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APPS.PAY_SG_EFT dependencies on HR_LOOKUPS

Line 17: ** the bank id from hr_lookups.

13: ** -----------+--------+---------+-------------
14: ** 30 OCT 2000 nrobolas SGD0013 Created
15: ** 28 NOV 2000 nrobolas Added REPLACE function
16: ** 29 NOV 2000 nrobolas The advice cursor now looks up
17: ** the bank id from hr_lookups.
18: ** 29 NOV 2000 nrobolas Streamline the Control record cursor.
19: ** 19 DEC 2000 aalvarez 1530569 added where exists clause in cursor
20: ** c_ibg_control
21: ** 21 NOV 2001 shoskatt 2115345 The order by clause in the advice cursor

Line 85: , hr_lookups hrl

81: , fnd_sessions ses
82: , pay_external_accounts oea
83: , pay_payroll_actions ppa
84: , hr_organization_units o
85: , hr_lookups hrl
86: where ppa.payroll_action_id =
87: pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
88: and oea.external_account_id = popm.external_account_id
89: and session_id = userenv('sessionid')

Line 164: , hr_lookups hrl

160: , pay_payroll_actions ppa
161: , per_assignments_f a
162: , per_people_f p /* Bug# 2920732 */
163: , hr_organization_units o
164: , hr_lookups hrl
165: , fnd_sessions ses
166: where
167: paa.payroll_action_id =
168: pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')