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Line 273: from hz_party_sites s, hz_locations l, hz_party_site_uses u

269: decode(l.address3,null,null,', '|| l.address3) || decode(l.address4,null,null,', '|| l.address4) ||
270: decode (l.city, null, null, ', '|| l.city) || decode(l.state,null,null,', ' || l.state) ||
271: decode(l.province,null,null,', ' || l.province) || decode(l.postal_code,null,null,' '
272: || l.postal_code) || decode(l.country,null,null,' ' || l.country)
273: from hz_party_sites s, hz_locations l, hz_party_site_uses u
274: where s.party_id=param_party_id and s.status='A' and s.location_id=l.location_id and
275: s.party_site_id=u.party_site_id and u.site_use_type=param_site_usage
276: and u.primary_per_type='Y' and u.status='A';
277: --

Line 824: FROM hz_locations

820: BEGIN
821: if p_contact_id is not null and p_contact_id <> -1 then
822: SELECT timezone_id
823: INTO l_timezone_id
824: FROM hz_locations
825: WHERE location_id = ( SELECT location_id
826: FROM hz_party_sites
827: WHERE party_id = p_contact_id
828: AND identifying_address_flag = 'Y'