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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

    /* Cursor to select attribute list for template */
        Cursor c_sr_attr (p_start_date date) is
            select   inctype.name                    sr_type
                   , srattr.incident_type_id         sr_type_id
                   , lkp.description                 sr_name
                   , srattr.sr_attribute_code        sr_code
                   , srattr.sr_attr_mandatory_flag   mandatory_flag
                   , srattr.sr_attribute_list_name   sr_attr_list_name
                   , srattr.sr_attr_default_value    default_value
                   , srattr.sr_attr_displayed_flag   displayed_flag
                   , srattr.start_date_active        start_date_active
                   , srattr.end_date_active          end_date_active
                   , srattr.last_update_date         last_update_date
                   , lkp.start_Date_active           lkup_start_Date
                   , lkp.end_date_active             lkup_end_Date
            from     cug_sr_type_attr_maps_vl srattr
                   , cs_incident_types_vl     inctype
                   , fnd_lookup_values        lkp
            where  srattr.incident_type_id = inctype.incident_type_id
              and  srattr.sr_attribute_code = lkp.lookup_code
              and  lkp.lookup_type = 'CUG_SR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES'
              and  lkp.language = userenv('lang')
              and  (trunc(srattr.last_update_date) >= trunc(p_start_date)
                  or trunc(lkp.last_update_date) >= trunc(p_start_date))
--              and  trunc(srattr.last_update_date) >= trunc(p_start_date)
            order by sr_type , srattr.sr_type_attr_seq_num;
Line: 36

    /* Cursor to select attribute ListName */
        Cursor C_attr_listName (P_attr_code varchar2, p_start_date date) is
            select  lookup_code
                  , meaning
            from    fnd_lookup_values
            where   lookup_code = p_attr_code
              and   trunc(last_update_date) >= trunc(p_start_date);
Line: 46

	      select   lnk.template_id      template_id
           from     cs_tp_template_links lnk
                  , cs_tp_templates_vl   tmpl
           where  tmpl.template_id = lnk.template_id
             and  tmpl.name 		= p_template_name;
Line: 54

           SELECT   tmpq.template_id  template_id
                  , tmpq.question_id  question_id
			      , quest.lookup_id   lookup_id
                  , quest.name        qname
	      		  , quest.text        qtext
	       		  , quest.description qdesc
           FROM     cs_tp_template_questions tmpq
                  , cs_tp_questions_vl       quest
           WHERE    tmpq.question_id = quest.question_id
             AND    tmpq.template_id = p_templ_id
             AND    quest.name       = p_attr_name;
Line: 68

            SELECT   lookup_code         lookup_code
                   , meaning             meaning
                   , description         description
                   , start_date_active   start_date_active
                   , end_date_active     end_date_active
                   , last_update_date    last_update_date
            FROM   fnd_lookup_values
            WHERE  lookup_type = p_lookup_type
              AND  trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(start_date_active,sysdate))
                                      and trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate))
              AND  language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 82

            select choice_id, value, default_choice_flag
            from   cs_tp_choices_vl
            where  lookup_id = p_lookup_id;
Line: 88

            select freetext_id, lookup_id
            from   cs_tp_freetexts
            where  lookup_id = p_lookup_id;
Line: 101

        l_attr_update_flag	   boolean;
Line: 102

        l_update_flag		   boolean ;
Line: 111

        /* Defining Record type's for insert/update*/

        l_template_rec                  cs_tp_templates_pvt.template;
Line: 123

    /* Opening the main cursor to fetch new/update sr attribute records to be processed */

