begin
544       -- by pathipat for bug 2737666
546       -- (pathipat) Removed code inserting record into IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES
547       -- as part of enh bug 2584986
549       l_transaction_amount := l_cur_fei.transaction_amount;
551       --  Used generic function to get lookup description, removed lookup_desc() function
553       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
554       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE', igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
555                                                                         p_v_lookup_code => 'PERSON'));
556       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE', l_person_number);
557       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
559       fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
560       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE', igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
561                                                                         p_v_lookup_code => 'FEE_TYPE'));
562       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE', l_cur_fei.fee_type);
563       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,  fnd_message.get);
565       fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
566       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE', igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
567                                                                         p_v_lookup_code => 'AMOUNT'));
568       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE', l_transaction_amount);
569       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,  fnd_message.get);
571       fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_PARAMETER');
572       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_TYPE', igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning (p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_LOCKBOX',
573                                                                         p_v_lookup_code => 'CURRENCY'));
574       -- Also changed  to display currency code instead of description top accomodate error currency code also.
575       fnd_message.set_token('PARM_CODE', l_cur_fei.currency_cd);
576       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,  fnd_message.get);
577       fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
579       -- Checking all Validations returns TRUE if all validations are passed else FALSE is returned
580       l_b_ext_val_flag :=  igs_fi_load_ext_chg.igs_fi_ext_val(  p_person_id               => l_cur_fei.person_id,
581                                                                 p_fee_type                => l_cur_fei.fee_type,
582                                                                 p_fee_cal_type            => l_cur_fei.fee_cal_type,
583                                                                 p_fee_ci_sequence_number  => l_cur_fei.fee_ci_sequence_number,
584                                                                 p_transaction_dt          => SYSDATE,
585                                                                 p_currency_cd             => l_cur_fei.currency_cd,
586                                                                 p_d_gl_date               => l_cur_fei.gl_date,
587                                                                 p_message_name            => l_error_message);
588       IF NOT l_b_ext_val_flag THEN
589         IF l_error_message = 'IGS_FI_CUR_MISMATCH' THEN
590           fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_error_message);
591           fnd_message.set_token('CUR1',l_cur_fei.currency_cd);
592           fnd_message.set_token('CUR2',g_curr_cd);
593         ELSIF l_error_message = 'IGS_FI_INVALID_GL_DATE' THEN
594           fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_error_message);
595           fnd_message.set_token('GL_DATE',l_cur_fei.gl_date);
596         ELSE
597           fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_error_message);
598         END IF;
600         l_v_msg := fnd_message.get;
601         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_msg);
602         l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_v_msg;
603       END IF;
605       -- Enh bug 2584986 Changed DFF name from IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_EXT_INT to IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_ALL_FLEX
606       l_b_dff_validate := validate_desc_flex ( p_attribute_category => l_cur_fei.attribute_category,
607                                                p_attribute1         => l_cur_fei.attribute1,
608                                                p_attribute2         => l_cur_fei.attribute2,
609                                                p_attribute3         => l_cur_fei.attribute3,
610                                                p_attribute4         => l_cur_fei.attribute4,
611                                                p_attribute5         => l_cur_fei.attribute5,
612                                                p_attribute6         => l_cur_fei.attribute6,
613                                                p_attribute7         => l_cur_fei.attribute7,
614                                                p_attribute8         => l_cur_fei.attribute8,
615                                                p_attribute9         => l_cur_fei.attribute9,
616                                                p_attribute10        => l_cur_fei.attribute10,
617                                                p_attribute11        => l_cur_fei.attribute11,
618                                                p_attribute12        => l_cur_fei.attribute12,
619                                                p_attribute13        => l_cur_fei.attribute13,
620                                                p_attribute14        => l_cur_fei.attribute14,
