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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

        SELECT rg_row_segment_sequences_s.nextval
        INTO   new_sequence_number
        FROM   dual;
Line: 28

     SELECT count(*)
     INTO   rec_returned
     FROM   rg_row_segment_sequences
     WHERE  row_order_id = cur_row_order_id
     AND    row_segment_sequence_id <> cur_row_segment_sequence_id
     AND    segment_sequence = new_sequence;
Line: 50

     SELECT count(*)
     INTO   rec_returned
     FROM   rg_row_segment_sequences
     WHERE  row_order_id = cur_row_order_id
     AND    row_segment_sequence_id <> cur_row_segment_sequence_id
     AND    application_column_name = new_application_column_name;
Line: 67

PROCEDURE insert_row(X_rowid                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                     X_application_id                 NUMBER,
                     X_row_order_id                   NUMBER,
                     X_row_segment_sequence_id        NUMBER,
                     X_segment_sequence               NUMBER,
                     X_seg_order_type                 VARCHAR2,
                     X_seg_display_type               VARCHAR2,
                     X_structure_id                   NUMBER,
                     X_application_column_name        VARCHAR2,
                     X_segment_width                  NUMBER,
                     X_creation_date                  DATE,
                     X_created_by                     NUMBER,
                     X_last_update_date               DATE,
                     X_last_updated_by                NUMBER,
                     X_last_update_login              NUMBER,
                     X_context                        VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute15                    VARCHAR2
                     ) IS
  CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM rg_row_segment_sequences
              WHERE row_segment_sequence_id = X_row_segment_sequence_id;
Line: 102

    INSERT INTO rg_row_segment_sequences
    (application_id            ,
     row_order_id              ,
     row_segment_sequence_id   ,
     segment_sequence          ,
     seg_order_type            ,
     seg_display_type          ,
     structure_id              ,
     application_column_name   ,
     segment_width             ,
     creation_date             ,
     created_by                ,
     last_update_date          ,
     last_updated_by           ,
     last_update_login         ,
     context                   ,
     attribute1                ,
     attribute2                ,
     attribute3                ,
     attribute4                ,
     attribute5                ,
     attribute6                ,
     attribute7                ,
     attribute8                ,
     attribute9                ,
     attribute10               ,
     attribute11               ,
     attribute12               ,
     attribute13               ,
     attribute14               ,
     attribute15               )
    (X_application_id             ,
     X_row_order_id               ,
     X_row_segment_sequence_id    ,
     X_segment_sequence           ,
     X_seg_order_type             ,
     X_seg_display_type           ,
     X_structure_id               ,
     X_application_column_name    ,
     X_segment_width              ,
     X_creation_date              ,
     X_created_by                 ,
     X_last_update_date           ,
     X_last_updated_by            ,
     X_last_update_login          ,
     X_context                    ,
     X_attribute1                 ,
     X_attribute2                 ,
     X_attribute3                 ,
     X_attribute4                 ,
     X_attribute5                 ,
     X_attribute6                 ,
     X_attribute7                 ,
     X_attribute8                 ,
     X_attribute9                 ,
     X_attribute10                ,
     X_attribute11                ,
     X_attribute12                ,
     X_attribute13                ,
     X_attribute14                ,
     X_attribute15                );
Line: 172

END insert_row;
Line: 174

PROCEDURE update_row(X_rowid                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                     X_application_id                 NUMBER,
                     X_row_order_id                   NUMBER,
                     X_row_segment_sequence_id        NUMBER,
                     X_segment_sequence               NUMBER,
                     X_seg_order_type                 VARCHAR2,
                     X_seg_display_type	              VARCHAR2,
                     X_structure_id                   NUMBER,
                     X_application_column_name        VARCHAR2,
                     X_segment_width                  NUMBER,
                     X_last_update_date               DATE,
                     X_last_updated_by                NUMBER,
                     X_last_update_login              NUMBER,
                     X_context                        VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                     X_attribute15                    VARCHAR2
                     ) IS
  UPDATE rg_row_segment_sequences
  SET application_id            =  X_application_id             ,
      row_order_id              =  X_row_order_id               ,
      row_segment_sequence_id   =  X_row_segment_sequence_id    ,
      segment_sequence          =  X_segment_sequence           ,
      seg_order_type            =  X_seg_order_type             ,
      seg_display_type          =  X_seg_display_type           ,
      structure_id              =  X_structure_id               ,
      application_column_name   =  X_application_column_name    ,
      segment_width             =  X_segment_width              ,
      last_update_date          =  X_last_update_date           ,
      last_updated_by           =  X_last_updated_by            ,
      last_update_login         =  X_last_update_login          ,
      context                   =  X_context                    ,
      attribute1                =  X_attribute1                 ,
      attribute2                =  X_attribute2                 ,
      attribute3                =  X_attribute3                 ,
      attribute4                =  X_attribute4                 ,
      attribute5                =  X_attribute5                 ,
      attribute6                =  X_attribute6                 ,
      attribute7                =  X_attribute7                 ,
      attribute8                =  X_attribute8                 ,
      attribute9                =  X_attribute9                 ,
      attribute10               =  X_attribute10                ,
      attribute11               =  X_attribute11                ,
      attribute12               =  X_attribute12                ,
      attribute13               =  X_attribute13                ,
      attribute14               =  X_attribute14                ,
      attribute15               =  X_attribute15
  WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 239

END update_row;
Line: 269

      SELECT *
      FROM   rg_row_segment_sequences
      WHERE  rowid = X_rowid
      FOR UPDATE OF segment_sequence  NOWAIT;
Line: 279

Line: 368

PROCEDURE delete_row(X_rowid VARCHAR2) IS
  DELETE FROM rg_row_segment_sequences
  WHERE  rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 376

END delete_row;