        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Start of SR Attribute Interface logic');
Line: 128

        select to_date(p_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') INTO l_date from dual;
Line: 141

            l_update_flag := false;
Line: 142

            l_attr_update_flag := false;
Line: 148

            l_template_rec.mlast_updated_date        := l_sr_attr.last_update_date;
Line: 152

            l_template_link_list(1).mLast_Updated_Date := l_sr_attr.last_update_date;
Line: 184

                     p_api_version_number => l_api_version,
                     p_init_msg_list      => l_init_msg_list_true,
                     p_commit             => l_init_commit_true,
                     p_template_id        => l_tmpl_id,
                     p_jtf_object_code    => l_template_link_list(1).mjtf_object_code,
                     p_template_links     => l_template_link_list,
                     x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
                     x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
                     x_return_status      => x_return_status
Line: 241

                l_template_question_list.mlast_updated_date := l_sr_attr.last_update_date;
Line: 256

                    l_attr_update_flag := false;
Line: 278

                    l_attr_update_flag := true;
Line: 282

                    l_template_question_list.mlast_updated_date := to_char(l_sr_attr.last_update_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY/SSSSS');
Line: 284

                fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling the Update_question API, SR Type: '
                          || l_sr_attr.sr_type || ' Attribute : '|| l_sr_attr.sr_name);
Line: 287

                        p_api_version_number     => l_api_version,
                        p_init_msg_list          => l_init_msg_list_true,
                        p_commit                 => l_init_commit_true,
                        p_one_question           => l_template_question_list,
                        x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
                        x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
                        x_return_status          => x_return_status
Line: 298

                fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling CS_TP_LOOKUPS_PKG.UPDATE_ROW API, SR Type: '
                                  || l_sr_attr.sr_type || ' Attribute : '|| l_sr_attr.sr_name);
Line: 301

                        X_ROWID             => l_rowid,
                        X_LOOKUP_ID         => l_template_question_list.mlookupid,
                        X_LOOKUP_TYPE       => l_template_question_list.manswertype,
                        X_DEFAULT_VALUE     => l_sr_attr.default_value, --Bug 6705077
            			X_CREATION_DATE     => sysdate,
			            X_CREATED_BY	    => FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
                        X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE  => sysdate,
                        X_LAST_UPDATED_BY   => FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
                        X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN => fnd_global.login_id,
                        X_START_DATE_ACTIVE => NULL,
                        X_END_DATE_ACTIVE   => NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY => NULL,
			            X_ATTRIBUTE1	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE2	=> NULL,
			            X_ATTRIBUTE3	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE4	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE5	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE6	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE7	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE8	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE9	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE10	=> NULL,
			            X_ATTRIBUTE11	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE12	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE13	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE14	=> NULL,
            			X_ATTRIBUTE15	=> NULL
Line: 340

                select   l.lookup_id into l_tmpl_quest_lookup_id
                from     cs_tp_questions_vl q
                       , cs_tp_lookups l
                       , cs_tp_template_questions tq
                where  q.lookup_id    = l.lookup_id
                  and  tq.question_id = q.question_id
                  and  tq.template_id = l_tmpl_id
                  and  q.question_id  = l_tmpl_quest_id;
Line: 358

                    if l_attr_update_flag = TRUE then
                        -- only to do this if the attribute is in update mode
                        -- Call the delete program to delete all the records from the cs_tp_choices_tl

            fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling the delete Choice API, attribute is freetext and attribute is in updatemode, SR Type: '
                              || l_sr_attr.sr_type || ' Attribute : '|| l_sr_attr.sr_name);
Line: 367

                                p_api_version_number     => l_api_version,
                                p_init_msg_list          => l_init_msg_list_true,
                                p_commit                 => l_init_commit_true,
                                p_choice_id              => l_tp_choice.choice_id,
                                x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
                                x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
                                x_return_status          => x_return_status
Line: 386

                    l_template_question_freetext.mlast_updated_date:= l_sr_attr.last_update_date;
Line: 404

                    if l_attr_update_flag = TRUE then
                        -- only to do this if the attribute is in update mode
                        -- Call the delete program to delete all the records from the cs_tp_choices_tl
     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling the delete Choice API, attribute is in update mode, SR Type: '
                       || l_sr_attr.sr_type || ' Attribute : '|| l_sr_attr.sr_name);
Line: 413

                                p_api_version_number     => l_api_version,
                                p_init_msg_list          => l_init_msg_list_true,
                                p_commit                 => l_init_commit_true,
                                p_choice_id              => l_tp_choice.choice_id,
                                x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
                                x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
                                x_return_status          => x_return_status
Line: 428

            fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling the delete Free_Text API incase attribute was defined as freetext before, attribute is in update mode, SR Type: '
 || l_sr_attr.sr_type || ' Attribute : '|| l_sr_attr.sr_name);
Line: 433

