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3    ------------------------------
6    ----------------------------- PROGRAM_INFO ---------------------
7    -- Specifies a program location - a line number in a program unit.
8    -- Used for stack backtraces and for setting and examining breakpoints.
9    --
10    -- The read-only fields are currently ignored by Probe for breakpoint
11    -- operations.  They are set by Probe only for stack backtraces.
12    --    EntrypointName - null unless this is a nested procedure/function
13    --    LibunitType    - to disambiguate among objects that share the same
14    --                     namespace (eg. procedure and package spec).  See
15    --                     the LibunitType_* constants below.
16    --
17    TYPE program_info IS RECORD
18    (
19        -- The following fields are used when setting a breakpoint
20        Namespace        BINARY_INTEGER,  -- See 'NAMESPACES' section below.
21        Name             dbms_id,  -- name of the program unit
22        Owner            dbms_id,  -- owner of the program unit
23        Dblink           dbms_id,  -- database link, if remote
24        Line#            BINARY_INTEGER,
26        -- Read-only fields (set by Probe when doing a stack backtrace)
27        LibunitType      BINARY_INTEGER,   -- ie. kglobtyp
28        EntrypointName   VARCHAR2(512)
29    );
31    ------------------------------- RUNTIME_INFO -----------------------
32    -- Runtime_info gives context information about the running program.
33    --
34    -- Probe v2.4:
35    --   Added oer.  It gets set if info_getOerInfo is set.  The oer
36    --   is a positive number.  It can be translated into SQLCODE by
37    --   translating 1403 to 100, 6510 to 1, and negating any other value.
38    --
39    TYPE runtime_info IS RECORD
40    (
41        Line#            BINARY_INTEGER,  -- (duplicate of program.line#)
42        Terminated       BINARY_INTEGER,  -- has the program terminated?
43        Breakpoint       BINARY_INTEGER,  -- breakpoint number
44        StackDepth       BINARY_INTEGER,  -- number of frames on the stack
45        InterpreterDepth BINARY_INTEGER,  -- <reserved field>
46        Reason           BINARY_INTEGER,  -- reason for suspension
47        Program          program_info,    -- source location
49        -- Following fields were added in Probe v2.4
50        oer              PLS_INTEGER      -- OER (exception), if any
51    );
53    ---------------------------- BREAKPOINT_INFO ----------------------------
54    -- Information about a breakpoint: its current status and the program unit
55    -- in which it was placed.
56    --
57    -- (The reason for duplicating fields from the 'program_info' record is
58    --  that PL/SQL doesn't yet support tables of composite records, and
59    --  show_breakpoints is going to build a table of these records.)
60    --
61    TYPE breakpoint_info IS RECORD
62    (
63       -- These fields are duplicates of 'program_info':
64       Name        dbms_id,
65       Owner       dbms_id,
66       DbLink      dbms_id,
67       Line#       BINARY_INTEGER,
68       LibunitType BINARY_INTEGER,
70       Status      BINARY_INTEGER   -- see breakpoint_status_* below
71    );
73    -- Breakpoint statuses.
74    --   breakpoint_status_unused - the breakpoint is not in use.
75    --
76    -- Otherwise the status is a mask of the following values:
77    --   breakpoint_status_active - this is a line breakpoint
78    --   breakpoint_status_active2 - this is an entry breakpoint (deprecated
79    --                               functionality)
80    --   breakpoints_status_disabled - this breakpoint is currently disabled
81    --   breakpoint_status_remote - this is a 'shadow' breakpoint (a local
82    --          representation of a remote breakpoint).
83    --
84    -- (Internal note: these map to the PBBPT constants)
85    --
86    breakpoint_status_unused    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
87    breakpoint_status_active    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
88    breakpoint_status_active2   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2;
89    breakpoint_status_disabled  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 4;
90    breakpoint_status_remote    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 8;
93    ------------------------------ INDEX_TABLE ------------------------------
94    -- Used by get_indexes to return the available indexes for a given
95    -- indexed table.  See get_indexes for more details.
96    --
97    TYPE index_table IS table of BINARY_INTEGER index by BINARY_INTEGER;
99    ---------------------------- BACKTRACE_TABLE ----------------------------
100    -- Used by print_backtrace.
101    TYPE backtrace_table IS TABLE OF program_info INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
103    --------------------------- BREAKPOINT_TABLE ---------------------------
104    -- Used by show_breakpoints.
105    TYPE breakpoint_table IS TABLE OF breakpoint_info INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
107    ------------------------------- VC2_TABLE -------------------------------
108    -- Used by show_source.
109    TYPE vc2_table IS table of varchar2(90) index by BINARY_INTEGER;
111    ------------------------------- oer_table -------------------------------
112    -- Used by show_breakpoints
113    -- VERSION
114    --    Probe v2.4
117    ------------------------------- NAMESPACES -----------------------------
118    -- Program units on the server reside in different namespaces.  When
119    -- setting a breakpoint it is necessary to specify the desired namespace
120    -- (to distinguish between a package spec and a package body, for example).
121    --
122    -- 1. Namespace_cursor contains cursors (anonymous blocks)
123    -- 2. Namespace_pgkspec_or_toplevel contains:
124    --       + package specifications
125    --       + procedures and functions (that are not nested inside other
126    --                                   packages/procedures/functions)
127    --       + object types
128    -- 3. Namespace_pkg_body contains package bodies and type bodies.
129    -- 4. Namespace_trigger contains triggers.
130    -- 5. Namespace_none is used to describe a frame by number,
131    --    currently supported by set_breakpoint only.
132    --
133    -- (Internal note: these map to the KGLN constants)
134    --
135    namespace_cursor               CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
136    namespace_pkgspec_or_toplevel  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
137    namespace_pkg_body             CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2;
138    namespace_trigger              CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 3;
139    namespace_none                 CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 255;
141    ----------------------------- LIBUNIT TYPES -----------------------------
142    -- These provide an itemization of the actual type of a stack frame,
143    -- rather than just the namespace in which it resides.  This information
144    -- is helpful sometimes when presenting a stack backtrace to the user,
145    -- and is written into the LibunitType field of program_info.
146    --
147    -- In retrospect, it probably would have been cleaner not to expose
148    -- namespaces at all and to use libunit types instead.  This might be
149    -- done in a future release (via overloading).
150    --
151    -- (Internal note: these map to the KGLT constants).
152    --
153    LibunitType_cursor             CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  0;
154    LibunitType_procedure          CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  7;
155    LibunitType_function           CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  8;
156    LibunitType_package            CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  9;
157    LibunitType_package_body       CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 11;
158    LibunitType_trigger            CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 12;
159    LibunitType_Unknown            CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := -1;
162    --------------------------- BREAK FLAGS --------------------------------
163    -- Values to use for the 'breakflags' parameter to continue(), in order
164    -- to tell Probe what events are of interest to the client.
165    -- These flags may be combined.
166    --
167    -- (Internal note: these map to the PEDE constants)
168    --
169    -- Line stepping:
170    --   break_next_line - break at next source line (step over calls)
171    --   break_any_call  - break at next source line (step into calls)
172    --   break_any_return - break after returning from current entrypoint
173    --        (skip over any entrypoints that are called from the current)
174    --   break_return     - break the next time an entrypoint gets ready to
175    --         return (note that this includes entrypoints called from the
176    --         current one.  If interpreter is executing Proc1, which calls
177    --         Proc2, then break_return will stop at the end of Proc2.)
178    --
179    --  (Yes, break_any_return and break_return are backwards.  Too late to
180    --   fix it now that we have existing clients...)
