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1 Package Body ben_eligibility_override as
2 /* $Header: benovrel.pkb 120.1.12000000.2 2007/08/28 15:38:43 rtagarra noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  ben_eligibility_override.'; -- Global package name
10 g_lvl_rec g_rec;
11 --
12 -- restart the counter variable
13 procedure reset_counter_rec is
14 begin
15    g_lvl_rec.delete;
16 end;
17 --
18 function format_mesg
19 return varchar2 is
20    i int;
21    l_mesg  varchar2(2000);
22    l_blank varchar2(5) := rpad(' ',5,' ');
23    l_indent varchar2(1) := fnd_global.newline;
24 begin
25    for i in 1..g_lvl_rec.count
26    loop
27        l_mesg := l_mesg||rpad(substr(g_lvl_rec(i).meaning,1,20),20,' ')||l_indent;
28    end loop;
29    return l_mesg;
30 end;
31 --
32 procedure update_count(p_lvl_name in varchar2) is
34    i int;
35    l_meaning hr_lookups.meaning%type;
37    cursor hr_lookup is
38    select hl.meaning
39      from hr_lookups hl
40     where hl.lookup_type = 'BEN_COMP_LVL'
41       and hl.lookup_code = p_lvl_name;
42 begin
43    for i in 1..g_lvl_rec.count
44    loop
45        if g_lvl_rec(i).lvl_name = p_lvl_name then
46           g_lvl_rec(i).counter := nvl(g_lvl_rec(i).counter,0) + 1;
47           return;
48        end if;
49    end loop;
51    open hr_lookup;
52    fetch hr_lookup into l_meaning;
53    close hr_lookup;
55    g_lvl_rec(nvl(g_lvl_rec.count,0) +1).lvl_name := p_lvl_name;
56    g_lvl_rec(g_lvl_rec.count).meaning := nvl(l_meaning,p_lvl_name);
57    g_lvl_rec(g_lvl_rec.count).counter := 1;
58 end;
59 --
60 function get_level
61 (p_pgm_id in number,
62  p_ptip_id in number,
63  p_plip_id in number,
64  p_pl_id in number,
65  p_oipl_id in number) return varchar2 is
67    l_lvl varchar2(10) := 'UNKNOWN';
68 begin
69    if p_pgm_id is not null then
70       if p_ptip_id is not null then
71          l_lvl := 'PTIP';
72       elsif p_plip_id is not null then
73          l_lvl := 'PLIP';
74       elsif p_pl_id is not null then
75          l_lvl := 'PLAN';
76       elsif p_oipl_id is not null then
77          l_lvl := 'OIPL';
78       else
79          l_lvl := 'PGM';
80       end if;
81    elsif p_pl_id is not null then
82 --      l_lvl := 'PLNIP';
83         l_lvl := 'PNIP'; -- Bug 6370016
84    end if;
85    return l_lvl;
86 end;
88 function chk_if_enrolled
89 (p_pgm_id in number,
90  p_pl_id in number,
91  p_oipl_id in number,
92  p_business_group_id in number,
93  p_person_id in number,
94  p_effective_date in date)
95 return varchar2 is
97    l_dummy varchar2(1);
99    cursor c_elc is
100    select 'Y'
101      from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prtt
102     where prtt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
103       and prtt.person_id = p_person_id
104       and p_effective_date between prtt.effective_start_date
105       and prtt.effective_end_date
106       and nvl(prtt.pgm_id,-1) = nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)
107       and prtt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
108       and prtt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
109       and ( (p_oipl_id is not null and prtt.oipl_id = p_oipl_id)
110            or (p_pl_id is not null and prtt.pl_id = p_pl_id));
111 begin
113    open c_elc;
114    fetch c_elc into l_dummy;
115    close c_elc;
117    return(nvl(l_dummy,'N'));
119 end;
121 --
122 -- Updates the elig_flag on a single elig_per_opt record
123 procedure upd_elig_per_opt_flag
124 (p_elig_per_rec            in ben_elig_per_f%rowtype,
125  p_business_group_id       in number,
126  p_elig_flag               in varchar2,
127  p_effective_date          in date,
128  p_dt_mode                 in varchar2,
129  p_cobj_lvl                in varchar2) is
131    cursor c_epo is
132    select oipl.oipl_id,epo.*
133      from ben_elig_per_opt_f epo,
134           ben_elig_per_f pep,
135           ben_oipl_f oipl
136     where epo.elig_per_id = p_elig_per_rec.elig_per_id
137       and pep.elig_per_id = epo.elig_per_id
138       and oipl.pl_id = pep.pl_id
139       and oipl.opt_id = epo.opt_id
140       and pep.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
141       and epo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
142       and oipl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
143       and p_effective_date between pep.effective_start_date
