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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

 * Contents: INSERT_OPERATION	                                                    *
 *	     UPDATE_OPERATION	                                                    *
 *           DELETE_OPERATION	                                                    *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Use      This is the public layer of the GMD Operation API                       *
 *                                                                                  *
 *                                                                                  *
 * History                                                                          *
 *         Written by Sandra Dulyk, OPM Development                                 *
 *     25-NOV-2002  Thomas Daniel   Bug# 2679110                                    *
 *                                  Rewrote the procedures to handle the            *
 *                                  errors properly and also to handle              *
 *                                  further validations                             *
 *    21-OCT-2003  Shyam S          Commented section in update_operation           *
 *                                  procedure that check if p_value is              *
 *                                  passes or not                                   *
 *    20-FEB-2004  NSRIVAST         Bug# 3222090,Removed call to                    *
 *                                  FND_PROFILE.VALUE('AFLOG_ENABLED')              *
 *  Shyam S         09-14-04        Added validations in insert, update and delete  *
 *                                  that chceks for user access to owner orgn code  *

--Bug 3222090, NSRIVAST 20-FEB-2004, BEGIN
--Forward declaration.
   FUNCTION set_debug_flag RETURN VARCHAR2;
Line: 48

  This particular procedure is used to insert an operation
WHO        WHEN          WHAT
kkillams   10-MAR-2004   New p_oprn_rsrc_tbl input paramter is added to proceudre to pass the
                         resource details for activities. Added validation to check if default
                         status is 400/700 for the context organization then activity should have the
                         resources w.r.t. bug# 3408799
==================================================================================================== */
  PROCEDURE insert_operation (
   p_api_version 	IN 	      NUMBER
  ,p_init_msg_list 	IN 	      BOOLEAN
  ,p_commit		IN 	      BOOLEAN
  ,p_operations 	IN OUT NOCOPY gmd_operations%ROWTYPE
  ,p_oprn_actv_tbl	IN OUT NOCOPY gmd_operations_pub.gmd_oprn_activities_tbl_type
  ,x_message_count 	OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  ,x_message_list 	OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  ,p_oprn_rsrc_tbl      IN            gmd_operation_resources_pub.gmd_oprn_resources_tbl_type) IS

     v_oprn_id                  gmd_operations.oprn_id%TYPE;
Line: 86

        FROM   FND_DUAL;
Line: 90

    SAVEPOINT insert_oprn;
Line: 95

                                      ,'gmd_operations_pub') THEN
      RAISE invalid_version;
Line: 262

      /* insert operation */
      GMD_OPERATIONS_PVT.insert_operation(p_operations =>   p_operations,
               		                  x_message_count =>   x_message_count,
        				  x_message_list  =>   x_message_list,
      				          x_return_status =>   l_retn_status);
Line: 272

      /* validate oprn activity info and insert oprn activity */
      FOR i in 1.. p_oprn_actv_tbl.count LOOP
        p_oprn_actv_tbl(i).oprn_id := p_operations.oprn_id;
Line: 297

        GMD_OPERATION_ACTIVITIES_PUB.insert_operation_activity(p_init_msg_list =>   FALSE,
                                                               p_oprn_activity =>   p_oprn_actv_tbl(i),
                                                               p_oprn_rsrc_tbl =>   my_rsrc_table_type,
                                                               x_message_count =>   x_message_count,
                                                               x_message_list  =>   x_message_list,
                                                               x_return_status =>   l_retn_status);
Line: 307

Line: 348

         ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT insert_oprn;
Line: 353

       ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT insert_oprn;
Line: 364

         ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT insert_oprn;
Line: 371

  END Insert_Operation;
Line: 376

    This particular procedure is used to update an operation
  ================================================ */
  PROCEDURE update_operation
  ( p_api_version 		IN 	NUMBER
  , p_init_msg_list 		IN 	BOOLEAN
  , p_commit			IN 	BOOLEAN
  , p_oprn_id			IN	gmd_operations.oprn_id%TYPE
  , p_oprn_no			IN	gmd_operations.oprn_no%TYPE
  , p_oprn_vers			IN	gmd_operations.oprn_vers%TYPE
  , p_update_table		IN	gmd_operations_pub.update_tbl_type
  , x_message_count 		OUT NOCOPY  	NUMBER
  , x_message_list 		OUT NOCOPY  	VARCHAR2
  , x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY  	VARCHAR2)  IS

   v_oprn_id			gmd_operations.oprn_id%TYPE;
Line: 406

    SELECT oprn_id
    FROM gmd_operations
    where oprn_no = v_oprn_no
    and oprn_vers = v_oprn_vers;
Line: 412

