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APPS.IGR_IMP_002 dependencies on IGS_AD_INTERFACE

Line 30: successful (status<>'1'). Also set the IGS_AD_INTERFACE.STATUS to Error (Status='3') when processing any

26: Created By : rbezawad
27: Date Created By : 27-Feb-05
28: Purpose : Procedure to set the IGR_I_APPL_INT.STATUS value to Warning (status='4') when IGR_I_APPL_INT record
29: is processed successfully (status='1') but processing of any of the child interface records is not
30: successful (status<>'1'). Also set the IGS_AD_INTERFACE.STATUS to Error (Status='3') when processing any
31: of the child interface records (IGR_I_APPL_INT) is not successful (status<>'1').
32: Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
33: Change History
34: Who When What

Line 55: UPDATE igs_ad_interface ad

51: );
54: -- Based upon person child
55: UPDATE igs_ad_interface ad
56: SET record_status = '3',
57: status = '4',
58: error_code = 'E347'
59: WHERE status = '1'

Line 133: FROM igs_ad_interface

129: -- Populating the interface table with the interface_run_id value
130: UPDATE igr_i_appl_int a
131: SET interface_run_id = p_interface_run_id,
132: person_id = (SELECT person_id
133: FROM igs_ad_interface
134: WHERE interface_id = a.interface_id)
135: WHERE interface_id IN (SELECT interface_id
136: FROM igs_ad_interface
137: WHERE interface_run_id = p_interface_run_id

Line 136: FROM igs_ad_interface

132: person_id = (SELECT person_id
133: FROM igs_ad_interface
134: WHERE interface_id = a.interface_id)
135: WHERE interface_id IN (SELECT interface_id
136: FROM igs_ad_interface
137: WHERE interface_run_id = p_interface_run_id
138: AND status IN ('1','4'));
140: -- If record failed only due to child record failure