144       and pep.effective_end_date
145       and p_effective_date between epo.effective_start_date
146       and epo.effective_end_date
147       and p_effective_date between oipl.effective_start_date
148       and oipl.effective_end_date;
150    l_elig_per_opt_rec      c_epo%rowtype;
151    l_ovn                   number;
152    l_effective_start_date  date;
153    l_effective_end_date    date;
155 begin
156    open c_epo;
157    loop
158       fetch c_epo into l_elig_per_opt_rec;
159       if c_epo%notfound then
160          exit;
161       end if;
163       if (chk_if_enrolled
164       (p_pgm_id  => p_elig_per_rec.pgm_id,
165        p_pl_id   => null,
166        p_oipl_id => l_elig_per_opt_rec.oipl_id,
167        p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
168        p_person_id => p_elig_per_rec.person_id,
169        p_effective_date => p_effective_date) = 'N') then
171          l_ovn := l_elig_per_opt_rec.object_version_number;
173          BEN_elig_person_option_API.update_elig_person_option
174          (p_validate => FALSE
175          ,p_elig_per_opt_id => l_elig_per_opt_rec.elig_per_opt_id
176          ,p_elig_per_id => l_elig_per_opt_rec.elig_per_id
177          ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
178          ,p_elig_flag => p_elig_flag
179          ,p_prtn_ovridn_flag => 'Y'
180          ,p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date
181          ,p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date
182          ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
183          ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
184          ,p_datetrack_mode => p_dt_mode
185          );
186          update_count(p_cobj_lvl);
188       end if;
189    end loop;
190    close c_epo;
192 end upd_elig_per_opt_flag;
194 --
195 -- Updates the elig_flag on a single elig_per record
196 procedure upd_elig_per_flag
197 (p_elig_rec                in ben_elig_per_f%rowtype,
198  p_business_group_id       in number,
199  p_elig_flag               in varchar2,
200  p_effective_date          in date,
201  p_dt_mode                 in varchar2,
202  p_cobj_lvl                in varchar2) is
204    l_ovn                   number := p_elig_rec.object_version_number;
205    l_effective_start_date  date;
206    l_effective_end_date    date;
208 begin
209    if (chk_if_enrolled
210       (p_pgm_id  => p_elig_rec.pgm_id,
211        p_pl_id   => p_elig_rec.pl_id,
212        p_oipl_id => null,
213        p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
214        p_person_id => p_elig_rec.person_id,
215        p_effective_date => p_effective_date) = 'N') then
217           BEN_eligible_person_API.update_eligible_person
218           (p_validate => FALSE
219           ,p_elig_per_id => p_elig_rec.elig_per_id
220           ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
221           ,p_elig_flag => p_elig_flag
222           ,p_prtn_ovridn_flag => 'Y'
223           ,p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date
224           ,p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date
225           ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
226           ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
227           ,p_datetrack_mode => p_dt_mode
228           );
230           update_count(p_cobj_lvl);
231    end if;
233 end upd_elig_per_flag;
235 --
236 -- if p_elig_flag = Y then marks all the records UP in
237 -- the hierarchy as eligible
238 -- if p_elig_flag = N then marks all the records DOWN in
239 -- the hierarchy as ineligible
240 --
241 procedure update_elig_hierarchy
242 (p_person_id          in number,
243  p_pgm_id             in number,
244  p_ptip_id            in number,
245  p_plip_id            in number,
246  p_pl_id              in number,
247  p_elig_per_id        in number,
248  p_elig_flag          in varchar2,
249  p_dt_mode            in varchar2,
250  p_business_group_id  in number,
251  p_per_in_ler_id      in number,
252  p_effective_date     in date,
253  p_out_mesg          out nocopy varchar2) is
256    l_cobj_lvl           varchar2(30) ;
257    l_up                 boolean := false;
259    cursor c_elig is
260    select pep.*
261      from ben_elig_per_f pep
262     where pep.person_id = p_person_id
263       and nvl(pep.pgm_id,-1) = nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)