181    --
182    -- Exceptions:
183    --   break_exception - break when an exception is raised
184    --   break_handler   - break when an exception handler is executed
185    --
186    -- Execution termination:
187    --   abort_execution  - terminate execution and force an 'exit' event
188    --     as soon as DBMS_DEBUG.continue is called
189    --
190    break_exception      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER :=    2;
191    break_any_call       CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER :=   12;  -- 4 | 8
192    break_return         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER :=   16;
193    break_next_line      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER :=   32;
194    break_any_return     CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER :=  512;
195    break_handler        CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 2048;
196    abort_execution      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 8192;
198    -- Not supported yet:
199    --   break_control_c - break when a control-C is issued by the client
200    --   break_RPC       - break when executing an RPC
201    break_control_c  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  256;
202    break_RPC        CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 4096;
204    -- Reserved internal values:
205    --   4 and 8 for CALL/XCAL
206    --   64 and 128 for ICD enter/return
208    ------------------------- INFORMATION FLAGS ---------------------------
209    -- These are flags that can be passed as the 'info_requested' parameter
210    -- to synchronize, continue, and get_runtime_info.
211    --
212    -- (Internal note: these map to the PBBA constants)
213    --
214    info_getStackDepth    CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 2;  -- get stack depth
215    info_getBreakpoint    CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 4;  -- get breakpoint number
216    info_getLineinfo      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 8;  -- get program info
217    info_getOerInfo       CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 32; -- (Probe v2.4)
220    ------------------------- REASONS -------------------------------------
221    -- Reasons for suspension. After continue is executed, the program will
222    -- either run to completion or break on some line.
223    --
224    -- (Internal note: these map to the PBEVN constants)
225    --
226    reason_none        CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  0;
227    reason_interpreter_starting CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  2;
228    reason_breakpoint  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  3; -- at a breakpoint
229    reason_enter       CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  6; -- procedure entry
230    reason_return      CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  7; -- procedure return
231    reason_finish      CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  8; -- procedure is finished
232    reason_line        CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  9; -- reached a new line
233    reason_interrupt   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 10; -- an interrupt occurred
234    reason_exception   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 11; -- an exception was raised
235    reason_exit        CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 15; -- interpreter is exiting
236    reason_handler     CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 16; -- start exception-handler
237    reason_timeout     CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 17; -- a timeout occurred
238    reason_instantiate CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 20; -- instantiation block
239    reason_abort       CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 21; -- interpeter is aborting
240    reason_knl_exit    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 25; -- interpreter is exiting
242    -- Not yet supported:
243    reason_sql         CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  4; -- executing SQL
244    reason_watch       CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 14; -- watched value changed
245    reason_rpc         CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 18; -- an RPC started
246    reason_unhandled   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 19; -- unhandled exception
248    -- Reserved internal values:
249    --   1  for internal bootstrapping init
250    --   5  unused
251    reason_ICD_call    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 12;
252    reason_ICD_return  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 13;
254    -- Added in Probe v2.4
255    reason_oer_breakpoint   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 26;
257    ------------------------------ ERROR CODES ------------------------------
258    -- These values are returned by the various functions that are called in
259    -- the debug session (synchronize, continue, set_breakpoint, etc).
260    --
261    -- (If PL/SQL exceptions worked across client/server and server/server
262    --  boundaries then these would all be exceptions rather than error
263    --  codes.)
264    --
265    -- (Internal note: these map to the PBERR constants)
266    --
267    success               CONSTANT binary_integer :=  0;
268    -- Statuses returned by GET_VALUE and SET_VALUE:
269    error_bogus_frame     CONSTANT binary_integer :=  1;  -- no such frame
270    error_no_debug_info   CONSTANT binary_integer :=  2;  -- debuginfo missing
271    error_no_such_object  CONSTANT binary_integer :=  3;  -- no such var/parm
272    error_unknown_type    CONSTANT binary_integer :=  4;  -- debuginfo garbled
273    error_indexed_table   CONSTANT binary_integer := 18;  -- Can't get/set an
274                                                          -- entire collection
275                                                          -- at once
276    error_illegal_index   CONSTANT binary_integer := 19;  -- illegal collection
277                                                          -- index (V8)
278    error_nullcollection  CONSTANT binary_integer := 40;  -- collection is
279                                                          -- atomically null
280                                                          -- (V8)
281    error_nullvalue     CONSTANT binary_integer := 32;    -- value is null
283    -- Statuses returned by set_value:
284    error_illegal_value   CONSTANT binary_integer :=  5;  -- constraint vio
285    error_illegal_null    CONSTANT binary_integer :=  6;  -- constraint vio
286    error_value_malformed CONSTANT binary_integer :=  7;  -- bad value
287    error_other           CONSTANT binary_integer :=  8;  -- unknown error
288    error_name_incomplete CONSTANT binary_integer := 11;  -- not a scalar lvalue
290    -- Statuses returned by the breakpoint functions:
291    error_illegal_line    CONSTANT binary_integer := 12;  -- no such line
292    error_no_such_breakpt CONSTANT binary_integer := 13;  -- no such breakpoint
293    error_idle_breakpt    CONSTANT binary_integer := 14;  -- unused breakpoint
294    error_stale_breakpt   CONSTANT binary_integer := 15;  -- pu changed under
295                                                          -- bpt
296    error_bad_handle      CONSTANT binary_integer := 16;  -- can't set bpt there
298    -- General error codes (returned by many of the dbms_debug routines)
299    error_unimplemented   CONSTANT binary_integer := 17;  -- NYI functionality
300    error_deferred        CONSTANT binary_integer := 27; -- request was deferred
301                                                         -- (currently unused)
302    error_exception     CONSTANT binary_integer := 28; -- exception inside Probe
303    error_communication CONSTANT binary_integer := 29; -- generic pipe error
304    error_timeout       CONSTANT binary_integer := 31; -- timeout
307    -- Error codes that only apply to client-side PL/SQL
308    error_pbrun_mismatch  CONSTANT binary_integer :=  9;
309    error_no_rph          CONSTANT binary_integer := 10;
310    error_probe_invalid   CONSTANT binary_integer := 20;
311    error_upierr          CONSTANT binary_integer := 21;
312    error_noasync         CONSTANT binary_integer := 22;
313    error_nologon         CONSTANT binary_integer := 23;
314    error_reinit          CONSTANT binary_integer := 24;
315    error_unrecognized    CONSTANT binary_integer := 25;
316    error_synch           CONSTANT binary_integer := 26;
317    error_incompatible    CONSTANT binary_integer := 30;
320    ----------------------------- CURSOR FLAGS -----------------------------
321    --   The 'value' of a cursor returned by GET_VALUE is a string of the
322    --   following form:
323    --      'flags:<f>, rowcount:<r>'                  [Probe v2.2 and earlier]
327    --   - The rowcount <r> is the cursor's rowcount.
324    --      'flags:<f>, rowcount:<r>, knlflags:<k>'    [Probe v2.2+ and later]
325    --   which the caller is expected to parse.
326    --
328    --
329    --   - The flags <f> are a bitmask of the following values:
330    --        cflags_open           - %OPEN
331    --        cflags_found          - %FOUND
332    --        cflags_notfound       - %NOTFOUND
333    --        cflags_recursive      - recursive cursor
334    --        cflags_uninitialized  - uninitialized refcursor
335    --        cflags_refcur_bind    - refcursor bind variable
336    --        cflags_first_iter     - first iteration of cursor
337    --        cflags_dynamic_sql    - this is a dynamic SQL cursor
338    --        cflags_dynamic_open   - dynamic OPEN statement
339    --     This is not an exhaustive listing of the possible flags, but the
340    --     other values are used temporarily by the interpreter and can not
341    --     be relied on.  Probe does not strip these undocumented values out
342    --     since they are useful internally for debugging the interpreter.
343    --     See more notes in the comments for GET_VALUE.
344    --
345    --   - The flags <k> are a bitmask of UPI flags (the UOPF_* values in
346    --     upidef.h), and are a kind of scratchpad indicating what operations
347    --     the kernel must do on the cursor.  For example if they include
348    --     UOPF_EXE then this is a note indicating that the cursor must be
349    --     executed prior to use.  These flags are only valid once a cursor
350    --     has been opened - up to that point they will be zero.