621                                                p_attribute15        => l_cur_fei.attribute15,
622                                                p_attribute16        => l_cur_fei.attribute16,
623                                                p_attribute17        => l_cur_fei.attribute17,
624                                                p_attribute18        => l_cur_fei.attribute18,
625                                                p_attribute19        => l_cur_fei.attribute19,
626                                                p_attribute20        => l_cur_fei.attribute20,
627                                                p_desc_flex_name     => 'IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_ALL_FLEX'
628                                               );
629       IF NOT l_b_dff_validate THEN
630         l_b_ext_val_flag  :=  FALSE;
631         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_AD_INVALID_DESC_FLEX');
632         l_v_msg := fnd_message.get;
633         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_msg);
634         l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_cur_fei.error_msg||'.'||l_v_msg;
635       END IF;
637  -- If the above validations are successful we want to check if the Code Combination ID CCIDs are valid
638  -- If CCIDs are invalid then sets l_b_ext_val_flag to FALSE so that no further processing happens
639       IF l_override_dr_rec_ccid IS NOT NULL THEN
640         IF NOT igs_fi_gen_002.finp_validate_ccid (l_override_dr_rec_ccid) THEN
641           l_b_valid_ccid := FALSE;
642         END IF;
643       ELSIF l_override_cr_rev_ccid IS NOT NULL THEN
644         IF NOT igs_fi_gen_002.finp_validate_ccid (l_override_cr_rev_ccid) THEN
645           l_b_valid_ccid := FALSE;
646         END IF;
647       END IF;
649       IF NOT l_b_valid_ccid THEN
650         l_b_ext_val_flag  :=  FALSE;
651         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_CCID');
652         l_v_msg := fnd_message.get;
653         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_msg);
654         l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_cur_fei.error_msg||'.'||l_v_msg;
655       END IF;
657       IF l_b_ext_val_flag THEN
658         igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts( p_fee_type                =>  l_cur_fei.fee_type,
659                                             p_fee_cal_type            =>  l_cur_fei.fee_cal_type,
660                                             p_fee_ci_sequence_number  =>  l_cur_fei.fee_ci_sequence_number,
661                                             p_course_cd               =>  NULL,
662                                             p_course_version_number   =>  NULL,
663                                             p_org_unit_cd             =>  NULL,
664                                             p_org_start_dt            =>  NULL,
665                                             p_unit_cd                 =>  NULL,
666                                             p_unit_version_number     =>  NULL,
667                                             p_uoo_id                  =>  NULL,
668                                             p_location_cd             =>  NULL,
669                                             p_transaction_type        =>  'CHARGE',
670                                             p_credit_type_id          =>  NULL,
671                                             p_source_transaction_id   =>  NULL,
672                                             x_dr_gl_ccid              =>  l_override_dr_rec_ccid,
673                                             x_cr_gl_ccid              =>  l_override_cr_rev_ccid,
674                                             x_dr_account_cd           =>  l_override_dr_rec_account_cd,
675                                             x_cr_account_cd           =>  l_override_cr_rev_account_cd,
676                                             x_err_type                =>  l_n_err_type,
677                                             x_err_string              =>  l_v_err_string,
678                                             x_ret_status              =>  l_b_return_status,
679                                             p_v_attendance_type       =>  NULL,
680                                             p_v_attendance_mode       =>  NULL,
681                                             p_v_residency_status_cd   =>  NULL,
682                                             p_n_unit_type_id          =>  NULL,
683                                             p_v_unit_class            =>  NULL,
684                                             p_v_unit_mode             =>  NULL,
685                                             p_v_unit_level            =>  NULL,
686                                             p_v_waiver_name           =>  NULL
687                                            );
688         IF (NOT l_b_return_status) OR (l_n_err_type IS NOT NULL) THEN
689           l_b_ext_val_flag := FALSE;
691           -- Error from build_accounts procedure
692           -- Build Accounts Process will return error message name when the error type is 1
693           -- Will return message string when the error type is greater than 1
694           IF (l_v_err_string IS NOT NULL) THEN
695             IF (l_n_err_type = 1) THEN
696               fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_v_err_string);
697               l_v_msg := fnd_message.get;
698               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_msg);
699               l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_v_msg;
700             ELSE
701               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, l_v_err_string);
702               l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_v_err_string;
703             END IF;
704           END IF;
705         END IF;
706       END IF;
708       --If all the above validations are passed, then only charges api is called.