264       and p_effective_date between pep.effective_start_date and
265                                  pep.effective_end_date
266       and pep.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
267       and ( (p_elig_per_id is not null and
268              pep.elig_per_id = p_elig_per_id
269             ) or
270            (p_pl_id is not null and pep.plip_id is not null and exists
271                    (select null
272                       from ben_plip_f plip
273                      where plip.plip_id = pep.plip_id
274                        and plip.pl_id = p_pl_id
275                        and plip.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
276                        and p_effective_date between plip.effective_start_date and
277                                                   plip.effective_end_date
278                        and plip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
279             ) or
280             (p_plip_id is not null and pep.ptip_id is not null and exists
281                    (select null
282                       from ben_ptip_f ptip,
283                            ben_plip_f plip,
284                            ben_pl_f pln
285                      where ptip.ptip_id = pep.ptip_id
286                        and ptip.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
287                        and plip.plip_id = p_plip_id
288                        and pln.pl_id = plip.pl_id
289                        and ptip.pl_typ_id = pln.pl_typ_id
290                        and p_effective_date between ptip.effective_start_date and
291                                                   ptip.effective_end_date
292                        and ptip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
293                        and p_effective_date between plip.effective_start_date and
294                                                   plip.effective_end_date
295                        and plip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
296                        and p_effective_date between pln.effective_start_date and
297                                                   pln.effective_end_date
298                        and pln.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
299             ) or
300             (p_ptip_id is not null and pep.ptip_id is null and
301              pep.plip_id is null and pep.pl_id is null)
302           );
303    l_elig_rec c_elig%rowtype;
305    cursor c_inelig is
306    select pep.*
307      from ben_elig_per_f pep
308     where pep.person_id = p_person_id
309       and nvl(pep.pgm_id,-1) = nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)
310       and p_effective_date between pep.effective_start_date and
311                                  pep.effective_end_date
312       and pep.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
313       and ( (p_pgm_id is not null and p_ptip_id is null and
314              p_plip_id is null and p_pl_id is null and
315              pep.ptip_id is not null and exists
316                    (select null
317                       from ben_ptip_f ptip
318                      where ptip.ptip_id = pep.ptip_id
319                        and ptip.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
320                        and p_effective_date between ptip.effective_start_date and
321                                                   ptip.effective_end_date
322                        and ptip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
323             ) or
324             (p_ptip_id is not null and pep.plip_id is not null and exists
325                    (select null
326                       from ben_ptip_f ptip,
327                            ben_plip_f plip,
328                            ben_pl_f pln
329                      where ptip.ptip_id = p_ptip_id
330                        and ptip.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
331                        and ptip.pl_typ_id = pln.pl_typ_id
332                        and plip.pl_id = pln.pl_id
333                        and plip.plip_id = pep.plip_id
334                        and plip.pgm_id = ptip.pgm_id
335                        and p_effective_date between ptip.effective_start_date and
336                                                   ptip.effective_end_date