351    --     Since they already exist in a public header (rdbms/include/upidef.h),
352    --     they are not duplicated in DBMS_DEBUG.
353    --     They include the following:
354    --        UOPF_PRS  parse
355    --        UOPF_EXE  execute
356    --        UOPF_FCH  fetch
357    --        UOPF_DSL  describe select list
358    --        UOPF_DBL  describe bind list
359    --        UOPF_BND  bind
360    --        UOPF_DFN  define
361    --        UOPF_CAN  cancel after fetch
362    --        UOPF_FEX  exact fetch
363    --        UOPF_OPN  open
364    --        UOPF_CLO  close
366    cflags_open           CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=     1;
367    cflags_found          CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=     2;
368    cflags_notfound       CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=     4;
369    cflags_uninitialized  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=    32;
370    cflags_recursive      CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=   128;
371    cflags_refcur_bind    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  1024;
372    cflags_dynamic_sql    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  2048;
373    cflags_first_iter     CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER :=  4096;
374    cflags_dynamic_open   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 16384;
377    --------------------------- TIMEOUT OPTIONS ---------------------------
378    -- Timeout options for the target session are registered with the
379    -- target session by calling set_timeout_behaviour.
380    --
381    -- retry_on_timeout - Retry.  Timeout has no effect.  This is like
382    --    setting the timeout to an infinitely large value.
383    --
384    -- continue_on_timeout - Continue execution, using same event flags.
385    --
386    -- nodebug_on_timeout - Turn debug-mode OFF (ie. call debug_off) and
387    --    then continue execution.  No more events will be generated
388    --    by this target session unless it is reinitialized by calling
389    --    debug_on.
390    --
391    -- abort_on_timeout - Continue execution, using the abort_execution
392    --    flag, which should cause the program to abort immediately.  The
393    --    session remains in debug-mode.
394    --
395    retry_on_timeout      CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
396    continue_on_timeout   CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
397    nodebug_on_timeout    CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2;
398    abort_on_timeout      CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 3;
401    ------------------------------
402    --  EXCEPTIONS
403    illegal_init         EXCEPTION;  -- DEBUG_ON called prior to INITIALIZE
405    -- Following 5 are raised by procedure self_check.
406    pipe_creation_failure   EXCEPTION;  -- can't create a secure pipe
407    pipe_send_failure       EXCEPTION;  -- can't send to the pipe
408    pipe_receive_failure    EXCEPTION;  -- can't receive from the pipe
409    pipe_datatype_mismatch  EXCEPTION;  -- datatype mismatch in pipe
410    pipe_data_error         EXCEPTION;  -- message garbled across pipe
412    -- Functionality that is no longer supported.  (Some calls in the
413    -- underlying packages are replaced with calls in dbms_debug.)
414    desupported             EXCEPTION;
416    unimplemented           EXCEPTION;   -- Not yet implemented.
417    target_error            EXCEPTION;   -- problem in target session
419    no_target_program       EXCEPTION;   -- target is not running
421    ------------------------------
424    -- The timeout value (used by both sessions).
425    -- The smallest possible timeout is 1 second - if default_timeout is
426    -- set to 0 then a large value (3600) will be used.
427    --
428    default_timeout  BINARY_INTEGER := 3600;  -- 60 minutes
430    -- Whether to dump diagnostic output to the tracefile (for debugging
431    -- Probe).  Do not reset this value unless instructed by Oracle personnel.
432    diagnostic_level  BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
433    full_diagnostics  CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
436 ------------------------ COMMON Section -----------------------------
440     -------------------------- PROBE_VERSION -------------------------
437 -- These functions/procedures may be called in either the target or
438 -- debug session.
441     -- Return the version number of DBMS_DEBUG on the server.
442     --
443     -- PARAMETERS
444     --   major - major version number.
445     --   minor - minor version number.  Incremented as functionality is added
446     --           to DBMS_DEBUG.
447     --
448     -- Version history:
449     --    1.0 was the alpha version of Probe.
450     --    2.0 was the first version of DBMS_DEBUG.
451     --    2.1 includes get_indexes and the indexed-table versions of
452     --          print_backtrace, show_breakpoints, and show_source.
453     --    2.2 contains the 'immediate' version of debug_on, and the
454     --         get/set_value package variable fix for AppServer
455     --    2.3 execute, plus cflags_* constants
456     --    2.4 print_instantiations
457     --        target_program_running
458     --        get_encoded_pkgvars_for_client
459     --        set_timeout_behaviour, get_timeout_behaviour
460     --        ping
461     --        set_oer_breakpoint, delete_oer_breakpoint, show_breakpoints
462     --        added oer to runtime_info and added flag info_getOerInfo
463     --        added reason_oer_breakpoint event
464     --        added show_frame_source
465     --        added frame# support in set_breakpoint
466     --        added get_line_map
467     --    2.5 [8829891] new overloadings for get_encoded_pkgvars_for_client and
468     --        get_encoded_stack_for_client
469     --
470     PROCEDURE probe_version(major out BINARY_INTEGER,
471                             minor out BINARY_INTEGER);
473     ------------------------------ SELF_CHECK ------------------------------
474     -- Perform an internal consistency check.
475     -- If self_check does not return successfully then an incorrect version
476     -- of DBMS_DEBUG was probably installed on this server.  The solution
477     -- is to install the correct version.
478     -- (pbload.sql loads DBMS_DEBUG and the other relevant packages).
479     --
480     -- Self_check also runs a communications test (to ensure that the Probe
481     --   processes will be able to communicate).
482     --
483     -- PARAMETERS
484     --    timeout - Timeout to use for the communication test.  (Default
485     --              60 seconds).
486     --
487     -- Exceptions
488     --   OER-6516 - Probe version is inconsistent
489     --   pipe_creation_failure  - couldn't create a pipe
490     --   pipe_send_failure      - couldn't write data to the pipe
491     --   pipe_receive_failure   - couldn't read data from the pipe
492     --   pipe_datatype_mismatch - datatype in the pipe was wrong
493     --   pipe_data_error        - data got garbled in the pipe
494     --
495     -- All of these exceptions are FATAL.  They indicate a serious problem
496     -- with Probe that will prevent it from working correctly.
497     --
498     PROCEDURE self_check(timeout IN binary_integer := 60);
500     ------------------------------ SET_TIMEOUT ------------------------------
501     -- Set the timeout value.
502     --
503     -- PARAMETERS
504     --   timeout - the timeout value to set.  If 0, then uses default_timeout
505     --
506     -- RETURNS
507     --   the new timeout value.
508     --
511     ------------------------- SET_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL -------------------------
512     -- Set diagnostic output to a given level.  Similar to the 'diagnostics'
513     -- parameter to initialize() and attach_session.
514     -- Diagnostic output goes to the rdbms tracefile.  Ordinarily the
515     -- diagnostic level should remain at 0.
516     --
517     -- PARAMETERS
518     --   dlevel - the diagnostic level to switch to
519     --
520     PROCEDURE set_diagnostic_level(dlevel IN BINARY_INTEGER);
522 ------------------------ TARGET SESSION Section ------------------------
523 --
524 -- These functions and procedures are to be executed in the target session
525 -- (the session that is to be debugged).
526 --
528     ----------------------- INITIALIZE ---------------------------
529     -- Initializes the target session by registering a debugID.
530     --
531     -- PARAMETERS
532     --   debug_session_id - A session-id name to identify the target session.
533     --                      If null, a unique ID will be generated.
534     --   diagnostics      - whether to dump diagnostic output to the tracefile
535     --                      0 = no output, 1 = minimal output
536     --   debug_role       - An additional role to use for debugger privilege
537     --                      checks.  Will not affect SQL or PL/SQL execution.
538     --   debug_role_pwd   - Password for the debug_role, if needed.
