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Line 1181: -- the mtl_lot_numbers table from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp. So for misc.receipts into

1177: -- For transactions based on mmtt
1178: -- obtain item and lot information from mmtt and mtlt
1179: -- Fix bug 2308273: Miscellaneous receipt(13) is calling label printing through TM
1180: -- but when label printing is called, the TM has not processed the LOT information into
1181: -- the mtl_lot_numbers table from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp. So for misc.receipts into
1182: -- a new lot, the lot number detailed information is taken from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp
1183: -- since the mtl_lot_numbers doesn't have the Lot number yet.
1184: CURSOR mmtt_material_receipt_cur IS
1185: SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id

Line 1183: -- since the mtl_lot_numbers doesn't have the Lot number yet.

1179: -- Fix bug 2308273: Miscellaneous receipt(13) is calling label printing through TM
1180: -- but when label printing is called, the TM has not processed the LOT information into
1181: -- the mtl_lot_numbers table from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp. So for misc.receipts into
1182: -- a new lot, the lot number detailed information is taken from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp
1183: -- since the mtl_lot_numbers doesn't have the Lot number yet.
1184: CURSOR mmtt_material_receipt_cur IS
1185: SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id
1186: , mmtt.organization_id
1187: , mtlt.lot_number

Line 1827: , mtl_lot_numbers mln

1823: , l_subinventory_code subinventory_code
1824: , wilk.concatenated_segments LOCATOR
1825: -- milk.concatenated_segments LOCATOR -- Modified for bug # 5015415
1826: FROM mtl_system_items_vl msik --Bug 5302715 changed from kfv to vl
1827: , mtl_lot_numbers mln
1828: , mtl_material_statuses_vl mmsvl
1829: , po_hazard_classes poh
1830: , mtl_parameters mp
1831: /*Commented for bug# 6334460 start

Line 2451: -- the mtl_lot_numbers table from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp. So for misc.receipts into

2447: -- CLOSE wdd_material_cur;
2448: END IF;
2449: -- Fix bug 2308273: Miscellaneous receipt(13) is calling label printing through TM
2450: -- but when label printing is called, the TM has not processed the LOT information into
2451: -- the mtl_lot_numbers table from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp. So for misc.receipts into
2452: -- a new lot, the lot number detailed information is taken from the mtl_transactions_lot_temp.
2454: -- Bug 3823140, For WIP Completion(26), it also needs to get the new lot information from MTLT. Therefore, it also uses cursor mmtt_material_receipt_cur.
2455: -- Commented out the use of wip_material_cur