337                        and ptip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
338                        and p_effective_date between plip.effective_start_date and
339                                                   plip.effective_end_date
340                        and plip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
341                        and p_effective_date between pln.effective_start_date and
342                                                   pln.effective_end_date
343                        and pln.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
344             ) or
345             (p_plip_id is not null and pep.pl_id is not null and exists
346                    (select null
347                       from ben_plip_f plip
348                      where plip.plip_id = p_plip_id
349                        and plip.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
350                        and plip.pl_id = pep.pl_id
351                        and p_effective_date between plip.effective_start_date and
352                                                   plip.effective_end_date
353                        and plip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
354             ) or
355             (p_pl_id is not null and pep.pl_id = p_pl_id and exists
356                    (select null
357                       from ben_elig_per_opt_f epo
358                      where epo.elig_per_id = pep.elig_per_id
359                        and p_effective_date between epo.effective_start_date and
360                                                   epo.effective_end_date
361                        and epo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id))
362            );
364 begin
366    if p_elig_flag  = 'Y' then
368       open c_elig;
369       loop
370          fetch c_elig into l_elig_rec;
371          if c_elig%notfound then
372             exit;
373          end if;
375          l_cobj_lvl := get_level
376          (p_pgm_id  => l_elig_rec.pgm_id,
377           p_ptip_id => l_elig_rec.ptip_id,
378           p_plip_id => l_elig_rec.plip_id,
379           p_pl_id   => l_elig_rec.pl_id,
380           p_oipl_id => null);
382          if nvl(l_elig_rec.elig_flag,'N') <> p_elig_flag then
383             upd_elig_per_flag
384             (l_elig_rec,
385              p_business_group_id,
386              p_elig_flag,
387              p_effective_date,
388              p_dt_mode,
389              l_cobj_lvl);
390          end if;
392          if l_cobj_lvl <> 'PGM' then
393             ben_eligibility_override.update_elig_hierarchy
394             (p_person_id          => p_person_id,
395              p_pgm_id             => p_pgm_id,
396              p_ptip_id            => l_elig_rec.ptip_id,
397              p_plip_id            => l_elig_rec.plip_id,
398              p_pl_id              => l_elig_rec.pl_id,
399              p_elig_per_id        => null,
400              p_elig_flag          => p_elig_flag,
401              p_dt_mode            => p_dt_mode,
405              p_out_mesg           => p_out_mesg);
402              p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
403              p_per_in_ler_id      => p_per_in_ler_id,
404              p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
406          end if;
407       end loop;
408       close c_elig;
410    else
412       if p_elig_per_id is not null then
413          return;
414       end if;
416       open c_inelig;
417       loop
418          fetch c_inelig into l_elig_rec;
419          if c_inelig%notfound then
420             exit;
421          end if;
423          l_cobj_lvl := get_level
424          (p_pgm_id  => l_elig_rec.pgm_id,
425           p_ptip_id => l_elig_rec.ptip_id,
426           p_plip_id => l_elig_rec.plip_id,
427           p_pl_id   => l_elig_rec.pl_id,
428           p_oipl_id => null);
430          if nvl(l_elig_rec.elig_flag,'N') <> p_elig_flag then
431             upd_elig_per_flag
432             (l_elig_rec,
433              p_business_group_id,
434              p_elig_flag,
435              p_effective_date,
436              p_dt_mode,
437              l_cobj_lvl);
438          end if;
440          if l_cobj_lvl not in ('PLAN','PNIP') then -- Bug 6370016
441             ben_eligibility_override.update_elig_hierarchy
442             (p_person_id          => p_person_id,
443              p_pgm_id             => p_pgm_id,
