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Line 87: from amv_stocks

83: l_rec_num number := 0;
85: CURSOR Get_StockId IS
86: select stock_id
87: from amv_stocks
88: where stock_symbol = l_symbol;
89: --
91: FOR i in 1..p_symbols_array.count LOOP

Line 139: , amv_stocks amst

135: select amut.user_ticker_id
136: , amst.stock_symbol
137: , l_null
138: from amv_user_ticker amut
139: , amv_stocks amst
140: where amut.user_id = p_user_id
141: and amut.stock_id = amst.stock_id;
143: BEGIN

Line 325: from amv_stocks

321: l_miss_rec number := 0;
323: CURSOR Get_StockId IS
324: select stock_id
325: from amv_stocks
326: where stock_symbol = l_symbol;
328: CURSOR UserTicker_seq IS
329: SELECT amv_user_ticker_s.nextval

Line 523: from amv_stocks amst

519: , amst.stock_symbol
520: , amst.stock_desc
521: , amsp.stock_price
522: , amsp.change
523: from amv_stocks amst
524: , amv_stock_price amsp
525: where amst.stock_ric = amsp.stock_ric(+)
526: and amst.stock_id = l_stock_id
527: order by amsp.time_stamp desc;

Line 532: , amv_stocks amst

529: CURSOR Get_DistinctUserStocks_csr IS
530: select distinct amst.stock_symbol, amut.stock_id
531: from amv_user_ticker amut
532: , amv_stocks amst
533: where amut.user_id = p_user_id
534: and amut.stock_id = amst.stock_id
535: order by amst.stock_symbol ASC;
536: --order by l_order_by;

Line 541: , amv_stocks amst

538: CURSOR Get_UserStocks_csr IS
539: select amut.stock_id
540: from amv_user_ticker amut
541: , amv_stocks amst
542: where amut.user_id = p_user_id
543: and amut.stock_id = amst.stock_id
544: order by amst.stock_symbol ASC;
545: --order by l_order_by;

Line 581: l_from_stmt := 'FROM amv_user_ticker amut, amv_stocks amst ';

577: ELSE
578: l_select_stmt := 'SELECT distinct amst.stock_symbol, amut.stock_id, amut.last_update_date ';
579: END IF;
581: l_from_stmt := 'FROM amv_user_ticker amut, amv_stocks amst ';
582: l_where_clause := 'WHERE amut.user_id = :user_id ';
583: l_where_clause := l_where_clause || 'AND amut.stock_id = amst.stock_id ';
585: IF p_sort_order = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR OR

Line 766: from amv_stocks amst

762: , amst.stock_symbol
763: , amst.stock_desc
764: , amsp.stock_price
765: , amsp.change
766: from amv_stocks amst
767: , amv_stock_price amsp
768: where amst.stock_symbol = l_stock_symbol
769: and amst.stock_ric = amsp.stock_ric(+)
770: order by amsp.time_stamp desc;

Line 1154: from amv_stocks a

1150: l_rec_num number := 0;
1152: CURSOR Get_VenMissStk_csr IS
1153: select a.stock_id
1154: from amv_stocks a
1155: where a.stock_id > p_start_index
1156: minus
1157: select b.stock_id
1158: from amv_vendor_keys b

Line 1166: from amv_stocks

1162: CURSOR Get_StocksInfo_csr IS
1163: select stock_id
1164: , stock_symbol
1165: , exchange
1166: from amv_stocks
1167: where stock_id = l_stock_id;
1168: --
1169: BEGIN
1170: -- Standard begin of API savepoint

Line 1524: , amv_stocks amst

1521: CURSOR Get_SymKeys_csr IS
1522: select amvk.vendor_key
1523: from amv_vendor_keys amvk
1524: , amv_stocks amst
1525: where amst.stock_symbol = l_stock_symbol
1526: and amst.stock_id = amvk.stock_id;
1528: CURSOR Get_AllKeys_csr IS