539     --
540     -- RETURNS
541     --   the newly-registered debug-session-id (debugID)
542     --
543     --
544     --
545     -- We do not support use of DBMS_DEBUG and the JDWP-based debugging
546     -- interface simultaneously.  This call will fail with an ORA-30677
547     -- if the session is currently being debugged with the JDWP-based
548     -- debugging interface, and if this call does succeed, any further use
549     -- of the JDWP-based interface to debug this session will instead be
550     -- disallowed.
551     --
552     -- As of 10i, a new privilege model for debugging will control use of
553     -- DBMS_DEBUG:
554     --
558     -- role is specified but the password doesn't match, the calling user
555     -- This call will only succeed if either the caller or the specified
556     -- debug role carries the DEBUG CONNECT SESSION privilege.  Otherwise an
557     -- ORA-1031 will be raised.  Other exceptions are also possible if a debug
559     -- hasn't been granted the role, or the role is application-enabled and
560     -- this call is not coming from within the role-enabling package.
561     --
562     -- CREATE ANY PROCEDURE privilege no longer affects the visibility of
563     -- routines through the debugger.  An new per-object (package, schema-level
564     -- procedure or function, etc.) DEBUG privilege has been introduced, with
565     -- a corresponding DEBUG ANY PROCEDURE variant.  These are required instead
566     -- in order to see routines owned by users other than the session's login
567     -- user.
568     --
569     -- Authentication of the debug role and the check for DEBUG CONNECT SESSION
570     -- privilege will be done in the context of the caller to this routine -
571     -- if the caller is a definer's rights routine or has been called from one,
572     -- only privileges granted to the defining user, the debug role, or PUBLIC
573     -- will be used to check for DEBUG CONNECT SESSION.  If this call is from
574     -- within a definer's rights routine, the debug role, if specified, must
575     -- be one that has been granted to that definer, but it need not also have
576     -- been granted to the session login user, nor must it be actually enabled
577     -- in the calling session at the time this call is made.
578     --
579     -- The checks made by the debugger after this call is made, looking for
580     -- the DEBUG privilege on individual procedures, will be done in the
581     -- context of the session's login user, the roles that were enabled at
582     -- session level at the moment this call was made (even if those roles
583     -- weren't available within a definer's rights environment that called
584     -- here), and the debug role.
585     --
586     FUNCTION initialize(debug_session_id  IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
587                         diagnostics       IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
588                         debug_role        IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
589                         debug_role_pwd    IN VARCHAR2       := NULL)
592     ----------------------- DEBUG_ON -----------------------------
593     -- Mark the target session so that all PL/SQL is executed in
594     -- debug mode.  This must be done before any debugging can take
595     -- place.
596     --
597     -- PARAMETERS
598     --    no_client_side_plsql_engine - whether this debugging session
599     --         is standalone or results from a client-side PL/SQL session.
600     --         (Client-side PL/SQL uses different entrypoints into the
601     --         server, and therefore has restricted use of dbms_debug.)
602     --    immediate - whether to switch into debug mode immediately, or
603     --         to wait until the call has completed.  If TRUE, then a
604     --         debug session will be required in order to complete the call.
605     --         This parameter was added in Probe V2.2.
606     --
607     -- NOTES
608     --   If in doubt, use the default parameter values.
609     --
610     PROCEDURE debug_on(no_client_side_plsql_engine BOOLEAN := TRUE,
611                        immediate                   BOOLEAN := FALSE);
613     ----------------------- DEBUG_OFF ----------------------------
614     -- Notify the target session that debugging is no longer to take
615     -- place in that session.
616     -- It is not necessary to call this function before logging the
617     -- session off.
618     --
619     -- NOTES
620     --   The server does not handle this entrypoint specially.  Therefore
621     --   it will attempt to debug this entrypoint.
622     --
623     PROCEDURE debug_off;
626     --------------------- SET_TIMEOUT_BEHAVIOUR ------------------
627     -- Tell Probe what to do with the target session when a timeout
628     -- occurs.
629     --
630     -- VERSION
631     --    Probe v2.4
632     --
633     -- PARAMETERS
634     --    behaviour - one of the following (see descriptions above):
635     --       retry_on_timeout
636     --       continue_on_timeout
637     --       nodebug_on_timeout
638     --       abort_on_timeout
639     --
640     -- EXCEPTIONS
641     --    unimplemented - the requested behaviour is not recognized
642     --
643     -- NOTES
644     --    The default behaviour (if this procedure is not called)
645     --    is continue_on_timeout, since it allows a debugger client
646     --    to re-establish control (at the next event) but does not
647     --    cause the target session to hang indefinitely.
648     --
649     PROCEDURE set_timeout_behaviour(behaviour IN PLS_INTEGER);
652     --------------------- GET_TIMEOUT_BEHAVIOUR ------------------
653     -- Return the current timeout behaviour.
654     --
655     -- VERSION
656     --    Probe v2.4
657     --
658     FUNCTION get_timeout_behaviour RETURN BINARY_INTEGER;
661 ------------------------- DEBUG SESSION Section -------------------------
662 --
663 -- These functions and procedures are to be executed in the debug session
664 -- only.
665 --
667     ----------------------- ATTACH_SESSION -----------------------
668     -- Notify the debug session about the target program.
669     --
670     -- PARAMETERS
671     --   debug_session_id - the debugID from a call to initialize()
675     PROCEDURE attach_session(debug_session_id  IN VARCHAR2,
672     --   diagnostics      - generate diagnostic output (in the rdbms
673     --                      tracefile)? 0 = no output, 1 = minimal output
674     --
676                              diagnostics       IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0);
679     ------------------------------ SYNCHRONIZE ------------------------------
680     -- This function:
681     --   1. Waits until the target program signals an event.
682     --   2. Calls get_runtime_info
683     --
684     -- PARAMETERS
685     --   run_info -  structure in which to write information about the program
686     --             By default this will include information about what program
687     --             is executing and at which line execution has paused.
688     --   info_requested -  optional bit-field in which to request information
689     --           other than the default (which is info_getStackDepth +
690     --           info_getLineInfo).  0 means that no information is requested.
691     --
692     -- RETURNS
693     --    success
694     --    error_timeout   - timed out before the program started execution
695     --    error_communication - other communication error
696     --
697     FUNCTION synchronize(run_info       OUT  runtime_info,
698                          info_requested IN   BINARY_INTEGER := NULL)
701     -------------------------- SHOW_FRAME_SOURCE ----------------------------
702     -- Get frame source. The only time where this really has to be used
703     -- is when backtrace shows anonymous unit is executing at a given
704     -- frame position and source is required for viewing and possibly
705     -- setting a breakpoint.
706     --
707     -- If frame number is top of the stack and it's an anonymous block
708     -- then show_source can also be used.
709     --
710     -- If it's a stored PLSQL package/function/procedure then use SQL
711     -- as described in the comment to show_source below.
712     --
713     -- PARAMETERS
714     --   first_line - line number of first line to fetch.  (PL/SQL programs
715     --                always start at line 1, and have no holes.)
716     --   last_line  - line number of last line to fetch.  No lines will be
717     --                fetched past the end of the program.
718     --   source     - the resulting table, indexed by line-number (starting
719     --                with first_line).  On error, the table will be empty.
720     --   frame_num  - 1-based frame number
721     --
722     PROCEDURE show_frame_source(first_line  IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
723                                 last_line   IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
724                                 source      IN OUT NOCOPY vc2_table,
725                                 frame_num   IN     BINARY_INTEGER);
727     ------------------------------ SHOW_SOURCE ------------------------------
728     -- The best way to get the source code (for a program that is being
729     -- executed) is to use SQL - ie. select from all_source, using
730     -- the owner, name and line# in the program_info record:
731     --
732     --    SELECT text INTO <buffer> FROM all_source
733     --    WHERE owner = info.Program.Owner
734     --      AND name  = info.Program.Name
735     --      AND line  = info.Line#;
736     --
737     -- This wont work for non-persistent programs however (anonymous blocks
738     -- and trigger invocation blocks, for example) - in that case you can
739     -- call show_source.  There are two flavours - one returns an indexed
740     -- table of source lines and the other returns a packed (and formatted)
741     -- buffer.