444              p_ptip_id            => l_elig_rec.ptip_id,
445              p_plip_id            => l_elig_rec.plip_id,
446              p_pl_id              => l_elig_rec.pl_id,
447              p_elig_per_id        => null,
448              p_elig_flag          => p_elig_flag,
449              p_dt_mode            => p_dt_mode,
450              p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
451              p_per_in_ler_id      => p_per_in_ler_id,
452              p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
453              p_out_mesg           => p_out_mesg);
454          else
455              upd_elig_per_opt_flag
456              (l_elig_rec,
457               p_business_group_id,
458               p_elig_flag,
459               p_effective_date,
460               p_dt_mode,
461               'OIPL');
462          end if;
464       end loop;
465       close c_inelig;
466    end if;
467    p_out_mesg := format_mesg;
468 --- no copy
469 exception
470   when others then
471     p_out_mesg := null  ;
472     raise ;
473 end update_elig_hierarchy;
475 --
476 -- Inserts elig_per records starting from the current level of
477 -- the comp object upto PGM level
478 --
479 procedure create_elig_hierarchy
480 (p_elig_per           in ben_elig_per_f%rowtype,
481  p_cobj_level         in varchar2,
482  p_dt_mode            in varchar2,
483  p_business_group_id  in number,
484  p_effective_date     in date,
485  p_out_mesg          out nocopy varchar2) is
487    l_elig_per ben_elig_per_f%rowtype := p_elig_per;
488    l_eff_dt             date   := p_effective_date;
489    l_bg_id              number := p_business_group_id;
490    l_cobj_level         varchar2(30) := p_cobj_level;
491    l_elig_per_id        number;
492    l_effective_start_date  date;
493    l_effective_end_date    date;
494    l_object_version_number number;
495    l_dummy              varchar2(1);
497    cursor c_plip is
498    select plip.plip_id,plip.ordr_num
499      from ben_plip_f plip
500     where plip.pl_id = l_elig_per.pl_id
501       and plip.pgm_id = l_elig_per.pgm_id
502       and l_eff_dt between plip.effective_start_date
503       and plip.effective_end_date;
505    cursor c_ptip is
506    select ptip.ptip_id,ptip.ordr_num
507      from ben_ptip_f ptip,
508           ben_plip_f plip,
509           ben_pl_f pl
510     where ptip.pgm_id = l_elig_per.pgm_id
511       and ptip.pl_typ_id = pl.pl_typ_id
512       and pl.pl_id = plip.pl_id
513       and plip.plip_id = l_elig_per.plip_id
514       and l_eff_dt between ptip.effective_start_date
515       and ptip.effective_end_date
516       and l_eff_dt between plip.effective_start_date
517       and plip.effective_end_date
518       and l_eff_dt between pl.effective_start_date
519       and pl.effective_end_date;
521    cursor c_elig_cobj is
522    select null
523      from ben_elig_per_f pep
524     where pep.pgm_id = l_elig_per.pgm_id
525       and nvl(pep.plip_id,-1) = nvl(l_elig_per.plip_id,-1)
526       and nvl(pep.ptip_id,-1) = nvl(l_elig_per.ptip_id,-1)
527       and nvl(pep.pl_id,-1) = nvl(l_elig_per.pl_id,-1)
528       and pep.person_id = l_elig_per.person_id
529       and (pep.per_in_ler_id is null or
530            exists
531            (select null
532               from ben_per_in_ler pil
533              where pep.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
534                and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')))
535       and l_eff_dt between pep.effective_start_date
536       and pep.effective_end_date;
538 begin
540    if l_elig_per.pgm_id is null then
541       return;
542    end if;
544    -- fetch the next higher level comp object
545    if l_cobj_level = 'PLAN' then
546       open c_plip;
550       l_cobj_level := 'PLIP';
547       fetch c_plip into l_elig_per.plip_id,l_elig_per.plip_ordr_num;
548       close c_plip;
549       l_elig_per.pl_id := null;
551    elsif l_cobj_level = 'PLIP' then
552       open c_ptip;
553       fetch c_ptip into l_elig_per.ptip_id, l_elig_per.ptip_ordr_num ;
554       close c_ptip;
555       l_elig_per.plip_id    := null;
556       l_elig_per.plip_ordr_num := null;
557       l_cobj_level := 'PTIP';
558    elsif l_cobj_level = 'PTIP' then
559       l_elig_per.ptip_id    := null;
560       l_elig_per.ptip_ordr_num := null;
561       l_cobj_level := 'PGM';
562    else
