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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 56

   select meaning into ndf from pa_lookups where
    lookup_code = 'NO_DATA_FOUND' and
    lookup_type = 'MESSAGE';
Line: 62

SELECT meaning
INTO c_yes
FROM fnd_lookups
WHERE lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
AND lookup_code = 'Y';
Line: 68

SELECT meaning
INTO c_no
FROM fnd_lookups
WHERE lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
AND lookup_code = 'N';
Line: 74

SELECT decode(p_run_purge, 'Y', c_yes, c_no),
INTO c_run_purge, c_commit_size
FROM dual;
Line: 107

/*srw.message(0,'before select into');*/null;
Line: 109

SELECT bat.batch_name, bat.description, bat.batch_status_code, bat.txn_to_date,
	bat.active_closed_flag, lk.meaning, bat.purged_date
INTO c_batch_name, c_batch_description, c_batch_status, c_through_date,
	c_batch_active_closed, c_batch_status_meaning, c_batch_purged_date
FROM pa_purge_batches bat, pa_lookups lk
WHERE purge_batch_id = p_purge_batch_id
AND lk.lookup_type = 'PURGE_BATCH_STATUS'
AND lk.lookup_code = bat.batch_status_code;
Line: 117

/*srw.message(0,'after select into');*/null;
Line: 125

   select meaning into ndf from pa_lookups where
    lookup_code = 'NO_DATA_FOUND' and
    lookup_type = 'MESSAGE';
Line: 141

  SELECT  gl.name
  INTO    l_name
  FROM    gl_sets_of_books gl,pa_implementations pi
  WHERE   gl.set_of_books_id = pi.set_of_books_id;