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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

 *-- UPDATE SVC (Internal)
 *-- Update registered node with full service denotation (for generic services)
 *-- Created to be autonomous transaction so no commit would occur in get_url
procedure UPDATE_SVC(id in number,
  svc in varchar2) is
Line: 35

   update fnd_file_temp
     set node_name = svc
     where file_id = id;
Line: 43

end update_svc;
Line: 46

 *  Procedure:  update_cfg_info
 *     Internal use only
 *  Purpose :
 *    Update registered node with full context file information
procedure update_cfg_info(id in number,
  dest_file in varchar2,
  dest_svc  in varchar2,
  tran_type in varchar2) is
Line: 59

   update fnd_file_temp
     set destination_node = dest_svc,
     destination_file = dest_file,
     transfer_type = tran_type
     where file_id = id;
Line: 69

end update_cfg_info;
Line: 72

 *procedure: update_page_info
 *            is called from get_url function to update the page information(page_number and page_size column).
 *            It is an internal procedure.
procedure update_page_info(id in number,
  p_page_no in number,
  p_page_size in number,
  p_tran_type in varchar2) is
Line: 85

   update fnd_file_temp
     set page_number = p_page_no,
     page_size = p_page_size,
     transfer_type = p_tran_type
     where file_id =id;
Line: 96

end update_page_info;
Line: 223

       select logfile_name, node_name
         into fname, node
         from fnd_concurrent_processes
        where concurrent_process_id = id;
Line: 243

       select logfile_name, node_name
         into fname, node
         from fnd_concurrent_processes
        where (((id is not null)
               and concurrent_process_id =
                 ( select max(p.concurrent_process_id)
                   from fnd_concurrent_processes p,
                        fnd_concurrent_processes p2
                  where p.queue_application_id = 0
                    and p.concurrent_queue_id  = 1
                    and p2.concurrent_process_id= id
                    and p.process_start_date <=
                          nvl(p2.process_start_date, sysdate) ) )
              ((id is null) and concurrent_process_id =
                ( select max(p.concurrent_process_id)
                    from fnd_concurrent_processes p
                   where p.queue_application_id = 0
                     and p.concurrent_queue_id  = 1 ) ));
Line: 278

       select logfile_name, logfile_node_name
         into fname, node
         from fnd_concurrent_requests
        where request_id = id;
Line: 300

       select fcr.outfile_name, fcr.outfile_node_name, fmt.mime_type,
              fcr.save_output_flag, fcr.ofile_size, fmt.file_format_code,
              fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
         into fname, node, mtype, save_out, fsize, ffcode, prog_name,appl_name
         from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt,
              fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a
        where fcr.request_id = id
          and upper(fcr.output_file_type) = upper(fmt.file_format_code)
          and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
          and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
          and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
          and rownum = 1;
Line: 328

               select count(1) into action_publish_count from fnd_conc_pp_actions
               where concurrent_request_id=id and action_type=6;
Line: 333

                      select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
                        into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
                        from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
                       where concurrent_request_id = id
                         and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
                         and rownum = 1;
Line: 348

                      select fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
                        into prog_name, appl_name
                        from fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
                      where fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
                        and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
                        and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
                        and fcr.request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id);
Line: 366

                         select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
                          into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
                          from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
                         where concurrent_request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id)
                          and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
                          and rownum = 1;
Line: 380

                          select output_file_type, outfile_name, outfile_node_name, ofile_size, fmt.mime_type
                            into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
                          from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
                          where request_id = id
                            and fcr.output_file_type = fmt.file_format_code
                            and rownum = 1;
Line: 396

              select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
                into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
                from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
               where concurrent_request_id = id
                 and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
                 and rownum = 1;
Line: 436

       select p.logfile_name, p.node_name, r.controlling_manager,
         into fname, node, controlling_mgr, cpid
         from fnd_concurrent_requests r, fnd_concurrent_processes p
        where r.request_id = id
          and r.controlling_manager = p.concurrent_process_id(+);
Line: 466

    sqlstmt := 'select node from fnd_oam_forms_rti where rti_id = :id';
Line: 469

    sqlstmt := 'select filename from fnd_oam_frd_log where rti_id = :id';
Line: 485

    select filename, node_name
      into fname, node
      from fnd_file_temp
     where file_id = id;
Line: 521

         select node_name into t_node
           from fnd_oam_context_files
          where path = dest_file
            and node_name = dest_node
            and rownum = 1;
Line: 563

    update_svc(id, svc);
Line: 580

      update_cfg_info(temp_id, dest_file, dest_svc, 'W');
Line: 587

         update_page_info(temp_id, page_no, page_size, 'P');
Line: 694

      select count(*)
        into collision
        from fnd_file_temp T
        where T.file_id = my_file_id;
Line: 705

           select upper(output_file_type)
             into ftype
             from fnd_concurrent_requests
            where request_id = req_id;
Line: 716

         select allow_client_encoding
           into allow_enc
           from fnd_mime_types_vl
           where mime_type = type
             and ((ftype is not null and upper(file_format_code) = ftype)
              or (ftype is null and rownum = 1));
Line: 757

    select substr(fs_prefix || 'APPLTOP_' || b.name, 1, 254)
     into svc
     from fnd_nodes n, fnd_appl_tops a, fnd_appl_tops b
    where n.node_name = substr(node, nmptr, length(node))
      and n.node_id = a.node_id
      and a.name = b.name
      and b.node_id <> a.node_id
      and ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 772

   insert into fnd_file_temp(  file_id,
    values (my_file_id, name, svc, type, req_id,
            sysdate + (lifetime/1440), x_mode, nc_encoding,