563       return;
564    end if;
566    -- check if the comp object already exists in elig_per
567    -- if not, create a new eli_per record for the comp object
568    open c_elig_cobj;
569    fetch c_elig_cobj into l_dummy;
570    if c_elig_cobj%notfound then
572       BEN_eligible_person_API.create_eligible_person
573       (p_validate => FALSE
574       ,p_ELIG_PER_ID => l_elig_per_id
577       ,p_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID =>l_bg_id
578       ,p_PL_ID => l_elig_per.pl_id
579       ,p_PGM_ID => l_elig_per.pgm_id
580       ,p_PLIP_ID => l_elig_per.plip_id
581       ,p_PTIP_ID => l_elig_per.ptip_id
582       ,p_LER_ID =>l_elig_per.LER_ID
583       ,p_PERSON_ID =>l_elig_per.PERSON_ID
584       ,p_PER_IN_LER_ID =>l_elig_per.PER_IN_LER_ID
586       ,p_PRTN_OVRIDN_THRU_DT =>l_elig_per.PRTN_OVRIDN_THRU_DT
587       ,p_PL_KEY_EE_FLAG =>l_elig_per.PL_KEY_EE_FLAG
588       ,p_PL_HGHLY_COMPD_FLAG =>l_elig_per.PL_HGHLY_COMPD_FLAG
589       ,p_ELIG_FLAG =>l_elig_per.ELIG_FLAG
590       ,p_COMP_REF_AMT =>l_elig_per.COMP_REF_AMT
591       ,p_CMBN_AGE_N_LOS_VAL =>l_elig_per.CMBN_AGE_N_LOS_VAL
592       ,p_COMP_REF_UOM =>l_elig_per.COMP_REF_UOM
593       ,p_AGE_VAL =>l_elig_per.AGE_VAL
594       ,p_LOS_VAL =>l_elig_per.LOS_VAL
595       ,p_PRTN_END_DT =>l_elig_per.PRTN_END_DT
596       ,p_PRTN_STRT_DT =>l_elig_per.PRTN_STRT_DT
597       ,p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt =>l_elig_per.wait_perd_cmpltn_dt
598       ,p_wait_perd_strt_dt =>l_elig_per.wait_perd_strt_dt
599       ,p_WV_CTFN_TYP_CD =>l_elig_per.WV_CTFN_TYP_CD
600       ,p_HRS_WKD_VAL =>l_elig_per.HRS_WKD_VAL
601       ,p_HRS_WKD_BNDRY_PERD_CD =>l_elig_per.HRS_WKD_BNDRY_PERD_CD
602       ,p_PRTN_OVRIDN_FLAG =>l_elig_per.PRTN_OVRIDN_FLAG
604       ,p_PRTN_OVRIDN_RSN_CD =>l_elig_per.PRTN_OVRIDN_RSN_CD
605       ,p_AGE_UOM =>l_elig_per.AGE_UOM
606       ,p_LOS_UOM =>l_elig_per.LOS_UOM
607       ,p_OVRID_SVC_DT =>l_elig_per.OVRID_SVC_DT
608       ,p_inelg_rsn_cd =>l_elig_per.inelg_rsn_cd
609       ,p_FRZ_LOS_FLAG =>l_elig_per.FRZ_LOS_FLAG
610       ,p_FRZ_AGE_FLAG =>l_elig_per.FRZ_AGE_FLAG
611       ,p_FRZ_CMP_LVL_FLAG =>l_elig_per.FRZ_CMP_LVL_FLAG
612       ,p_FRZ_PCT_FL_TM_FLAG =>l_elig_per.FRZ_PCT_FL_TM_FLAG
613       ,p_FRZ_HRS_WKD_FLAG =>l_elig_per.FRZ_HRS_WKD_FLAG
615       ,p_DSTR_RSTCN_FLAG =>l_elig_per.DSTR_RSTCN_FLAG
616       ,p_PCT_FL_TM_VAL =>l_elig_per.PCT_FL_TM_VAL
617       ,p_WV_PRTN_RSN_CD =>l_elig_per.WV_PRTN_RSN_CD
618       ,p_rt_comp_ref_amt =>l_elig_per.rt_comp_ref_amt
619       ,p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val =>l_elig_per.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val
620       ,p_rt_comp_ref_uom =>l_elig_per.rt_comp_ref_uom
621       ,p_rt_age_val =>l_elig_per.rt_age_val
622       ,p_rt_los_val =>l_elig_per.rt_los_val
623       ,p_rt_hrs_wkd_val =>l_elig_per.rt_hrs_wkd_val
624       ,p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd =>l_elig_per.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd
625       ,p_rt_age_uom =>l_elig_per.rt_age_uom
626       ,p_rt_los_uom =>l_elig_per.rt_los_uom
627       ,p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val =>l_elig_per.rt_pct_fl_tm_val
628       ,p_rt_frz_los_flag =>l_elig_per.rt_frz_los_flag
629       ,p_rt_frz_age_flag =>l_elig_per.rt_frz_age_flag
630       ,p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag =>l_elig_per.rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag
631       ,p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag =>l_elig_per.rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag
632       ,p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag =>l_elig_per.rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag
633       ,p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag =>l_elig_per.rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag
634       ,p_once_r_cntug_cd =>l_elig_per.once_r_cntug_cd
635       ,p_pl_ordr_num   =>l_elig_per.pl_ordr_num
636       ,p_plip_ordr_num =>l_elig_per.plip_ordr_num
637       ,p_ptip_ordr_num =>l_elig_per.ptip_ordr_num
639       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE1 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE1
640       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE2 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE2