742     --
743     -- PARAMETERS
744     --   first_line - line number of first line to fetch.  (PL/SQL programs
745     --                always start at line 1, and have no holes.)
746     --   last_line  - line number of last line to fetch.  No lines will be
747     --                fetched past the end of the program.
748     --   source     - the resulting table, indexed by line-number (starting
749     --                with first_line).  On error, the table will be empty.
750     --
751     PROCEDURE show_source(first_line  IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
752                           last_line   IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
753                           source      IN OUT NOCOPY vc2_table);
755     -- VERSION
756     --    Probe v2.1
757     --
758     -- This second overloading of show_source returns the source in a
759     -- formatted buffer, complete with line-numbers.  It is faster than
760     -- the indexed table version, but it doesn't guarantee to fetch all
761     -- the source.
762     -- If the source doesn't fit in bufferlength (buflen) then additional
763     -- pieces can be retrieved using the 'get_more_source' procedure
764     -- ('pieces' will return the additional number of pieces that need to
765     -- be retrieved).
766     --
767     -- PARAMETERS
768     --   first_line  - smallest line-number to print
769     --   last_line   - largest line-number to print
770     --   window      - 'window' of lines - the number of lines around the
771     --                 current source line.
772     --   print_arrow - non-zero means to print an arrow before the current line
773     --   buffer      - buffer in which to place the source listing
774     --   buflen      - length of buffer
775     --   pieces      - set to non-zero if not all the source could be placed
776     --                 into the given buffer
777     --
778     PROCEDURE show_source(first_line   IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
779                           last_line    IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
783                           buflen       IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
780                           window       IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
781                           print_arrow  IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
782                           buffer       IN OUT VARCHAR2,
784                           pieces       OUT    BINARY_INTEGER);
786     ----------------------- GET_MORE_SOURCE -------------------
787     -- When source doesn't fit in buffer provided in the "show_source"
788     -- procedure, this procedure provides additional source.
789     PROCEDURE get_more_source(buffer          IN OUT VARCHAR2,
790                               buflen          IN BINARY_INTEGER,
791                               piece#          IN BINARY_INTEGER);
794     ---------------------- PRINT_BACKTRACE -------------------
795     -- Print a backtrace listing of the current execution stack.
796     -- Should only be called if a program is currently executing.
797     --
798     -- PARAMETERS
799     --    listing - A formatted character buffer with embedded newlines
800     --
801     PROCEDURE print_backtrace(listing IN OUT VARCHAR2);
803     -- VERSION
804     --    Probe v2.1
805     --
806     -- PARAMETERS
807     --   backtrace - 1-based indexed table of backtrace entries.  The
808     --        currently-executing procedure is the last entry in the
809     --        table (ie. the frame numbering is the same as that used by
810     --        get_value).  Entry 1 is the oldest procedure on the stack.
811     --
812     PROCEDURE print_backtrace(backtrace OUT backtrace_table);
814     ----------------------- CONTINUE --------------------------
815     -- Continue execution of the target program.
816     --
817     -- This function:
818     --   1. Passes the given breakflags (a mask of the events that are
819     --      of interest) to Probe in the target process.
820     --   2. Tells Probe to continue execution of the target process.
821     --   3. Waits until the target process either runs to completion or
822     --      signals an event.
823     --   4. If info_requested is not 0 and program has not terminated,
824     --      calls get_runtime_info.
825     --
826     -- PARAMETERS
827     --   run_info       - information about the new state of the program
828     --   breakflags     - mask of events that are of interest
829     --   info_requested - what information should be returned in 'run_info'
830     --                    when the program stops.  See 'information flags'
831     --                    0 means no information.  Null means default info.
832     -- RETURNS
833     --    success
834     --    error_timeout       - timeout while waiting for target session
835     --    error_communication - other communication error
836     --
838     --    If this function returns with a timeout then the target session
839     --    either terminated abnormally or is still running.  If it is still
840     --    running, and the client wishes to continue waiting for it, then
841     --    'synchronize' should be called.
842     --
843     --    One way to determine whether a session is alive is to use
844     --    dbms_session.is_session_alive, which takes as a parameter the
845     --    uniqueID for the session (which may be obtained via
846     --    dbms_session.unique_session_id).  Note that the uniqueID and
847     --    the debugID are not necessarily the same, for security reasons,
848     --    so Probe does not automatically check for target session death
849     --    when a timeout occurs.
850     --
851     FUNCTION continue(run_info       IN OUT runtime_info,
852                       breakflags     IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
853                       info_requested IN     BINARY_INTEGER := null)
856     -------------------------- SET_BREAKPOINT ----------------------
857     -- Set a breakpoint in a program unit, which persists for the current
858     -- session.  Execution will pause if the target program reaches the
859     -- breakpoint.
860     --
861     -- PARAMETERS
862     --   program      Information about the program unit in which the
863     --                breakpoint is to be set.
864     --                (In version 2.1 and later, the namespace, name, owner,
865     --                 and dblink may be set to NULL, in which case the
866     --                 breakpoint will be placed in the currently-executing
867     --                 program unit.)
868     --                (In version 2.4 and later namespace can be set to
869     --                 namespace_none and name to a frame number to set
870     --                 a breakpoint in one of the currently executing frames)
871     --   line#        The line at which the breakpoint is to be set.
872     --   breakpoint#  On successful completion, will contain the unique
873     --                breakpoint number by which to refer to the breakpoint.
874     --   fuzzy        Only applicable if there is no executable code at
875     --                the specified line:
876     --                  0 means return error_illegal_line.
877     --                  1 means search forward for an adjacent line at which
878     --                    to place the breakpoint.
879     --                 -1 means search backwards for an adjacent line at
880     --                    which to place the breakpoint.
881     --   iterations   The number of times to wait before signalling this
882     --                breakpoint.
883     --
884     -- RETURNS
885     --   success
886     --   error_illegal_line  - can't set a breakpoint at that line
887     --   error_bad_handle    - no such program unit exists
891     --
888     --
890     --   'fuzzy' and 'iterations' not yet implemented.
892     FUNCTION set_breakpoint(program     IN  program_info,
893                             line#       IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
894                             breakpoint# OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
895                             fuzzy       IN  BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
896                             iterations  IN  BINARY_INTEGER := 0)
899     -------------------------- DELETE_BREAKPOINT ----------------------
900     -- Deletes a breakpoint.
901     --
902     -- PARAMETERS
903     --   breakpoint - a breakpoint number returned by SET_BREAKPOINT
904     --
905     -- RETURNS
906     --   success
907     --   error_no_such_breakpt - no such breakpoint exists
908     --   error_idle_breakpt    - breakpoint was already deleted
909     --   error_stale_breakpt   - the program unit was redefined since the
910     --                           breakpoint was set
911     --
912     FUNCTION delete_breakpoint(breakpoint IN BINARY_INTEGER)
916     ------------------------- SET_OER_BREAKPOINT ----------------------
917     -- Set a breakpoint on an OER.  The breakpoint persists for the
918     -- session (or until deleted), as with code breakpoints.
919     --
920     -- VERSION
921     --    Probe v2.4
922     --
923     -- PARAMETERS
924     --    oer - the OER (a 4-byte positive number)
925     --
926     -- RETURNS
927     --    success
928     --
929     -- NOTES
930     --   Less functionality is supported on OER breakpoints than on
931     --   code breakpoints.  In particular, note that:
932     --     1. No 'breakpoint number' is returned - the number of the OER
933     --        is used instead.  Thus it is impossible to set duplicate
934     --        breakpoints on a given OER (it is a no-op).
935     --     2. It is not possible to disable an OER breakpoint (although
936     --        clients are free to simulate this by deleting it).
