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Line 199: from ame_actions act,

195: cursor dynamicActionTypes is
196: select acty.name action_type
197: ,act.description action
198: ,act.parameter source_attribute
199: from ame_actions act,
200: ame_action_types acty
201: where act.action_type_id = acty.action_type_id and
202: acty.name in (dynamicPreApprover, dynamicPostApprover) and
203: sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate) and

Line 503: -- ame_actions - substitution

499: and (wf.expiration_date is null or
500: sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
501: and rownum < 2);
502: --
503: -- ame_actions - substitution
504: --
505: cursor c_substituteAction_NoWFRoles is
506: select distinct action_id, substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) person_id, description
507: from ame_actions

Line 507: from ame_actions

503: -- ame_actions - substitution
504: --
505: cursor c_substituteAction_NoWFRoles is
506: select distinct action_id, substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) person_id, description
507: from ame_actions
508: where parameter like 'person_id:%'
509: and exists (select null
510: from ame_action_types
511: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName

Line 512: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id

508: where parameter like 'person_id:%'
509: and exists (select null
510: from ame_action_types
511: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
512: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
513: and rownum < 2)
514: and not exists (select null
515: from wf_roles wf
516: where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(ame_actions.parameter, instrb(ame_actions.parameter,':')+1)

Line 516: where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(ame_actions.parameter, instrb(ame_actions.parameter,':')+1)

512: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
513: and rownum < 2)
514: and not exists (select null
515: from wf_roles wf
516: where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(ame_actions.parameter, instrb(ame_actions.parameter,':')+1)
517: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
518: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
519: and (wf.expiration_date is null or
520: sysdate < wf.expiration_date)

Line 654: --ame_actions - substitution

650: and (wf.expiration_date is null or
651: sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
652: and rownum < 2);
653: --
654: --ame_actions - substitution
655: --
656: cursor c_migrated_substituteAction is
657: select distinct action_id, substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id, description
658: from ame_actions

Line 658: from ame_actions

654: --ame_actions - substitution
655: --
656: cursor c_migrated_substituteAction is
657: select distinct action_id, substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id, description
658: from ame_actions
659: where parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
660: and exists (select null
661: from ame_action_types
662: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName

Line 663: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id

659: where parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
660: and exists (select null
661: from ame_action_types
662: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
663: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
664: and rownum < 2)
665: and exists (select null
666: from wf_roles wf
667: where wf.name = ame_actions.parameter

Line 667: where wf.name = ame_actions.parameter

663: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
664: and rownum < 2)
665: and exists (select null
666: from wf_roles wf
667: where wf.name = ame_actions.parameter
668: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
669: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
670: and (wf.expiration_date is null or
671: sysdate < wf.expiration_date)

Line 779: -- ame_actions (substitution)

775: and lengthb(substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 )) > 0
776: and fnd.employee_id is not null
777: and substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) = to_char(fnd.user_id);
778: --
779: -- ame_actions (substitution)
780: --
781: cursor c_substituteAction_InvalidUser is
782: select distinct action_id
783: ,substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) user_id

Line 786: from ame_actions

782: select distinct action_id
783: ,substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) user_id
784: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
785: ,fnd.user_name
786: from ame_actions
787: ,fnd_user fnd
788: where parameter like 'user_id:%'
789: and fnd.employee_id is not null
790: and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)

Line 794: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id

790: and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)
791: and exists (select null
792: from ame_action_types
793: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
794: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
795: and rownum < 2);
796: begin
797: --
798: --

Line 859: -- ame_actions - Substitution - to be migrated

855: ,description => r.name
856: ,approvers => approversToBeMigrated);
857: end loop;
858: --
859: -- ame_actions - Substitution - to be migrated
860: --
861: for r in c_substituteAction_NoWfRoles loop
862: addApprover(id => r.person_id
863: ,source => 'ame_actions'

Line 863: ,source => 'ame_actions'

859: -- ame_actions - Substitution - to be migrated
860: --
861: for r in c_substituteAction_NoWfRoles loop
862: addApprover(id => r.person_id
863: ,source => 'ame_actions'
864: ,source_object => 'action_id : '||r.action_id
865: ,description => r.description
866: ,approvers => approversToBeMigrated);
867: end loop;

Line 952: -- ame_actions - Substitution - already migrated

948: ,description => r.name
949: ,approvers => migratedApprovers);
950: end loop;
951: --
952: -- ame_actions - Substitution - already migrated
953: --
954: for r in c_migrated_substituteAction loop
955: addApprover(id => r.person_id
956: ,source => 'ame_actions'

Line 956: ,source => 'ame_actions'

952: -- ame_actions - Substitution - already migrated
953: --
954: for r in c_migrated_substituteAction loop
955: addApprover(id => r.person_id
956: ,source => 'ame_actions'
957: ,source_object => 'action_id : '||r.action_id
958: ,description => r.description
959: ,approvers => migratedApprovers);
960: end loop;

Line 1084: -- ame_actions (substitution)

1080: ,description => null
1081: ,approvers => invalidUsers);
1082: end loop;
1083: --
1084: -- ame_actions (substitution)
1085: --
1086: for r in c_substituteAction_InvalidUser loop
1087: addApprover(id => r.person_id
1088: ,user_id => r.user_id

Line 1090: ,source => 'ame_actions'

1086: for r in c_substituteAction_InvalidUser loop
1087: addApprover(id => r.person_id
1088: ,user_id => r.user_id
1089: ,user_name => r.user_name
1090: ,source => 'ame_actions'
1091: ,source_object => 'action_id:'||r.action_id
1092: ,description => null
1093: ,approvers => invalidUsers);
1094: end loop;