641       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE3 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE3
642       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE4 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE4
643       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE5 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE5
644       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE6 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE6
645       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE7 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE7
646       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE8 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE8
647       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE9 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE9
648       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE10 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE10
649       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE11 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE11
650       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE12 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE12
651       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE13 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE13
652       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE14 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE14
656       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE18 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE18
653       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE15 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE15
654       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE16 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE16
655       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE17 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE17
657       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE19 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE19
658       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE20 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE20
659       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE21 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE21
660       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE22 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE22
661       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE23 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE23
662       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE24 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE24
663       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE25 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE25
664       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE26 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE26
665       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE27 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE27
666       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE28 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE28
667       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE29 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE29
668       ,p_PEP_ATTRIBUTE30 =>l_elig_per.PEP_ATTRIBUTE30
669       ,p_request_id =>l_elig_per.request_id
670       ,p_program_application_id =>l_elig_per.program_application_id
671       ,p_program_id =>l_elig_per.program_id
672       ,p_program_update_date =>l_elig_per.program_update_date
674       ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
675       );
676       update_count(l_cobj_level);
677    end if;
678    close c_elig_cobj;
680    -- if we have not reached the top of hierarchy, recurse
681    if l_cobj_level <> 'PGM' then
682       create_elig_hierarchy
683       (p_elig_per           =>l_elig_per,
684        p_cobj_level         =>l_cobj_level,
685        p_dt_mode            =>p_dt_mode,
686        p_business_group_id  =>p_business_group_id,
687        p_effective_date     =>p_effective_date,
688        p_out_mesg           =>p_out_mesg);
689    else
690        p_out_mesg := format_mesg;
691        reset_counter_rec;
692    end if;
693 exception
694   when others then
695     p_out_mesg := null ;
696     raise ;
698 end create_elig_hierarchy;
700 End ben_eligibility_override;