937     --     3. OER breakpoints are deleted via delete_oer_breakpoint.
938     --
939     FUNCTION set_oer_breakpoint(oer IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER;
942     ---------------------- DELETE_OER_BREAKPOINT ----------------------
943     -- Delete an OER breakpoint.
944     --
945     -- VERSION
946     --    Probe v2.4
947     --
948     -- PARAMETERS
949     --    oer - the OER (positive 4-byte number) to delete
950     --
951     -- RETURNS
952     --   success
953     --   error_no_such_breakpt - no such OER breakpoint exists
954     --
955     FUNCTION delete_oer_breakpoint(oer IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER;
958     -------------------------- DISABLE_BREAKPOINT ----------------------
959     -- With this procedure the breakpoint will still be there, but not be
960     -- active. After disabling the breakpoint needs to be enabled to make it
961     -- active
962     --
963     -- PARAMETERS
964     --   breakpoint - a breakpoint number returned by SET_BREAKPOINT
965     --
966     -- RETURNS
967     --   success
968     --   error_no_such_breakpt - no such breakpoint exists
969     --   error_idle_breakpt    - breakpoint was already deleted
970     --   error_stale_breakpt   - the program unit was redefined since the
971     --                           breakpoint was set
972     --
973     FUNCTION disable_breakpoint(breakpoint IN BINARY_INTEGER)
976     -------------------------- ENABLE_BREAKPOINT ----------------------
977     -- Reverse of disabling. This procedure "activates" an exsiting breakpoint
978     --
979     -- PARAMETERS
980     --   breakpoint - a breakpoint number returned by SET_BREAKPOINT
981     --
982     -- RETURNS
983     --   success
984     --   error_no_such_breakpt - no such breakpoint exists
985     --   error_idle_breakpt    - breakpoint was already deleted
986     --   error_stale_breakpt   - the program unit was redefined since the
987     --                           breakpoint was set
988     --
989     FUNCTION enable_breakpoint(breakpoint IN BINARY_INTEGER)
992     -------------------------- SHOW_BREAKPOINTS ----------------------
993     -- Return a listing of the current breakpoints.
994     --
995     -- PARAMETERS
996     --  listing - a formatted buffer (including newlines) of the breakpoints
997     PROCEDURE show_breakpoints(listing    IN OUT VARCHAR2);
999     -- VERSION
1000     --    Probe v2.1
1001     --
1002     -- PARAMETERS
1003     --   listing - indexed table of breakpoint entries.  The
1004     --       breakpoint number is indicated by the index into the table.
1005     --       Breakpoint numbers start at 1 and are reused when deleted.
1006     --
1007     PROCEDURE show_breakpoints(listing  OUT breakpoint_table);
1010     -- VERSION
1011     --    Probe v2.4
1012     --
1013     -- PARAMETERS
1014     --   code_breakpoints - indexed table of breakpoint entries, indexed
1015     --                      by breakpoint number (starting at 1).
1016     --   oer_breakpoints - indexed table of OER breakpoints, indexed by
1017     --                     OER.
1018     --
1019     PROCEDURE show_breakpoints(code_breakpoints OUT breakpoint_table,
1020                                oer_breakpoints  OUT oer_table);
1026     -- PARAMETERS
1023     ------------------------------- GET_VALUE -------------------------------
1024     -- Get a value from the currently-executing program.
1025     --
1027     --  variable_name  the name of the variable or parameter
1028     --  frame#         the frame in which it lives (0 means the current
1029     --                   procedure)
1030     --  scalar_value   its value
1031     --  format         an optional date format to use, if meaningful.
1032     --
1033     -- RETURNS
1034     --   success
1035     --   error_bogus_frame    - frame# does not exist
1036     --   error_no_debug_info  - entrypoint has no debug information
1037     --   error_no_such_object - variable_name does not exist in frame#
1038     --   error_unknown_type   - the type information in the debug information
1039     --                          is illegible
1040     --   error_nullvalue      - value is null
1041     --
1042     -- NOTES
1043     --   If the variable is a cursor, then a special string value is returned,
1044     --   which the caller is expected to parse.  See the comments at the
1045     --   'Cursor flags' section above.
1046     --
1047     --   get_value and set_value now support bind names. Bind names must be
1048     --   put in quotes and capitalized. Note that trigger binds have
1049     --   qualified names, i.e. ":NEW" is not a valid bind, while ":NEW.CLMN"
1050     --   is valid. Generally, only referenced binds are available using
1051     --   probe. IN and IN-OUT binds can be get_value-ed, OUT and IN-OUT
1052     --   binds can be set using set_value. The only exception is trigger
1053     --   binds: :NEW.COLUMN and :OLD.COLUMN are created for all columns
1054     --   for get_value (set_value still can be used only on binds modified
1055     --   by the trigger code.
1056     --
1057     -- BUGS
1058     --   - There are situations when the cursor flags may appear to be
1059     --     incorrect: one common case is recursive cursors (ie. a procedure
1060     --     containing a cursor, where the procedure calls itself recursively).
1061     --     On return from the recursive call the cursor flags are *not*
1062     --     restored, even though the interpreter behaves correctly.
1063     --     The difficulty is that both PL/SQL and the kernel maintain their
1064     --     own cursor-caches, and it is difficult for Probe to follow the
1065     --     mapping in these situations.
1066     --     This will be fixed in a later release.
1067     --
1068     FUNCTION get_value(variable_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
1069                        frame#         IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
1070                        scalar_value   OUT VARCHAR2,
1071                        format         IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL)
1074     --
1075     -- This form of get_value is for fetching package variables.
1076     -- Instead of a frame#, it takes a handle, which describes the package
1077     -- containing the variable.
1078     --
1079     -- VERSION
1080     --    Probe v2.2
1081     --
1082     -- PARAMETERS
1083     --    (See description above for the other parameters.)
1084     --    handle -  package description.  The 'Name,' 'Owner,' and Namespace
1085     --              fields  must be initialized appopriately.
1086     --
1087     -- RETURNS
1088     --   error_no_such_object if:
1089     --       1. the package does not exist
1090     --       2. the package is not instantiated
1091     --       3. the user does not have privileges to debug the package
1092     --       4. the object does not exist in the package
1093     --
1094     -- EXAMPLE
1095     --   Given a package PACK in schema SCOTT, containing variable VAR,
1096     --   do the following to get its value:
1097     --
1098     --   DECLARE
1099     --      handle     dbms_debug.program_info;
1100     --      resultbuf  VARCHAR2(500);
1101     --   BEGIN
1102     --      handle.Owner := 'SCOTT';
1103     --      handle.Name  := 'PACK';
1104     --      handle.namespace := dbms_debug.namespace_pkgspec_or_toplevel;
1105     --      retval := dbms_debug.get_value('VAR', handle, resultbuf, NULL);
1106     --   END;
1107     --
1108     FUNCTION get_value(variable_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
1109                        handle         IN  program_info,
1110                        scalar_value   OUT VARCHAR2,
1111                        format         IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL)
1114     -------------------------- SET_VALUE ----------------------------
1115     -- Set a value in the currently-executing program.
1116     --
1117     -- PARAMETERS
1118     --   frame#  -   the frame in which the value is to be set (0 means the
1119     --               currently executing frame.
1120     --   assignment_statement - an assignment statement (which must be legal
1121     --                         PL/SQL) to execute in order to set the value.
1122     --                         For example, 'x := 3;'
1123     --                         Note that only scalar values are supported in
1124     --                         this release - the right hand side of the
1125     --                         assignment statement must be a scalar.
1126     --
1127     -- NOTES see notes on bind variables in get_value
1128     --
1129     -- RETURNS
1130     --   success
1131     --   error_illegal_value   - constraint violation
1132     --   error_illegal_null    - constraint violation (object is 'not null')
1133     --   error_value_malformed - value is not a scalar
1134     --   error_name_incomplete - the assignment statement does not resolve to
1135     --                           a scalar.  For example 'x := 3;', if x is
1136     --                           a record.