709       IF l_b_ext_val_flag THEN
711         OPEN cur_fee_desc(l_cur_fei.fee_type);
712         FETCH cur_fee_desc INTO l_v_fee_desc;
713         CLOSE cur_fee_desc;
715         l_header_rec.p_person_id                     := l_cur_fei.person_id;
716         l_header_rec.p_fee_cal_type                  := l_cur_fei.fee_cal_type;
717         l_header_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number        := l_cur_fei.fee_ci_sequence_number;
718         l_header_rec.p_fee_type                      := l_cur_fei.fee_type;
719         l_header_rec.p_invoice_amount                := l_transaction_amount;
720         l_header_rec.p_invoice_creation_date         := SYSDATE;
721         l_header_rec.p_invoice_desc                  := l_v_fee_desc;
722         l_header_rec.p_transaction_type              := g_external;
723         l_header_rec.p_currency_cd                   := l_cur_fei.currency_cd;
724         l_header_rec.p_exchange_rate                 := 1 ; -- Exchange rate passed as 1 in invoking charges_api
725         l_header_rec.p_effective_date                := NVL(l_cur_fei.effective_dt,SYSDATE);
727         l_line_tbl(1).p_description                  := l_v_fee_desc;
728         l_line_tbl(1).p_amount                       := l_transaction_amount;
730         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute_category           := l_cur_fei.attribute_category;
731         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute1                   := l_cur_fei.attribute1;
732         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute2                   := l_cur_fei.attribute2;
733         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute3                   := l_cur_fei.attribute3;
734         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute4                   := l_cur_fei.attribute4;
735         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute5                   := l_cur_fei.attribute5;
736         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute6                   := l_cur_fei.attribute6;
737         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute7                   := l_cur_fei.attribute7;
738         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute8                   := l_cur_fei.attribute8;
739         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute9                   := l_cur_fei.attribute9;
740         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute10                  := l_cur_fei.attribute10;
741         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute11                  := l_cur_fei.attribute11;
742         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute12                  := l_cur_fei.attribute12;
743         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute13                  := l_cur_fei.attribute13;
744         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute14                  := l_cur_fei.attribute14;
745         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute15                  := l_cur_fei.attribute15;
746         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute16                  := l_cur_fei.attribute16;
747         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute17                  := l_cur_fei.attribute17;
748         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute18                  := l_cur_fei.attribute18;
749         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute19                  := l_cur_fei.attribute19;
750         l_line_tbl(1).p_attribute20                  := l_cur_fei.attribute20;
752         -- Added as part of GL Interface build
753         -- Start of modifications
754         l_line_tbl(1).p_d_gl_date                    := l_cur_fei.gl_date;
756         l_line_tbl(1).p_override_dr_rec_ccid         := l_override_dr_rec_ccid;
757         l_line_tbl(1).p_override_cr_rev_ccid         := l_override_cr_rev_ccid;
758         l_line_tbl(1).p_override_dr_rec_account_cd   := l_override_dr_rec_account_cd;
759         l_line_tbl(1).p_override_cr_rev_account_cd   := l_override_cr_rev_account_cd;
761         -- End of modifications due to GL build
763         igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge(p_api_version               => 2.0,
764                                              p_init_msg_list             => 'T',
765                                              p_commit                    => 'F',
766                                              p_header_rec                => l_header_rec,
767                                              p_line_tbl                  => l_line_tbl,
768                                              x_line_id_tbl               => l_line_id_tbl,
769                                              x_invoice_id                => l_invoice_id,
770                                              x_return_status             => l_v_return_status,
771                                              x_msg_count                 => l_n_msg_count,
772                                              x_msg_data                  => l_v_msg_data,
773                                              x_waiver_amount             => l_n_waiver_amount);
774         IF l_v_return_status <> 'S' THEN
775           l_b_ext_val_flag := FALSE;
776           IF l_n_msg_count = 1 THEN
777             fnd_message.set_encoded(l_v_msg_data);
778             l_v_msg := fnd_message.get;
779             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_msg);
780             l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_v_msg;
781           ELSE
782             FOR l_var IN 1..l_n_msg_count LOOP
783               fnd_message.set_encoded(fnd_msg_pub.get);
784               l_v_msg := fnd_message.get;
785               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_msg);
786               l_cur_fei.error_msg := l_cur_fei.error_msg||'.'||l_v_msg;
787             END LOOP;
788           END IF;
789         END IF;
790       END IF;
792       IF l_b_ext_val_flag THEN
793         l_ext_status := l_cst_success;
794         l_cur_fei.error_msg := NULL;
795       ELSE
796         l_ext_status := l_cst_error;
797       END IF;
799       -- Updating the TODO record status in IGS_FI_EXT_INT_ALL table to SUCCESS once the data is moved.