    SELECT oprn_id
    FROM gmd_operations
    where oprn_id = v_oprn_id;
Line: 417

    FROM gmd_operations
    where oprn_id = v_oprn_id;
Line: 424

    SAVEPOINT update_oprn;
Line: 434

                                      ,'gmd_operations_pub') THEN
      RAISE invalid_version;
Line: 451

      gmd_debug.put_line('Start of update_operation PUB');
Line: 497

    /* Loop thru cols to be updated - verify col and value are present */
    FOR i in 1 .. p_update_table.count LOOP
      /* Col_to_update and value must be passed, otherwise give error */
      IF p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update IS NULL THEN
        IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
          gmd_debug.put_line('col_to_update required');
Line: 506

Line: 509

      ELSIF UPPER(p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) = 'PROCESS_QTY_UOM' THEN
        IF (NOT(gmd_api_grp.validate_um(p_update_table(i).p_value))) THEN
       	  IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
       	    gmd_debug.put_line('process qty uom invalid');
Line: 518

      ELSIF UPPER(p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) = 'MINIMUM_TRANSFER_QTY' THEN
        IF p_update_table(i).p_value < 0 THEN
          gmd_api_grp.log_message ('GMD_NEGATIVE_FIELDS',
                                   'FIELD', 'MINIMUM_TRANSFER_QTY');
Line: 524

      ELSIF UPPER(p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) = 'OPRN_CLASS' THEN
        IF gmdopval_pub.check_oprn_class(p_update_table(i).p_value, 'F') <> 0 THEN
Line: 529

      ELSIF UPPER(p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) = 'OPRN_DESC' THEN
        IF p_update_table(i).p_value IS NULL THEN
Line: 536

      ELSIF UPPER(p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) = 'DELETE_MARK' THEN
        GMDRTVAL_PUB.check_delete_mark ( Pdelete_mark    => p_update_table(i).p_value,
                                        x_return_status => l_retn_status);
Line: 540

Line: 544

      ELSIF UPPER(p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) = 'OWNER_ORGANIZATION_ID' THEN
        /* Validation :  Check if owner_orgn_idis valid */
        l_owner_orgn_id :=  p_update_table(i).p_value;
Line: 553

       and Operation is not logically deleted */
      IF v_oprn_id IS NOT NULL THEN
                           (Entity => 'OPERATION',
                            Entity_id => v_oprn_id,
                            Update_Column_name => p_update_table(i).p_col_to_update) THEN
Line: 571

      GMD_OPERATIONS_PVT.update_operation(p_oprn_id		=> v_oprn_id
       					, p_update_table	=> p_update_table
       					, x_message_count 	=> x_message_count
       					, x_message_list 	=> x_message_list
       					, x_return_status 	=> l_retn_status);
Line: 593

       ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT update_oprn;
Line: 598

       ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT update_oprn;
Line: 602

         ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT update_oprn;
Line: 610

  END update_operation;
Line: 614

    This particular procedure is used to set delete_mark = 1 for an operation
  ================================================ */
  PROCEDURE delete_operation (
    p_api_version 		IN 	NUMBER
  , p_init_msg_list	 	IN 	BOOLEAN
  , p_commit		IN 	BOOLEAN
  , p_oprn_id		IN	gmd_operations.oprn_id%TYPE
  , p_oprn_no		IN	gmd_operations.oprn_no%TYPE
  , p_oprn_vers		IN	gmd_operations.oprn_vers%TYPE
  , x_message_count 		OUT NOCOPY  	NUMBER
  , x_message_list 		OUT NOCOPY  	VARCHAR2
  , x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY  	VARCHAR2 )  IS

   v_update_table   		gmd_operations_pub.update_tbl_type;
Line: 636

    SAVEPOINT delete_oprn;
Line: 647

      gmd_debug.put_line('START of delete_operation PUB');
Line: 650

    /* Call update_operation and set delete mark for given activity to 1*/
    v_update_table(1).p_col_to_update := 'DELETE_MARK';
Line: 652

    v_update_table(1).p_value := '1';
Line: 654

    /* call update with oprn id if that is what is passed */
    update_operation(p_api_version	=> p_api_version
                    ,p_init_msg_list	=> FALSE
                    ,p_oprn_id	    	=> p_oprn_id
                    ,p_oprn_no		=> p_oprn_no
                    ,p_oprn_vers	=> p_oprn_vers
                    ,p_update_table     => v_update_table
                    ,x_message_count    => x_message_count
        	    ,x_message_list 	=> x_message_list
       		    ,x_return_status 	=> l_retn_status);
Line: 679

      gmd_debug.put_line('END of delete_operation PUB');
Line: 685

      ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT delete_oprn;
Line: 689

      ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT delete_oprn;
Line: 697

  END delete_operation;