1137     --   error_other
1138     --
1139     FUNCTION set_value(frame#               IN binary_integer,
1140                        assignment_statement IN varchar2)
1143     -- This form sets the value of a package variable.
1144     --
1145     -- VERSION
1146     --    Probe v2.2
1147     --
1148     -- RETURNS
1149     --   error_no_such_object if:
1150     --       1. the package does not exist
1151     --       2. the package is not instantiated
1152     --       3. the user does not have privileges to debug the package
1153     --       4. the object does not exist in the package
1154     --
1155     -- In some cases the PL/SQL compiler uses temporaries to access package
1156     -- variables, and Probe does not guarantee to update such temporaries.
1157     -- So the possibility exists (although it is unlikely) for the user to
1158     -- update a package variable and the new value not 'take effect' for a
1159     -- line or two.
1160     --
1161     -- EXAMPLE
1162     --   To set the value of SCOTT.PACK.var to 6:
1163     --
1164     --   DECLARE
1165     --      handle  dbms_debug.program_info;
1166     --   BEGIN
1167     --      handle.Owner := 'SCOTT';
1168     --      handle.Name  := 'PACK';
1169     --      handle.namespace := dbms_debug.namespace_pkgspec_or_toplevel;
1170     --      retval := dbms_debug.set_value(handle, 'var := 6;');
1171     --   END;
1172     --
1173     FUNCTION set_value(handle               IN program_info,
1174                        assignment_statement IN varchar2)
1177     -------------------------------- ABORT --------------------------------
1178     -- Abort the currently-executing program.
1179     --
1180     -- NOT YET SUPPORTED.  To abort a program call 'continue' with
1181     --   execution flags 'abort_execution'.
1182     --
1183     FUNCTION abort return BINARY_INTEGER;
1185     -------------------------- DETACH_SESSION ----------------------
1186     -- Detach from the currently attached session - ie. stop debugging
1187     -- the target program.  This procedure may be called at any time,
1188     -- but it does not notify the target session that the debug session
1189     -- is detaching itself, and it does not abort execution of the target
1190     -- session.  Therefore care should be taken to ensure that the target
1191     -- session does not hang itself.
1192     --
1193     PROCEDURE detach_session;
1195     --------------------------- GET_RUNTIME_INFO ---------------------------
1196     -- This function returns information about the current program.  It is
1197     -- only needed if the 'info_requested' parameter to synchronize or
1198     -- continue was set to 0.
1199     --
1200     -- Currently only used by client-side PL/SQL.
1201     --
1202     -- PARAMETERS
1203     --   info_requested - bitmask of the information to fetch.  0 means
1204     --                    nothing, null means 'default information.'
1205     --   run_info - location in which to stash the requested information.
1206     --
1207     -- RETURNS
1208     --   success
1209     --   error_timeout       - pipe timed out
1210     --   error_communication - other communication error
1211     --
1212     FUNCTION get_runtime_info(info_requested  IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
1213                               run_info        OUT runtime_info)
1214       return BINARY_INTEGER;
1216     ------------------------------ GET_INDEXES ------------------------------
1217     -- Given a name (of a variable or parameter), return the set of its
1218     -- indexes if it is an indexed table.  Error if it is not an indexed
1219     -- table.
1220     --
1221     -- VERSION
1222     --    Probe v2.1
1223     --
1224     -- PARAMETERS
1225     --   varname - name of the variable to get index information about
1226     --   frame#  - number of frame in which the variable/parameter resides.
1227     --             Pass in NULL if you want a package variable.
1228     --   handle  - package description (if object is a package variable)
1229     --   entries - 1-based table of the indexes.  If non-null, then
1230     --             entries(1) contains the first index of the table,
1231     --             entries(2) contains the second index, etc.
1232     --
1233     -- RETURNS
1234     --   error_no_such_object if varname is not an indexed table.
1235     --
1236     FUNCTION get_indexes(
1237         varname   IN  VARCHAR2,
1238         frame#    IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
1239         handle    IN  program_info,
1240         entries   OUT index_table
1243     --------------------- GET_ENCODED_STACK_FOR_CLIENT ---------------------
1244     --
1245     -- ***********************************************************************
1246     -- ** This function is only usable if the caller is client-side PL/SQL. **
1247     -- ** If you do not have client-side PL/SQL then you cannot use it.     **
1248     -- ***********************************************************************
1249     --
1250     -- Return an encoded form of one or more stack frames.  Only useful if
1251     -- the caller is client-side PL/SQL, since the decoder is built into the
1252     -- PL/SQL engine.
1253     --
1254     -- [8829891] tidl_buf may contain multibyte character data in the server-
1255     -- side character set.  This data should not be translated when crossing
1256     -- from server to client.  Thus, this data should be in RAW form.  The
1257     -- VARCHAR2 version of this function has been preserved for compatibility
1258     -- reasons.  The final two parameters are reordered because we can't
1259     -- overload on VARCHAR2 vs. RAW.  This overloading is new with Probe 2.5.
1263     --   frame_count       - number of frames to fetch
1260     --
1261     -- PARAMETERS
1262     --   start_frame
1264     --   flags             - currently unused
1265     --   max_string_length - truncate strings at this value (NYI)
1266     --   max_index_values  - only fetch this many index table elements (NYI)
1267     --   pbrun_version     - client version
1268     --   tidl_buf          - buffer in which to place encoded TIDL
1269     --   tidl_version      - version-number of the generated TIDL
1270     --
1271     PROCEDURE get_encoded_stack_for_client(
1272          start_frame       IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1273          frame_count       IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1274          flags             IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1275          max_string_length IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1276          max_index_values  IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1277          pbrun_version     IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1278          tidl_version         OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1279          tidl_buf          IN OUT RAW
1280          );
1281    PROCEDURE get_encoded_stack_for_client(
1282          start_frame       IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1283          frame_count       IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1284          flags             IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1285          max_string_length IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1286          max_index_values  IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1287          pbrun_version     IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1288          tidl_buf          IN OUT VARCHAR2,
1289          tidl_version         OUT BINARY_INTEGER
1290          );
1292     -- VERSION
1293     --    Probe v2.4 (VARCHAR2 overloading)/ Probe v2.5 (RAW overloading)
1294     --
1295     -- Get_encoded_pkgvars_for_client is similar to the previous
1296     -- procedure, but with the following additional parameters:
1297     --   handle  - description of package
1298     --   status  - error-code, in case package doesn't exist, doesn't
1299     --             contain debug info, or hasn't been instantiated
1300     --
1301     PROCEDURE get_encoded_pkgvars_for_client(
1302          handle            IN     program_info,
1303          flags             IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1304          pbrun_version     IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1305          status            IN OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1306          tidl_version         OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1307          tidl_buf          IN OUT RAW
1308          );
1309     PROCEDURE get_encoded_pkgvars_for_client(
1310          handle            IN     program_info,
1311          flags             IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1312          pbrun_version     IN     BINARY_INTEGER,
1313          status            IN OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1314          tidl_buf          IN OUT VARCHAR2,
1315          tidl_version         OUT BINARY_INTEGER
1316          );
1319     ---------------------------- EXECUTE ------------------------------
1320     -- Execute some SQL or PL/SQL code in target session.  Program is
1321     -- assumed to be suspended in the target session awaiting commands.
1322     --
1323     -- VERSION
1324     --    Probe v2.3
1325     --
1326     -- PARAMETERS
1327     --   what    - the SQL or PL/SQL source to execute
1328     --   frame#  - the context in which to execute it.
1329     --             Only -1 (global context) is supported at this time.
1330     --   bind_results - whether the source wants to bind results (0=no, 1=yes).
1331     --             Binding is to 'results' (see next parameter), and is done
1332     --             only once.
1333     --   results - a collection where output may be placed (see bind_results).