800       --Modified by sarakshi, bug:2175865, now updating interface table if return status is success earlier code  was
801       -- reverse of this
802       -- Added gl_Date in call to update_row
804       BEGIN
805         igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row (      x_rowid                                =>   l_cur_fei.row_id,
806                                              x_external_fee_id                      =>   l_cur_fei.external_fee_id,
807                                              x_person_id                            =>   l_cur_fei.person_id,
808                                              x_status                               =>   l_ext_status,
809                                              x_fee_type                             =>   l_cur_fei.fee_type,
810                                              x_fee_cal_type                         =>   l_cur_fei.fee_cal_type,
811                                              x_fee_ci_sequence_number               =>   l_cur_fei.fee_ci_sequence_number,
812                                              x_course_cd                            =>   l_cur_fei.course_cd,
813                                              x_crs_version_number                   =>   l_cur_fei.crs_version_number,
814                                              x_transaction_amount                   =>   l_cur_fei.transaction_amount,
815                                              x_currency_cd                          =>   l_cur_fei.currency_cd,
816                                              x_exchange_rate                        =>   l_cur_fei.exchange_rate,
817                                              x_effective_dt                         =>   l_cur_fei.effective_dt,
818                                              x_comments                             =>   l_cur_fei.comments,
819                                              x_logical_delete_dt                    =>   l_cur_fei.logical_delete_dt,
820                                              x_override_dr_rec_account_cd           =>   l_cur_fei.override_dr_rec_account_cd,
821                                              x_override_dr_rec_ccid                 =>   l_cur_fei.override_dr_rec_ccid,
822                                              x_override_cr_rev_account_cd           =>   l_cur_fei.override_cr_rev_account_cd,
823                                              x_override_cr_rev_ccid                 =>   l_cur_fei.override_cr_rev_ccid,
824                                              x_attribute_category                   =>   l_cur_fei.attribute_category,
825                                              x_attribute1                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute1,
826                                              x_attribute2                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute2,
827                                              x_attribute3                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute3,
828                                              x_attribute4                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute4,
829                                              x_attribute5                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute5,
830                                              x_attribute6                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute6,
831                                              x_attribute7                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute7,
832                                              x_attribute8                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute8,
833                                              x_attribute9                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute9,
834                                              x_attribute10                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute10,
835                                              x_attribute11                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute11,
836                                              x_attribute12                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute12,
837                                              x_attribute13                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute13,
838                                              x_attribute14                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute14,
839                                              x_attribute15                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute15,
840                                              x_attribute16                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute16,
841                                              x_attribute17                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute17,
842                                              x_attribute18                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute18,
843                                              x_attribute19                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute19,
844                                              x_attribute20                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute20,
845                                              x_mode                                 =>   'R',
846                                              x_gl_date                              =>   l_cur_fei.gl_date,
847                                              x_error_msg                            =>   SUBSTR(LTRIM(l_cur_fei.error_msg,'.'),1,2000)
848                                            ) ;
849       EXCEPTION
850         WHEN OTHERS THEN
851           l_b_flag := FALSE;
852           l_b_ext_val_flag := FALSE;
853       END;
855       --Added by sarakshi, bug:2175865
856       --If Entire transaction is successful then commit else rollback
857       IF l_b_flag = FALSE THEN
858         ROLLBACK;
859       ELSE
860         COMMIT;
861       END IF;
863       -- Records processed count to be done only on successful passing of all validations and import
864       -- Hence moved here from beginning of loop
865       -- part of bug 2737666
866       IF l_b_ext_val_flag THEN
867         l_n_record_count := l_n_record_count + 1;
868       END IF;
869     END LOOP;
870     CLOSE cur_fei;
872     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get_string ('IGS','IGS_GE_TOTAL_REC_PROCESSED')||TO_CHAR(l_n_record_count));
873     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
876     WHEN l_exception THEN
877       retcode := 2;
879       ROLLBACK;
880       retcode := 2;
881       errbuf := fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION')||' : '||SQLERRM;
882       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
883       igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
884   END igs_fi_extto_imp;
886 FUNCTION get_std_formerstd_ind(p_person_id IN igs_pe_typ_instances_all.person_id%TYPE )
888  /******************************************************************
889   Created By         :Prasad marada
890   Date Created By    :30-Nov-2004
891   Purpose            :This procedure is called for validating if the
892                       passed Person Id has an active type instance of
893                       STUDENT or FORMER Student
894   Known limitations,
895   enhancements,
896   remarks            :
897   Change History
898   Who       When         What
900   ********************************************************************/
901         l_n_count         NUMBER;
902         l_v_output        VARCHAR2(1);
904         CURSOR  c_person_typ (cp_person_id  igs_pe_typ_instances_all.person_id%TYPE) IS
905                 SELECT  1
906                 FROM    igs_pe_typ_instances_all pti, igs_pe_person_types pty
907                 WHERE   pti.person_type_code = pty.person_type_code AND
908                         pty.system_type IN  ('STUDENT','FORMER_STUDENT') AND
909                         pti.person_id = cp_person_id;
912         -- This funcation returns Y if person of type student or former student
913         -- else return N
915         OPEN  c_person_typ (p_person_id);
916         FETCH c_person_typ INTO l_n_count;
917         IF c_person_typ%FOUND THEN
918           l_v_output := 'Y';
919         ELSE
920           l_v_output := 'N';
921         END IF;
922         CLOSE c_person_typ;
923         RETURN l_v_output;
925 END get_std_formerstd_ind;
927  -- end of package body
928 END igs_fi_load_ext_chg;