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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 68

   SELECT id
   FROM   okl_formulae_b
   WHERE  name = p_name;
Line: 74

   SELECT end_date, contract_number
   FROM   okc_k_headers_b
   WHERE  id = p_contract_id;
Line: 81

   SELECT 'x'
   FROM   Okl_K_Headers_V
   WHERE  id   = p_contract_id;
Line: 87

   SELECT 'x'
   FROM   okl_prtfl_cntrcts_b
   WHERE  khr_id = p_contract_id;
Line: 110

Line: 167

                                 p_api_version           => p_api_version
                                ,p_init_msg_list         => OKL_API.G_FALSE
                                ,x_return_status         => x_return_status
                                ,x_msg_count             => x_msg_count
                                ,x_msg_data              => x_msg_data
                                ,p_pfcv_rec              => lp_pfcv_rec
                                ,x_pfcv_rec              => lx_pfcv_rec);
Line: 474

                                p_api_version            =>  p_api_version
                                ,p_init_msg_list         =>  OKL_API.G_FALSE
                                ,x_return_status         =>  x_return_status
                                ,x_msg_count             =>  x_msg_count
                                ,x_msg_data              =>  x_msg_data
                                ,p_pflv_rec              =>  lp_pflv_rec
                                ,x_pflv_rec              =>  lx_pflv_rec);
Line: 667

                                p_api_version           => p_api_version,
           			            p_init_msg_list         => p_init_msg_list ,
           			            x_return_status         => l_return_status,
           			            x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
           			            x_msg_data              => l_msg_data,
				                p_contract_id    	    => p_contract_id ,
                                x_total_count           => l_total_count,
                                x_processed_count       => l_processed_count,
                                x_error_count           => l_error_count);
Line: 710

                           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Portfolio Management Strategy Profile Update Failed, None of the transactions got processed.');
Line: 711

                           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, 'Portfolio Management Strategy Profile Update Failed, None of the transactions got processed.');
Line: 764

   PROCEDURE update_cntrct_prtfl(
    p_api_version                  	IN  NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list                	IN  VARCHAR2,
    x_return_status                	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                     	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_contract_id                   IN  NUMBER ,
    x_total_count                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_processed_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_error_count                   OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER) IS

    SUBTYPE pfcv_rec_type IS okl_prtfl_contracts_pub.pfcv_rec_type;
Line: 790

    l_api_name                      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_cntrct_prtfl';
Line: 799

    SELECT h.id header_id, l.id line_id , l.fma_id fma_id, h.khr_id khr_id, l.budget_amount
    FROM   okl_prtfl_cntrcts_b h, okl_prtfl_lines_b l
    WHERE  h.id = l.pfc_id
    AND    l.fma_id IS NOT NULL   -- profiles that use budget amount formula
    AND    ((p_contract_id IS NOT NULL AND h.khr_id = p_contract_id) OR  (p_contract_id IS NULL));
Line: 807

    SELECT contract_number
    FROM   okc_k_headers_b
    WHERE  id = p_id;
Line: 813

    SELECT name
    FROM   okl_formulae_b
    WHERE  id = p_id;
Line: 900

                                            p_api_version                  => p_api_version
                                            ,p_init_msg_list               => OKL_API.G_FALSE
                                            ,x_return_status               => l_return_status
                                            ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                                            ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data
                                            ,p_pflv_rec                    => lp_pflv_rec
                                            ,x_pflv_rec                    => lx_pflv_rec);
Line: 1046

   END update_cntrct_prtfl;
Line: 1199

    SELECT h.id header_id, l.id line_id , h.khr_id khr_id, khr.contract_number contract_number, l.tmb_id
    FROM   okl_prtfl_cntrcts_b h, okl_prtfl_lines_b l, okc_k_headers_b khr
    WHERE  h.id = l.pfc_id
    AND    h.khr_id = khr.id
    AND    l.date_strategy_executed IS NULL
    AND    khr.sts_code = 'BOOKED'
    AND    l.date_strategy_execution_due <= p_date;
Line: 1209

    SELECT team_name
    FROM   jtf_rs_teams_vl
    WHERE  team_id = p_team_id;
Line: 1231

      SELECT SYSDATE INTO l_sysdate FROM dual;
Line: 1267

                              p_api_version                  => p_api_version
                              ,p_init_msg_list               => OKL_API.G_FALSE
                              ,x_return_status               => l_return_status
                              ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                              ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data
                              ,p_pflv_rec                    => lp_pflv_rec
                              ,x_pflv_rec                    => lx_pflv_rec);