1334     --   errm    - error message, if an error occurred.  Otherwise null.
1335     --
1336     -- EXCEPTIONS
1337     --    unimplemented   - frame# other than -1
1338     --    target_error    - a communication problem of some kind
1339     --
1340     -- RESTRICTIONS
1341     --   1. User's code ('what') must allocate space in 'results' (ie. call
1342     --      results.EXTEND) either implicitly or explicitly prior to use.
1343     --   2. Rows in 'results' are expected to be adjacent - 'what' should not
1344     --      delete interior rows.
1345     --   3. User's code runs with the privileges of the current user (in the
1346     --      program that is suspended), and name-resolution is done in the
1347     --      context of that user.
1348     --   4. If 'bind_results' is 1, then 'results' will always be a non-null
1349     --      collection on successful termination.  This is true even if 'what'
1350     --      nulls it out.
1351     --
1352     -- SAMPLE USE:
1353     --   1. SQL:
1354     --      DECLARE
1355     --         coll sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll; -- results (unused)
1356     --         errm VARCHAR2(100);
1357     --      BEGIN
1358     --         dbms_debug.execute('insert into emp(ename,empno,deptno) ' ||
1359     --                            'values(''LJE'', 1, 1)',
1360     --                            -1, 0, coll, errm);
1361     --         IF (errm IS NOT NULL) THEN
1362     --            :oops := errm;
1363     --         END IF;
1364     --      END;
1365     --
1366     --      Note that there is NO SEMI-COLON at the end of the insert
1367     --      statement.  Otherwise the kernel will return ORA-00911 (invalid
1368     --      character).
1369     --
1370     --   2. PL/SQL (with autonomous transaction):
1371     --      DECLARE
1372     --         coll sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll;  -- results (unused)
1373     --         errm VARCHAR2(100);
1374     --      BEGIN
1375     --         dbms_debug.execute(
1376     --            'DECLARE PRAGMA autonomous_transaction; ' ||
1377     --             'BEGIN ' ||
1378     --             '   insert into emp(ename, empno, deptno) ' ||
1379     --             '   values(''LJE'', 1, 1); ' ||
1383     --      END;
1380     --             '   COMMIT; ' ||
1381     --             'END;',
1382     --             -1, 0, coll, errm);
1384     --
1385     --   3. PL/SQL (with results)
1386     --      DECLARE
1387     --         my_vc2coll sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll;
1388     --         errm       VARCHAR2(100);
1389     --         each       PLS_INTEGER;
1390     --      BEGIN
1391     --         dbms_debug.execute(
1392     --            'DECLARE ' ||
1393     --            '   vc  SYS.dbms_debug_vc2coll := ' ||
1394     --            '                               SYS.dbms_debug_vc2coll();' ||
1395     --            '   len PLS_INTEGER; ' ||
1396     --            '   i   PLS_INTEGER := 1; ' ||
1397     --            'BEGIN ' ||
1398     --            '   SELECT COUNT(*) INTO len FROM emp; ' ||
1399     --            '   vc.EXTEND(len * 6); ' ||
1400     --            '   FOR c IN (SELECT * FROM emp) LOOP ' ||
1401     --            '      vc(i) := ''Ename: '' || c.ename; i := i+1; ' ||
1402     --            '      vc(i) := ''Empno: '' || c.empno; i := i+1; ' ||
1403     --            '      vc(i) := ''Job:   '' || c.job;   i := i+1; ' ||
1404     --            '      vc(i) := ''Mgr:   '' || c.mgr;   i := i+1; ' ||
1405     --            '      vc(i) := ''Sal:   '' || c.sal;   i := i+1; ' ||
1406     --            '      vc(i) := null;                   i := i+1; ' ||
1407     --            '   END LOOP; ' ||
1408     --            '   :1 := vc;' ||
1409     --            'END;',
1410     --             -1, 1, my_vc2coll, errm);
1411     --         IF (errm IS NOT NULL) THEN
1412     --            :oops := errm;
1413     --         END IF;
1414     --         each := my_vc2coll.FIRST;
1415     --         WHILE (each IS NOT NULL) LOOP
1416     --            dosomething(my_vc2coll(each));
1417     --            each := myvc2_coll.NEXT(each);
1418     --         END LOOP;
1419     --      END;
1420     --
1421     PROCEDURE execute(what         IN VARCHAR2,
1422                       frame#       IN BINARY_INTEGER,
1423                       bind_results IN BINARY_INTEGER,
1424                       results      IN OUT NOCOPY dbms_debug_vc2coll,
1425                       errm         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
1428     ------------------------ TARGET_PROGRAM_RUNNING ------------------------
1429     -- Return TRUE if the target session is currently executing a stored
1430     -- procedure, or FALSE if it is not.
1431     --
1432     -- VERSION
1433     --    Probe v2.4
1434     --
1435     FUNCTION target_program_running RETURN BOOLEAN;
1438     ------------------------- PRINT_INSTANTIATIONS -------------------------
1439     -- Return a listing of the packages that have been instantiated in the
1440     -- current session.
1441     --
1442     -- VERSION
1443     --    Probe v2.4
1444     --
1445     -- PARAMETERS
1446     --   pkgs  - the instantiated packages (OUT)
1447     --   flags - bitmask of options:
1448     --            1 - show specs
1449     --            2 - show bodies
1450     --            4 - show local instantiations
1451     --            8 - show remote instantiations (NYI)
1452     --           16 - do a fast job (dont test to see if debug info exists or
1453     --                whether the libunit is shrink-wrapped)
1454     --
1455     -- EXCEPTIONS
1456     --   no_target_program - target session is not currently executing
1457     --
1458     -- NOTES
1459     --   On return, pkgs contains a program_info for each instantiation.
1460     --   The valid fields are Namespace, Name, Owner, and LibunitType.
1461     --   In addition, Line# contains a bitmask of:
1462     --     1 - the libunit contains debug info
1463     --     2 - the libunit is shrink-wrapped
1464     --
1465     PROCEDURE print_instantiations(pkgs  IN OUT NOCOPY backtrace_table,
1466                                    flags IN BINARY_INTEGER);
1469     ------------------------------- PING ---------------------------------
1470     -- Ping the target session, to prevent it from timing out.  This
1471     -- procedure is intended for use when execution is suspended in the
1472     -- target session (for example at a breakpoint).
1473     --
1474     -- If the timeout_behaviour is set to retry_on_timeout then this
1475     -- procedure is not strictly necessary.
1476     --
1477     -- VERSION
1478     --    Probe v2.4
1479     --
1480     -- EXCEPTIONS
1481     --   no_target_program will be raised if there is no target program
1482     --      or if the target session is not currently waiting for input
1483     --      from the debug session.
1484     --
1485     PROCEDURE ping;
1487     ----------------------------- GET_LINE_MAP ------------------------------
1488     -- Get information about line numbers in program unit
1489     --
1490     -- Finds program unit and returns highest source line number, number
1491     -- of entry points, and a line map that allows to determine which
1492     -- lines are executable (or, to be precise, whether user can install
1493     -- a break-point or step on that line)
1494     --
1495     -- Line map is represented as a bitmap. If line number N is executable,
1496     -- bit number N MOD 8 will be set to 1 at linemap position N / 8.
1497     -- The length of returned linemap is either maxline divided by 8
1498     -- (plus one if maxline MOD 8 is not zero) or 32767 in the unlikely
1499     -- case of maxline being larger than 32767 * 8.
1500     --
1501     -- RETURNS:
1502     --   error_no_debug_info - line map is not available
1503     --   error_bad_handle    - if program unit info could not be found
1504     --   success             - successfull completion
1505     --
1506     -- VERSION
1510     --
1507     --    Probe v2.4
1508     --
1509     -- EXCEPTIONS
1511     FUNCTION get_line_map(program IN program_info,
1512                           maxline OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1513                           number_of_entry_points OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1514                           linemap OUT raw) RETURN binary_integer;