Line: 449

                        l_template_question_choice.mlast_updated_date  := l_tmpl_choice_lookup.last_update_date;
Line: 499

            fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling Delete Question API for attribute is enddated, SR Type: ' || l_sr_attr.sr_type);
Line: 500

                    p_api_version_number     => l_api_version,
                    p_init_msg_list          => l_init_msg_list_true,
                    p_commit                 => l_init_commit_true,
                    p_Question_ID  	         => l_tmpl_attr_exists.question_id,
    	           p_Template_ID            => l_tmpl_attr_exists.template_id,
                    x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
                    x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
                    x_return_status          => x_return_status
Line: 537

PROCEDURE Update_Attr_ListName ( errbuf        OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                 retcode       OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                 p_lookup_type IN      VARCHAR2)

/* Cursor to query record from cug_sr_type_attr_maps_v table */
    Cursor c_cug_sr_attr_ListName (p_lookup_type varchar2) is
        select   cs.name                      tmpl_name
               , attr.sr_attribute_code       attr_code
               , lkps.lookup_type             list_name
               , lkps1.description            sr_name
               , attr.start_date_Active       start_date_active
               , attr.end_date_active         end_date_active
        from     cug_sr_type_attr_maps_vl     attr
               , fnd_lookup_types             lkps
               , fnd_lookups                  lkps1
               , cs_incident_types_vl         cs
        where    lkps.lookup_type = attr.sr_attribute_list_name
          and    attr.sr_attribute_list_name = p_lookup_type
          and    lkps1.lookup_code = attr.sr_attribute_code
          and    cs.incident_type_id = attr.incident_type_id
          and    (trunc(nvl(attr.end_date_active,sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate));
Line: 563

        select   lookup_code        lookup_code
               , meaning            meaning
               , description        description
               , lookup_type        lookup_type
               , start_date_active  start_date_active
               , end_date_active    end_date_active
	       , last_update_date   last_update_date
        from    fnd_lookup_values
        where   trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(start_date_active,sysdate))
                                   and trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate))
        and     lookup_type = p_lookup_type
        and     language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 578

        select   tmpl.name          tmpl_name
               , qvl.name           name
               , qvl.text           text
               , qvl.lookup_id      lookup_id
               , ch.lookup_type     choice_id
        from     cs_tp_questions_vl qvl
               , cs_tp_lookups    ch
               , cs_tp_template_questions tmpl_qa
	       , cs_tp_templates_vl       tmpl
        where    qvl.lookup_id   = ch.lookup_id
          and    ch.lookup_type  = 'CHOICE'
          and    tmpl_qa.question_id = qvl.question_id
	  and    tmpl_qa.template_id = tmpl.template_id
          and    qvl.name            = p_attr_name
	  and    tmpl.name           = p_tmpl_name;
Line: 596

        select   choice_id
               , lookup_id
               , value
        from     cs_tp_choices_vl
        where    lookup_id = p_lookup_id;
Line: 624

        /* open cursor for choices table and call delete api to delete existing record */
        OPEN c_tp_question (l_cug_sr_attr_ListName.sr_name, l_cug_sr_attr_ListName.tmpl_name);
Line: 634

            fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Delete Choice before re-creating, '
                  || 'SR Type : ' ||  l_cug_sr_attr_ListName.tmpl_name
                  || 'Attribute Name : '
                  || l_cug_sr_attr_ListName.sr_name || ' LOV Name : '
                  || l_cug_sr_attr_ListName.list_name);
Line: 647

                 p_api_version_number     => l_api_version,
                 p_init_msg_list          => l_init_msg_list_true,
                 p_commit                 => l_init_commit_true,
                 p_choice_id              => l_tp_choice.choice_id,
                 x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
                 x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
                 x_return_status          => x_return_status
Line: 675

                l_templ_question_list.mlast_updated_date  := l_fnd_lookup.last_update_date;
Line: 714

END Update_Attr_ListName;